Private Lesson: Tae Kwon Do Me

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Private Lesson: Tae Kwon Do Me Page 2

by Lola Fox

  “Enough,” Master Park grinds out.

  He’s much bigger and stronger than me, and I can sense just how much when he bucks his hips from his submissive position, sending me up into the air on the third one, a fraction of a second before he spins me around in a fluid movement and onto my back. And just like that, he’s on top now, pinning my wrists on the mat inside his large hands, his pelvis pressing hard into mine, turning this from awkward to sexual in no time flat. At least, for me.

  “Please, Master Park. Give me one more chance.” My gaze meeting his, I stare into the purest color of blue I’ve ever seen in someone’s eyes.

  “No.” He gracefully moves off of me and lands lightly on his knees, only to rise to a standing position in the blink of an eye afterward.

  Stubborn asshole. I wonder if he’s fucking with me, and if he is, why? I remain flat on my back with my legs spread, with my pussy still tingling from the rather opportunistic meeting of our pelvises.

  “What’s it going to take?” I roll to my stomach, shift up to my knees and jump to my feet, adding, “For you to change your mind?”

  Beyond reason, I pad over to the door and lock it, sidestep my way to close the blinds of the four very large windows up front, then turn on my heel to face him, hands on my cocked hips as I wait for Master Park to answer.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Ms. Kinkaid?” His voice is stern, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a little thing like tone and inflection stop me from getting what I want. “Why did you lock the door?”

  I don’t answer him because I don’t quite know why I did those things, either. I mean, though my crush is genuine, I’ll be the first to admit I am confused by my body’s actions right now.

  All I know is my heart feels as if it’s going to explode out of my chest any second now, and my legs are really wobbly…so much so I have to stop my little grandstanding to take a seat on the bench behind me. “Whoa,” I say as I close my eyes, gaining my equilibrium.

  I open them as his hand gently touches my shoulder, a paper cup resting against my lips. “Here, drink.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble, still feeling lightheaded and weak.

  After I down the cold water in two quick gulps, it’s not long before I’m regaining my composure, but just as I do, Master Park squats on the bench next to me, causing a whole new wave of anxiousness to wash over my already confused state of being.

  “Better?” he asks, without a hint of emotion on his face that I can see.

  “Yes.” Regardless of his stoic expression, his gesture of kindness, however small, leads me to believe he’s ready to see things my way. Finally. “So, I take it I can stay, right?”

  “That depends,” looking everywhere but at me, Master Park adds, “entirely on you, Ms. Kinkaid.”

  On me? Just a few minutes ago, he couldn’t get me out the door fast enough. Now I have a say in the matter? Fine, I’ll play along. “I’m listening.”

  Clearing his throat, he runs his hand through his short, clean-cut, Beckham-like haircut, then slides that same hand over to his near-hairless chin, scratching at the tiny bit of stubble there for a second or two before he replies, “I’m going to ask you a question, Ms. Kinkaid, and all I ask is for you to answer me…with complete and utter honesty.”

  Sounds simple enough. So, why’s my heart stuck halfway in my throat? If it were anyone else but Master Park, I’d have no problem taking that statement at face value. But since it is, and being that I’m still feeling somewhat on edge, I can’t help but wonder what angle he’s playing at. Except for his “scary” face, I have a difficult time in deciphering what he’s thinking, if there’s a hidden meaning behind what he’s saying, if he’s messing with me, or if he’s just ornery every time I happen see him.

  So, why the hell am I interested in him in the first place again? He’s tough, can be mean at times, and isn’t particularly nice to me…maybe I’m a glutton for punishment. Can’t put a finger on it, but there’s something about him that’s definitely drawing me to him. His good looks and athletic build don’t exactly hurt, but I’ve met countless guys that fit that description. Maybe it has something to with our age difference, maybe it doesn’t…or the fact I can’t seem to pique his interest in the least, no matter what I do, or what I wear. But one thing’s for sure…Master Park has me completely flustered.

  “Sure, Master Park. If it helps me stay with you…I mean, here, in the class, you know, for self-defense.” Way to go, Scarlett. Really, truly smooth. “What’s the question?”

