Daddy's Whip

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Daddy's Whip Page 9

by Loki Renard

  Not thinking about Sam was easier said than done. Especially when he was so close, with so much of his powerful body on display. Her breasts tightened and ached with desire just looking at him. Peeking around Taxi’s chest, she watched as Sam approached Trixie, the young horse she’d met just yesterday. The little mare that she’d started to bond with yesterday didn’t much look like she wanted to go with Sam and when he tugged on the lead rope she planted all four feet firmly on the ground and baulked. Even from this distance, Marnie could see that Trixie was fighting him, and that endeared the horse to her even more. Anyone with enough guts to stand up to the brutish Sam was a winner in her book.

  Trixie reared, striking out at Sam with her forelegs. Marnie gasped, both in fear and admiration. Instinctively, she took a few steps back from Taxi, just in case. He seemed calm and placid, but then so had Trixie, yesterday. Marnie eyed the gelding suspiciously, getting ready to run. Sam might be brave enough to hang onto the lead rope of a rearing horse, but she was not.

  The muscles in Sam’s back and shoulders rippled as he swung the long lead rope in a circle and the light sheen of sweat he’d worked up gleamed in the sun as he matched his movements to Trixie’s, side-stepping, forward and back, an intricate dance. The heat in Marnie’s breasts spread to her core.

  Trixie looked the same way Marnie had felt last night—like she wanted to get away from Sam more than anything else, and she would fight with everything she had before she would submit to his will. Her ears were back, her body was tense, her nostrils were flared as she snorted, prancing, jumping on the spot. Even with Marnie’s extremely limited knowledge of horses, it was obvious that Trixie was giving Sam a hard time. Just like Marnie herself, she wasn’t going to do as she was told. Marnie felt an instant rapport with the horse—kindred spirits. Both out to give Sam hell.

  Marnie watched, with bated breath, the battle play out between man and horse, with neither willing to give an inch. Although she had no idea what it was Sam was trying to make Trixie do, it was pretty obvious that Trixie had no intention of doing it. She was cheering Trixie on inside her head, wanting the little horse to win if for no other reason than to prove to Sam that he couldn’t always be the boss.

  They were front-on to her now. Trixie reared again, her forelegs striking out at the height of Sam’s head, one on each side of him. Marnie’s heart pounded. The horse was going to kill him! Her hooves touched the ground for just a second before she reared again, and still, Sam didn’t back down.

  Marnie was surprised by Sam’s patience. She’d supposed he would have lost it and whipped the horse by now, just as he’d whipped her last night, but he didn’t. Every movement he made was controlled, exact. She couldn’t see his face, but from the back, it didn’t look like he was even close to losing his temper. The heat in her core spread even further, making her pussy clench with desire. The more she watched Sam’s skilled, powerful body, the more she wanted him.

  Eventually, Trixie moved away from him, just a couple of steps, and Sam’s whole body language changed. Even from here, she could see the difference in his body, the relaxed demeanour, the un-flexed muscles. That same soothing tone of approval she’d heard in his voice earlier wafted over to her on the gentle breeze. What would she have to do to get him to speak to her the same way?

  Marnie jumped as Taxi’s velvety lips settled on the back of her neck, shocking her out of her trance. Gripping the brush properly, she picked up where she’d inadvertently left off, slowly ridding Taxi of all his mud.

  Trixie looked relaxed now, as Sam ran his hands over her body, throwing the end of the rope up and over her back, speaking to her in a voice so low that Marnie couldn’t hear it. Inside, Marnie was a turmoil of emotions. She’d been rooting for Trixie, so badly wanting the horse to win. But at the same time, seeing those hooves so close to Sam’s head had been terrifying. She’d wanted Trixie to win, but she hadn’t wanted Sam to get hurt in the process. She felt oddly deflated, now that it was over. The fight had been won; Sam had bent another creature to his will.

