Body Count

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Body Count Page 3

by Catrina Calloway

  This time, Hugh rose to his feet and got out of bed.

  “Non! Get back in that bed, Hugh.”

  “I must stretch my legs.” He walked over to Maximillian. Laying a hand on his shoulder, he said, “We must learn to trust again. We must learn to trust Marta.”

  Maximillian raised a brow. “Indeed? Why? So she can go back on her word? Study us, and then turn us over to the authorities?”

  Hugh shook his head. Glancing out the window at the setting sun, he replied. “She reminds me of those women we helped. Remember Corinne?”

  Thoughts of the beautiful, full-figured Corinne made Maximillian smile. “Ah, yes. A gem. Full of figure…and of heart.” He scowled. “Her bastard of a husband married her only for her money. Treated her abominably.”

  “We showed her what love could truly be like, and helped revive her poor self-image. She may have had money, but no real love of herself. We helped her to leave her filthy husband, and helped her keep her fortune. Her money eventually fueled our coffers and enabled us assist other women like her.”

  Maximillian paced again. Clasping his hands behind his back, he said, “And Moira ruined all of it.”

  Hugh’s face flushed with anger. “She was a spoiled bitch who needed a good beating. Never in my life have I raised a hand to a woman, but her?” He shook his head. “I should have tanned her bottom and sent her on her way.”

  Maximillian snorted. “She would have enjoyed it.”

  Hugh shook his head. “We cannot let her deceit turn us into bitter…”

  Maximillian raised a brow. “Monsters? You can’t ever seem to say that word.”

  “We may need the blood of the dead to survive, Maximillian, but we are not monsters. We have hearts and minds. I don’t know about you, but I want to love again. Life is nothing without it.”

  Maximillian clasped his hands behind his back. “You think I do not?” He glanced out the window. Then he spoke, his voice soft. “I watched Marta this afternoon with those students of hers. For once, I was glad for our sensitive hearing, because her words to those young people inspired me, too. Her reverence for the dead, her concern for the living, yet…”

  “Yet you fear she will ultimately bring us down.”

  “I cannot help it, cousin.”

  Hugh sighed. “We should tell her how we feel.”

  Maximillian hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. “Ah, yes! Just tell her how we enjoy sharing a woman. How we’d both like to make love to her? I am sure she will fall into our arms.”

  Hugh grinned. “You are very, how you say? Sarcastique.”

  “If my words are touched with bitterness, it is because I burn for her. Yet, I cannot take that chance.”

  “The love of a good woman, Maximillian. That is the only thing that will break our curse. We can be normal again, be free of this need to feed on the dead.”

  Maximillian inhaled sharply. “I don’t know, Hugh. It must be much more than making love to her, of giving her pleasure. We must love her with all our hearts, and she in turn, must do the same.”

  “She is our only hope. I feel it, in here,” Hugh patted the spot above his heart.

  Maximillian’s mouth formed a thin, hard line. “And if you are wrong? We spend eternity like this.”

  Hugh shrugged. “We’ve been like this for three hundred years already. What have we got to lose?”

  Maximillian shook his head. “Our hearts.”

  Hugh crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m tired of merely existing. Of going from one strange land to another, of running whenever we’re discovered. Perhaps, being here with Marta is a blessing in disguise. It is our chance to find love and give love. To live again.”

  Maximillian sighed. “I hope you’re right, cousin.” He looked away. “I hope you’re right,” he repeated softly.

  * * * *

  Maximillian opened the door on Marta’s third knock.

  She took in a breath when he stood before her, his long, dark hair flowing past his shoulders.

  He’s a monster! A mutant…

  A damned good-looking man.

  “Oh my,” she breathed.

  “Good evening, médecin. He raised one brow, then smiled, his full lips curving upwards. “Venez dans l'intérieur.”

  Her feet wouldn’t move. Her mouth felt dry. If he said one more word in French, she’d…

  “Come, Marta.”

  He wound his hand around her upper arm gently, pulling her inside the small attic room.

