Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 5

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “Now you’re my wife and I demand to know what’s going on.”

  Only because he wants an answer does her release his hold. Treyana, nervous and afraid rubs her throat and looks up at him. A tear falls down the side of her face and onto the pillow.

  “I don’t know what’s going on. I would never hurt our children, Avante. Ever.”

  “Then why have you been refusing me in the bedroom.”

  “Because I have a lot on my mind. I’m not trying to disrespect you.”

  “I don’t believe you.” “It’s true.” He smacks her so hard in the face that she temporarily loses sight.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Avante if I knew something, anything, I would tell you. Please stop this,” she says calmly. “You promised you wouldn’t do this.”

  “Treyana, if I find out that you lying to me, I’ll kill you. I’m still the same man you knew, just in a different packaging.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” He throws the covers off her body, pushes her legs and scrutinizes her vagina for being shaved.

  “Why you cut your pussy hair? You know I hate that shit.”

  “I’m sorry.” He pushes the side of her face in anger. “You always fuckin’ sorry.”

  Remembering the words he loved to hear when he beat her back in the day she says, “Please take me. I know I’m not worthy.”

  Disgusted with her for no good reasons, he moves in and out of her anyway. Treyana hates her world lately and lies motionless in the bed. Everything went from bad to great to worse than ever before. In that moment she made a decision, if her environment didn’t kill her, she was going to kill herself.

  Nasty Bitches

  The moment Ming enters Dom’s house, she’s impressed with his taste of design. Two huge black leather couches sit on top of Italian grey rugs. And thick black curtains with green and burgundy chiffon layers underline them giving his home a cozy appeal.

  “You have woman live here?” Ming asks walking inside throwing her purse next to the end of the couch.

  “Naw, I live by myself.”

  He walks to the kitchen and removes a bottle of Vodka and two drinking glasses from the freezer. He joins Ming on the sofa. Filling their glasses he smiles at her beauty and sex appeal. She looks into his eyes, removes her shoes and wiggles her shiny black toes. “Cute feet,” he says.

  Ming takes the cup, swallows the liquid and replies, “Glad you like. Now suck them.”

  He laughs at her comment. “Sorry, I don’t lick nobody’s feet. Not even my mother’s.”

  Why he would associate licking feet with his mother perplexes her. Not to mention Ming is angry that he refuses to do what she’s asked. She looks at him like he’s lost his mind, stands up, grabs her shoes, purse and walks toward the door.

  “Open this door,” she says holding her high heels in one hand and her purse in the other. “I don’t fuck wit’ no niggas who can’t fuck me right. Don’t have time.” Her hand rests on the doorknob and she unlocks it without his knowing.

  “Look, we can have a good time here tonight, but I ain’t about to lick no feet.”

  He had never sucked a female’s toes and never had plans on changing his mind. But there was something nasty about Ming that he had to have and he knew if he didn’t comply, he’d regret this moment for the rest of his life.

  “If you don’t…I leave. I’m not playing. You never met a freakier bitch in all you life. Chinese women are the baddest.”

  He walks up to her, looks down at her pretty face and drops to his knees until he’s lower than her original height. She steps back, leans against the door, lifts her tiny leg and allows her foot to rest comfortably on his shoulder.


  He takes her small foot and starting with the smallest toe places each one in his mouth. Her feet smell like apples and suddenly it’s not too bad.

  “Your toes are sweet,” he says in between placing three in his mouth.

  “My toes sweet like my pussy. You suck that next cause I’m a nasty bitch.”

  The moment the words come out of her mouth, with her Chinese accent and broken sentences, he grows hard. Ming leads him away from the door so that he doesn’t discover it’s unlocked. Once she reaches the sofa, she wiggles out of the one-piece romper she’s wearing and it drops to the floor. She isn’t wearing any underwear.

  “I’ma fuck you soooo good.” He promises.

  “Fuck me better.”

