You Are My Love: Breathless Book 2

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You Are My Love: Breathless Book 2 Page 21

by Samantha Wolfe

  "George?!" I called out and listened for his answering chirp or meow. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the furnace kicking in. I knelt down and looked under the bed. Sometimes he hid under the bed when he was stressed. Having Paige had been stressing him out all week. He wasn't there either. I checked the closet next. He liked to sneak in if anyone left the door open, and occasionally he'd get shut in. I didn't have any luck looking there either.

  I hurried down the hall to the living room. "George?" Nothing, not one peep from my cat. I checked under the couch and in the coat closet to no avail. I practically ran to the kitchen calling his name in a panicked voice. Where was my baby boy?

  I went back out to the living room and went into David's study. I checked under the computer desk and the closet in there. The panic rose higher. I moved quickly back down the hall and went to the third bedroom where David's treadmill and exercise equipment sat. I really didn't think he was in here, but I was getting desperate and checked anyway. I ran back out to the living room, calling his name a few more times before a horrible realization came to me. I practically stumbled to a halt as the thought hit me. Paige had done something to George. She hated him, had wanted him out of here from day one. I turned back toward the hall with a vicious snarl. I stomped down the hallway to Paige's door and began pounding on the door with a fist. A moment later, the door jerked open and Paige leveled a hard glare at me.

  "What do you want?" she snarled as she pressed a hand to her swollen abdomen. "I was taking a nap, and why in God's name have you been yelling for the last five minutes?"

  "Where is George?" I snapped out at her.

  "Why the hell would I know where that cat is?"

  "Because he's gone, and you've been here with him all day," I said incredulously.

  "Maybe he got out somehow?" she suggested, and I noticed the corners of her lips rise in a slight smile, and the triumphant gleam in her eyes. Oh my God, she'd let George outside, on purpose. Panicked fear seared through me. George was an indoor cat. He'd never been outside alone in his life, and it was cold and raining out there.

  " let him out on p...purpose," I stuttered out in utter shock. She didn't respond, but the glee in eyes told me everything I needed to know.

  I surged into her face, then let loose a long tirade of obscenities that would have made Jensen blush. Paige shrank back in fear and my only coherent thought at that moment was, if you're scared now, bitch, you haven't seen anything yet.

  Chapter Eleven


  I parked in my driveway with a heavy heart, the hard pounding rain suiting my mood perfectly. I sat in the car for several long moments, staring at the front of my own house and wishing I was anywhere else but here. If it wasn't for Natalie's car sitting next to mine, I think I might have just driven away. I wanted Paige gone. She was slowly crushing my soul every moment she was here, reminding me of what she stole from me and how she broke me. I felt like I had just started to put myself back together by letting Natalie into my heart, when Paige showed up and derailed everything. I felt trapped and suffocated in my own damn house.

  I gritted my teeth and climbed out of the car. I didn't even bother with an umbrella. I didn't care if I got wet. I was walking quickly up the sidewalk when a soft mewling sound caught my attention. It sounded familiar, so I stopped. I glanced around as I heard it again, and realized it was coming from a large bush in the neighbor's yard. Then I heard a long pathetic meow that I would have recognized anywhere.

  "George?!" I called out as I crossed the yard toward the bush. "Here, kitty, kitty!"

  As I approached, a large wet mass of fur came hurtling out from under the bush and plowed into my leg. George yowled pathetically and I scooped him up into my arms, cradling him to my chest. I didn't even care that he was soaking my coat along with the cold rain. What the hell was he doing out here? He'd never tried to get outside before.

  "Oh, buddy," I murmured with sympathy as I hurried over to the covered porch to get us under some cover from the steady downpour. He let out another long sad meow that was the most pathetic thing I had ever heard. He looked like a drowned rat in my arms. No wonder he was upset. "Let's get you inside and get you dry." I hugged him close, and it seemed to settle him down.

