Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 14

by Reign (T. Styles)

“You know what,” Swoopes leaps off his bunk opens his locker and grabs the magazines. Next he slams him so hard in the face with them that Jo’s bottom lip cracks open and bleeds. “Now get the fuck outta here before I break ya jaw!”

  Jo runs down the hall with the magazines in tote. Thirsty ass nigga. Now alone, he holds the letter that originally caught his attention. He sits down and his feet remain planted on the floor. His muscles buckle involuntarily due to how angry he is.

  Opening the letter once more, he reads the poem and again it makes no sense.

  “Fuck does this mean you crazy bitch?”

  This time he pushes his anger aside and focuses on the words, not necessarily their meaning.

  You are I. And you are what I want. I am her who can’t live without him. You are my heart beat. I’d rather be raped. And. I’d rather be tortured. Until I say when. Because it’s. Not going to do me any good at all. To be without you. I said. That until it’s all said and. Done. That you are what I. Want.You…not him. When you left I felt killed.

  He stands up and holds the paper so tightly in his hand it crumbles. She used the same code they used when he was a member of the YBM.

  “Bilal must’ve taught her.” He says to himself shaking his head.

  He reads it out loud the way it should be read; “I want him beat, raped, and tortured. When it’s all said and done, I want him killed”.

  He balls the letter up and looks out before him. Now shit just got serious. Did she know about his involvement in her case? Naw. It’s impossible. He tears down the pictures he has of sexy women on his wall. Even the pictures of his celly’s children got taken down. He replaces them all with one picture of Yvonna. From the moment Bilal introduced him to her he didn’t like her. He didn’t even know why and had no memory of them meeting as children. But he did know that he hated the air she breathed.

  He decides to chill out in prison. He’d play by the rules and play their little games, something he never considered before. If he felt himself slipping, he would refocus on his goal by looking at her face. He didn’t want anything to interfere with his release. She’d be the first person he’d see when his feet hit the pavement. Swoopes smiles. For the first time in life, he has inspiration, and her name is Yvonna Harris.

  “I hope you ready for me, bitch.”

  Everything Comes To The Light

  “I can’t tell you no more than I already have.” Avante sits on the couch with his pants unbuttoned and his shirt half open.

  “Maybe there’s something or somebody you left out,” Jensen says. “Think.”

  “Avante looks up at the officers with disgust. And again, the lights flicker on and off like they did earlier. They ignore it.

  “There has to be something else,” Jensen persists. “One detail overlooked.”

  He stands up and his clothes fail to cover his body securely, exposing his white cotton boxers a little around the waist. “You’re starting to make me think I’m a suspect.”

  “Not yet but you act like it. And why didn’t you tell the FBI?” Samuels asks.

  He looks at them, “Because I wasn’t looking for special consideration.”

  “Special consideration? To find your wife?” The lights flicker again but this time they take a little longer to come back on. “Do you need to change your bulbs or something?” Officer Jensen inquires as he looks up again, the large hairs in his beefy nose showing.

  Intoxicated he says, “Maybe it’s her ghost or somethin’.” He laughs in bad taste.

  “That’s not funny, Mr. Plier.”

  “It is to me. And anyway it can’t be a single bulb problem because all the lights in the house go out.” He says with an attitude.

  “You need to relax.” Jensen is sick of his mouth.

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  When the lights flicker off this time, they are unable to continue with their conversation because they are in complete darkness.

  “Where is your electric box?” Officer Samuels asks. “Something must be wrong.”

  “It’s outside.” He swallows his liquor. “In the back of the house.”

  They all walk into the darkness of the night and around back.

  “Got a flash light?” Jensen asks stepping up to the extra large panel.

  Avante in a drunken stupor pats his pockets. “Naw, not on me.” The cops shake their heads tiring of him quickly.

  “Well do you have a key to open the box at least?” Samuels asks using the light on his phone to see a little. “Wait! It’s open. But hold up! What the fuck is that smell?”

  He moves away from it. Because truth be told, there is only one smell on earth that is fouler than any smell imaginable.

  “I don’t know but I’m about to find out.” Jensen pulls the handle.

  Avante stops and turns around just in time to see Treyana’s head roll out, followed by other parts of her body. The blood had soaked into the panel causing the circuits to trip and the lights to flicker. She’d been in their the day after she was murdered.

  “OH MY GOOOOOODDDDD!” Avante cries seeing his wife’s dismembered body. “PLLLLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!”

  He rushes toward the scene and the officers stop him. After all, she’s not his wife any more. She is now homicide evidence.

  All Closed Eyes Don’t Sleep

  Penny is snoring for points until in between a heavy breath she feels pressure against her body. She opens her eyes and is horrified to see Yvonna lying directly on top of her, with her head resting upon her breasts as if she were a child.

  “What are you doin’?[” Penny is scared to make a sudden move.


  “To what?!”

  “Your breaths. You’re a hard sleeper. I’ve been here for almost ten minutes.” She says looking up at her before resting her head comfortably. “You really shouldn’t sleep that hard. Someone could take full advantage of you if they wanted.”

  “What are ya doin’ in my room, chile?”

