The Undercover Groom_Bachelor Billionaire Romances

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The Undercover Groom_Bachelor Billionaire Romances Page 10

by Taylor Hart

  “What?” she asked, looking self-conscious.

  “Nothing,” he said quickly. “It looks good. I mean, do you like it?”

  A smile played at her lips. “Are you okay? You look distracted.”

  It appeared to Nick that she was enjoying his discomfort a bit too much. “Whatever. Looks fine.” He turned to walk away.

  She let out a light laugh. “You do like it.”


  The problem was, she was right. He did like it, and her, way too much. He worried that these feelings were too much of a distraction.

  Distractions could end up costing them.

  He had to keep his focus—get them through the anniversary, and then try to sort the rest of it out.

  Chapter 16

  Ava stood on the edge of the party at the James’ home. Hunter had been right; they weren’t really noticed. That was fine with her. Even though she felt like a princess in the new black dress Nick had bought her, all of these people looked like they could be on the covers of magazines.

  Now she stood at the edge of a dance floor that they had put on the side of the yard. A country band played and there were a lot of couples dancing and mingling, sitting and eating snacks at the tables. Nick was off getting them drinks and chatting with Hunter.

  “Hey,” a soft woman’s voice said beside her.

  A bit startled, Ava put her hand to her chest.

  “Sorry.” The woman was short and had red hair piled on her head. She wore a green turquoise dress and she was graceful-looking. “I’m Hunter’s wife, Summer.”

  Relieved, she let out a breath. “Hi. Sorry.”

  Summer put a soft hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I just wanted to welcome you and introduce myself. Hunter told me, and I want you to know I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through.”

  At that moment, Nick’s eyes met hers, silently asking if she was okay.

  Summer followed her gaze and laughed. “Hunter hates these things and I normally don’t do them here at the house, but Sterling Pennington and I wanted to release a summer series of paintings focused on summer in Jackson. I felt like the ranch would be the perfect venue.”

  Ava looked up at the painting of a little girl in a field. “I think this one is my favorite.” She thought of her own mother and felt that familiar pang of missing her so much.

  Summer stared at the picture for a moment. “This might be my favorite one, too. Does that sound conceited, being that it’s my own painting?”

  They shared a smile, and Ava relaxed.

  Summer turned to her. “It must be hard trying to wait this thing out.”

  Ava didn’t know what to say. It felt weird to be talking about this situation with another woman. She didn’t really have friends at home.

  “Hunter said you’re a good student. So don’t worry, I trust him. And he likes Nick, too. Says he’ll take care of you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you okay?”

  Letting out a breath, she thought of their training session. “Your husband is good at training people to fight.”

  Summer nodded. “Oh, believe me, I’ve been on the receiving end of his intense training sessions. And it does make you stronger, better.” She shrugged. “Could I survive if I was attacked or taken? I’d like to think so.”

  Ava smiled at Summer, and decided she liked her. Summer had a warmness about her.

  Summer added, “But I think I’d be more afraid of what Hunter would say if I didn’t fight back.”

  Ava laughed. “No kidding,” she mumbled.

  Summer gestured to the dance floor. “Are you going to get in a dance with the handsome cop?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. She wasn’t sure she really wanted to dance tonight.

  Summer slipped an arm through hers and pulled her toward Nick and Hunter. “Ah, come on, now. You look stunning, by the way, and you’ve been through so much. I think you deserve a dance with him.” She wrinkled her nose. “Plus, he has a lot to celebrate with his brothers. They just did a deal with Hunter and made quite a bit of money, so I hear.”


  Summer grinned knowingly. “He and his brothers have been working on an oil deal with Hunter, and the deal just went through today.”

  Ava didn’t know how to feel about this. She realized she didn’t know that much about Nick, and it felt like he knew everything about her.

  When they reached the men, Summer drifted to Hunter’s side and took his hand. “Hey, the famous artist wants to dance with the bad boy trainer.” She rolled her eyes.

  Hunter grinned. “Oh, yeah, baby. I’ll show you how to dance, woman.”

  Summer laughed and waved back at Ava as they moved away.

  Nick looked very handsome and dashing in his tuxedo, but he also looked uncertain. He watched Hunter and Summer dance away from them.

  “Psst,” Ava whispered.

  “Hey.” Nick swallowed and tugged at this collar.

  “Well, if you are my fiancé, shouldn’t you ask me to dance?”

  Ceremoniously, he put out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

  She took his hand, and it felt warm and strong. She thought of holding his hand during the X-Men movie last night when she’d been afraid. “I’m pretty blown away, to tell you the truth.”

  “Why?” He frowned and took her into a two-step. “You can’t believe how good I look in a tux?” he taunted.

  For a second, she allowed herself to be in his arms and feel the music. “Actually, I’m blown away that you just did an oil deal with Hunter.”

  He turned red, which was an interesting sight. It wasn’t easy to get Nick to blush. “I …” He glanced at Hunter and Summer. “Summer told you.”

  She nodded.

  “I can’t believe she told you.”

  “Why? It’s cool. I just didn’t realize you are involved with that stuff.”