  He pulls the zipper down on his pants and allows them to drop to his knees. His boxers follow and he strokes his stiff penis. Using his free hand he pulls Ming toward him and she jumps on top of him like amother carrying a child on her hip. He releases himself and pulls her around the front kissing him softly in the mouth. Next she suckles his bottom lip until she bites it.

  “Oouuuch!” he screams in her face.

  “You soft? Me don’t like soft men. Me like my men rough and tough like me.”

  Fearing she’d leave before he fucks the shit out of her, he says, “Don’t bite me so hard next time.”

  She ignores him and starts kissing him roughly again. He soon realizes that she’s a handful and that he might have to fuck her ass up if she doesn’t calm down. Still, her kisses arouse him and he eases into her tight pussy. Her head drops and her shiny black hair reveal a tattoo he didn’t see on her neck. The tip of a leather whip touches the bottom of her left ear and in a snake like motion, extends to the crack of her ass. The tattoo is beyond sexy and he fucks her harder while looking at the intricate design.

  Ming handles his strokes like a trooper. The harder he fucks her, the easier she handles him. She’s riding him like he’s a prized horse. His thighs tighten and he’s about to release inside of her when Ming wiggles off of him and says, “Not yet. Not yet.”

  “Don’t play games.”

  “I’m not. But don’t cum so quickly. I hate one minute man.”

  While he’s thinking how she could’ve possibly known he was ready to release, she turns him around so that his back faces the door, then she drops to her knees and places his stiff penis inside her mouth. “I want to taste.”

  Not expecting the treat, he smiles and palms her tiny head as she takes his entire dick into her mouth without stopping for air. In his entire life…he’d never…ever…came across a female whose head game was as thorough as hers. He heard of Chinese women being the truth but this was ridiculous.

  “Oh my….oh my fuckin’….oh shit!” he cries out loud.

  Just when he releases his cream into her mouth, Yvonna steps behind him and shoves the heel of Ming’s shoe inside his ass. Once it’s all the way inside, she turns it and Mings stands up in awe. He looks at Ming in horror and a vein forms into the middle of his forehead.

  At first the agony mixed with his cumming confuses him but it’s not long before he realizes he’s in extreme pain. Ming steps away from him and he falls face first to the couch, his legs drip with his own blood. Before he could defend himself, Yvonna jumps on his back and whispers softly into his ear.

  “How does it feel to be fucked with?”

  He doesn’t understand Yvonna’s question and Ming stands quietly on the sidelines. This was not their plan. Yvonna told Ming that she’d come in and fuck him with her as a part of her fantasy.

  Ming had two fantasies she wanted to carry out. First she wanted to inflict pain on another, than she wanted to have sex with a black woman. She’d wanted Yvonna since she laid eyes on her and after hearing the stories in the news, she wanted her even more. She figured someone crazy enough to inflict pain could take pain too. Yvonna promised that she’d allow her to slap, punch and hit her, while Yvonna licked her pussy but now it looked like it wouldn’t happen. Ming never knew that she would be an accessory to a murder.

  “What did I do to you?!” he yells still shocked at the turn of events. The pain is incapacitating and to move a little worsens the situation. Yvonna continues to press her weight on his back with a knife remaining firmly in her han

  “You didn’t mind your fuckin’ business. It’s too late now.”

  Not waiting on his response, she takes the knife and slices his throat. When his lifeless body lays face down on his sofa, Yvonna stands up and looks down at him. She doesn’t care that she’d just killed a mother’s only son. She thought about how pleased Tree would be once he got wind of her work.

  Seeing his nut on the floor she says, “Damn, I was only out there for ten minutes. You good as shit Ming.”

  “Fuck that! I need you to make up to Ming. You lied.”

  Ming’s response causes Yvonna to like her even more. She wasn’t concerned about the corpse at her feet. She was concerned about not getting her rocks off and Yvonna deemed then that she was a girl after her own heart.

  “Ming, when it’s right, I’m gonna fuck you so good, I’m gonna have to make you my bitch.”

