In the Absence of Monsters

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In the Absence of Monsters Page 16

by Jp Barnaby

  “Okay, how about if I make a beer run and pick up a pizza?” I suggested and Lexi nodded enthusiastically. Ethan shrugged and Lexi stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek, which he returned with his own crooked smile. I threw on my shoes and followed the instructions Lexi had given me and an hour later, I had a six-pack of bottles and a large New York-style pizza. Coming out of the elevator into the hall for Lexi’s apartment, I heard their voices as I was about to knock.

  “It’s been over a year now, isn’t that time enough?” Lexi asked in a loud, but calm voice.

  “Maybe,” Ethan admitted. “And I have to say that it would make me more comfortable. Fine, I’ll talk to him about it when we get back.”

  I knocked loudly and Ethan opened the door, taking the beer from me and we got things ready at the kitchen table.

  “So, what to do tonight…” I started, smiling at Lexi. “Video games?” I knew that Lexi was an avid gamer and had a veritable arsenal of games and gaming systems. I was surprised when she shook her head.

  “Movie?” Ethan suggested and Lexi and I both shrugged.

  “Board games?” Lexi asked, looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw a stack of them on top of the bookcase in the living room. “I haven’t had a chance to break them out since I’ve been here.”

  “Yeah, that sounds cool,” I said and Ethan nodded. We finished eating and put things away before Lexi headed off to grab the games. She asked us what we wanted to play, neither of us cared – whatever made her happy. A few minutes later, she came back with a long flat box. When she set it down on the table, I had to laugh.

  “Clue?” I asked, thinking she would have come back with a more recent offering. She bought new games every year, even though she lived alone and rarely had anyone to play with. It had been years since I had played Clue.

  “I thought a mental challenge would give me an advantage,” she replied with a wicked smirk.

  “Oh…game on, little girl,” I said and she giggled while Ethan watched our exchange with amusement as he wiped down the table. Then, we got things set up and the battle commenced.

  “Colonel Mustard did it with the rope in the ballroom!” Lexi cried in happy excitement and grabbed the envelope. Ethan and I both sighed; she had now beaten us three games in a row. I would have let her win just to see that look of sheer joy on her face, but as it was, that wasn’t necessary. When she flipped the cards from the envelope onto the board, it was indeed as she had predicted. I thought she was going to do the happy Snoopy dance right there in the kitchen, but she contained herself.

  “Okay, how about that movie?” Ethan asked with an amused grin as he watched Lexi’s exuberance over beating us yet again. “Getting my ass kicked repeatedly is becoming a little tedious.”

  “Okay, losers clean up the board.” She smirked and walked out of the kitchen to set up the DVD player. I caught Ethan’s smile. It was nice just spending time with Lexi, nice she could feel safe with us…nice being together again. Grabbing the rest of the beer, we headed into the living room where Lexi was picking out a movie, naming off a few before finally deciding on one. I sat at one end of the couch, Ethan sat at the other. Instead of sitting in the middle, Lexi lay down, putting her head in Ethan’s lap and her feet in mine. I spent the next two hours stroking the exposed skin above her socks, absentmindedly showing her tender affection, while Ethan spent his time stroking her hair. Neither of us minded that ten minutes or so into the movie, Lexi had fallen into a quiet sleep.

  I carried her into her room while Ethan took the fold out couch. She lay in my arms all night and I silently thanked God for her; I didn’t want to think about leaving at the end of the week. It felt like I had just gotten my Lexi back. She must have felt the same way, because for the first time since her ordeal, she slept peacefully.

  “You need to get out of the apartment, honey, it’s been days.” I told Lexi gently as we made breakfast together, trying not to wake Ethan. Lexi, Ethan and I had been hanging out and ordering in for the last three days. It was becoming obvious that Lexi was afraid to leave the apartment. Ethan and I were going to be leaving in a few days, but we couldn’t leave her if she refused to set foot outside; we needed to be here to help her. The problem was, Ethan’s emergency vacation was over and my classes were going to be starting. While Lexi was about to start her second-to-last semester, I still had three left.