  He doesn’t ask it right away. And the silence between us is beginning to bug the shit out of me. Like, awkward! His eyes moves side to side, as if he’s thinking up the hardest question to ask me. A deep breath escaping his lips, Master Park crosses his arms and sits up straighter than he already is, and asks, “Why are you here, Ms. Kinkaid?” I have my answer ready, but his next sentence stops me from spilling it. “The real reason. I demand total honesty. That is our deal.”

  Demand? Honesty? Deal? Sheesh…no pressure, right? I think long and hard, knowing full well I’m just stalling. I mean, why’s he asking me this? A sense of dread envelops me, then wraps itself nice and tight around that little thing called a “spine” in my back. Shit, I’m nervous all over again. Does he know? Is he toying with me? Why’s he making me say it, then? Is he getting off on it? Calm down. You’re quickly spinning the fuck out of control. Stop it.

  A sharp breath later, a couple of hard swallows for good measure, I say a silent prayer to God, then reply, “For you, Master…Park. I’m here—”

  He totally interrupts me, but I can’t say that I had anything meaningful to add. “For me, I know, you said that. But why?”

  “Did you say I had to answer more than one question?” So fucking not fair it isn’t even funny. I feel like I’m the only one with something to lose here, and I don’t like it, not one bit.

  “Just answer the question, Ms. Kinkaid.” His statement is short and sharp, and he’s doing that ugly thing with his face again.

  Slumping my shoulders forward in defeat, beginning to wonder why in the hell I’m even playing this game with him, on a Friday night, no less, I do as he asks. Begrudgingly. “Jesus, I don’t know, okay? I just like…”

  “Yes? You like what?”

  Have some patience, Master Park. Isn’t that what you’re always telling us, huh? “I-I like to…be around you, is all.”

  “Hmph.” He stands, then roughly grabs the bottom of his uniform top and straightens it. Without. Saying. A. Fucking. Word.

  “That’s it?” I shake my head, feeling a lot better with the passing time, but starting to get a bit peeved now. “What do you have to say to what I just said?” I sound like I’m babbling, but I just put myself out there, the least he can do is give me some respect and tell me he’s flattered, that I’m cuckoo for cocoa puffs, or something derogatory like that. Right now, I don’t mind, just say something, damn it! “Hey,” I add, bolting upright to my feet. I ball my hand into a fist and jab at his arm, more for effect than anything else. “I’m talking to you!”

  He turns to face me, I mean, toe-to-toe, face-to-face, his intense gaze burning a hole into my forehead. His nose mere inches from mine, I can almost taste the sweat glistening on his upper lip. I still, like a deer in headlights, pussy clenching, for god knows why, throat drying up instantly like the Sahara desert. Yeah, I guess I’ve got his attention now. Yikes!

  Master Park, whose first name I can’t recall for the life of me, leans down and comes even closer, crowding the fuck out of my personal space, without batting an eyelash, and calmly says, “I heard what you said, Ms. Kinkaid. Do you think you’re the first woman to ever confess that to me?”

  Of course, I don’t. But were any of them willing to go slut on you? Like full-on, drop to my knees, and suck your cock till you explode in my mouth? Not likely. I wish I could’ve said that out loud, but my stupid mouth won’t let me. He doesn’t have to answer, though, because judging from the bru
sque manner in which he interacts with me, I highly doubt getting his dick sucked by one of his beautiful female students—me—is something he thinks about, let alone act on. Right? Mr. Goody Two-Shoes? Maybe he’s gay…hmm…never occurred to me. Why else would he pass up on this heavenly body?

  “You certainly won’t be the last,” he continues with such clear conviction that it has me thinking he’s kinda being an egotistical ass right now.

  “Really? That right?”

  “Yes,” he replies in a hissing whisper, moving way past personal space territory, and right into “kiss me if you can,” with his lips a hairsbreadth away from touching mine, “that is precisely what I’m saying.”

