Sexy to Go Volume 2

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Sexy to Go Volume 2 Page 15

by Unknown

  “We can go. They have my details and contact numbers,” she said as he crossed to her.

  “Shall I drive?”

  “Can you?”

  “Oh, yes. At present I am enjoying this physiology and skill set.”

  “The apartment isn’t far.” She accepted his arm about her and walked with him to the shimmering van. “I don’t know about you but I could do with a glass of wine.”

  “Wine? Ah, yes, fermented grape juice. I’d like some, too.”

  She glanced across. “You, my friend, shall have wine and whatever else you want.”

  His smile lit his eyes and spread wide. “My darling, I will enjoy all you offer.”

  She swallowed hard as a pulse of desire throbbed inside her. Alien or not, he could twist the right buttons to crank up the heat. She climbed into the van as he held the door. He turned on the lights and moments later he drove out to the exit on to the main road. “Tell me,” she asked. “Why have you appeared as a man? You said you shouldn’t do that, couldn’t do that.”

  “I got a patch.”


  “It allows me a period of time here to enable me to discover your world and you at a greater depth.”

  “Like a gaming patch for the computer?”

  “I don’t know what that is.” He slowed the van for the lights

  “You sound a bit shifty about all this. Have you broken your rules somewhere along the line?”

  “Only bent them a little.”

  “What if you get caught?”

  He pulled away from the lights, checked the mirror and glanced to her. The smile caught her again.

  “Will you get into trouble? Will I get into trouble?”

  He laughed for several seconds and shook his head. “No, there will be no trouble.”

  “Fine. The apartment is over there behind the big white building. Take this exit.”


  He parked the van and opened the door for her. She took his hand as she got out. The need to discover his kiss swept all the rational thoughts away. She stepped closer and slid her arms around him, looked up to discover a spark of desire in his gaze. “Kiss me?”

  “I’m not sure how.”

  She stroked her hands up over solid biceps to his shoulders and gave a little tug so he lowered his head closer. His lips were caramel colored and promised he’d be a swift learner. “You’ll catch on fast.”

  He set his arms around her as she pressed her mouth to his. She licked at his lips with her tongue and sighed as he opened his mouth. Perfect.

  The night dissolved around her as she kissed him and sucked softly at his probing tongue answering her first sweeps into his mouth. Her pulse sped, her nipples throbbed eager for more of his touch and a rash of little trembles shook through her. He hauled her closer, tighter against him, and caught the nape of her neck in one palm. A quick learner, he’d figured it out already and she wasn’t controlling this kiss any more.

  She groaned at the way he’d captured her with one broad palm cupping her ass. In need of air she pulled back and sucked in a breath. “Nice?”


  “Yes, but inside. We’ll go inside the apartment.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him after her across the path and up the steps to her front door. In the shadows there he caught her against him and his mouth landed on hers. He tightened his grip and every wow button she possessed flicked on. She writhed against him enjoying the pressure of his chest against her. Hooking her leg around his she shoved against his swollen cock.

  He lifted his mouth from hers. “Sex?”

  “Yes. But not here.”

  He swept his palm up her leg beneath her skirt. “Why not?”

  She gasped as he stroked the damp satin of her underwear. “We’ll be more comfortable in bed.” She fumbled for the key in her purse. The urgency of need powered through her and shoving the door open she dragged him inside. Pushing the door closed she plastered herself against him and slid her hands down his back so she could burrow beneath his jacket and shirt to find skin.

  His mouth covered hers and he tugged up the back of her skirt until he could clasp her ass with his palms.

  “Name?” she mumbled before taking his mouth with hers. Though in truth finding out his name didn’t matter because his firm fingers stroked her ass so her knees shook. He slipped his fingers under the panties to caress her skin, before pulling the garment down over her hips. The way he parted her thighs and thumbed at her clit stripped everything down to essentials. “God, I want you.”

  The sexy chuckle she adored broke from him. “Not God. Tee.” He took her mouth with his and probed with his tongue. She managed to get his jacket and shirt off as he kissed her, dropped them to the floor, then took tiny steps back, hobbled by her panties round her knees. He pushed her until her back rested on the wall. He yanked too hard at her shirt and buttons sprayed across the hallway. One chinked on the mirror frame. Didn’t matter, this wasn’t her favorite blouse. She dragged her bra off and tossed it away.

  An electric tingling bliss of anticipation was followed by the warmth of his palm on one breast and the heat of his mouth on the other nipple. “Yes.”

  He sucked harder. She shook with desire, wriggled and stepped out of the panties, guided his hand back to her pussy. “You know what to do?”

  He let her nipple go and lapped at it twice. “I’ve done a lot of research.”


  She groaned as he stroked between her thighs and explored her folds, dipped two fingers inside her so she whimpered. Never had she been this ready before. It wasn’t his fingers she needed. She pulled to undo his pants and sucked in a huge breath at her first touch of his swollen cock. Protection. Damn it. “Do you know how to use a condom?”

  “Back pocket. You put it on for me.”

