Just You

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Just You Page 5

by Jane Lark

  I was winning a lottery today. Maybe all those birthday candle wishes were being answered after all. I leaned down and kissed her again, and her lips answered mine, brushing against mine. Then her tongue slipped out in search of mine.

  After a little while, as her fingers ran over my hair, I slid mine behind her back and up under her vest top. As I kept kissing her, I popped the hooks on her bra free. She broke the kiss, her head pushing back into the pillows and her blue eyes looking up at me as my hand ran around, underneath her bra and her top, and touched her breast.

  The air which left her lungs brushed my cheek as I leaned to kiss her jaw, then her neck. I remembered the texture of her, and her breasts might be small but it was just right. Her nipple peaked, pressing into my palm.

  I bent my head lower as she sighed and arched beneath me. Lifting her top I exposed her pale skin. She moaned as I caught her nipple between my lips and tugged, then let go. God, the girl was beautiful.

  I sucked on her nipple for a little bit, as I’d done in the pool the other night and let my fingertips skim across her skin. The muscles in her belly tightened.

  Her fingers stayed on my shoulders and my head, while her body moved beneath me, arching and falling, asking me to move between her legs.

  I ran my fingers over the silk soft skin of her belly to her jeans. The metal button was cold. I freed it, before undoing the short zipper. Her nipple slipped out of my mouth and I met her gaze as I slid my hand into her panties.

  She smiled, before shutting her eyes and biting her lip.

  She was wet and warm, and major temptation, and I was rock hard. I rubbed over her for a little bit, answering the rock of her hips, and then pressed two fingers into her heat, and she sighed. Her breath was hot on my cheek as I watched her expression. She was working it, moving to get the most out of my touch as my thumb brushed the most sensitive part of her.

  This was how she’d come the other night, just like this.

  I lowered my head to her breast. She was writhing in moments. When she came it was warm sticky liquid around my fingers and a pulling sensation inside her. She let out a long sigh, just as she’d done in the pool. That sound…

  Shit, this girl had a way of crawling inside my soul. I wanted to be in her physically. But today wasn’t the day.

  I let my fingers slip out of her and rolled to my back, looking up at the skylight as she recovered.

  My cock was pressing hard to escape my pants. I breathed in, trying to drop my heart rate from a manic dance beat to a melody.

  She rolled to her side. Her top was still bunched up and her pants undone as she cradled her head in her palm and stared at me, giving me a closed lip smile, with sparkly blue eyes.

  Yep, today, they were definitely blue.

  I rolled to my side too, my erection finally starting to descend. “That was what you forgot the other night at Mr. Rees’s party, that’s what we did, Portia.”

  Her smile broke wider. “That was good, but don’t you… want sex…”

  I smiled. “Not today, you’re tipsy and in a blue mood, you’d probably regret it tomorrow. Take it as a birthday present.”

  “Well, it was the best birthday present ever.” Her smile widened. She’d lost all the reserve she had in the office. “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “Welcome. The movie’s ended, are you sure you don’t want to go out?”

  She shook her head. “Would you put the next one on?”

  I smiled at her. “Yes. Straighten yourself up, and I’ll get you more popcorn.”

  We spent the next couple of hours cuddling and occasionally kissing, watching the other films.

  I left her just after midnight, with a long kiss at the downstairs door, as she came down with me, and on the way home, my heart was fucking racing to the beat of the music pounding on my earphones as I sat on the subway train. My life had hit a junction and somehow I’d slipped lanes. It was sending me down a new track. Guys like me didn’t get lucky with girls like Portia. I hit my forehead with the heel of my palm.

  What the fuck?

  Portia fucking Hemming was into me.

  How the frick did that happen?

  Chapter Four

  My cell buzzed, vibrating on the bedside chest. I was lying down, but not in bed, scanning the funnies on You Tube. I picked my cell up to see who’d texted. Portia.

  ‘Can you come over? I need you.’

  ‘Need me?’

