You Are My Love: Breathless Book 2

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You Are My Love: Breathless Book 2 Page 24

by Samantha Wolfe

  I was just starting the coffee maker when the doorbell rang. For one horrible moment, I thought it was Paige at the door again. I shook my head at that ridiculous thought. She was long gone and never coming back. I walked through the living room, noting George lying on the couch as I passed. He was looking up curiously at the intrusion in our morning.

  I glanced through the peephole and saw a wide muscular blond guy standing there in a dark-gray Henley shirt and jeans. He looked completely unfamiliar, and I had no idea who he was. Maybe he was selling something. I shrugged, unlocked the door, and opened it slowly. The guy was seriously gorgeous and scary big. His shoulders were massive. He gave me an intense stare that instantly set me on edge and made me uncomfortable.

  "Hi," he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his blue eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me." His voice was smooth and polite, but something was off with this guy.

  "What can I do for you?" I asked him calmly.

  "I'm looking for a David Mazur," he answered as he took a small step forward that made me inch backwards a little. "Does he live here?"

  "Yes, but he's not here right now. I'm Natalie, his girlfriend. Maybe I can help you."

  "Well, I'm looking for my fiancee, Paige," he continued, and my heart stuttered in my chest as a burst of terror ignited inside me. Holy shit, this was Aiden, and I didn't know what to do. My mind was whirling as he continued speaking. "I was led to believe that David knows her, and I thought maybe he'd have some idea where she was."

  "I don't know anyone named Paige," I lied, wishing like hell that David was here. He'd handle this a lot better than me. Icy fear was flowing through my veins. I had to get this guy out of here. "If David knows her, he's never mentioned it."

  "Do you live here with your boyfriend?" he asked, the question unexpected and throwing me off.

  "Yes," I blurted out. Technically, I had been for the last week, even if it was temporary.

  "Then I find it odd," The smile slipped from his face as his eyes hardened, and he shifted forward again, "that the neighbors across the street told me they saw Paige off and on all week in this very house."

  "I...I don't know w...what you're talking about," I stammered out in a panic.

  "I think you're lying, Natalie." His face turned into an angry mask, his voice lowering threateningly. "I think you're covering for that whore and your cheating boyfriend."

  Aiden suddenly surged toward me. I tried to slam the door shut in his face, but one of his massive arms shot out and caught the door as he stepped over the threshold. I turned and ran further into the house, intent on getting to my phone in David's bedroom, so I could call for help. I was almost to the hallway when I felt Aiden grip my upper arm painfully and spin me around to face him. I caught a fleeting glimpse of George out of the corner of my eye streaking down the hallway to David's room. At least, my baby boy was safe.

  I opened my mouth to scream, but he slapped me hard across the face, stunning me momentarily. Sharp pain blossomed across my left cheek, burning and stinging as my head rung from the blow. The next thing I knew he was gripping both my upper arms and slamming me up against the wall with a thud. The back of my head bounced off the drywall, stunning me yet again. When I could focus my eyes, Aiden's livid face was inches away from mine, his eyes wild and terrifying.

  "Where the fuck is she?!" he snarled as he shook me violently, making me bite my tongue. I tasted blood in my mouth.

  "I don't know," I sobbed out. "I swear I don't know." I was telling the truth, but I knew it wouldn't make any difference now. He was too angry to care, and I knew with certainty that my life was in danger. Where was David, and what if I never saw him again?

  "You're a lying whore too, aren't you?" he growled out as his grip on my arms tightened painfully. "You're just like all the rest. Someone needs to teach you a lesson in respect. Obviously, your boyfriend hasn't done that. I guess it's up to me to do it."

  "P...please let me go," I whimpered out desperately. "You're hurting me."

  "Honey," he said darkly. "I haven't even started hurting you." He grabbed my chin in one of his large hands and seared me with his gaze. "Where. Is. Paige?"

  "I...I d...don't know..." I mumbled out in terror.

  "Wrong answer!" he snarled and pulled his arm back as he curled his right hand into a huge fist. I squeezed my eyes shut, and tensed for the massive blow that I was afraid might actually kill me.