  Reaching back behind him, she found the packet, ripped it open and worked carefully to slide the sheath over his cock. He twitched in her palms, sucked at her neck as she caressed the length of him.



  He raised her up in his embrace. She spread her thighs, wrapped each leg around him and could scarce breathe as the thick head of his cock nudged against her entrance. He cupped her ass taking her weight, and pushed hard and fast to fill her. Clamping her thighs round him she moved with him rocking back and forth in rhythm with him.

  “This is good?”

  “Yes! Don’t stop.”

  He didn’t.

  She clenched tight around him in response to each thrust, panted and gasped as he shoved her toward orgasm. The heat of his mouth on her neck sent her over the edge and she buried her nails in his shoulder muscles. His groan followed and he drove deep inside her as he squeezed her ass tight.

  “Thank you.” He eased back from her after a couple of minutes.

  The hunger for him satisfied for now she unhooked her thighs and stood a bit shaky when he set her down. “Was it good for you?” She couldn’t help but ask as she opened the door to the bathroom and flipped on the light. “You can dump the condom in there.

  “Better than I anticipated.” He hauled his pants back up and moved to the door.

  “Is that what all your research was about?”

  “Not just about sex.”

  “Then what?”

  “The human need for physical contact.”

  She bent and picked up his shirt and hung it on the door handle. “I’ll go put something on.” Grabbing her robe from the bedroom she returned and reached up to give him a gentle kiss. “Come have that glass of wine with me?” She led him into the sitting room, watched him sit, and hurried to get two glasses of red.

  He sipped and grimaced.

  “Don’t you like it?”

  “Strange taste.”

  She took a mouthful from her glass. “Acquired is what I think you mean.”

  His laugh followed and he reached for her. “Be close with me?”

  She sat next to him curled her f
eet under her as he set his arm around her. “There is so much I want to discover about you,” she said.

  “I know. I can scarce believe I am here and have you to study.”

  “I’m not an experiment.” The smile she was getting to know and enjoy appeared. “Can you tell me about your people? Your world?”

  His smile reversed, his mouth tightened. “A little. I think your world is better.”

  “How can you say that? You don’t know this world. Planet Earth is not always a beautiful place.”

  He bent and kissed the corner of her lip. “I know it because you are in it. The rest is a by-product.”

  “How long will you be studying?” She knew it was gauche, perhaps even foolish to ask, but suddenly she needed to know.

  He narrowed his eyes. “First contact is a delicate matter and can have all kinds of consequences if the right individual isn’t chosen.”

  She nodded. “Yes, I suspect you’re right.”

  “We need to establish a relationship and trust.” He reached and caressed her face.

  “That could take months.”

  “Yes. I have much to discover.”

  “With me?”

  “Yes, darling. I selected you very carefully.” He leaned across to kiss her.

  The touch of his mouth stirred the need for more of him. She inhaled his scent, male, robust, and for now all hers. She backed off from his kiss. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  His smile spread. “Good. I can report initial observations look promising but will take time to develop.”

  She nestled against him. “I agree.”

  “There will have to be far more contact before I can make any meaningful assessment.”

  A thrill shot through her at his touch.

  “I’m all for interstellar relations developing at a steady pace.” She urged him back on the sofa and moved so she could press a kiss to his throat. “There are so many ambiguities to consider.” She kissed his jaw. “We have to be certain that the fundamental needs of both parties are met.” She nipped his lip.

  He gave a low growl and pulled her tight up against him. “Darling, I need you.”

  A throb of desire rolled like an earthquake in her body. “We’ll both have to dedicate a lot of time to your project.”

  “I’m glad you agree this contact is paramount.” He wound his fingers through her hair and angled her face to kiss her.

  She relished the muscular body she caressed and let the power of his kiss spark her flesh to tingling readiness. “I’m ready for more,” she whispered as he let her mouth go.

  He smiled. “I shall give you all you want, darling.”

  She tugged open the robe so he could caress her. “I always knew scientific study would prove the biggest thrill of my life. I can’t think of anything better than contact with you.”

  “We shall investigate together and in time reach a perfect conclusion.” He cupped her breast in his palm. “The assessment will be based on a solid foundation of experiential data.”

  “We’ll need hundreds, maybe thousands of readings. You’d best start now.” Their lips met. She flicked her tongue along his teeth.

  This was going to be the biggest project of her life.

  The End.



  Twitter @DaisyBanks16




  Dreamwalker: NightScape

  Pamela Moran

  Dark. Forbidding.

  Shadows everywhere.

  Cliff Braxton rolled his shoulders.

  For a dream world, this place seemed dreary. Depressive.

  Understandable, considering someone had attempted to kill the dreamer less than twelve hours ago.

  Cliff’s mouth tightened as he again surveyed the shadows.

  Lee Jacobs. Buddy, agent, fellow Dreamwalker.

  Dammit. Friend or not, Cliff shouldn’t have been able to enter Lee’s dreams so easily, without an invitation, without any real pushback. Didn’t bode well for Lee’s current state of health. Or his survival.

