Sexy to Go Volume 2

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Sexy to Go Volume 2 Page 13

by Unknown

  “Gone on business.”

  She moved away from the wall a fraction. “Fine. I’ll just come back another day.”

  Snake growled low in his throat and pressed closer. “No, you won’t. You’re not going anywhere.”

  His rumbled threat trembled through her like a tidal wave blasting at her resolve. Her soft breasts and belly arched toward the firm planes of his chest and abs as though drawn by magnets. As though they belonged there, next to him. Desire to feel him naked against her coiled deep within, urging her to touch his muscled frame. It took all her will to resist. In a very small voice, she asked, “Why not?”

  “Because of this.” Gold fired across his irises seconds before he dipped his head. Snake’s mouth swooped down over hers. The pressure of his lips forced her head against the wall.

  She mewled in surprise and felt his body turn firm as stone. The heat coming off him radiated into her, steaming her from the inside out. Flushed hot from her head to her pussy, her clit thrummed out a rhythm of need. Without thinking about the consequences of her actions, she lifted her arms around his neck. That turned out to be all the encouragement he required.

  He groaned into her mouth, his lips insistently possessive. At the same time, he pressed closer, leaving not even the space of a breath between them. Leaving her no choice but to surrender to his conquest. Suddenly his hands were everywhere, grasping the back of her head, sliding over her hips, rough fingers caressing the soft skin of her thighs. Every place he touched her burned for more.

  Making a high-pitched moan, she rocked her hips into his, and the last of her wavering self-control vanished. The urge to wrap her leg around him and invite him to plumb her depths with his animal strength overwhelmed. Her foot left the ground, and was on its way to his hips when a sound stopped her.

  Footsteps sounded in the gravel; someone nearby cleared their throat. As in “Ahem. We don’t do that kind of PDA at classical concerts.” Or, “Get a room.”

  Blushing, she lowered her foot and turned her head, breaking the kiss. Snake pulled away a short distance, enough to disentangle them but not far enough to let anyone else crowd between them. He was protecting her, she noticed. His actions an instinctive part of him she was coming to understand, even approve of.

  “We need to get out of here,” he whispered in her ear. “Somewhere private.” He grabbed her hand and stepped away.

  She went willingly, keeping her gaze low so the person to their left who’d called them out wouldn’t get a good look at her. Being a slut was one thing, being outed as one was another. Cheeks furiously warm, she followed Snake across the parking lot and into the woods. Before long, they stood at the place in the path they’d met earlier that afternoon. Just beyond lay the clearing where she'd lingered with Liam and Dahlia. Being this close to it again quickened her breathing, even though the couple wasn’t there. But the man tugging on her wrist was reason enough for excitement. She had a feeling Snake would give her exactly what she needed before the night was over. But how exactly would it end? Will the big bad wolf eat me after all?

  Snake pulled her into the secret spot and down into the tall grass, both of them falling on their knees. Just being there again shot a wave of raw lust through her. The wildness she’d experienced outside the bathroom returned in a rush. She knocked the hat off his head while putting her arms around his neck and brought her mouth under his, but he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he slid his hands down her flanks and pulled at the bottom of her dress. She nipped at his chin, not caring if he ripped the fabric to shreds. She needed her skin against his, no matter the cost.

  Snake’s hands seemed to float the dress off over her head while he constantly teased her mouth with his tongue. Soon she was naked, and he remained fully clothed. She couldn’t lay a hand on the erection trapped in his jeans, nor could she get her fingers to work right on the buttons of his denim shirt. Frustrated, she wriggled onto his lap.

  “Hold still,” he hissed. “We’re going to do this my way.”

  Worry hit her. Was he holding back on purpose? Was he another tease like Liam? Huffing, she shoved at his rock-solid, immovable shoulders and found herself rebounding backward toward the grass.

  Snake caught her with one arm and halted her drop. His gaze locked with hers, and for a few seconds she lay perfectly still, rendered immobile by the desire burning in his eyes. Then he laid her flat on the ground.

  She writhed impatiently as he undid his shirt one button at a time. As the fabric fell away the opening revealed more and more of his sculpted body. His wasn’t an immature male physique. Every muscle was defined from the smooth, hairless planes of his chest studded with a duet of small flat nipples, to the row of abdominals stacked one on top of the other from his chest to his belt. When he took the shirt off, she saw his biceps were as big as a loaf of bread and swallowed. Being this close to him, seeing how strong he was should have worried her, but it didn’t.

  His gaze never left hers as he disrobed, but she could tell he remained on high alert. Every small sound he registered, and once or twice he half-turned his head toward a source, but he never, ever, ceased watching her like a hungry bear. Finally, his hands clasped his belt buckle.

  Casi surged forward to help, anything to speed up the pace. After getting an eyeful of his body, she wanted to see his cock, too. But Snake had other ideas.

  His hands captured hers before they’d reached his jeans. Holding them tight in one hand, he used the other to reach under her butt, lift her up and spin her. When he let go, she landed on the grass on all fours. His palm came down on her ass sharply. “Stay there. No more misbehaving.”