  ‘Yeah, as in yesterday afternoon relief.’

  ‘:-) R U, coming!, babe’

  ‘Yeah, but I want some company.’

  Well this was the girl I did know, the one who’d been lusting after my friend Jason for months.

  ‘Come over’, she urged again. ‘Will you?’

  ‘Yeah, but it’ll take me an hour.’ I didn’t mind being second-best if this was the prize.

  ‘Don’t give a shit, come, and be quick.’

  I laughed. ‘Coming, just putting my boots on.’

  ‘Then stop texting and do it.’



  I looked over at Robin, he was asleep.

  “Justin?” Mom was in the living room, when I grabbed my coat off the hook in the hall. She saw me through the door. “Where are you going? It’s late, child.”

  She hated any of us going out, and late was worse. She imagined all sorts going on in the dark, but to be fair, in our neighborhood, everything she imagined probably did go on. “I’m not getting into trouble. I’m going over to a friend’s.”

  She stood up, her hands fisting on her hips, as she stared me out. “At this hour?”

  “Yeah, Mom. I’m twenty-two. I can do whatever.”

  “Honey…” Her hands slipped off her hips and she moved toward me, like she was urging me not to go.

  I gave her a look. “I’ll text you when I get there, okay? So you know I’m safe. And I’ll keep my cell in my hand set up for an emergency call all the way there. But just so you know I’ll probably stop out. I’ll be back to walk Dillon to school.” I didn’t wait to hear her answer. I headed to the door and went out, pulling it shut behind me with a click, careful not to wake the others.

  Portia’s family were non-existent, mine were the opposite–smothering.

  I texted Mom when I got off the subway near Portia’s. ‘Here, safe, you can go to sleep now. See you tomorrow.’ I switched my cell off then. I didn’t want to read a barrage of texts asking who I was with. I wouldn’t have answered anyway.

  The subway had been quiet, and the streets were too; just a few drunk people about, on their way home from clubs, and a few homeless people curling up under blankets in the alleyways. That was a shit way to live, it was freezing tonight. I pulled the collar of my coat up, and got some suspicious looks off people.

  Was walking alone after midnight that odd?

  Only if you were black! If you were black, then you must be up to no good.

  When I reached Portia’s, I pressed the buzzer for her room and leaned closer to the intercom. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” she answered. “Come up.” The lock clicked. I pushed the door open, my heart pounding out another base beat. She was leaning over the banister when I looked up. A tremor slid through my belly all the way down to the tip of my cock. Shit. She was in a vest top again, and she had no bra on, the cotton clung. And she wore loose pajama bottoms with it; that could be pulled down in a second.

  Shit. I had a semi just looking at her.

  Her loosely plaited hair slid around on her shoulder as she lifted a hand to say hi. Her hair looked like it was just waiting for my fingers to unravel it.

  She looked awesome–edible.


  When I caught sight of Justin, something hungry and desperate spun like a coin in my belly and then rolled quickly in a spiral, descending to a sweet ache between my legs.

  I’d been lonely, and thinking about yesterday, all day. Literally every moment there had been some image of him haunting me. But it was a good
ghost, it had felt really nice having Justin around. He hadn’t done anything sleazy, I was even gloating about when we’d kissed. He could have gone all the way and he hadn’t.

  Tonight I wanted to. I was so pissed off with being alone and a heated need had been humming in my veins all day, the fire he’d started yesterday, smoldering.

  When he got to the top of the stairs and stopped in front of me, smiling, I lifted my arms and rested them on his shoulders, pressing against him as I kissed him hard. Saying without words, go on fuck me.

  He kissed me hard too, walking me backwards toward my door, like he wasn’t even going to wait until we got on the bed. Inside he kicked the door shut with his heal and pressed me back against the counter where my kettle and stuff were, and his cold hand slipped under my vest top and cupped by breast kneading it; the heel of his palm pressing into me, as his thumb brushed back and forth over my nipple.