  “I know,” she agreed with a sigh. “I just feel panicky when I think about it. I’m safe as long as the door is bolted and the windows are locked. Once I step outside, all bets are off.”

  We needed to go out today, the three of us, to show Lexi that she would be safe. It didn’t matter where we went. We could take in a show, go to a museum, hell, we could even just walk through the park, but it was important to get Lexi back into some sense of normalcy. She was all alone here and she needed to be able to function without us if she was going to stay.

  “Well, I have something for you that might help,” Ethan said as he came into the room in his pajama pants, his chest bare. It took me a minute to force my eyes back to Lexi, but when I did, she smirked at me. I gave her a small sheepish grin back, while Ethan remained safely oblivious to our ogling. He handed her an envelope and I watched her curiously as she opened it. She read through the contents quickly and began to giggle. Noticing my inquisitive expression, she handed me the envelope. It was a gym membership and a six week self-defense course.

  “Thank you, Ethan. I’ll check into starting a class next week. It is a very thoughtful gift.” She gave him a tight hug.

  “I have something for you too.” I said while walking over to my bag. I pulled out the package and handed it to her. Quirking one eyebrow, she looked at me.

  “It’s pepper gel.” I said, smiling. “It’s like pepper spray; only it has a farther range and it sticks to them like glue. Don’t worry, it’s legal to carry in New York.” She launched herself into my arms.

  “Thank you, Jayden,” she said quietly and I kissed her on top of the head.

  We did manage to get her out of the apartment. Neither Ethan nor I had ever been to New York. With Ethan’s aversion to people and Lexi’s newfound fears, I was surprised they opted for Central Park. It was a beautiful and peaceful day. After strolling through Strawberry Fields and finding out that Ethan was a huge Beatles fan, we had lunch at Tavern on the Green, overlooking the beautifully sculptured grounds. That was where we found out that Lexi was allergic to shellfish. Lying in the grass next to Turtle Pond, I regaled them with the story of my father teaching Kimberly and I to swim in Lake Michigan.

  Lexi shied away from strange men, keeping one hand in her bag around the gel I’d given her. Ethan refused to make eye contact with anyone except Lexi and me. Aside from our groups’ eccentricities, we were comfortable and learned a lot about each other as people and as friends.

  To cap off the night, we grabbed a table at one of Lexi’s favorite Thai places. We shared tales of our youth – college mostly for Ethan; it was too light of an evening for him to talk of his childhood. He marveled quietly at some of the things we’d done as kids, not having been able to experience them himself. I noted a small spark of envy at times, but he never really let it show. Over steaming plates of Pad Thai and Pad Kra Prao, we discussed future career plans. We were happier than we had been in a long time.

  Then, in no time, it was time to go back to the apartment. Lexi was all smiles when we got through the door. Curious, I looked at her, but she just went into the bedroom to change into pajamas.

  “She’s proud that she was able to spend the day out with us. She had been so afraid of leaving the apartment. Now she’ll be able to go back to a somewhat normal life,” Ethan said and then sighed. “I’m happy and I’m not. I want her to feel safe and happy, but I also want her home with us.”

  Lexi came out of the bedroom, looking more relaxed than I had seen her in a while. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and she was…she was wearing my track shirt and a pair of grey sleep pants.
It was the shirt I’d let her borrow when she stayed over that night in Washington. She’d kept it. She still slept in it. My heart swelled.

  “That shirt looks familiar,” I said with a chuckle. She looked down, seeming only then to notice what she was wearing. Blushing, she muttered something I didn’t catch.

  “I’m sorry?” I asked, amused.

  “I said it helps me sleep.” I went to her, pulled her gently into my arms and she rested her head on my chest.

  “It’s all yours, darlin’.” Anything that would help her sleep once we were gone was a Godsend to me. And that night, she did fall asleep peacefully in my arms once again.

  Before any of us were really ready, the week was over and it was time for Ethan and me to return home. Lexi was sad, yet understanding as she stood with us at the airport.