  I opened the front door and carried the poor bedraggled cat into the warm house, then slipped my coat off and hung it on a hook by the door. I opened my mouth to call out to Natalie, when I heard her raised voice practically echoing through the house. A long blistering string of obscenities that could have scorched the paint off a wall came from down the hallway to the bedrooms. I hurried in that direction and had just made it to the guest bedroom doorway, when Paige's voice rose to join the fray. I stood in the doorway as the two women screamed and ranted at each other. I felt George tense in my arms at the noise. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, but I was going to find out.

  "That enough!" I shouted as I gripped George tightly to keep him still. Both women abruptly shut up and turned in my direction. Paige looked guilty as hell. Natalie gasped when she saw her cat in my arms.

  "George!" she cried out as a look of sheer relief flashed across her features. She rushed over and took the sodden animal out of my arms. "Look what she's done to you, my poor baby boy." She turned a hard glare on Paige, and I suddenly realized what was going on.

  "Go dry him off with the clean towels in my bathroom, sweetheart," I said gently as I met Natalie's eyes. An unspoken understanding passed between us. I would take care of this, and she didn't have to worry about it. She acknowledged me with a stiff nod before she disappeared down the hall with George. I turned a hard stare on Paige.

  "What. Did. You. Do?" I forced out in a quiet deadly tone, each syllable succinct and deceptively calm. I moved toward her with several purposeful strides that made her shrink away from me. I should have felt guilty for doing that to her, but I didn't give a fuck.

  "He...he must...must have gotten out s...somehow." She looked away from me with fear in her eyes.

  "So you're saying the cat opened a locked door and let himself out?" I asked her incredulously, my anger starting to make my words sharp and biting. She stared at the floor and didn't respond. I turned and let out a heavy sigh as I ran my hand through my beard. "Did you know that Natalie is the reason you're here? I'm not helping you out of the kindness of my heart. I didn't want you here at all. I never wanted to look at you again. I let you stay here for her, because she insisted that we had to help you." I turned back and leveled an intense hard stare at her that made her eyes widen in surprise. "She felt sorry for you. You might want to keep that in mind the next time you fuck with her, because I'll gladly shove your ass out on the street in a heartbeat, pregnant or not."

  "But David..." she began in that damn voice that I used to love, but now sounded like nails on a fucking chalk board.

  "Shut up," I snarled out. I watched with satisfaction as her mouth snapped shut. "I don't want to fucking hear an excuse. If you fuck with Natalie, her cat, or anything else of hers again, you're out, and I won't give a shit what happens to you after that. I care about you as much as you cared about my baby." Her eyes widened in shock at that last sentence, her face flushing red in what I hoped was shame. It was the first time I had spoken of what happened between us, and I was shaking with rage and pain now, a hair's breath away from losing it. I wasn't sure if I would scream at her or burst into tears, but I had to get out of here right now. I couldn't let her see me weak like that. "If I were you, I'd stay in here tonight," I forced out in a harsh shaking voice and walked out, slamming the guest bedroom door forcefully behind me.

  I was still shaking and feeling out of control as I closed my bedroom door behind me and leaned back against it. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists, taking several deep shuddering breaths as I tried to calm down. I could hear Natalie crooning softly to poor George in the bathroom while he mewled pathetically. I focused on Natalie's voice, letting the soothing tone she was using on George calm m
e. Thank God, she was here. It seemed to work better on me than the poor cat, since he was still complaining, loudly.

  I pushed away from the door, feeling calmer, but still shaken from my interaction with Paige. I needed Natalie now, needed to feel her skin on mine and the reassurance of her touch. I needed her to help center me and drive the pain away. I needed to breathe her in and feel connected to her. I stopped in the doorway just as Natalie was pulling a towel off of poor George. He was still damp, but at least he didn't look like a soaking wet mop anymore.

  "Hey, George," I said softly as I leaned down and scratched his broad head. "Are you okay, buddy?" He chirped and head-butted my hand.

  "He's fine," Natalie said in harsh tone. "No thanks to that...that bitch." Her eyes were flashing wildly, and she was getting herself worked up about it again. I could see her jaw clench and unclench. It looked like we both needed an outlet for the tension inside us. I knew just the solution for both of us.