  As uncomfortable as I am, I don’t flinch, thinking long and hard about my next move as I lick my lips, biting down on my lower one just as I pull my tongue back in. He wants to kiss me, I can sense it…why else would he be sticking his face so close to mine? So, the bitch in me eggs him on. I dare him to do it. “Really? With all due respect, Master Park, you’re nothing but a chickenshit, hiding behind a veil of authority.”

  I see his face tightening and know immediately that I’ve hit a nerve. I cringe a little, waiting for his “scary” face to reappear at any moment now, but it doesn’t come…instead, his lips form into a ridiculous looking smile, then…he simply laughs. Making me think that my plan of egging him on has backfired, failed in a miserable sort of way.

  “Calling me a chickenshit…is that your way of trying to provoke a response from me, hmm, Ms. Kinkaid? You think this is some kind of a game?”

  “No, I don’t. Why? Is that what you’re into? Is that what I have to do get you to fucking notice me?” I fire back, breathing quickly through my nose, my anger getting the better of me, once again.

  “You and that mouth of yours…” Face still shockingly close to mine, I’m a short breath away from taking matters into my own hands if he doesn’t take the bait.

  But thankfully, I don’t have to…

  Because when I didn’t think it could, especially with this private session not going according to plan, the improbable happens…


  Master Park crushes his lips to mine and I gasp, pulling me into his muscular frame just after his arms wrap around my waist, lifting me off the ground. My eyes clutched shut, I feel weightless as he kisses me, hard at first, but then it softens… The tip of his tongue licks lightly along the seam of my lips and I can’t help but moan, smile as he does this, just knowing that I’m finally getting my way. Like I always do.

  His tongue then pushes into my mouth, gently exploring until he finds mine, and the feeling is wonderful. More so than I’ve ever imagined it in my mind…all those times in my room, in the shower, in my dreams. Our first kiss is so much better than that, and I revel in it, twine my tongue with his as everything that’s happened between us that’s led up to this, just simply melts away.

  I couldn’t do it before for the life of me, but my body relaxes, until the anxiousness that invaded my every thought is all but gone.

  I moan into his mouth, enjoying this first-time embrace of ours, when he suddenly withdraws from it, dragging a quiet whimper from me when he pulls away. I open my eyes to his incredibly deep, blue-eyed gaze, his expression an easy one with a slight smile adorning his face. So good looking it’s not even funny.

  My legs suddenly feel weak again as nervous energy pools in the pit of my stomach. But in the best of ways. Mixed signals and all, I have to wonder where we’re going next…or if it’s gonna end like this…with a single, yet powerful kiss. I, for one, would like nothing more than to take it a step or three further. So, unlike before, when I waited for him to make a move, I take the initiative, as a solitary thought has me standing up on my toes: what if I don’t get another chance?

  As difficult as it is, I keep my gaze steadily focused on his, then move to disrobe…all as I go against logic, my desire taking full control of my hands. He does nothing to stop me, and before I realize the gravity of the moment, my belt and top are hitting the mat, leaving me standing there in my undershirt and pants.

  I swallow hard past the lump in my throat, pussy clenching on air as he raises his hands to either side of my face and leans in for another kiss. Passion lighting my blood on fire, his tongue enters my mouth once again, and I make the conscious decision to let my inhibitions go, not willing to “look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  Slick tongues searching, dueling in fervor, his hands drop from my face to my waist, tugging my undershirt loose. Begrudgingly separating from our kiss, I yank my top up and over my head, tossing it onto the pile that’s already there.

  Eyes flickering heated desire, he licks his lips, dark gaze squarely focused on my large breasts as I reach around to unclasp my bra, slipping free of it as he looks on in earnest.

  Time slows…and I’m standing there, Master Park staring at my half-naked self, shaking his head as his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “Dear god, Ms. Kinkaid…you’re absolutely stunning.”

  Living in the moment, I wipe my mind of all reason, and reply, “Your turn.” I fight my natural urge to look away as he sheds his belt, top and bottom, leaving him standing tall and nearly naked in his boxer briefs, doing a pretty horrible job of hiding the enormous bulge between his legs. When I feel my mouth curving into a smile, I instinctually bite down on my lower lip, trying to hide the flow of adrenaline racing through my veins.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself, Master Park.”