  "Get your fucking hands off of her!" David's voice snarled as the hands on my arms fell away. I opened my eyes to see David pull Aiden off of me and land a hard punch to his face. I slumped to the floor as Aiden stumbled backwards. David placed his body between Aiden and me. "Get the fuck out of my house!"

  "You," Aiden snarled as he rubbed at his cheek and leveled a hard glare at David. "You lying piece of fucking shit. I found her fucking pictures of you. I found this address in her old paperwork. I know you two were together before, and I know Paige has been hiding here. Where is she?"

  "She's gone, and you'll never hurt her again," David said in that low deadly tone that most people would be afraid of. Unfortunately, Aiden wasn't one of them.

  "Are you fucking her?!"

  "No. You need to fucking leave. Now," David snarled out.

  "You fucking liar!" Aiden bellowed as he suddenly rushed forward. He hit David low with a shoulder in the chest and forced him backward until he slammed up against the wall next to me. David grunted from the impact, and I heard his head hit the wall with a dull thump. Aiden pulled back his arm to punch David while he was still stunned, his fist huge and terrifying.

  "David!" I screamed as a protective rage surged to life inside me. I launched myself up off the floor, jumped onto Aiden's back, and started clawing at his face, not thinking of the consequences at all.

  "Bitch!" Aiden shouted as he pulled me off his back like I was nothing. He flung me away, sending me stumbling until I hit the back of the couch with a thud. The impact knocked all the air out of my lungs, and I was left gasping for air on the floor as sharp pain erupted across the middle of my back where I had hit the sofa.

  When I was finally able to breathe again, I looked up to see David and Aiden exchanging blows with grunts and snarls of rage. David had blood dripping out of his mouth and Aiden's nose was bloodied, but neither appeared willing to back down. They came together again, David dodging another blow to the face and delivering one of his own to Aiden's abdomen. The asshole grunted, but the punch didn't even slow him down. He bellowed with rage again and rushed David, who wasn't fast enough to avoid it. He lifted David up into the air as he surged forward, sending David flying. He landed on the wooden coffee table, a loud splintering sound filling the room as it collapsed underneath him. David lie still, groaning in pain and unable to move, as Aiden came after him again.

  Aiden went to the floor, straddling David's body and pulling back his arm to punch David hard in the face. Somehow David managed to deflect the blow enough for it to hit his cheek and not his nose, but it still stunned him enough that I knew the next blow would hit its mark. Aiden's fist rose again as I screamed and watched in horror, unable to do anything to stop it.

  Suddenly, a hand gripped Aiden's arm and hauled him up off of David. I looked up to see Jensen swearing in a vicious snarl as he pummeled Aiden in the face with a punishing blow that made his head snap back. Aiden growled and took a swing, but missed as Jensen easily dodged the punch. The two men faced off, and it quickly became apparent that Aiden didn't stand a chance as Jensen landed several more punches in quick succession and dodged everything Aiden threw at him. Jensen was a big guy and knew how to fight. Finally, desperate to get the upper hand, Aiden tried to rush him, but Jensen used his momentum against him and sent him sprawling to the floor. Jensen followed him down and delivered several hard decisive blows to Aiden's face until he finally stopped moving.

  I crawled across the floor to David, heedless of my own pain, desperate to make sure he was alright. He was sti
ll lying in the ruins of his coffee table, gasping to catch his breath.

  "David!" I cried. I was sobbing as I reached out to touch his shoulder.

  "Natalie," he panted out as he slowly managed to sit up. He pulled me into his lap with a wince of pain. His lip and the left side of his face were already swelling up. "Did he hurt you, sweetheart?" He cradled my face in his hand and studied me closely. He brushed his fingertips across my tender left cheek where Aiden had slapped me.

  "I'm okay," I whispered as I touched his face softly. "Are you?"

  He winced as he pulled my hand away. "Fuck, that hurts."

  "Sorry," I murmured apologetically.

  "I'll be alright." He wrapped his arms around me, and pain lanced across my back. I gasped and cried out in pain. He let me go immediately. "Where does it hurt?"

  "My back," I sobbed out as I started to cry.