  Coldly she says, “I wanted to see how fast a heart beats, before it stops.”

  “You betta be tellin’ me somethin’ cause I don’t understand what you sayin’.”

  “Cut the bullshit. You know exactly what I’m sayin’.”

  “I don’t know!”

  Gabriella places a gun barrel to her head all while maintaining her position on Penny’s body. Click. She cocks the hammer.

  “Do you understand now?”


  “In the flesh.”

  “Why are you doin’ this?”

  “Because you a meddlin’ bitch who won’t go away.” “Don’t do this. I care about ya.”

  “You don’t care about anybody but yourself.”

  “I do love ya. And I’m askin’ you to spare my life.”

  “It’s too late.” Gabriella laughs. She is about to pull the trigger when Penny jerks her body roughly and the gun falls out of her hands and onto the floor. Gabriella tries to reach for it until she feels cold steel against the side of her waist.

  “Get up, bitch before I blow your ass to the future!” Penny turns on the lamp.

  “I’m not…,” she is cut off due to Penny firing into the wall before placing the gun back on her waist.

  BOOM! “The next one’s goin’ in your body. Now get the fuck up!”

  Gabriella’s eases off of Penny. When she does, Penny stands up and looks into her eyes. She maintains her aim at Gabriella who backs against the wall. Gabriella feels a little lightheaded and her stomach feels queasy the moment she stands and she wonders why. Penny squints her eyes to look at her. Something is different about her but in the dark of the night it’s too hard to tell.

  “I’m smarter than you thought, huh?” Gabriella thinks she talks like a runaway slave so how could she possibly be intelligent? “Yvonna gaves me a code phrase. She said if I ever doubted it was her I should ask, ‘Does the box need to be dropped off today’?”

  Recalling the question a few days
ago she says, “That’s what that dumb shit was about.”

  “If that’s what you choose to calls it. Alls I know is if yous were my Yvonna ya woulda said, ‘I already mailed it.’ But you didn’t know the ansa.”

  Gabriella didn’t want to admit it, but Yvonna played it smart.

  “If you thought I wasn’t Yvonna why would you let me in your house?”

  “Because you use ta go away afta some time. But…I see she’s gettin’ worse. I talked to Terrell Shines and Jona though. They told me what I gotta do to help, but ya gets the best treatment if you recommit yaself. Jona says she tried but you won’t consent. They gonna keep you safe and cure ya, but you gots to let ‘em.”

  It pissed Gabriella the fuck off that Terrell and Jona couldn’t stay the fuck out of her business and she couldn’t wait to get at them.

  “And just what the fuck did they tell you to do to help me?” she asks making the universal quotation signs with her fingers.

  “I already started. I been puttin’ medicine in the food.”

  Gabriella laughs. “I already know about the tea.” Penny is surprised and wonders how she knows. “And I don’t eat anything else here.”

  “You ate packaged foods.” Gabriella figures that’s what caused the queasiness.

  “You’s a dumb bitch.”

  “I’m doin’ it ‘cause I love you. And placing the medicine in the bottled water was one of the only ways I knew how.”

  The water? She thinks. I ain’t been drinking the water. “You’re a liar!”

  “I don’t lie, ‘specially ‘bout peoples I care about. Anyway, you gonna get on out my house right now, and I’ma be prayin’ for you from a far. ‘Til I think of somethin’ else. And, the cops been callin’ me. I ain’t met with ‘em yet, but I gots plans to meet with ‘em tomorrow.” Gabriella clenches her fist and takes one step toward Penny thinking she could take her.

  “Do you really want to test my aim?”

  “Them fuckin’ pig cops gonna get what they deserve too.”

  Gabriella was getting angrier and even though Penny had the gun, she was slightly frightened.

  “Get out of my house!” She stiffens her arms and refreshes her aim. “Now I loves Yvonna, but I loves myself mo and won’t hesitate to put one in ya and pray to the good Lord above lada.” Gabriella’s eyes narrow.

  “Okay, I’m leavin’,” Gabriella smirks.

  “Now that I already know for show! So we gonna do it like this. You gonna back up all the way out of my house. If you don’t make no sudden moves, you’ll live. Are we clear, chile?”

  Penny lifts Gabriella’s weapon off the floor and tucks in the back of her cotton black pajama pants like a thug off a D.C., corner. For a woman of God she sure handled her weapons like a pro. “I need to get a few things downstairs. Can I?”


  “Well can I have my gun?”

  “Get out of here now!” Penny yells cutting her off.

  Gabriella backs all the way out of Penny’s house like she was told and when she was completely gone Penny made a call. Yvonna would not be safe in her condition and she wanted her to have help.

  “911 how may I help you?”

  “Yes, I need the police. Please send them right away.”

  When Crazies Attack

  Gabriella looks through the window of Jona’s house. She’s contemplating on how to get inside so she can kill her. She had her address for a while and only planned to use it if she threatened to take her freedom again and by speaking to Penny she felt she did just that.

  Jona works busily on her computer and Gabriella wonders if whatever held her attention, had something to do with her. She holds the names of the additional people she plans to exact revenge on in her hands. She didn’t include the names of the people Yvonna hated because she already had their names etched firmly in her mind and on her body. This was Gabriella’s personal list and because of it, it was the most dangerous of all. Staring at the list, her hands shake with rage.