  Chapter Six

  Marnie wasn’t sure she liked horses. They were nice when they were calm, but seeing what Trixie had nearly done to Sam had been frightening. Horses had big bone fists on their feet, and they were much, much bigger than people. Suddenly the whole situation seemed more overwhelming than ever. She was stuck with giant animals that liked to punch and a man who liked to spank. She didn’t know which beast was worst.

  “He’s still dirty,” Sam frowned as he came over. He was done with Trixie and now he was back dealing with her and her inept horse work.

  “I didn’t want him to do that thing…”

  “What thing?”

  “The…” She pawed at the air with her hands like hooves. “I don’t want him to punch me with his feet.”

  Sam smirked. “Taxi isn’t really a feet punching kind of guy, but it is good to be cautious around horses. Here, watch.”

  She stood back while Sam took over, brushing the dirt from Taxi’s coat with strong strokes. It took him about two minutes to do the job she’d been attempting for the better part of an hour. When he was done, he checked his watch.

  “Well, I was hoping to get you on your first ride today, but I reckon you need something to wear first. Let’s go shopping.”



  The name was vaguely familiar. A little town on the state highway. She’d passed through it a few times on girl’s trips up to Hanmer Springs. It wasn’t exactly a bustling metropolis. Marnie couldn’t imagine what kind of clothes they’d have there.

  Sam put Taxi and Trixie back in their paddock, then told her to follow him. She got into the dirty truck and they set off. Sitting wasn’t entirely comfortable. Every jolt of the old suspension reminded her of what Sam had done to her and left her feeling shy. She looked out the window at the passing scenery and tried not to say anything.

  “You alright?”


  “You’re quiet.”

  She gave a little shrug.

  He let the subject drop and put the radio on. Strains of music from the announcer proclaimed 70s, 80s, 90s and today made their way out of the dusty grille near her knee.

  “How far is it to Culverden?”

  “’Bout an hour,” he said.

  An hour. Two hours there and back. All on a sore ass.

  * * *

  Marnie hadn’t been herself lately. Not that he really knew her well enough to say exactly what she was like, but subdued wasn’t one of the words he would have used yesterday. Since he’d spanked her before bed, she’d been quiet and even timid with him.

  He didn’t feel guilty about tanning her hide. She’d gone out of her way to deserve it. But he did feel bad if she didn’t know how to take it and was afraid of him as a result.

  “So,” he said, intending on breaking the ice and getting to know her a little. “What do you like to do for fun?”

  “Go out,” Marnie said. “Or stay in.”

  So she liked to be indoors or outdoors. Well, that wasn’t exactly a whole lot to go on.

  They fell silent again. It was going to be a long drive.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her shifting uncomfortably on the seat.

  “About last night…”

  “Look, I know you’re not interested in me, so you don’t need to pretend,” she said, tight-lipped. “I’m not going to throw myself at you again.”

  Sam sighed inwardly. He was not having this conversation over and over again. He’d explained very clearly what his reasons for wanting to refrain from sex were, and she was obviously smart enough to understand them.

  By the time they got to Culverden it was almost lunchtime. Sam parked the ute outside the Culverden dairy and glanced over at Marnie.

  “You want a pie?”

  “Salad would be better.”

  “Yeah, nah, salad isn’t really on the menu here. They have pies or hot chips or fried chicken.�

  “Chips then, please.”

  He got her some chips and some water. She stayed outside, next to the truck, her arms still folded over her chest, and when he brought her the food, she stayed there, pouting and nibbling while he sat in the truck and ate his pie and drank his L&P.

  Shopping wasn’t going to be fun, but it had to be done.

  * * *

  The store had a small range of women’s clothing. There were jeans designed for riding, which would work well for her, and some Aertex shirts that would be perfect for the farm. Sam also intended on making sure she got some low-heeled riding boots that would fit, and some decent length socks too. She basically needed everything besides underwear.

  “I don’t wear bootleg jeans,” she said, turning up her nose. “And I don’t wear gingham.”

