by Philip Eade
Waugh, Margaret (Meg; later FitzHerbert; EW’s daughter): birth and childhood; schooling; as young woman in London; accompanies EW to Caribbean; marriage and family; concerns for EW in final months; at Wiveliscombe Easter Sunday Mass; on EW’s death; EW’s relations with; EW’s correspondence with; The Man Who Was Greenmantle
Waugh, Mary (EW’s daughter)
Waugh, Septimus (EW’s son)
Waugh, Sophia (EW’s granddaughter)
Waugh, (Maria) Teresa (later D’Arms; EW’s daughter): birth, childhood and early life; marriage and family; EW’s correspondence with
Waugh, Lady Teresa (née Onslow; EW’s daughter-in-law)
Waugh, Trissie (EW’s aunt)
Waugh in Abyssinia
Waugh’s Curry Powder
Wavell, Archibald (later 1st Earl Wavell)
Wayman (guest at Oare House)
Webster, Florence (later Waugh)
Webster, John
Wellington College
Wells, H.G.
Welsh Guards
Wemyss, Grace, Countess of
Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire
West, Anthony, Heritage
West, Geoffrey
West, Dame Rebecca The Meaning of Treason
West Hampstead, London
West Indies, Federation of the
Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of (‘Bendor’)
Westminster, Loelia, Duchess of (née Ponsonby)
Westminster Cathedral
Weston, E.C.
Weymouth, Daphne, Viscountess see Fielding, Daphne
When the Going Was Good
White’s (club)
Who’s Who (reference book)
Wilde, Oscar
Wilder, Billy
Wildman-Lushington, Godfrey
Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough
Wilson, Edmund
Wimborne, Dorset
Winchester, St Cross almshouse
Winchester College
Windsor Castle
Winnie (night club hostess)
Winter, Keith
Wiveliscombe, Somerset
Wodehouse, Sir Pelham Grenville
Wong, Anna May
Wood, Sir Evelyn
Woodard, Nathaniel
Woodruff, Douglas
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia; Mrs Dalloway,
Woolner, Thomas
Work Suspended
‘World to Come, The’ (juvenilia)
Wyndham, Margaret
Yaxley, Mrs (maid to EW’s mother)
Yellow Book, The (periodical)
York, Sarah, Duchess of
Yorke, Henry (Henry Green): at Eton; at Oxford; works at family engineering firm; publication of first novels; EW’s correspondence with; marriage; and EW’s divorce; on A Handful of Dust; on EW’s Hawthornden Prize; best man at EW’s second marriage; on EW’s wartime move to Pixton; on Brideshead Revisited; Blindness; Living; Loving
Young, George
Young, W.R.B. (Dick)
Yugoslavia, EW’s wartime mission to
Zeller, Dom Hubert van
Sylvia, Queen of the Headhunters
Prince Philip
About the Author
PHILIP EADE has worked as a criminal barrister, English teacher, and journalist. His first book, Sylvia, Queen of the Headhunters, was a runner-up for the Biographers’ Club Prize; his second, Prince Philip, became a Sunday Times bestseller. He lives in London. You can sign up for author updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
List of Illustrations
Family Tree
1 Second Son
2 The Sadism of Youth
3 Serving Lord Kitchener
4 A Lesser Place than Eton
5 Watertight Compartments
6 All That One Dreams
7 His Poor Dead Heart
8 Pure as Driven Slush
9 Becoming a Man of Letters
10 Shevelyn
11 A Common Experience, I’m Told
12 Perversion to Rome
13 The Dutch Girl
14 Off to the Forest
15 I Can’t Advise You in My Favour
16 Goodness She is a Decent Girl
17 A War to End Waugh
18 Head Unbloodied but Bowed
19 A Book to Bring Tears
20 The Occupation
21 Off My Rocker
22 Suitably Sequestered
23 Decline and Fall
Select Bibliography
Also by Philip Eade
About the Author
Henry Holt and Company
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Copyright © 2016 by Philip Eade
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Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Book Distribution Limited
Originally published in Great Britain in 2016 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Eade, Philip, author.
Title: Evelyn Waugh : a life revisited / Philip Eade.
Description: New York : Henry Holt and Co., 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016019839
eISBN 9780805097610
Subjects: LCSH: Waugh, Evelyn, 1903-1966. | Authors, English—20th century—Biography. | BISAC: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Literary. | BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Historical.
Classification: LCC PR6045.A97 Z6824 2016 | DDC 823/.912 [B] —dc23
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