  “It doesn’t change the fact I’m still a cop first and foremost,” he said defensively. “It just … Yeah, I’m a bit blown away too.” He shrugged. “It’s my brother. Luke drags us into this stuff.”

  She smiled, liking how he wasn’t the type to throw around the fact he had money.

  They danced for a couple of minutes, not talking, just letting their bodies meld. Nick was graceful, and he smelled so good at the moment. She couldn’t put her finger on what cologne he wore. Maybe Calvin Klein, she wasn’t sure. And he knew how to dance, pushing her out and then gently pulling her back in, keeping the steps in perfect rhythm to the music.

  She knew how to dance. Hal had actually made her take dance lessons when’d they’d gotten married. You couldn’t be a socialite in the South and not know.

  “What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

  “Oh …” She hated that she always let Hal wreck moments in her life. “Nothing.” She tried to put on a not-thinking-about-the-past face.

  Nick eyed her. “Well, at least you’re trying not to think about the jerkface.”

  She let out a light laugh, because it was pointless to hide her thoughts from Nick. She’d figured this out quickly in the four days she’d known him, but she didn’t know how he knew. Letting herself get caught up in his cologne, she relaxed and then wondered if he could tell what she was thinking.

  “Yes, I know you think I smell wonderful,” he said flippantly.

  “How did you …?” Her cheeks heated up.

  He looked at her in surprise and grinned. “And now you confirmed it.”

  She shoved his shoulder. “Don’t be all cop on me.”

  He chuckled, but she could swear he was blushing. She liked how he smelled good, how he held her tightly and made her feel safe. He was so different than any guy she’d dated. Kind, good, sturdy, gruff—but not Hunter gruff—he was funny and he made her think.

  “So, are you having fun?” He looked at her, and his cheeks were still tinged red.

  “I am.”

  “You like art, then?”

,” she said, feeling the butterflies flying around inside her, “I like you.”

  “You do?” He looked down at her, and she thought his lips were close. Very close. She felt his breath on her cheek. “Ava,” he whispered.

  She met his chocolate-brown eyes, feeling like she could get lost in them. “What you said this morning, about having feelings for me … I might have feelings for you, too.”

  They stared at each other for what felt like forever, surrounded by the twang of country music, the light sound of fancy glasses clanking.

  Ava couldn’t stop herself from admitting it. “I’ve been afraid for so long, but being here with you makes me think you and Frank were right. I might be able to have a new beginning.”

  “Fiercely beautiful,” he whispered.


  He lightly touched a strand of hair. “You’re such an amazing person. You’re beautiful—not just because of what you look like, but because even though you don’t realize it, you’re strong. You were fooled by jerkface, but you did what needed to be done to get away from him. You asked for help. You called Frank. You were willing to go live in a hippie commune. You’re fierce.”

  Ava watched the way his jaw set, and she knew that Nick was good and kind and compassionate. She squeezed his hand. “This is the way you are just like Hunter. You’re intense sometimes. The cop in you. The soldier in him. The kind of man who does what has to be done for the right reason. That’s why you connect with Hunter. That’s why you trust each other. It’s commendable.”

  He blinked and sucked in a breath, shaking his head.

  “What?” she asked.


  Ava couldn’t tell if she’d upset him. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For … I don’t know.”

  He looked at her lips. “Can I kiss you, Ava?” His strong arms caught her from jerking back in surprise. “Don’t pull away. Please, don’t pull away.”

  “I’m not good for you, Nick. Can’t you see that?” The words made her want to cry, but they were true. “You should marry some nice girl without baggage who can soothe you. I’m tainted.”

  He looked stormy, but he bent and touched his lips to hers. It was bliss—soft, warm, intense. His hands went to her hips. She pulled him closer around his neck, and found herself knowing that this wasn’t just about being in this time and place with him. It wasn’t just about running from Hal, hiding with Nick. It was about the way Nick made her laugh and made her look at things differently. It was about the way she felt different when she was around him.

  Pulling away from her, he rested his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. “You’re perfect, Ava. Perfect for me.”

  Ava knew she would never forget the way she felt on the dance floor. She wanted to be the person Nick said she was—strong and whole.

  Chapter 17

  Nick stared down at Ava, his heart racing. He wasn’t nervous, he wasn’t worried; he felt differently than he’d ever felt before. All the things he’d told Ava she was, that was how he felt with her, too. “And you’re beautiful. Did I mention that?” he whispered.

  She let out a laugh. “You might have said it before.”

  She’d pulled her hair up into a very attractive style and wore just a little bit of makeup. Her natural beauty shone through. Without question, she was the prettiest woman in the whole place.

  Closing her eyes briefly, she shook her head. “What are we doing? I’m running from my stalker ex and you’re my bodyguard.”

  He gently kissed her again, only sure about one thing—he no longer cared if it was smart or not; he liked this woman and he was involved with her. “We’re living. We’re having a beginning, remember?”

  She blinked. “Man, you cops are good kissers.”

  “Let’s just enjoy this night, dance, have a good time.”