  “Well, they don’t have a huge range, Marnie, and you need something long sleeved to keep the sun off. Try something on.”

  She did, reluctantly.

  “I look stupid,” she complained upon exiting the changing room.

  She didn’t look stupid. She looked adorable. The jeans were snug, encasing her sweet ass in a way that made his cock twitch. They were stretchy enough to ride in too.

  “Okay, now boots.”

  She sat and sulked as she tried pull on boots, complaining that some were too tight and others were too loose until finally she said some would do. While Marnie made the assistant’s life a nightmare, Sam had a look around the store. After what felt like an interminable length of time, there were three pairs of jeans and four shirts on the counter, along with socks and boots. Sam reached over Marnie and added an item to the pile—a riding crop.

  “Don’t you have enough of those already? There’s a whole bin of them.”

  “Those are for the horses,” he said. “This one’s for you.”

  The checkout lady chuckled to herself, and added the cost to the bill. A couple hundred dollars later, he, the crop, and Marnie were out the door.

  He’d thought she might be cheered up by the shopping trip, chicks usually loved spending other people’s money, but Marnie didn’t even say thanks. She just stamped her way back to the ute and got in, slamming the door behind her.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asked as he got into the driver’s side.

  “You embarrassed me!” She growled the words, staring straight ahead.


  “What you said at the counter.”

  “Oh, about the crop?”

  “Yes, about the crop,” she frowned. “That wasn’t very nice. That lady laughed at me!”

  “She wasn’t laughing at you. She thought I was making a joke.”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Well, so what?”

  “So you embarrassed me!”

  “Marnie, I’m about to really embarrass you if you don’t stop acting like a spoiled little brat,” he growled.

  “Fire me.”


  She looked at him fiercely. “I said fire me. Get rid of me.”



  Sam gritted his teeth. He’d been about as patient as he could be with her, but nothing seemed to please Marnie. Apparently she’d decided to act like a brat until he slept with her. Fine.

  He got the truck started and headed back toward home. Marnie sulked for a solid half-hour as they wound their way back up toward the farm. But what she didn’t pick up on was the fact that they had turned down a lane before they got there and were heading up to a quiet little lookout only the locals really knew about. From there, the Canterbury plains were spread out below. It was beautiful, but Sam wasn’t intending on taking in the view.

  “What are we doing?”

  He stopped the truck, got out, and walked around to Marnie’s side. He wrenched the door open, unsnapped her seat belt, and pulled her out before turning her around and pushing her back down over the seat she’d just vacated. She spluttered and gasped, but he wasn’t listening and she wasn’t really saying anything anyway. Those short shorts betrayed her again as he grabbed the crop and started using it on the exposed part of her lower cheeks and the tops of her thighs, the leather tongue leaving splotches over the pale skin. The whip of the crop through the air was followed by a precious pink mark each and every time he brought it down, finding fresh skin to punish with every stroke.

  Marnie screamed bloody murder, but that didn’t stop him. Pouting and stamping and slamming things wasn’t appropriate behaviour, and if that was what she had taken away from his punishment the night before, then obviously he hadn’t done a very good job.

  “You know why this is happening to you, little girl?”

  “No!” Marnie shrieked.

  “Because you’re acting like a spoiled little brat. I told you last night. I’m in charge here, Marnie. You do as I say and you do it without pouting, understand?”

  “You… Owww!”

  She didn’t have a chance to mouth off to him before he started working the crop over her ass again. This was the problem with spoiled animals of any kind, those who had learned bad lessons over time. The hardest horse to train was one who had already learned it could push people around. They took longer and required way harder working than any of the others. Marnie had obviously spent her life throwing her weight around, but she wasn’t going to anymore. He’d work her little ass as long and hard as he needed to in order to bring her into line. He didn’t care if she wanted it, or even if she understood. He wasn’t dealing with the rational part of her. He was speaking directly to the animal inside this squirming little brat.