  He nods, half-smiling, staring boldly, standing confident, unlike the flood of modesty clouding my mind, I’m sure of it. “Your turn.”

  I guess it is. I hook my fingers around the waistband of my pants and shimmy them off my hips until they drop to the floor, thinking all the while about how I’ve never been with an older man before… I mean, not counting the guy who took my virginity in high school, who was three years my elder. No, this guy makes me check myself…like I have no doubt he’s got way more experience on me than any other man I’ve been with. And that causes me to be a little nervous. He already thinks I’m a fuck-up, I just know it. What’s he gonna think about me after tonight?

  No! I silently yell at myself. I may not know shit about punches and kicks and whatever, but I do know something about how to please a man. Shit, I sound like a slut again. I’m not, honest, but I sure as shit know more about sucking and fucking cock than I do about this stuff. So, I straighten my posture, raise my chin up, hands resting on my cocked hips.

  He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t have to—his mouth agape, his eyes do the very same thing, telling me all I need to know… That he likes what he sees. “Your turn,” I sing, teasing him, becoming more confident with every titillating expression on his face betraying his normally cool, calm and collected exterior.

  Licking his lips as he sucks in a deep breath, Master Park pulls his underwear off, his dick springing to life as it’s freed from its confined state.

  A huge lump rises up in my throat as my gaze falls on the monster cock bobbing between his heavily muscled thighs. Almost completely shaven, I take in every beautiful inch of his enormous length, wondering how in the fuck I’m going to fit that freakishly fat dick…in any of my holes, without ending up in the emergency room. Just kidding, but not about how goddamn big he is. No, he’s definitely gifted down there, and if he ever gets tired of teaching, he could so become a porn star. Probably not likely, but I’m just sayin’.

  Master Park closes his hand around mine, then leads me toward the back of the spacious training room. Through the rear entrance we go, and down the short hallway, until we’re standing in front of a door unfamiliar to me. I blindly follow him in, barely noticing the cold concrete floor below my bare feet, heavy tits swaying from side to side, wearing nothing but my cute little boyshort panties as fluttering butterflies wreak havoc on my knotted stomach.

  The nice view of his bouncing, toned ass calms me a little, but still, I suck in a sharp breath, wishing my nervousness somewhe
re far away.

  “You okay?” Master Park’s deep voice is soothing to my ears.

  “Never better,” I quickly return, hoping my confident sounding words restore what’s been lost of my fearless side. Because this is why I signed up for private lessons in the first place, right? I’ve just never done anything like this before…and the reality setting in is putting me on edge all over again. But in a good way. The best of ways.

  And though I failed before, I now resolve myself into believing that I know what the fuck I’m doing, and threaten the martial arts expert under my breath, “I’m gonna rock your fucking socks off, Mr. Taekwondo Master.” Hmph. Take that. When this twenty-year-old is done with you, you’re gonna be begging to pay me, that’s right, for private lessons.


  Hot water cascading down my naked body, my back’s turned to Master Park, thick steam enveloping the two of us in its soothing warmth. The shower is surprisingly large, and all I can think about as he shampoos my hair, is how surreal this whole situation is, and how we went from him trying his darnedest to kick me out to being completely naked, and ending up with Master Park massaging my scalp as he cleans me.

  Having the sudden urge to feel his body against mine, I back into him, and when his cock presses into the crack of my ass, I hear a guttural moan from behind, causing me to immediately smile in response. “You like that, don’t you?”

  “You’re playing with fire, Scarlett.”

  “Focus, Justin!” Holy shit, I can’t believe I remembered his name.

  “Justin, huh? What happened to Master Park?” Without warning, he spanks me on my ass, eliciting a growl from the back of my throat.

  “Hey now!” I object, in the most playful way possible. I turn to face him, but he stops me, then directs my head under the hot water to rinse the shampoo off. “My turn to wash you.”

  He bends his head down, having more than a foot on me, but it doesn’t take me long to wash his short hair.


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