  She yelped in surprise. A protest was halfway out her mouth when she heard his zipper slide down. Then the sound of him shucking his jeans and tossing them aside. When his hands cupped her ass, she wiggled it in invitation. “Let’s get this party started.”

  Behind her, Snake chuckled. “So eager, my love. Tell me, what is it you want?” He ripped off her panties, then leaned forward and tore off her bra. As he did, his cock rubbed against her thigh. It felt delightfully hard.

  Casi closed her eyes and relaxed into the moment. Poised completely naked in front of him, she felt right at home, as if there existed no place else she’d rather be.

  “Is this what you want, my kitten?” Snake slid the bulbous head of his cock up and down, teasing the moist flesh between her legs. When she moved her hips back to try to take him inside, he spanked her so hard she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Then he caressed the area gently with his fingers as he resumed teasing her slit.

  The pain and pleasure combination had her body humming with pleasure. She salaciously rocked her hips again, and got another spank. This time, she savored the burn for a few moments before swaying her ass again.

  Snake brought his palm down again. “Ah, you like this don’t you, my dear?” He nearly purred the words and ground the length of his cock against her open pussy. His movement became more frenzied as he spanked her again, then kneaded her sore ass roughly, all the while keeping his erection right at her entrance.

  As his movements became more erratic, she realized Snake’s control was quickly slipping. The thought flushed her hotter all over, and made her smile. At least she wasn’t the only one needing more. “Are you teasing me, or yourself here, Flint?”

  His rough grunt behind her sounded deliriously wonderful, so she rocked her ass in hopes of shaking the last of his restraints loose. Instead of spanking her, he stilled her hips. The next instant, he was inside her.

  The length of him speared her folds and filled her completely, leaving no room to spare. She gasped in shock at his size as his hips met hers. Her channel clamped down, capturing him within, seizing on the promised pleasure. Casi needed him to give her release like she needed air to breathe. But she knew without asking that it would be on Snake’s terms, not hers, so she simply let out a moan and waited for his next instruction.

  Right away, Snake began to move. He pounded in and out
of her in the most masculine manner possible. His cock drove inside her relentlessly, taking her to the edge of orgasm. But just when she’d almost toppled over, he stopped. Lifting her up, he sat her on his lap and caressed her breasts. “Do you know why you’re so drawn to us shifters, my love?”

  “Why?” Her throat was dry, her body primed and ready to explode. Yet he suspended her on the edge, leaving her dangling. It was maddening, the way these people made love. Crazy. She rocked back and forth, forcing his cock to move inside her. She wanted to come now, with or without his assistance.

  “Sometimes human women are meant to take a wolf mate.” He pinched her nipples, drawing a moan from her parched lips. “Only certain ones can do this. Accept our mating style. Tame the wildness within us and make us wholly theirs.”

  She bounced up and down on his lap as best she could, and each time, his cockhead jutted against her apex, sending shivers through her womb. Though she’d never wanted children in her life, her uterus ached to hold his seed. Every feminine part of her came alive at his touch. She felt at one with him, counterbalanced, whole.

  “You are such a woman, Casi. You are destined to be a wolf’s mate.” He leaned forward but instead of putting her on all fours this time, he flipped her as they went, so that she lay on her back on the forest floor beneath him. His searching gaze hovered over hers, hot and questioning. Loaded with lust. Locked onto hers like a life-or-death mission. “Will you be mine?”

  She gasped at his offer, wetness gushing from between her legs. Snake still lay trapped within her, and he showed no signs of moving. He expected an answer. Holy crap. Is that even possible? Do I want to mate a wolf? It had all happened so fast. “H-how does it work?”

  “We make love.”

  She rolled her eyes, not believing him for a second. This wasn’t 1923. There would be no shotgun wedding. Casi was a modern woman who fucked who she wanted, when she wanted. She certainly wasn’t mated to any of the guys she’d made love to in the past. “We already are.” Duh. Hurrying up about it would be good. Enough talk.

  “And then I bite you, leave my mark. Stamp my ownership on you for all to see. And then you’re mine. Totally and utterly mine.” As if to punctuate the idea of ownership, he let out a deep throaty growl.

  Wetness pooled from her again. At this rate, she’d be floating in a pool of her own juices if he didn’t finish the job. But his growl settled deep within her, reminded her this wasn’t solely about sex. He was asking her to belong to him, to the other wild things. The need to be part of something larger than herself assailed her. No human male had ever offered her that. Still, she could not quite believe he was telling the truth. For all she knew, he had a so-called mate already. “And if you do? We are what, mated forever? Exclusively?”

  “For life.”

  A shiver ran through her. His tone left no room for argument. Snake would take her, she would be his completely. A reckless, insane thing to do. Crazy as having sex in the woods with a couple she just met. But logic told her none of this could possibly be real. His cock inside her was real, his warm breath on her face was real, but mating? For a few long seconds, she bit her lip and considered backing out. Wriggling out from under him, returning to her car and pretending meeting Snake had never happened. Life would be less complicated that way. But she’d never been one to follow the rules.