  She entered, but pulled away from his touch lest she act like a complete fool, and engage in something stupid like reaching up to kiss him.

  Marta glanced at Hugh. He sat in a chair, his long legs stretched before him, his shirt open just enough for her to view the fine dusting of golden hair that lined the bronzed skin of his chest.

  Which was more handsome? Which man…?

  Correction—which monster did she want to throw herself at?


  Stop acting like a schoolgirl.

  You’re a doctor, for Christ’s sake…

  She moved as far away from Maximillian as possible, from his woodsy, musky, earthy smell that she already loved.

  Glancing at the tray of uneaten food on the nearby table, she said. “I left that food by your door this morning. Why haven’t you eaten?”

  Hugh gave her one of his devastating grins. Angling his head, he replied, “We have no need of such sustenance.”

  “So, you only consume blood?”

  Maximillian nodded. His dark eyes smoldered. “Yet, it is not the only sustenance we require.”

  She swallowed, anxious to hear more, yet…frightened. “What else?”

  Hugh rose from his chair. “We long to be human again.”

  She angled her chin, her body trembling and burning at the same time. “I want to help you,” she replied, her voice soft. “But until I can find out what’s caused your blood cells to mutate, I’m afraid, there’s little I can do.”

  Maximillian nodded, the harsh angles and planes of his handsome face relaxed. “It is enough that you let us feed, Marta.”

  When he uttered her name in his deep voice, she almost melted right there.

  Okay, so maybe she’d hold off on that lecture she’d planned to give them.

  She sat down on the bed. It felt warm, smelled of Hugh. His scent—a combination of citrus and earth, drifted by her nose.

  “What happened to turn you both into monsters? I’ve been reading up on vampires and—”

  “We are not vampires,” Maximillian huffed.

  “You have fangs,” she challenged. Glancing at the full-length mirror near the bureau, she asked, “And how about your reflection? Do you have one?”

  “Non,” Hugh replied. “We don’t, but—”

  She shrugged. “Then you’re vampires.”

  Maximillian growled. “We may not have reflections, but unlike vampires, we are bound forever to see ourselves cursed.”

  She frowned. “How?”

  “Come.” Maximillian stretched out a hand. “Hugh and I will show you.”

  She’d expected his touch to be cold, yet, his hand felt warm and strong. He curled his fingers around hers and gently pulled her from the bed.

  She glanced at Hugh, afraid to meet his gaze, but her body betrayed her when he rose to his full height and reached for her other hand. Walking to the mirror, they stopped. Hugh placed a hand on the small of her back, his fingers trailing over her waist. Maximillian stood next to her, placing his arm just above Hugh’s.

  Marta saw her reflection, but nothing else, even though Hugh and Maximillian stood directly in front of the mirror.

  She shook her head, thanking her lucky stars both of them had a firm grip on her, lest she slither down between them. For one crazy, dizzy second, she felt safe, secure…cherished.

  Get a grip, Marta!

  “You see?” she said. “You have no reflections, you’re both vam—”

  In the next instant, a stra
nge scene unfolded in the mirror. Maximillian and Hugh flanked a beautiful, voluptuous woman, dressed in clothes from a bygone era. Gold etched her skirt and her plunging neckline showed off an ample bosom. A small, black beauty mark accentuated the corner of her lush mouth.

  The woman, along with Maximillian and Hugh, stood before a man dressed in long, flowing robes. Marta could not see his face, only his back.

  “You have ravished my daughter!” The man’s voice boomed.

  The mirror shook.

  Marta’s eyes widened in fear, her knees buckling, but Hugh and Maximillian held her fast. The scene in the mirror continued to unfold. She heard Hugh speaking to the man with the long, flowing robes...

  “We have done no such thing,” Hugh told him. He glanced at the woman. “Tell him the truth, Moira. We never touched you.”

  The woman’s eyes filled with tears. “They took my virginity, Papa.” She sniffed…loudly. From beneath her lashes, she cast a sly look at Hugh, then Maximillian.

