Kept in the Bark (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 5)

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Kept in the Bark (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 5) Page 12

by Stella St. Claire


  Crap. He was sitting alone, so it would have been the perfect time to talk to him, but she had Natalie with her. She couldn’t exactly interview him with the cute blonde looking over her shoulder.

  Shoving the two cups of coffee into Natalie’s hands, she gave her assistant an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. It looks like Janelle is too busy to talk. If you want to take these upstairs, I’ll be up there in just a minute. I see someone that I want to talk to.â€�

  “Sure.â€� Natalie gave her a bright smile, but there was curiosity there, too. “Is everything okay?â€�

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I’ll only be a minute. Are you concerned about being alone with the dogs?â€�

  “Of course not! I’ll see you upstairs!â€�

  Once Natalie was out of view, Olivia headed to Thomas’s table. She wasn’t trying to hide the investigation from Natalie, but she wasn’t entirely sure that she trusted the woman yet.

  Thomas was sipping his coffee, and he had his head bent down over his phone. There was an unpleasant look on his face.

  “Hi,â€� Olivia said as she slid into the opposite chair. “You’re one of the MegaStore guys, right? I’m Olivia.â€�

  The frown slipped just a little as Thomas looked up. He looked pleasant enough. He also looked too large to be the person she’d seen at her door. “Hello, Olivia. I’m Thomas. I’ve seen you in here a few times, but I’m not sure if you work here or just eat here a lot.â€�

  “A little of both,â€� Olivia chuckled. “Janelle, the owner, is my sister. I give a hand whenever I can. The first day that I met you, you were looking for someone. A woman to fix your computer.â€�

  His eyes widened, and he leaned over eagerly. “Yes, that’s right. You know someone who could help me?â€�

  First point to me, Olivia thought to herself. You’re not asking on your sister’s behalf anymore. Do you even have a sister?

  But Thomas was still looking at her expectantly.

  “Maybe.â€� Olivia decided to dive in head first. “Are you looking for just anyone to fix your computer, or are you looking for Hattie?â€�

  “Hattie?â€� Thomas immediately leaned back and averted his eyes. “I don’t know anyone by that name.â€�

  “I think you do. I think you’re looking for her because you know that she’s missing, and I want to help you.â€�

  “Hattie’s missing?â€� The man looked visibly upset as he raised his gaze again to meet Olivia’s eyes. “I mean—who’s Hattie?â€�

  Olivia tried not to sigh. “Thomas, I know that Hattie worked for MegaStore. I also know that she found the evidence that Lexingburg needed to keep the store from being built. Now she’s missing, and I’m trying to find her. If you know something, then you need to tell me.â€�

  “Hattie was the one who found the evidence?â€� He shook his head and rubbed his hand over his jaw. “I didn’t know that. Look, all I know is that Hattie did some computer work for us. I was still finishing up opening a store in St. Louis, but I was in charge of the Lexingburg store, so I was working remotely. We sort of had an online relationship—an online fling, if you will. We really connected. I thought that we really had something.â€�

  The bell to the bakery jingled as a group of teenagers walked in and laughed. Thomas blushed a little as he continued his story. “I’ve never met anyone like Hattie. She’s brilliant and sweet and compassionate. I was really looking forward to meeting her in person. I was going to surprise her. She didn’t know that I was coming into town, but when I got here, I couldn’t get ahold of her.â€�

  Olivia decided it was time to come right out with her suspicion at his duplicity. “You told me you were looking for someone to help your sister with her computer.â€�

  He actually blushed and ducked his head with a groan. Looking up again, he said, “I know it sounds lame. I didn’t want the guys to tease me about her, so I thought I’d just …â€�

  “Uh-huh,â€� Olivia said, and leaned back to study him. Somehow his reaction had disarmed her. He seemed sincere. She let it go and asked, “How did you try to get in touch with her?â€�

  “Emails. I didn’t want to call her because I was afraid that I’d ruin the surprise. When she didn’t answer me, I thought that maybe she wasn’t interested in me anymore.â€�

  Olivia nodded her head. “So you asked around about her, but you didn’t want her to know that you were in town. Why didn’t you just call her?â€�

  Wincing, Thomas reddened just a little. “I didn’t want to seem too eager, in case I’d misread the situation, but I actually did call her a couple of days ago. It went straight to voicemail, and I didn’t leave a message.â€�

  “When was the last time that you heard from her?â€�

  “Six weeks ago. I didn’t really think anything about it because her job with us was over. I didn’t know that she was the one who turned in the documents. Do you think that she stopped talking to me because she blames me for the fake report? I mean supposed fake reports?â€�

  Olivia fixed a hard glare at him. “Supposed, Thomas?â€�

  “MegaStore is my livelihood. They treat me well, and those reports were done before I got here. I’m just in charge of products and employees.â€� He held his hands up in surrender. “I don’t know anything pertaining to the court case. I just know that there’s only so much that I can do while we wait for a verdict, and MegaStore doesn’t like delays.â€�

  “Do you know the lawyer who’s fighting for you?â€�

  “Matthias? I’ve spoken to him a few times. He’s rude, but I hear that he’s good.â€�

  “Yeah? Because I heard that he’d go to any lengths to win this case. If Hattie doesn’t show up to court, the case gets thrown out.â€�

  Thomas’ eyes widened. “You think that she’s in danger?â€�

  “I think that MegaStore wouldn’t blink an eye if scandal overshadowed their new opening. Thomas, if you care about Hattie, you’ll help me.â€�


  “I need to know if MegaStore is involved, and if something did happen to Hattie, we need to make sure that we have the evidence against MegaStore to make sure that they don’t open.â€�

  He inhaled sharply. “You’re asking me to choose between the company that’s paid my bills for twenty years and the woman that I might have feelings for.â€�

  “No, Thomas.â€� Olivia stood and stared at him. “I’m asking you to choose between a soulless corporation and a woman’s life. Let me know what you decide.â€�

  His face was blank, and she had no idea whether Thomas was going to be an ally or an enemy. He could go straight to Matthias with the information that Hattie was missing, or he could be the inside person that she needed.

  Olivia felt way out of her element. Corporate secrets weren’t really her thing, but she was going to do whatever it took to make sure that someone paid for Hattie’s disappearance.


  Natalie did exceedingly well and surpassed all of Olivia’s expectations. She met a few of her human clients who all seemed thrilled with Olivia’s new assistant, and Clyde’s owner even called to say that Clyde seemed happier than usual.

  “What did you think, Goodwin?â€� Olivia muttered as she scratched her beloved pup behind the ear. “Should I be worried that Natalie is going to take over my business?â€� Goodwin barked sharply and licked her face. “You say that now, but I saw the way you were f
ollowing her around today. Like a puppy in love. If I wasn’t so busy, I’d be a little jealous.�

  Goodwin licked her again, and Olivia laughed. “All right. We’re going to spend the night at Jackie’s, but first, we have to call Andrew.â€�

  His ears perked up, and he whined. Olivia knew the feeling. She missed Andrew, too. Taking a deep breath, she pulled out her phone. She decided that she wasn’t going to tell Andrew about the break in. At least, not yet. She didn’t want to ruin his boring conference or panic him.

  “Hello, sexy,â€� Andrew breathed when he answered. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.â€�

  “Oh, really? What were you thinking about? Actually, don’t answer that. Now isn’t a good time.â€�

  “Not alone? Too bad,â€� Andrew chuckled. “Are you ready to hear about my day?â€�

  She hesitated. He’d been on board with this open communication, but if Olivia had to listen to him talk about any more of his computer stuff, she worried that she might die of boredom. “I can’t wait to hear about your day, but I’m on my way to Jackie’s, and I need a favor from you.â€�


  “I was hoping that you could forward me Hattie’s emails from the past few weeks. I know that you’re not going to want to do it because it’s illegal and very invasive, but I think I’m up against MegaStore and their slimy lawyer, and I need all the help that I can get.â€�

  There was a moment of silence, and Olivia held her breath.

  This was it. Andrew was going to tell her to drop it, and they were going to have a huge fight about it. She was going to point out that she was doing him a favor, and he was going to say that he hadn’t realized it would be so dangerous. Then she’d have to choose between the investigation and Andrew.

  Would nothing break the cycle?


  “I know that you’re not happy about it, but I think that your instincts are right. There is something wrong, and Hattie could be in real danger.â€�


  “If there was anyone else that I could ask, I would. I know that you hate doing this kind of stuff—wait, what?â€�

  Andrew chuckled. “I said okay, Olivia. I’m going to help you. I asked you to investigate, and I trust that you’re being as careful as possible. If this helps you find Hattie, then I’m on board. I’ll do it as soon as I get back to the hotel. Hattie probably has some firewalls up, but she’s no match for me.â€�

  Olivia was floored. Forget him moving in with her. This was the milestone in their relationship that she’d been waiting for. “I love you.â€�

  “I love you, too, Olivia. Listen, Cora is calling me. Some of my employees think that they can slack off because I’m not there. I’ll call you later tonight?â€�

  “I’ll be waiting.â€�

  Hanging up, she grinned. “Look at that, Goodwin. I think Andrew is really coming around to my way of thinking.â€�

  Suddenly, the small office was filled with a nauseating smell, and Olivia wrinkled her nose. “Gross. I don’t know who did that, but there will be no toxic gas when we get to Jackie’s, okay?â€�

  Goodwin’s tail thumped on the floor, but Fender plopped his body down with a grumble. He was obviously not happy that they weren’t going home. She stood up and glared at them. “Don’t blame me. If you two had done your jobs and not let a stranger into the house, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this position.â€�

  As usual, neither dog looked particular guilty.

  “Jackie?â€� Olivia stared at the red negligee in her duffle bag. “Is there a reason that you packed lingerie instead of my really comfy chocolate chip cookie flannel pajamas?â€� She turned back to the open door of Jackie’s guest room.