  “As soon as you get home?” Lexi asked Ethan and he nodded. I looked at him curiously over Lexi’s shoulder, but he just shook his head, indicating he might tell me later. Ethan took Lexi into his arms and kissed her tenderly while she smiled up at him and told him to have a nice trip back and that she would miss him. Then it was my turn. Ethan stepped back and Lexi stepped forward right into my arms.

  “I’m going to miss you so much,” she whispered in my ear. I got goose bumps all down my neck from her warm breath in my ear.

  “Me too, darlin’. You be good, now. Okay?” I asked her with a smile in my voice and then kissing her; she gave me that signature Lexi grin.

  “I’ll do my best.” She tried not to laugh. “Stay safe going home and keep an eye on him for me, okay?” I nodded into her shoulder and then I let her go…Again. It seemed like I was always saying goodbye to Lexi; I felt a dull ache in my chest that wouldn’t go away.

  The plane ride and subsequent car ride were quiet and uneventful. Ethan seemed to have something on his mind, something that he wasn’t ready to share, but I tried not to think about it as we pulled up to the house. I followed Ethan to the door and then inside. As I headed for the stairs, he finally spoke.

  “Jayden, can we talk for a moment?” I turned around and noticed that he looked nervous. Whatever he wanted to talk about, it didn’t seem as if it were going to bode well for me.

  “Sure Ethan, why don’t we just sit at the table?” He nodded and we headed into the kitchen where I pulled two beers out of the refrigerator and we sat down. He looked at me, hesitating.

  “This past week we really blurred the lines in our agreement. I told you some things about myself that I would normally not divulge to a sub. The time we spent together puts you squarely into the category of friend rather than sub.” I did not like where this was going.

  “Can’t I be both?” I asked, fighting the rising feeling of panic in my chest.

  “I am no longer comfortable with you being my sub, Jayden,” he said in a flat voice and made to continue, but I interrupted…my world starting to spin.

  “You son of a bitch!” I spat at him. “You sucked me into this, changing my whole fucking life and now you’re going to what? Abandon me? Trade me out for another sub like used sporting equipment? What? What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” I was shouting and the blood drained from his face.

  “You didn’t let me finish!” he yelled back, startling me into silence. Ethan never raised his voice, he was always so calm. It registered that he was just as upset about this as I was. I just stood there looking at him while he worked to regain his composure.

  “I am no longer comfortable with you as a sub, so I wanted to talk to you about training you as a Dom,” he said, his eyes still a little wild.

  “I…What?” That was almost exactly the last thing I had expected him to say.

  “I’ve spoken to a few other Doms in our community, including Nicole and Stephen. They agree that you have excellent potential. You’ve taken to subservience extraordinarily well. I think that this is the next logical step for you,” he said quietly, probably expecting me to fight further. “Have you ever considered the possibility?” I thought back to that night with Jennifer in the bar, the high I felt being in control and I remembered each time Ethan had me work with Lexi and the adrenaline rush it gave me.

  “Yes, I have thought about it,” I said honestly.

  “And?” The excitement started to show in his eyes.

  Warily, I asked, “What will it entail?” I had been doing some research lately and there were just some things that I wasn’t doing for anybody.

  “We’ll start out with training you with a sub for about six weeks and then evaluate your progress from there,” he said, smiling, obviously excited that I planned to follow this path. Lexi would be going through self-defense classes. We would both be in training – the substance of which would be worlds different. I chuckled at that thought and then what he said really registered.

  “You’re going to collar another sub?” That was a real commitment and I didn’t want him to have to do that just to train me. To be honest, I also got a little jealous at the thought of him taking on another sub, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why that was.

  “No, I plan to borrow different subs for your training. By using different subs, you can get used to judging a multitude of different reactions to your methods. This will also allow you to diversify and better hone your skills. And…” He looked out towards the window, “I don’t want to collar a new sub just now.” This was going to be just as hard on him as it was on me, he had just lost Lexi as a sub and now he was transitioning me out as well.

  “When do we start?” I asked, my excitement creeping into my voice. I couldn’t help but be excited.