  Her breathing began to speed up, and I think she was about to go off on a tirade about Paige any second. The anger flashing in her eyes was unbelievably hot. Wisely, I chose not to point that out to her. I didn't want her anger directed at me. I stepped up close to her and put a finger over her lips.

  "Shh, sweetheart," I said soothingly. "I took care of it. I told her if she messes with you or George again, I'm kicking her out." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in against my body, feeling her and smelling her delectable scent. "I know she's been messing with your head too. I'm sorry I didn't say anything to her already. I just...talking to her is hard for me. Well, talking to her calmly anyway. Ripping into her isn't a problem, apparently."

  "This isn't working, David," she grumbled out, and I stiffened.

  "It's not?" I asked softly, afraid she was talking about us.

  "We have to get her out of her, soon." She laid her head on my shoulder as I let out a relieved breath. My self-worth was just about shot right now, and it annoyed the hell out of me that I assumed she was talking about our relationship. How did I let myself get like this?

  "I know, Natalie," I assured her as I ran my fingers through her soft thick hair. "We will, but right now I want to forget. I want to make you forget. Okay?"

  "Please," she whimpered, snuggling closer. "I'd like that."

  I put my lips next to her ear. "I'm going to make you come so hard, that the only thought you'll be able to hold in your head will be my name." My voice came out deep and ragged with sudden desire. My cock twitched and began to harden immediately. She must have felt it, because she let out a low moan that made me shudder with need.

  "Strip, now," I demanded as I took a step back, my voice all business.

  "Yes, sir," she answered immediately and rushed to pull off her clothes. In moments, her clothes were in a pile on the floor, and she was naked in front of me. Her chest was heaving, and her rosy nipples were hard little points as she waited for my next command. Her eyes were bright and focused completely on me.

  "Pinch your nipples," I growled out. "Make it hurt."

  Her eyes hooded over as she slid her hands up her abdomen to her beautiful breasts. She palmed them first, squeezing and massaging them for me. Then she gripped each nipple between her thumb and middle fingers, and squeezed. A small gasp escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes, then she let out a low moan that made my cock stand at attention the rest of the way. She was so damn hot.

  "Pull on them, sweetheart." When she complied, I let out a deep groan. I watched her for several long mesmerizing moments as she pulled and tweaked her hard little buds for me again and again. My breathing became ragged and heavy, and I couldn't take much more. I needed her to touch me. "That's enough." She lowered her hands as she bit into her lower lips with a soft sigh. My eyes were riveted on her mouth, and I knew what I wanted next. "I want you to kneel now."

  "Yes, David," she whispered, my name on her lips making me shudder with desire. She knelt and looked up at me with expectant eyes that had darkened with arousal. I moved toward her, unzipping my pants and pulling my massive erection out for her. I dangled it in front of her like a carrot as she stared at it with need written all over her gorgeous face.

  "Do you want to suck my cock, Natalie?" I asked her with a wicked grin.

  "Yes, please. Yes, sir," she whimpered as she fidgeted with anticipation on the floor in front of me.

  "Open," I told her in a low growl. "Let me fuck you're gorgeous mouth." I gripped the hair on the back of her head firmly and fed myself to her eager mouth, pushing in until I hit the back of her throat. It was so warm and soft and perfect inside her. She began moving her tongue in circles on the underside of my cock and I just about lost it. "Be still," I barked out. My entire body trembled as I fought for control. She looked up at me expectantly, her eyes dancing with arousal and amusement over the effect she had on me.

  "Ready, sweetheart?" I asked as a smile twisted the corner of my lips.

  "Mmm, hmm," she mumbled around my shaft, making me snort in amusement.

  "Hold on tight," I warned her. She reached up and gripped the backs of my thighs. I pulled my hips back and thrust deeply into her warm mouth, and she took it eagerly, soft mewling sounds of pleasure vibrating through my cock. I thrust in and out of her repeatedly, moaning out her name as my eyes practically rolling back into my skull. I swore loudly and fervently, loving every second of it. She pushed upward with her tongue every time I slid out, rubbing the sensitive head of my cock across the roof of her mouth with each pass. It was fucking amazing.