  “Non! You are a foolish, jealous woman, Moira. You accuse us only to cause trouble.” Hugh’s voice rang out, his face flushed red with anger.

  “For this crime, I condemn you to an eternity,” the man in the long robes shouted, “as monsters. The dead will be your only sustenance. Their blood is all you will crave. You shed my daughter’s virgin blood in heated passion, and so shall you be condemned.”

  In the strange reflection, Marta watched as Hugh grabbed hold of Maximillian.

  “You do this to seek your own revenge, Balthazar, for you know that we have discovered your secrets of alchemy. You hide your gold from the king, and you fear that we will tell him so.”

  “Enough!” Balthazar waved his hand through the air. “My daughter shall be vindicated. Be gone from us now, and walk the face of the earth forever as night feeders.” He picked up a wand, waving it before them.

  In that instant, Marta saw their fangs protrude from their mouths.

  The eerie scene disappeared, along with Balthazar and his daughter.

  She slumped against Maximillian and Hugh, placing a shaking a hand on her lips.

  “Oh my,” she whispered, looking first at Maximillian, then at Hugh. “I had no idea.” Marta walked over to the bed and sat down.

  “We never touched Moira.” Hugh knelt before her. “You must believe us.”

  Maximillian sat down next to her. The mattress dipped from his weight. Marta looked first at Hugh, then Maximillian. “Who was that man?”

  “A selfish, evil wizard. His daughter was just like him. She was jealous because we helped several women to…well, let’s just say, we used our fortune to help a few women leave disastrous relationships. Soon, many came to us in search of help and…comfort. It is all we ever did. Moira was jealous, wanting our attention, thinking that our lifestyle was only that of seeking pleasure. When we rejected her advances, she accused us of ravishing her as a way of getting revenge.”

  Marta rose to her feet. “Th-this is incredible…and unbelievable.”

  “Believe it,” Hugh said. “For it is true.”

  She glanced at the mirror, but all she saw was her reflection.

  “It’s dark,” she whispered. “You should both feed.”

  “You mean, you will continue to help us?”

  “For as long as I can.”

  They walked out of the small room, down the stairs and out into the night.

  Silence engulfed them, but Marta swore she could feel Maximillian watching her every move.

  It thrilled her, yet…frightened her.

  I want both feelings. I want Maximillian and Hugh!

  She was totally losing her mind, she thought as she trekked through the field, leading them to a fresh, dead body.

  * * * *

  Something puzzled Marta about the scene in the mirror.

  She watched Maximillian and Hugh feed on a fresh corpse, her fascination and repulsion mingling together. Her body and mind waged a war, as desire for each of them swirled inside her, forming a giant knot of sexual tension. She could never seem to manage a relationship with one man, yet these two monsters with the devastating good looks and charming French manner made her breasts heavy with need, and caused her to change her panties several times a day.

  Last night, alone in the small room across from theirs, she touched herself, imagining both man’s hands where hers lay between her legs.

  Now, watching them feed, those same, dark, disturbing thoughts intruded.

  Squirming on the log where she sat, her little nubbin of desire swelled with need, yet…

  That scene from the mirror broke through her thoughts this time.

  Why did the sound of that wizard’s voice seem…familiar?

  Even though she couldn’t see him, it was as though she knew him, yet she couldn’t put a name to the face


  It was a trick…

  It was very real. That damn mirror shook; the reflective glass almost came lose from the frame.

  “Enough, Hugh,” she called out softly. “You can feed again in two hours.”

  He gave her a wicked grin, the moonlight bathing him with a golden glow. “And what shall we do, cherie, in the meantime?”

  She laughed; she couldn’t help it. “I brought a deck of cards.”

  He shook his head. “Boring. I have something else much more pleasant in mind.”

  Marta raised a brow. “And what would that be?” Her heart raced with anticipation.

  In the next instant, a tall dark figure appeared on the stump next to her.

  “Maximillian," she sighed. “How do you do that? One minute you’re over there, and in the next instant, you’re here.”

  He buried his nose in her hair. “I think he means to make wild passionate love to you, Marta.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs. “Fat chance of that happening.”