  Snake’s offer would take her places she’d never experienced, show her a different way of life. Putting aside the mating issue, she wanted a taste of that adventure. Wanted to see how Liam and Dahlia lived in the animal world. If Snake was her inroad to freedom from mundane human existence, she’d take the free ride. Besides, she could always divorce him later. “Show me.”

  He began to move inside her. Driving her ever so slowly back to the precipice, inch by inch, tender second by second. Above her, he moaned softly with each stroke.

  The sound pushed her into overdrive. She wanted, needed Snake to come inside her right that second. “Please, Snake. God, you’re killing me.”

  His firm lips sealed over hers, hushing her whimper of pleasure. Tongue delving inside, he played with hers unhurriedly, as though tasting every drop of her via her mouth. When she dug her nails into his back to urge him into more action, he purred.

  The heat between them raged, coating her belly with sweat, sending tremors through her hips as she surrendered to his maddeningly deliberate lovemaking. No matter how hard she tried, she could not budge him from his pace. Finally he lifted his mouth from hers and nuzzled her neck. His lips brushed the sensitive skin at the junction of her neck and shoulder, and a spark of energy arced at the contact.

  She went wild. Feral. Her needs in stark contrast to anything she’d ever experienced being with a human male. Fierce desire had her writhing under him, adding her own rhythm to his, making his cock dance inside her.

  He issued a groan and so did she. His pace sped up, his thrusts harder and complete. She had every inch of him inside her, but it wasn’t enough. She dangled on the edge of orgasm, just out of reach.

  “Casi,” he moaned, and licked her neck. “Tell me what you want before we both die of need.” He raked his teeth against her skin. Softly at first, and then the caress turned into a scratch.

  Just the feel of his fangs was enough to drive her higher, closer, almost there. She grabbed the back of his head and held it, trying to get more friction from his incisors. Snake panted above her, each of his breaths a harsh groan. Arching her head back, she presented more of her neck for the wild man above her to explore. “Please,” she whispered.

  He dragged sharp points along the arch of her shoulder, all the way to her ear.

  She shivered with pleasure, her passion stoked to the edge. Just a little more and she’d come undone. She could feel the orgasm building, waiting, ready to smash her pieces. All she needed was a push. Perhaps it was folly, but she asked him to give it to her. “Do it.”

  Snake stilled, his body tense as metal. His arms shook with the effort of holding still, and she sensed he was far, far past his breaking point. “Tell me,” he ordered. “Say it.”

  “Bite me.”

  His fangs sank into her, and there wasn’t a star in the sky that didn’t howl his name. She exploded under him in a burst of white light. The energy fanned from the sharp prick of pain in her neck and shot downward, squeezing her channel. Inside, she felt him enlarge, the size of him stealing her breath. Impossibly, with a rock of his hips, he forced her legs wider and his way in deeper. As his cockhead crashed into her apex, she sobbed out his name and entered pure bliss.

  A second later, he joined her, his seed bathing her with evidence of his potent desire. Then he lifted his head and howled. Still within her, his throaty roar vibrated from his lips all the way down to where they joined. The sensation flung her into another orgasm, on top of her release in progress. Lifting her hips, she thrashed at the earth and Snake’s body with her hands and feet.

  Snake rode her like an animal, strong and sure of its captured prey. He bore the pummeling blows without question, in fact, her violence seemed to spur him on. While she twisted her rutted her, giving as good as she gave him, mastering her, until she knew with all certainty she belonged to him.

  They fucked hard for several more minutes, until the desperate need to join eased. As the glow wore off, she wanted to beg him to bite her again. Start all over. Fuck her into next week. But she had a little bit of sense left, enough to worry that the first bite might have been only a taste. As it was, both of them lay tangled and panting, and her limbs were so heavy she might never move again. Above them the sky had darkened. A two-hour drive through the windy mountain road awaited her. She didn’t relish hitting a deer, or worse, on the return journey. “Snake.”

  He grunted, not moving.

  “I’m going to have to go home soon.” Even as she said it, she wondered if it were possible. Her little apartment no longer called to her. It stood there forlornly in her memory, revealing itself for what it was: a lonely place sh
e’d been forced to pretend was home. But she couldn’t very well live here, in this wooded patch next to the concert hall. Bathrooms notwithstanding, no camping was allowed on the grounds.

  “No,” he grunted, lifting his head. “You’re coming home with me.”

  To be continued….

  Next time, Casi is reunited with Liam and Dahlia, and instinct demands she take another mate. But will Liam and Snake agree to share or will there be trouble in the woods as the full moon rises?

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  Author Bio and Contact:

  Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a die-hard Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.






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  First Contact

  Daisy Banks

  Clancy swiped her staff pass and entered the observatory. The fine hairs at the back of her neck prickled. Would the day staff have discovered what had happened? She should have followed the protocols last night, but what evidence did she have? Zilch. No visuals, no recordings, not one single monitor reading, nothing.

  The concern the first contact would be credited to someone else nagged at her along with an ache she didn’t want to accept. She wanted to be alone with him again.

  Had she dreamed it? No way.

  The solo night shifts were lonely, but she wasn’t so far gone after two years with the team that she’d fall asleep on the job to dream what happened last night. She took the escalator and stepped into the viewing room.


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