  “Oww! Sam! I’m sorry!”

  He stopped as soon as she made an apology.

  “What are you sorry for?”

  “I’m sorry for being a bitch,” she said, using a word he personally wouldn’t have chosen, but which fit.

  Sam ran the tip of the crop over her hot cheeks, stroking it gently between her thighs too. “You know better, don’t you?” He made his voice deep and calm.

  “…yes…” The admission came as a squeak.

  “I don’t know who made you think that being angry would get you what you wanted, but whoever it was didn’t do you any favours. I don’t respond to sulking or pouting, little girl. If you’re upset, you talk to me. I might not be able to fix what’s bothering you, but it will save you this.”

  * * *

  Marnie wanted to be mad, but she’d known the minute she’d gone slamming out of the shop she’d pushed him too far. It had just been too hard to climb down off her high horse and apologize. She was so confused and so sore. The crop stung like hell, but his large hand spread between her shoulder blades felt good, as did having her legs spread for him again.

  Was she losing her mind for this man? All she wanted was him inside her and it was driving her mad not being able to have him. She lifted her ass up a little, feeling the crop trail down and then up between her thighs.

  Sam ran the leather over her denim-clad pussy, then gave it the lightest flick. Marnie let out a soft moan and arched her back more.

  “You need this, don’t you,” Sam said in that rough but gentle voice.

  “Yes…” she breathed the word as he tapped the crop against her sex again, working the tip up and down her crotch, whipping her protected slit with firmer and firmer swats until she moaned with desire.

  “You’re in heat,” he growled, putting the crop to the side and replacing it with his hand. He cupped her pussy and squeezed. “I can smell you, Marnie. You need to be fucked, but I can’t do that. Not now. We’re going to have to find another way to get you off, my girl.”


  “Because I’m taking my time with you, remember?” He spanked her pussy lightly and she moaned again.

  Then she felt his fingers working inside her shorts, his thick digits finding her wet slit. She was more than ready for him. She wanted his cock, but what she got were two fingers pushing inside her, his other hand yanking at her shorts
, spreading her ass cheeks as he started to finger her right there in the car park.

  “Oh, fuck, Sam…” She gripped the car seat as he pounded her pussy with his fingers, working them in and out of that tight wet hole. She spread her legs as wide as she could, just faintly aware that she was making a spectacle of herself in a public place. Sam made her mad with arousal. She didn’t care about anything besides him.

  “I want to fuck you, Marnie…” There was thick lust in his voice. “Fuck…”

  Was he going to do it? Was he going to give in? She hoped so. When he pulled his fingers from her pussy, she thoroughly expected them to be replaced with his cock. But instead he pulled her from the car and pushed her to her knees in the dirt, his hands working at his fly to free his cock. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her mouth onto his dick, taking her roughly.

  “Touch yourself,” he ordered. “Make your pussy come.”

  He worked her head back and forth along his shaft, using her lips as she stuffed her hand down the front of her shorts and played with her clit. Sam’s cock was so fucking swollen and hard inside her mouth, pounding deep and long. She was going to come. She knew it. She couldn’t help it. And so was he. He held her head still with both hands and thrust in and out until he let out a shout of triumph and release, his seed spilling over her tongue as she rubbed her slippery wet clit to the best orgasm she’d ever given herself, drinking his cum down eagerly.

  “Good girl,” he said, holding her in place, looking down at her with those brilliant blue eyes. “Such a fucking good girl.”

  * * *

  Marnie was silent for the rest of the way home. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence as it had been before, but more of a peaceful one. Sam glanced across to see a satisfied, smug smile plastered across his quiet passenger’s face. She was happy then; good. He missed her being happy. Not that he’d known her for very long, but he liked to think she hadn’t been miserable for her entire time with him. He didn’t consider himself to be a cruel man, and having a permanently unhappy woman for company didn’t make him feel good at all.


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