  Her friend popped her head through the door. “You said that you were doing things differently with Andrew. I just assumed that you slept in sexy lingerie now.â€�

  “Yeah, but Andrew isn’t here, and I’ve only worn this twice. Which is a shame because I spent way too much money on it.â€� Olivia cocked her head and shrugged. “I guess tonight will be helping me to get my money’s worth.â€�

  Slipping it on, she covered up in her paw-print fuzzy robe and shuffled out. “This is fun. We haven’t had a girls’ sleepover in a long time.â€�

  “It’s a shame that it took someone breaking into your apartment to make that happen.â€� Jackie poured some popcorn in a large bowl and nodded toward the refrigerator. “There would be a bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge. You know, it’s pretty unlucky that you’ve had someone break into your office and your apartment.â€�

  Opening the stainless-steel fridge, Olivia pulled out the wine bottle and started hunting around for a corkscrew. “I’ve also had someone tried to run me over with a car and poison me and lure me out into the woods to shoot me. I’d say that the break ins are the least of my concern. Where is your wine bottle opener?â€�

  “It’s a screw top. I’m not really good with opening corked bottles. I always cut myself on the foil or break the cork in half. Screw tops are easier.â€� Jackie reached up and opened the cabinet door to pull down some wineglasses, but the doorbell interrupted them.

  Olivia looked over her shoulder. “Are you expecting someone?â€�

  “No, but maybe it’s Hattie looking for her cat.â€� Jackie hurried to the door and pulled it open, but it wasn’t Hattie’s voice that Olivia heard.

  It was Janelle’s.

  “I needed to get away from Patrick,â€� Janelle announced. “So I’m joining you for girls’ night. Besides, if someone is after Olivia, then they’ll have to get through me first!â€�

  “That’s sweet.â€� Olivia grabbed a handful of popcorn and leaned against the door frame. “Are you sure that you aren’t simply trying to avoid a conversation with Patrick?â€�

  Janelle narrowed her eyes. “Did you tell Andrew that someone broke into your apartment?â€�

  “Are you blackmailing me into silence?â€�

  Jackie looked back and forth between them. “Am I missing something here?â€�

  “No,â€� Olivia and Janelle said simultaneously. There was a beat of silence before Olivia sighed and reached over to hug her sister.

  “I got you a present,â€� Janelle said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a small gift bag.

  Olivia peered inside and frowned. “Pepper spray and a Taser?â€�

  “Your life is dangerous, Olivia. I think you need to start carrying around a weapon. Maybe we should get you a gun!â€�

  “No, no gun!â€� Olivia winced. She didn’t even like having a Taser around. She’d never be able to carry a gun, but she didn’t have the heart to tell Janelle that. “Thank you for coming tonight. Jackie, who is always berating me for my cooking skills, has nothing to eat in her house, so we’re having popcorn and wine for dinner.â€�

  “Popcorn sounds good, but I’m going to stick with water.â€�

  Jackie scrunched up her nose. “Ew, you can’t even drink when you’re only trying to get pregnant? That’s so ironic since I’m pretty sure that alcohol is the reason that most babies are born in the first place.â€�

  Guilt passed over Janelle’s face, but she kept quiet. The silence was broken by the scuffle of nails tearing across the wood floor. Olivia gasped. “Fender! No!â€� She watched in shock as the old basset hound scrambled across the living room after the cat. “Leave GigaByte alone!â€�

bsp; “Wow.� Jackie blinked. “I don’t think that I’ve ever seen him move so quickly.�

  “You and me both. I didn’t even think he could move that fast.â€� The chaos quickly settled. Apparently, Fender’s new burst of energy was still nothing compared to GigaByte’s speed and agility.

  As the three women settled into the living room, Olivia’s phone buzzed. Pulling it out, she saw that she had a slew of new emails. “Oh, Andrew did it. He’s forwarding me Hattie’s emails. Let’s see what she’s been up to.â€�

  Leaving the phone on the couch, she headed back to the bedroom to grab her laptop. Jackie and Janelle were waiting for her on either side of the sofa when she got back. “What?â€�

  Jackie shrugged. “She’s my neighbor.â€�

  “Okay, but let’s agree that if we find anything too personal, we’ll keep it to ourselves. I feel a little dirty, invading her privacy like this.â€�

  The only recent emails that Hattie had sent were to Andrew and Matthias. That in itself was suspicious, considering that prior to her disappearance, Hattie had emailed everyone from the manager of the grocery store to her hairdresser. It appeared that Hattie avoided human contact at all cost.

  “You know, I thought that agoraphobes stayed inside because they were afraid of the outside world. Mundane situations would feel dangerous to them, but this seems more like a fear of people,â€� Olivia murmured. “Do you think she’s always been like this?â€�

  There were quite a few emails between Hattie and Andrew about the app, and almost three times that many emails between Hattie and Thomas. “Ooh, those are flirty,â€� Jackie commented. “Go, Hattie!â€�

  “Thomas has been looking for her, but he thought she wasn’t interested in him anymore. He says that he didn’t know anything about the evidence against MegaStore.â€� Olivia hoped that Thomas would decide to help. It was obvious that Hattie enjoyed talking to Thomas. It seemed like there was something there.


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