  Marta wanted to crawl into a corner and just…disappear.

  How desperate do you want to sound, idiot?

  The moon illuminated Maximillian’s face. She saw him raise both brows. “I would say, cherie, that it is a distinct possibility.” He moved closer.

  She didn’t budge.


  Maximillian pointed at the sky. “Look at that moon. It is a beautiful night for love-making.”

  Marta jumped up from the log. “I think it’s time I went back.”

  Maximillian sighed. “I meant you no harm, I…”

  “Non, nor did I, Marta.”

  “We’re sorry,” they said in unison.

  Fat! Fatty-fat, girl…these two gorgeous hunks don’t want anything to do with you…

  She wanted to turn off that ‘fat’ voice in her head.

  It always intruded.

  Besides, you’re bright, smart; you’ll bore them to tears…

  Marta took off for the farmhouse.

  She heard footsteps behind her.

  When she looked back, a hand came around her mouth. She tried to scream, but another arm grabbed her around the waist and tackled her to the ground.

  “Bitch, don’t underestimate me,” a gravelly voice whispered in her ear. “If you allow them to feed again, I’ll destroy you.”

  A heavy weight descended. Marta raised one knee, and jabbed it into the groin of the man lying across her body. He cried out in pain, then leaned down and slapped her across the face.

  Everything went black, her mind sinking into a void as dark as the night around her.

  * * * *

  Maximillian scowled, his face drawn in tight, angry lines. “Whatever made me entertain your crazy idea, I’ll never know.”

  Hugh sprinted ahead of Maximillian. “All I know is that jogging you made me do is paying off.” He sighed. “It’s your lousy delivery that turned her off, cousin.”

  Maximillian’s eyes grew wide. “My lousy delivery?”

  “Exactemente! ‘I think he means to make wild, passionate love to you, Marta.” Hugh snickered. “Please.”

  “It was the
truth. We both meant to make love to her.”

  Hugh shook his head. “Fools that we are. Now, we scared her away.”

  “We’ll find her,” Maximillian replied.

  Hugh glanced at his cousin, worry marring his handsome features. “I pray we do.”

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, they found Marta lying on the ground, her eyes closed, a nasty gash on her forehead. She stirred once when Maximillian picked her up in his arms.

  “Sacre bleu! Quick, we must get her back to the farmhouse.” Hugh raced along side his cousin, his heart beating wildly when Marta let go of a low, pain-filled moan.

  Soon, the sight of the farmhouse came into view.

  Hugh breathed a sigh of relief, opening the door, watching as Maximillian sailed inside with Marta cradled in his arms.

  Her eyes fluttered open when he laid her on the couch in the laboratory.

  She attempted to rise, but Hugh sat beside her and gently laid her back down.

  “What happened?” she asked, her fingers touching the gash near her hairline.

  “We were hoping you could tell us,” Hugh replied.

  Marta’s body shook.

  “I’m going to look for some brandy.” Maximillian told Hugh, and then exited the room, leaving Hugh and Marta alone.

  Hugh removed his coat, placing it across Marta’s shivering body. After a few seconds, she calmed, her big blue eyes fastened on him.

  “I am sorry, and so is Maximillian…I mean,” Hugh ran a hand through his hair. “We didn’t mean you any harm, Marta. We were foolish to speak the way we did to you, and we are truly sorry.” He placed a hand on her cheek, where a red welt formed. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, “How did you get this welt? It looks like,” he peered at it closely, noticing the imprint of a hand. “Who struck you Marta?”

  She struggled to sit up.

  “Oh my,” she lay back down. “I’m a bit dizzy.”

  “Do not try to get up again. Just rest.”

  Maximillian came in with a bottle full of amber liquid. “I could not find a glass.” He got down on his haunches next to Marta and tipped the bottle against her lips. “Drink some, cherie. It will relax you.”

  The brandy sloshed into her mouth.

  Marta rose then, her coughing uncontrollable.

  “That burns.” She screwed up her face.


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