  “This weekend. I will put several boxes of condoms in the room for our use. I can only be responsible for the health and safety of my own submissives, I can’t attest to others’.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Hi,” Ethan said jovially into the phone and then paused. “It’s going well, he’s coming along beautifully.” Another pause. “Yes, so far none of the subs had anything negative to say about him…I know, I’m impressed.” He looked up at me and smiled. Oh, he was talking about me – that made me happy. “Yes…” I started to get up from the table to take a shower when his next words stopped me. “And how are you doing, is the medication helping?” And then, “That’s good. Are you still having nightmares?” He was talking to Lexi. I had thought he was talking to another Dom. I told Ethan to tell Lexi that I would call her later and headed upstairs.

  It was with some trepidation that I left the kitchen. Still thinking about Lexi having nightmares, I walked into my room. I went through to the bathroom and undressed, removing my cuff last, wondering briefly what it would feel like when I didn’t wear it at all anymore. That thought made my chest constrict a little.

  When I was out of the shower, I dried quickly, not bothering to dress, feeling more comfortable with my body now than I ever had before. I placed the cuff back on my wrist; it was always the first thing to go on after I was dry, as it gave me a sense of security, making me feel wanted. With about twenty minutes left before I had to be in the room, I sat on my bed, leaning up against the pillows. The breeze from the open window felt nice on my body. My skin was still a little damp from the shower and my nipples hardened at the touch of the cool air across them. I closed my eyes and my hand drifted almost lazily to my burgeoning erection. Knowing that Ethan would have my ass if I got myself off, I just teased my cock lightly. I thought about that last night that Lexi was here and how we had that beautiful session in the room. Fuck, I wished we could do that again…that we could all be together again.

  “Having a good time?” Ethan asked from the doorway and I immediately withdrew my hand. He chuckled and stepped past the door to my bedroom. I followed him and, within a few minutes, we were joined by Mistress Nicole and a captivatingly handsome blond boy.

  “It will be all right, Sean, we talked about this. You did not put men down as a hard limit, just a soft limit,” Nicole told the shaking boy as she stroked his cheek. “Do you want to please
me?” she asked, her voice almost little girlish. He sighed and nodded. “Master Ethan and Jayden will take very good care of you. I promise.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek and then ruffled his straight strawberry-blond hair, watching it fall into his apprehensive light green eyes. “Do you want me to stay with you?” Blushing, he shook his head. She nodded and then, with a quick hello to Ethan and me, walked through the door – leaving her frightened sub with us.

  Once inside the room, he began to grow excited in spite of his fear. He may have been new to the lifestyle and even more reticent about his subservience to another man, but he was exhilarated at the thought of being dominated in this room. We could see it on his boyish features, not to mention his obvious erection.

  “Take your clothes off, Sean. I should not have to tell you that,” I told him sharply as he stood frozen in the doorway. He hastened to comply. Ethan also disrobed, there was no real reason to…we were just more comfortable that way. Turning to look at Sean, I saw that he was looking down. His hands laced behind his neck, he was still nervous, no doubt wondering what we had in mind for him. I easily remembered that feeling. In fact, Sean reminded me a lot of myself from that very first day with Ethan. Now I knew how Ethan must have felt. Even Sean’s soft pouting lips and smooth flushed cheeks turned me on.

  “Do you want to serve us, Sean?” I asked the boy from behind, very low in his ear. “You may leave if you wish.” I ghosted my hand over his chest and his breath caught.

  “No…I…I want to stay.” His voice was barely above a whisper. It was the first time he had spoken and his tone was shy, reverent as he addressed us. I liked that.

  “I’m not sure I believe that,” I said, with a hint of a smile at Ethan over the boy’s shoulder. He winked back.

  “I do, Sir. I do want to stay…Please…” he implored, no doubt frightened of what his Mistress would say if he left.

  “Show me,” I said, turning him slowly and looking into his face, he paled slightly.

  “H…How Sir?” he asked nervously, but I saw that his cock grew noticeably harder.


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