  "Shh, it's okay," he murmured as he brushed the tears from my eyes with gentle fingers. "Let me check it."

  "I'm fine," I mumbled out as I continued to sob uncontrollably, which only served to intensify the pain I was in.

  He ignored my words, grunting in pain as he turned me, so he could lift my shirt up and take a look at my back. "Oh, sweetheart, you're already bruising." He carefully wrapped his arms around me and tucked my head under his chin.

  "Who the fuck is this douche-bag?" Jensen snarled from where he was standing over Aiden, watching him like a hawk.

  "Paige's fucking fiance," David told him as he looked scornfully over at Aiden's unconscious body.

  "The police are on their way," Sydney's voice announced, and I glanced toward the front door to see her just inside the open doorway with her phone in her hand. "Are you guys okay?" She crossed the room to David and me, and knelt in front of us.

  "I'm alright," David answered her. "But Natalie is hurt. He threw her into the couch, and her back is bruising up already."

  "David, you are not alright." She arched one brow at him. "Your lip and cheek are a swollen mess."

  "I'll be fine, but Natalie needs to go to the hospital." His grip around me tightened, and I didn't even mind the pain. I needed his comfort more.

  "So do you," I told him in a firm tone, my voice thick from crying. "You broke the coffee table with your ass."

  David tried to smile, but ended up wincing as the motion pulled on his cut lip. "I'll be okay, Natalie. I swear. I'm just going to be sore for a few days, but you need checked out, sweetheart. You might have injured your kidneys."

  "I'll get some ice for your face, David," Syd stood and headed to the kitchen.

  David held me close. His body was tense as he murmured reassuring words under his breath to me as he ran his fingers gently through my hair.

  "I'm so sorry," he finally said in a strained voice. I glanced up to see tears welling up in his eyes.

  "For what?" I asked in confusion.

  "I shouldn't have left you here all alone," he said as his voice wavered. "I should have kept you safe."

  "You saved me," I whispered as I reached up and touched the uninjured side of his face. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, my love."

  "I should have been here." His face was a mask of pain that had nothing to do with his injuries.

  "Shh, that's enough," I told him sternly. "You know how I feel about you beating yourself up. We're both alive and safe. That's all that matters now."

  He gave me a tender look. "Ty moe povitrya, my Natalie. Ty moe povitrya."

  David wrapped me up in his arms again and held me tight. His strong arms made me feel safe and loved, and he didn't let me go, not once, until the police finally showed up.


  "Natie," Ford said in distress as he burst into my room in the ER. "Are you okay?" He gimped over to the side of the bed looking down at me with concern and fear in his dark-blue eyes. I called him when we arrived at the hospital, and I was so glad to see him.

  "I'm okay. I think." I smiled up at him, holding an ice pack to my left cheek. This was eerily similar to the day he broke his foot, except now I was the one in a hideous blue hospital gown. "They drew some blood and made me pee in a cup. I'm waiting for the results. They want to make sure I didn't injure a kidney. I might need a CT scan or an x-ray."

  "Where is that son of a bitch?" Ford asked as anger clouded his eyes. "I want a piece of his ass." His voice was low and scary.

  "First, you are not getting a piece of anyone's ass," I scolded him. "And second, David's friend Jensen already kicked his ass for me, and the son of bitch is in police custody."

  He nodded stiffly. "I called Dad. He's on his way here."

  "Please tell me that you didn't call Mom," I blurted out in sudden dread. I did not want her finding out about this mess. I'd never hear the end of it.

  "Oh, hell no!" He snorted in disbelief. "Do you think I'm crazy? We're never telling her about this."

  "Thank God," I breathed out a sigh of relief.

  "Where's David?" Ford asked with concern. "Is he okay?"

  "He's next door getting the inside of his lip stitched up." I was touched that my brother was worried about him.

  "Ouch." Ford winced in sympathy. "Stitches inside the mouth suck ass." He would know. He had been in quite a few fights in high school, and had stitches himself several times.

  "He didn't want to leave my room to do it, but I told him there was way in hell that I was going to watch that," I shuddered in disgust. Needles were definitely not one of my favorite things.