  There was a ridge in his pants that said my hunger was equal to his.

  In a moment, my top was over my head and gone. I unzipped his coat and he shrugged it off, but he didn’t give me chance to get his top off, he was kissing me again, both his hands on my breasts. I flicked his buckle loose, unthreading his belt, then slipped two of his buttons free, and reached into his boxers, to stroke the column of hard flesh there.

  The guy had qualities, beyond his good looking abs, and his kindness yesterday.

  His fingers pulled loose the bow tying my pajama bottoms and then his thumbs slid them over my hips. They dropped to the floor in a whisper of material. A moment later his hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up.

  I held his neck.

  His dark eyes glinted in the moonlight pouring through the skylight into my room, shining with heat and hunger. He’d come all the way over here for this. He’d come because I’d asked him.

  I pushed his pants off his hips. My fingers were shaking.

  He was still dressed, but I didn’t care, there was something sexy about him being dressed and me naked, and I loved the urgency. An ache caught in my belly as he kissed me as if I was the last girl on earth.

  “You got a condom?” His voice was husky and breathless.

  “Yeah in the drawer, there.” I liked it that he hadn’t come prepared. He couldn’t have many one night stands.

  He came back, gripping his pants with one hand, while he tore the condom open with his teeth. His gaze dropped to my parted thighs then lifted to my breasts, as I leaned back. When it rose again, it caught on mine. He smiled. Even his smile sent shivers through me. It was a promise.

  I watched him slide the condom on, anticipation sparking through my nerves.

  Then he looked up, gripped the back of my thighs, pulled them wider, and pressed in. Oh shit.

  He kissed me and it was beautiful. He set a tantalizing rhythm. It felt like being on drugs the way he determinedly distracted my senses. I was high. I slid my hands down his back and pulled his sweatshirt and T-shirt up.

  He answered my silent request, stopped kissing me, and smiled as he lifted his arms and I stripped them off.

  His body was… Wow… Etched in moonlight from the skylight, he was from some mythical world, not brawny, but beautiful–and chiseled out.

  I laid my fingers on his pectoral muscles. They were tight, and the skin over the ridges and hollows of his abdomen was smooth beneath my fingers, as his muscles moved when he pushed into me and pulled out. He was intoxicating.

  His fingers pulled on my thighs urging me to rock against him, as he looked down, watching the moonlight catch the movement between us.

  I was going to die any moment if he continued this.

  Then he looked up, his eyes shining, his gaze reaching into me a moment before he leaned forward and kissed me again. His tongue plunged into my mouth, as he shoved in between my legs.

  That was it. I tumbled, free-falling into an orgasm.

  I couldn’t kiss him back as it spun out into my nerves, unraveling and reaching right down to the soles of my feet, pulsing in my palms too. Frick. That was the best orgasm I’d ever had. The guy knew how to do sex.

  His fingers moved to grip the sensitive skin at the back of my knees as he pulled my legs wider still, and started moving more quickly. I hung on, boneless from my orgasm. Ripples of a new one trembled through my nerves, bubbling up to boiling point.

  I bit my lip and caught his gaze. He stared into my eyes, driving me insane.

  I was hot and sweaty, and… and… “Oh my God, Justin.”

  I came again, and the delicious ache spilled through me, in all directions, liquid gold.

  Then he came too, and there was a growl of breath by my ear as his fingers clasped my knees much tighter and his head pressed against mine. My hands slipped to his slender buttocks. Yep, his ass was great too. The guy was a clear ten, naked.

  He straightened up and withdrew. I smiled; probably a stupid Cheshire cat smile.

  He looked down. “What the fuck. Bullshit. The condom’s split.”

  “OMG.” I turned and grabbed a tissue off the counter. “Use that. I’ll get a morning after pill tomorrow.”

  He slipped the wreckage off and walked over to the bin, holding his pants up with his other hand.