  Lee had come out of surgery. They’d found the bullet. No actual word on his prognosis. Wait and see.

  With a hard shrug, Cliff shoved his senses outward, pushing at the boundaries of Lee’s dreamscape. Wait and see wasn’t a normal part of Cliff’s vocabulary. Not when a friend lay unconscious. When that buddy might die, unable to tell them who had done this and why.

  No, Cliff wasn’t waiting. Those answers might well lay in Lee’s subconscious. Might be accessible through the dream portal.

  A big maybe.

  But it beat the hell out of wait and see.

  And maybe he could find a way to bolster Lee’s defenses. Bolster from the inside, add a layer of inner protection.

  Worth a shot.

  Cliff took a cautious step forward into that dark, shadowy land. No structure to speak of, nothing to anchor this into any semblance of reality. No buildings. No trees. Nothing but various shades of darkness stretched out and leaching any semblance of color from the landscape.

  Nothing but shadows.

  But –

  There. A few feet to the left, under a particularly dark and misty area. He stilled. Tested the area with his senses.

  Something breathed.


  He wasn’t alone in Lee’s dream.

  And now, whatever lurked there was as aware of Cliff as he was of it. “Come out where I can see you.”


  “Hiding isn’t going to do you any good.” His muscles tightened. “We both know you’re there.”

  A slight scurrying sound then again silence.

  In the real world Cliff knew what to do. But the rules in dreamland were different. Practically nonexistent. Treating the dream realm as if it was reality was a quick path to pain and suffering for a Dreamwalker. Cliff had no intentions of heading down that road.

  He shook his hands out, loosened his arms. With his gaze moving across the dark mist, he side stepped towards it. “All I want to do is talk.”

  More scurrying.

  He increased his gait.

  The mist moved. He followed.

  Chasing shadows.

  Through a dark, grimy nightscape.


  On a quick out breath he lunged. Rolled. Came up empty as he regained his footing.


  He stood with his legs braced shoulder width apart, arms up and bent with his hands fisted in front of him. Ready for combat.

  But there was nothing to fight.

  The mist surrounded him. Flowed around his body.

  He waved a hand through it and the shadows ebbed then moved forward to swirl around his arm then across his shoulders. A nearly there fingertip trailed down his spine, leaving a soft chill through his T-shirt.

  What the hell?

  Cliff spun around.

  That misty shadow wavered in front of him then drifted forward to ease around him, to slip around his waist, to slide nonexistent hands over his ass. To stroke.

  His skin burned with a chill born of ice. Lust swelled, filled him. His breath quickened and he hardened in swift, sudden desire.

  Hell, no. “Stop.”

  The mist exploded around him. Pulled back, swirled together. Consolidated. Seemed to pulse with life. With a heartbeat.

  Something was at the center. Someone.

  Still thick with lust, he fought that need to shove forward and grab whoever the hell that was that had turned him on with so little effort.

  Now was time for patience. For wait and see.

  So he waited.

  And stared into the center of that mist, into the black, unblinking eyes of some creature.

  His chin came up and his fists tightened. “Who are you?”

  The creature sat back on its haunches and C
liff blinked.

  What the hell?

  A raccoon glared back at him, its nose lifted and twitching. Obviously pissed.

  Shit didn’t cover this. Raccoons could be mean bitches. Sly. Nearly fearless when angry.

  And inside Lee’s dream world, Cliff had no idea what it meant. Who that raccoon was outside of the dream. Because one thing he did know, the creature was a living, breathing someone.

  Someone who flipped his switch with her touch.

  Who the hell was she?

  Cliff came to himself with a start.

  With his eyes opened wide, he fixed his gaze on the ceiling above his bed. On the dark brown, wooden beams overhead. On the whitewashed, pine slats between the beams.

  His erection still pressed against the zipper of his jeans.

  He forced deep breaths through his nose, his chest moving up and down with each inhale and exhale. Ten times. Then twenty.

  Someone had invaded Lee’s dreams. Someone who shouldn’t have been there.

  Like him.

  His own excursion hadn’t been approved. Hadn’t been sanctioned.

  But then he was a big believer in action first, approval – or forgiveness – later.

  Who the hell had embodied that damn raccoon’s body? Who the hell was she? How the hell was he going to find her? And what the hell did she know about Lee’s attack?

  Cliff pushed up from the bed. Grabbed his gun and shoved it into the holster at the small of his back as he headed down the stairs. With his leather jacket in one arm and keys in the other hand, he headed out the door.

  He had to get to the hospital. To Lee.

  Find out who the hell that had been in his buddy’s dream.

  Still lost in the dregs of sleep, Reggie LeFleur snuggled into the chair, clutched the thin blanket to her chin and curled into herself. Lord, but she hated waking up and would so much rather stay asleep.

  But something had woke her.

  Not Lee.

  He still slept less than five feet away, in his hospital bed. The steady hum of monitors filled the room. No. Lee was as fine as he could be at that moment.

  And then there was that guard outside the door, keeping them safe from physical harm. Still, something had pricked her consciousness.


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