  Mings smiles and says, “Naw. You my bitch. There’s only one boss in this relationship and that’s Ming!”

  They laugh clean up Ming’s fingerprints and leave.

  A Chance Encounter

  Yvonna sat in the waiting room on the phone talking to Treyana. She was early for her psychiatric appointment and decided to make a few phone calls. Patients who were incapable of caring for them selves sat next to their caregivers as they tended to their every need. Yvonna didn’t consider herself anything like, them. Sure, she came to the realization that Gabriella couldn’t be seen by other people. But in her mind, she was real and to date no doctor or pill could convince her otherwise.

  “So what’s going on? Did Bernice lose it when Bilal Jr. got sick?”

  “Yeah. She was hurt pretty bad. He’s her grandson, Yvonna. How would you feel if someone hurt your child?”

  “Someone did. And I took care of that.” She says referring to Dave who caused her to get into a car accident, which resulted in a miscarriage.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Not wanting to let Treyana on that she’d killed Dave she says, “It doesn’t matter. The bitch is getting what she deserves. So what’s going on now?”

  Yvonna had turned Treyana to a personal spy and she loved every minute of it. Two days after Yvonna had been around Bilal Jr. he had suffered violent abdominal pains and was rushed to the hospital and had been there ever since. It turns out he had a terrible reaction to the lead paint chips Yvonna placed into his soda. It took doctors a day just to find out what was wrong with him.

  “She’s in the hospital with Bilal,” Treyana says in a soft voice. “They’re not sure if he’s going to make it. He looks so bad, Yvonna. This is terrible.”

  While she loved the idea of Bernice suffering, for some reason, hearing that he was about to die caused her stomach to churn. Suddenly she feels as if speaking to him was a mistake because she liked him.

  “Well…she should’ve never took Sabrina’s side when she had that baby behind my back. And if something happens to him, well…I guess he’ll be with his dead mother.”

  “He’s just a baby, Yvonna. Are you sure you wanna do this?”

  The question causes an ache in her heart. Maybe I am going too far. She thinks. The moment the question arises, Gabriella appears.

  “If you buy in to that shit, you dumber than I thought. That kid wasn’t going to make it anyway with Bernice’s ass taking care of him. Might as well send him to be with his mother.”

  Yvonna immediately toughens up and says, “Bitch I know exactly what I’m doing. Bernice’s fish-puss smellin’ ass shoulda stayed outta my business, and this would’ve never happened. I’m not going to be satisfied until everybody gets what they deserve. Alive and hurt is good, but dead will work too.”

  “Okay,” she sighs. “Well…I guess you should feel proud then because he may die. I can’t take any of this anymore. I have too much going on in my personal life.”

  Treyana hangs up the phone before Yvonna can contest. Treyana was so disgusted by what was going on that it was becoming difficult to control how she felt.

  Gabriella says, “Look at you putting your head down.”

  Yvonna looks around before she speaks to be sure know one hears her.

  “What difference does it make?”

  “It makes a lot of difference. You actin’ like you forgot about everything everybody did to you.” She shakes her head. “This is why I got to take over sometimes and push off for your weak ass. Man up, Yvonna.”

  In the past, when Gabriella killed it was always because she wasn’t strong enough to do it. Those were the times Yvonna would black out and have no recollection of the events. But with Yvonna identifying more with her personality it wouldn’t be long before Yvonna no longer exists. She wishes she had someone by her side to love and to lean on during the tough times. But how could she, when she killed everyone she loved and who loved her back?

  “Yvonna?” a male voice says. Yvonna, upon hearing her name, gives the person her complete attention.

  “Yes?” she looks up and sees Bradshaw Hughes.

  Her heart thumps heavily in her chest. She hadn’t seen him since she was released almost a year ago from Green Meadows mental institution. He’d been there for killing his wife’s family but never discussed the reason he murdered or why. Yvonna was certain that it had something to do with his little girl. He talked about her all the time and felt that his absence placed her in immediate danger. When she was released, she never saw him again but he stayed in the back of her mind.