  This girl was real, even with all the terror in her that he’d seen. He’d also seen her bravery, her fierceness, and the way she had trained today. She wasn’t broken—far from it—and he would do whatever it took to make sure she wouldn’t break.

  “Did you like Summer’s art?”

  She grasped his hand and tugged him over to the picture. “Come on, let’s take a look at it.”

  Unable to resist, he pulled her back into him, kissing her again, finding it like magic and something he wondered if he would ever get enough of. She smelled like … like … He broke off kissing and just smelled her.

  She giggled. The sound was magical. “What are you doing?”

  He sniffed her even more flagrantly. “Hey, I’m a detective. I’m figuring out a problem. What is that smell?”

  “Vanilla bean lotion,” she said, looking somehow guilty.

  “Ah, you put on your fancy lotion just to lure me in, didn’t you?” He scrunched up his face and teased her, pulling her hand in the direction she had been trying to lead him—back to the displays of the artwork.

  “No.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “I put it on to feel pretty.”

  He casually moved his arm over her shoulders. “I like it.”

  They walked over to one particular picture of a girl in a field. Nick thought the mountain behind it looked like Jackson Hole Mountain.

  “This is my favorite,” she said, pointing at the little girl. “I love the way the little girl is studying that flower, like she’s trying to figure out how it was made.”

  Without thinking twice, Nick knew he would purchase this painting for her. “I like it, too.”

  They moved down the line and Nick was impressed by the use of light in the landscape pictures. He noticed there weren’t people in most of the paintings. Then, as they got to the end of the line of pictures, he recognized the guy standing by the last picture.

  “Sterling Pennington?” Ava asked, staring at the man.

  Nick nodded, then motioned her to move forward. “I’ll introduce you.”

  Ava gave him a worried look, but moved forward since it would have been rude if she didn’t.

  Sterling’s gaze met his and he flashed his movie star smile. “Nick Freestone.”

  Nick shook his hand. “Good to see you.”

  “My brother told me we’re set to go to Park City next month for a grand opening.”

  Nick nodded. “The resort is on schedule.” He’d been a big part of the resort architecture and he’d put in a lot of money.

  “Great.” Sterling took his hand back, and his eyes flicked toward Ava.

  Ava put out her hand. “I’m Ava, Nick’s fiancée.”

  Nick was stunned she’d said it so freely. Did it make him happy she’d finally called him that? Way too happy. Nick cleared his throat. “Sorry, honey, this is Sterling Pennington.”

  “I love your movies,” she said sincerely.

  “Thank you.” He flashed a smile. “What brings you guys to Jackson?”

  “Ah …”

  Nick took her hand. “We’re scoping out houses. I’m thinking of buying up here,” he said casually. “Ya know, we’re just thinking how it would be to have kids and horses.”

  Sterling nodded. “We just had a little boy a couple of months ago.”

  “That’s right.” Nick snapped his fingers, remembering. “Congratulations. Do you like living here?”

  Sterling scoffed. “There’s nothing like Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and I knew I could never get Sayla out of here. She’s pretty fond of it.”

  “Is she here?” Nick asked politely, though he was about done with the polite talk grind. This was Luke’s department.

  “No,” he said, frowning slightly. “She couldn’t make it tonight.”

  “Well,” Nick said, pulling Ava away, “we’re going to get going. Good to see you.”

  “Okay, have fun.” Sterling moved on to the next guest in line.

  Ava let out a rippling laugh. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just met him.”

  Nick turned to her and thought, for the thousandth time that night, she looked
beautiful. “Ah, you had a crush on him, huh? You like the action movie types?”

  She grinned. “No, I like the romantic comedy types.” She lifted her eyebrows and then surprised him with a light kiss. “Well, maybe except for cop movies.”

  Nick slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her deeper, loving her snarkiness.

  “Nick.” She giggled and glanced around, embarrassed.

  “What?” He swiped another quick kiss, keeping her close. “You said it yourself; you’re my fiancée, so who cares how much we kiss? It just reinforces the cover.”

  Her eyes crinkled into a smile and she put her hand on his face, running it gently against his cheek. “Yes, it’s all about the cover, right?”

  He knew she was asking so much more than the truth of the question, but it wasn’t the right time for this conversation. Her touch was intoxicating and everything inside of him lit up. He put his hand on top of hers. He no longer wanted to be in front of a crowd. “Should we go?”

  She looked surprised. “Aren’t we staying the night?”

  He wanted time with her and it all felt like it was slipping by too fast. Plus, he knew he wouldn’t be leaving her side, so it would be okay. “Do you want to?”

  She searched his eyes. “No, I want to have time with you.” She squeezed his hand. “Today was a good distraction from everything. Plus, I got to try to beat you up. That was fun.”

  With a soft laugh, Nick gave a goodbye wave to Hunter, promising to call him later. He was grateful she wanted time with him, too.

  Nick drove toward Luke’s mansion house, but ended up turning off at a lookout point. The moon was bright and he wasn’t sure he wanted to go back to the house just yet. He would never admit this to her, but he wanted to get past this night. Something in his gut told him if something would happen, it would be tonight.

  He pulled over and turned off the engine. They stared out across the valley.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” she said softly.


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