  "Wuss," he mumbled under his breath at me with a smirk.

  "Jerk," I grumbled as I glared at him.

  Suddenly, his face softened and he reached over to take my hand. "I'm glad you're okay, Natie."

  "Me too," I gave him an affectionate smile.

  Just then the door to my room slid open, and David walked in with a deep furrow between his brows, holding an ice pack against his cheek. I could tell he was in a lot of pain by the stiffness of his movements.

  "I feel your pain, man," Ford said as David moved to the side of my bed, opposite my brother. "The last time I got punched, I had eight stitches in my mouth."

  "You win," David mumbled past his swollen lips. "I only got five."

  "Good grief, is everything a competition with guys?" I asked them with a smirk.

  "Yes," They answered in unison, then shared an amused glance with each other.

  "How's your pain, sweetheart?" David turned a look of concern on me. "Is it better or worse?"

  "Better," I answered, "The pain medication is helping a lot."

  "Good." He nodded in satisfaction as he sat down carefully in the chair next to my bed. "They're still waiting on your labs, but it shouldn't be too much longer." He reached over and took my hand, his thumb caressing my skin softly.

  There were some definite perks to having a nurse for a boyfriend. I'd been getting stellar treatment so far, with David letting me know what was going on and helping to take care of me.

  "Sydney called too," he added as an afterthought. "Jensen and she are still at the police station giving their statements, but they'll be free to go soon."

  "Good." I nodded happily. I didn't want them to get into any trouble because of this mess. His eyes softened as he continued looking at me. We gazed at each other for several minutes, forgetting about everything else around us. The moment was finally broken when my dad walked into my room.

  "Natie, honey, I'm here," he said calmly with affection in his blue eyes. He wasn't wearing a suit for once, dressed in dark jeans and a gray sweater, but his graying blond hair still precisely styled.

  "Hi, Daddy," I grinned happily. He came over and gave me a brief gentle hug, mindful of my injuries. Dad was always calmer and more at ease when Mom wasn't around.

  "Hey, Dad." Ford gave Dad a terse nod.

  "Mr. Spencer," David greeted him respectfully.

  Dad nodded at them both.

  "I just talked to the police," he announced in a serious tone.

  I held my breath. I
was afraid that David and I were in trouble for hiding Paige at his house. I kept thinking that no one would believe us since Aiden was a lawyer and knew people from law enforcement.

  "Apparently, this Mitchell asshole is under investigation for misconduct. There are allegations that he's been falsifying evidence and threatening witnesses. He's got a temper and loses it a lot. No one is surprised that he attacked you both, and they have enough on him now to have him disbarred and arrested."

  "Oh thank God." I let out a relieved sigh. I already gave the police my statement and hoped that was the end of this now.

  Dad turned his eyes on David. "They want to go over a few more things with you, David. I'd like to go with you, if you don't mind. You might need some legal advice, and I don't want you to get yourself in a legal jam over this."

  "I'd appreciate that, sir." David nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," Dad actually smiled at him. "And please, call me John."

  I stared at my Dad in disbelief. He never let any of my boyfriends call him by his first name. David stood and caressed my uninjured cheek softly.

  "I'll be back, Natalie." He leaned close to my ear. "I love you," he whispered.

  "Love you too," I whispered back then watched him leave the room with Dad.

  Ford flipped on the TV, and we sat in comfortable silence for a bit. My pain began to return with a vengeance, and I told my brother as much. He rose and went to find my nurse. A few moments after that, Dr. Leonard, the ER physician, breezed into my room.

  "Hi, Natalie," he said in a kind soothing voice. He was tall and lanky, and dressed in navy scrubs. I thought he was probably in his forties due to his graying hair and the laugh lines around his dark eyes. "How's your pain level right now?"

  "A little worse, but my brother went to let my nurse know."

  He nodded. "We'll get you some more pain meds."

  "Thank you."

  "I just got your lab results," he announced. "Everything is normal. There's no blood in your urine, so I think your kidneys are fine. You're bruised badly and it will take a while to heal, but you'll be fine."

  "Good." I let out a deep breath.


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