  Bradshaw was beyond handsome. He stood about 5’11 with broad shoulders and dark eyes. He favored Idris Alba, the actor who played Stringer Bell from the show, The Wire.

  “Bradshaw? Is that you?” she smiles and stands to greet him. “I can’t believe it.”

  “How have you been?” he gives her a hug so strong and confident that when he releases her she feels weak. “It’s feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

  “About a year?” She says stepping away from him. Having the ability to see how financially stable a person was doing by their fashion, she quickly observed he was doing well.

  Bradshaw looks fly in his expensive blue jeans and white button down shirt by Dsquared2. It was definitely a step up from the unfavorable blue cotton uniform at the institution. His energy draws her in like a magnet and she wants to fuck him on the spot.

  “What have you been up to?” She asks unconsciously smoothing down the sides of her hair with her hand.

  “Just makin’ it. I have to come here for the rest of my life just to be able to see my daughter.”

  “You got her back?”

  “No. I’ll never have custody of her,” he says with a sneer. Whenever he thinks about not being with his little girl, he becomes a monster. “For the rest of my life I’ll have to see her with a police escort, or at least until she’s eighteen.”

  “When are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Naw. I wanna leave that part of me behind.”

  “I understand. So how’s she doing?” Yvonna asks surprised that she was genuinely concerned. The reaction…the sensitivity toward him was why Gabriella hated him. Anyone who could make Yvonna emotionally vulnerable, thereby opening herself up to disappointment, rejection and lost causes Gabriella to rise.

  “She’s good. I just feel bad that we’ll never be able to be a real family. The way I figure it, once I make enough money, anything’s possible. Shit, if I gotta pay for a full time police escort in my home to get her, I’ll do what I gotta do. They said that might be an option.”

  “Yvonna, get this loser outta here,” Gabriella yells from her right. “This dude is so fuckin’ whack it’s pathetic.”

  In that moment something unexpected happens. It was something that the psychiatrists or the medicine they made her take when she was institutionalized, could not do. For the first time ever, Yvonna totally ignored Gabriella. She didn’t react physically or mentally to her words. She’d tried this in the past but could never pull it off. Something about Bradshaw causes her to react diff
erently and this infuriates Gabriella.

  “You think somebody who looks like him will want you? If you do you got another thing comin’. Men like him don’t want losers. Look at yourself! You don’t deserve love! You’re not worthy of it.”

  “I’m so happy your daughter is doing well,” Yvonna says keeping a straight face although Gabriella’s words were growing tough to hear. “I know how much you care about her.”

  “She’s my life.” Yvonna remembers the last time someone loved her like that. And it was Dave. “Enough about my little girl, I’m trying to get me a woman in my life.”

  “I know you got somebody.”

  “I don’t. I’m dead serious. So when you gonna let me take you out?”

  “I can’t do that,” Yvonna disputes. She knew Gabriella would do everything in her power to sabotage their date only to eventually take his life.

  He smiles, strokes his neatly trimmed goatee and says, “You funny.”

  “Why I got to be funny?”

  “Because we’ve played this game before. I know what kind of man you want and I can be that.”

  “Have you forgotten that I’m married?”

  “Naw…have you?”

  Yvonna is silent as she tries to maintain the lie she’s told everybody. That Dave, the man who would’ve given his life to be with her, in the end, did exactly that.

  “Look…I gotta run.” She says. “Uh…I’m glad to hear everything’s working out for you.”

  “You sure?”

  She smiles and says, “Positive. You and I are from two different worlds.”

  “Maybe that’s what will make it work,” he says. “Here, take my card. Call me,” she takes the card and he walks away.

  Yvonna takes her seat and tries to keep her eyes off of the shadow of his physique leaving. When he’s gone, she lifts her head up and wonders if she’d ever be able to have love again. After all, it was love that sent her on a mission of vengeance. It was the need for love that caused her to unconsciously split her personalities, just to deal with life. Maybe love could reverse her pain too.


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