  “Sorry,” I said, quietly, “It was old… and… regular-sized…”

  He glanced over his shoulder as he flipped the bin open with his foot, and gave me a quick smile. “I’ll take that as compliment.”

  “The size thing was meant as one.”

  He laughed.

  I smiled.

  Once he’d dumped the condom, he turned, his hand still gripping his pants. “Are you worried? I know I’m clean, you don’t need to panic. I haven’t got anything. I got tested after I found out the last girl I went with slept around a lot. I’ve been off it for weeks since that.”

  My smile twisted. “I’ve been off it for a year…”

  His eyebrows lifted. “A year?”

  “Since I came to New York.”

  “No way. I thought you had loads of guys dangling from leashes you kept on every finger.” He was back beside me. I slapped his arm. He just smiled. “Well you’re beautiful, Portia, and you were chasing after Jason, and eyeing up Mr. Rees…”

  “I do not eye up Mr. Rees.”

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t been busy calculating possibilities…”

  “Not like you think.”

  “Well anyway…” Justin slipped between my legs again, “I don’t want to talk about anyone else, or work, when I’ve got you naked.”

  “Are you worried about me?” I offered. He’d given me his history.

  “Should I be?”

  “No, I’ve only had one boyfriend. We were together for three years. We split up before I came to New York. He was my first, and I was his, so, you’re safe.”

  His free hand lifted and his fingers brushed back my hair. “Sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I got you all wrong. I’ve been judging you by your rich-club voice. That isn’t who you are. That’s just what you sound like.”

  I smiled.

  “Who broke up with who?” he asked.

  “I ended it, I wanted more. I didn’t want to be my Mom. Mrs. Perfect, with a perfect house and a perfect life. I’m not like my parents. I’d have been bored … And he was so convinced I should think him perfect. He’s from their world. His family are members of Dad’s club in California.”

  “His club?”

  “He doesn’t own it. It’s like a golf and sports club, where people like my parents hang out. Like you said, a club for the rich.”

  His brow furrowed. “Are you really not like them? Have I been judging you by your parents’ money too?”

  His words cut. That was an insult. I pointed at the room and then looked back at him. “Do I look like I am?” Irritation bristled in my nerves, cold anger as old conversations with my ex and my parents flew through my head.

  He smiled.

  I made a face at him. “I was brought up to s
peak well, it doesn’t mean I treat the world like a playground, and other people like toys…”

  “I wasn’t accusing you, just saying… It’s just, at work, you’re different. And sorry, Portia, but you do come across arrogant, a little, and untouchable–a lot.” Both his hands came up and gripped my head, his palms pressing against my cheeks as he looked into my eyes. “But it’s probably because you’ve been on your own too long. I get you now–and you’re not like that.”

  Anger still hummed in my head anyway.

  He kissed me, brushing his lips over mine, again and again, sending my temperature soaring and my temper out the door.

  My fingers gripped his hard buttocks and a sharp, nice, pain caught in my belly.

  His fingers slipped under my thighs as he broke the kiss and whispered, “Why don’t we get our money’s worth out of that morning-after pill?”

  That twisted an even sharper spasm in my belly.

  He picked me up and my legs gripped about his waist as my arms clung around his neck. He turned and carried me to the bed.

  I should be annoyed with him still, for calling me arrogant, but with his skin brushing against mine, and a prominent promise pressing between us, why the hell be angry?

  He dropped me, kneeling over me, and I bounced onto the mattress, laughing. Then he straightened up and stripped off his pants, boots and socks.

  The muscle in his legs and buttocks shifted under his glistening skin as the moonlight from the skylight painted him, and when he turned, his erection bounced, several inches of flesh pointing at me as he came down onto the bed…

  Chapter Five

  When Justin walked into the office, his hands were buried in the pockets of his Parka coat. He glanced at me, and as he did, he threw me a smile. I smiled too. He’d left my room at five a.m., after we’d had a second round and then fallen asleep for a little while. He’d gone home to take his brother to school, so his mom could go to work.


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