  She was still staring at the list when a Rottweiler, who’s head was so large it bends the corner of the small brick house before the rest of his body, runs toward her. She mistakenly drops the list on the ground and runs for her life.

  Jona looks up from her computer when she hears her dog barking and walks toward the window. She sees no one. Wanting to know what caused Titan to bark, she decides to go outside. Before leaving she grabs her 1oaded 12-gauge shotgun that stayed by the door. She opens it walking carefully outside.

  “Titan!” she calls. He runs to her. “What happened?” she asks although she knows he can’t answer.

  The dog’s heavy panting plays in the background. Squinting her eyes, she sees someone staring at her up the street but she can’t see his or her face. She looks at her dog and back up the street but the person is gone. Patting Titan on top of his massive cranium she says, “Good boy. Good boy.”

  Whoever it was, Titan clearly ran them away. While the dog licks her hand, she looks down on her green lawn and notices a white piece of paper. She bends down and picks it up, her dog still beside her. Opening it fully she sees a typed sheet of paper with a group of names, including hers. Loosing her balance, she stumbles against her house and rests against it for support.

  “It was, Yvonna.” She says to herself. “Oh my gawd it was Yvonna!”

  The Station

  The Forensic department is spotless as clerks move about trying to provide the evidence necessary to solve cases. Officer Jensen and Samuels stand in front of Cheryl Hanks, a beautiful white clerk with blonde hair.

  “So how soon can we get the prints from the electrical panel? And the Bernice Santana case?” Jensen asks her as Cheryl sits in front of her computer scanning through millions of fingerprints.

  “I’m going to work on it as quickly as possible, but I can’t make any promises or provide you with a firm date. You know we’re backed up around here.”

  “But this is the Yvonna Harris case.” Samuels chimes in. “And we need this back ASAP.”

  “I know what and who it’s about Samuels.”

  “Well what’s the problem?” Samuels persists.

  She sighs. “Nothing.”

  “Make this one special,” Peter says placing his hand on her back.

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “Thanks, love.”

  When they walk away Jensen asks, “You fuckin’ her ain’t you?”

  “What do you think?”

  They laugh on the way to their next destination.

  “What do you guys want with me?” Lily asks sitting on the only available space on her couch. Her place as trashy as ever. “Lily, what are you doing to yourself?” Jensen looks around. Coming from Sir Funks-a-lot that carried a lot of weight. Literally. “Yeah, Lily. This has gotten out of control.” He walks to her

  window and opens it. Cool fresh air rushes inside. “It smells like pussy

  that ain’t been washed in twenty days in here.” Samuels adds. “You’ve had pussy that ain’t been washed in twenty days?”

  Jensen asks.

  “You haven’t?”

  They laugh and focus their attention back on Lily. “I just want

  to be left alone.”

  “You know if you want to kill yourself, there’s a better way.”

  Jensen knocks a bunch of trash out of a recliner to sit down. “You don’t

  have to take the long route.”

  “Yeah. Cause ever since you’re partner died, you’ve been going

  down hill.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well you need to do somethin’ and you need to do it soon,”

  Says Samuels. “Because we need your help.” He sits down on the other

  end of the sofa.

  “I’m not interested in following Yvonna if that’s what you want.

  I want no part
s of that shit. I gave my entire life to the police department and it hasn’t been worth it.”


  AND TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!” Samuels’s boisterous voice booms.

  Instead of being angry, Lily drops her head and sobs. She’s an

  emotional mess.

  “I didn’t know…I swear I didn’t know! But when I found out,

  Iwas afraid!”

  “You didn’t know what?” Samuels pries. “And what were you

  afraid of?”

  “I didn’t know Shonda did what she did,” she continues crying

  heavily. “And when I found out, I never told anyone.”

  “Start from the beginning, Lily. Just start from the beginning.”

  The Day Crazy Dave Caught Up With Yvonna At The Hotel “Yvonna! Yvonna!” a male voice yelled from an undetermined location.

  When she didn’t look due to examining the car, the person became persistent. Turning toward the voice, she saw Swoopes in the passenger seat of a White Yukon Denali with a black eye patch over his left eye. She hadn’t planned on seeing him and was quite aware of how he felt about her. She almost dropped her shopping bags due to being so frightened.

  What the fuck is going on around here? She thought. When Dave got out of the driver seat and walked up on her, she was a little relieved they came together. She thought Swoopes was there to kill her.

  “I got to talk to you!” he said frantically.

  “For what? And how you know I was here?”

  “Sabrina told me you weren’t staying with her no more,” he advised as a look of urgency came over his face. “So I asked Cream and she told me where to find you.”

  “Well I can’t talk now,” she responded as she briefly looked him up and down. He looked so much like the rapper “Young Buck” without the corn rolls that it was scary.

  She turned to walk away but he grabbed her wrist. He let her go remembering the last time he held her against her will.

  “Look,” he said looking around to be sure no one was listening. “The police been round the way askin’ questions ‘bout you. Somebody said you were in town.”


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