  I held out for as long as I was able, but it was just too good. I was seconds away from exploding when I suddenly pulled her off of me, leaving a long line of saliva trailing from her mouth to my cock. She whined and whimpered with disappointment.

  "Stand up," I told her in a strained voice. I needed to be inside her, right now. "Bend over the counter, sweetheart." I motioned to the vanity, and she moved into position, bending over with her elbows on the counter top without a peep, staring at me in the mirror, her face awash with pure lust. She watched me pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the floor. I toed my shoes off hastily, then practically tore my pants and boxer briefs off, all the while her eyes plastered to my body, traveling up and down admiringly.

  I stepped toward her, my cock brushing the wet lips of her pussy. I gripped one of her hips in my hand and slid the other up her back in a soft caress. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, how perfect?" My voice came out in an awed whisper as I met her eyes in the mirror. "I love you, Natalie."

  The crazy lust in her green eyes softened. "I love you, David," she answered breathlessly.

  "Keep your eyes on mine," I commanded sternly. "Don't look away."

  "Yes, s...ah!" She cried out as I slammed into her with no warning whatsoever. She was already so wet that her body offered no resistance at all as I slid into her effortlessly. She rose up on her toes, and her eyes drifted shut.

  "What did I say?" I asked warningly as I froze at the end of her wet tight channel. Her eyes flashed open and locked on mine again.

  "Keep my eyes on you, sir." Her voice shook with desire.

  "Good, girl," I told her with a feral smile. I started taking deep unhurried strokes in and out of her, the warm tightness feeling so perfect, like she was made for my body. Warm tingling pleasure flowed through me, and I was having trouble keeping my own eyes open. I focused on Natalie's flawless face. Her mouth was slack with her pleasure; her eyes deeply hooded and a little unfocused as I held her gaze.

  "David," she whimpered softly. I moved faster, making her breasts sway as I thrust in and out of her. She began to moan each time I hit bottom, but I wanted more from her. I wanted to make her scream my name, make her lose control. I shifted my hips to hit a different spot deep inside her, making her eyes widen in shock as she gasped in a breath. I moved faster, hitting that same spot over and over again. Natalie's moans got louder and louder, but it still wasn't enough.

  I grabbed both her hips in a vice-
like grip and fucked her harder, ending each thrust with a hard firm jab into that magic spot. Her voice rose an octave, turning into a keening wail as she came, her insides rippling and her back arching. Oh fuck yes, that's what I wanted. I wanted to hear my Natalie's pleasure, to know only I could do this to her. Her body and her pleasure were mine.

  "Touch yourself," I barked out and to my absolute amazement, the walls inside her pussy clamped down on me at the mere suggestion. I watched her move her hand down between her legs, and she began fingering herself as I fucked her. Her wail finally turned into the scream that I had been dying to hear as she came a second time.

  "Is that good, sweetheart?" I grunted out between thrusts.

  "Yes, oh, yes!" she screamed. "Fuck me, David, fuck me!"

  Her words snapped what little control I had left, and I pounded into her, as hard and fast as I could, chasing a release I knew would be mind-blowing. Her breasts moved with each thrust, hypnotizing me. Natalie was still touching herself, her mouth hanging open and her eyes mere slits as we stared at each other. I reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back sharply. I jabbed into her twice more, my body right on the verge of tumbling over the edge into bliss.

  "Come now," I snarled at her as my release ignited. Intense blinding pleasure exploded out from my balls, streaking out through every cell in my body, lighting my world into brilliant white-hot fire.

  "Natalie!" I shouted as she let out a long wailing scream as her orgasm crashed into her. She closed her eyes, but I didn't have the capacity to chastise her for it as my body shuddered and quaked with pleasure. Hell, I ended up closing my eyes too as I took in this beautiful connection I had with this woman that far surpassed the physical. This was a manifestation of our love, and I reveled in it. I'd never felt this with anyone before.


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