Vampire Romance: A Friend in Love (A Vampire In Disguise Book 1, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance)

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Vampire Romance: A Friend in Love (A Vampire In Disguise Book 1, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance) Page 10

by Amelia Wilson

  “Yeah, I am here, what is it?”

  “It’s just, you are very special to me, just remember that alright?” Okay, the guilt was setting in on me now.

  “Bye. Meet you at 5,” I said and immediately hung up, afraid of what he might say next.

  This is going to be harder than it already was. How am I going to tell this sweet person that I had kissed another guy when he had trusted me and left me alone with him?


  I had reached the park at five minutes past 5, and I couldn’t see Julian anywhere yet. As I stood looking towards the pond, I enjoyed the beauty of nature; the blue sky, the occasional trees, the light waves created in the water of the lake and the sound of the birds chirping; all of these things mesmerized me. I loved nature. I felt connected to it. Like it was where I belonged in the middle of the trees, under the open sky. I felt free. Julian was coming, as I turned around to see if he was coming. He had decided to wear a blue button up shirt with denim pants. He looked handsome in them, with his tousled chestnut-brown hair. He was so fit, and probably any girl would have been lucky to have him as her boyfriend, yet here I was thinking about another douche guy.

  “Hey,” he came and hugged me. He liked hugging me. Weird for a guy, but the gesture was sweet.

  “Hi,” I said back to him with a smile.

  “Let’s walk towards the market. I need to buy something. You can tell me about what you wanted to say on the way,” he said as he gestured me to walk with him.

  “Yeah, sure,” I had been silent as I walked with him towards the main road where the market was located.

  “So, I wanted to tell you about the night when you took me to see Michael’s fight, remember the night?” I asked looking down.

  “Yeah, I do what about it?” he asked confused.

  “It’s just that things happened when you left us alone, I mean in the mean time when you were not with us,” I said still looking down not having the courage to look at his face. I could see him walking a bit slower than I was. I felt he was getting upset as to where this was leading. I didn’t pay heed to that.

  “So I was doing the first aid when we grew closer. It wasn’t intentional, on my part. I was doing my work. But he started talking seductively and all of a sudden he started kis—“I couldn’t finish my sentence before I felt I was falling forward. It all happened so fast; I didn’t have the time to save myself from falling. As I fell, I felt a hard bang, and by hard, I mean very hard, it felt like someone had thrown a huge boulder with a catapult and it had directly struck my ribs and head. I heard a lot of commotion as I fell down on something hard. Everything went blurry, and I could listen to a ringing noise in my ear. After that, everything went black as I was dragged into some dark abyss.

  Chapter-17 Michael

  I couldn’t believe what I saw play out in front of me. I was just out to take a jogging session, being bored to death in my house. The boys even weren’t available; they were all busy doing some shit, even Lee. I hadn’t talked to Sharon for maybe a month. This was so hard for me, being I saw her every day at college, either passing through the corridor wearing that small smile of her in the cafeteria during lunch, or laughing her heart out with her friends. Call me a creep or a stalker, I don’t care, but I admit to watching her at college all the freaking time during lunch break. I saw how she blushed when she showed her friends the Maths test paper, and they praised her. I saw how she always acted as the problem solver between her friends, how she always used her hands when she talked, how she reacted to Julian’s touches. Believe me, I felt like beating the shit out of Julian. I felt hurt, I felt….. jealousy. Whoever thought that Michael Starton, the biggest heart-breaker in the college, would feel jealous over a simple new girl who had dared to slap me? I definitely couldn’t. She never noticed me staring at her like a lunatic. That broke me more; I slept around a lot more than before and went to the fights a lot more too. It helped to kick the frustration I gathered up during the day.

  Right now, as I saw Sharon walking towards the park. I thought of changing my route, but then again why should I? If she doesn’t care, I don’t too. She met up with Julian, and he gestured for her to walk towards the main road. That’s the only place that route could lead to from here. I stopped in my tracks when they were nearing the road. I thought I should go and take a look at what they were doing around here. So I did what I needed to do, I ran fast behind them, instead of jogging, but when I reached the main road, my mouth had fallen open, and I stopped dead in my tracks. It felt like my world was crashing down, and something broke inside me with a snap. I could hear it. Sharon tripped over something, it felt like someone pushed her, but there was nobody behind her except Julian. Julian definitely wouldn’t push his girlfriend. She fell over and was hit by a car, a damned white car! Her body flew over a few meters and crashed into the ground. Blood was spilling out of her head in a cascade, and her body slowly stopped the minimal movement it was doing. People started gathering around her; Julian was already bent over her figure. I ran to her motionless body, my breath was haggard. She couldn’t be dead, she couldn’t be dead, I continuously chanted to myself.

  As I bent over her, I felt my body was going numb from the sight, “Call the fucking ambulance someone!” I screamed holding her hand.

  “You can’t be dead, you’re stronger than that, you dumb ass girl,” Julian just stared at her figure, his face emotionless. He was probably more shaken than I was. In the distance, I could hear the siren of the ambulance.


  Sharon was rushed to the ICU, her head rest, soaking up her blood. Julian stayed with me all this time. I called the boys too. If she was going to need anything, I wasn’t going to get it late. Julian hadn’t said a word until now. He just stared at me and her body all this time.

  Now he spoke up, “I am going to go home. Call me if you need anything. I will tell her parents.” He said it like a machine. I was astonished. Wasn’t this his girlfriend who had an accident? Isn’t he supposed to be tenser than me? I opened my mouth to say something when a nurse came out of the ICU.

  “What are your blood groups?” she asked in a calm tone.

  “O positive, why do you ask?” Julian said.

  “O positive as well,” I said back to her.

  “Which one of you is closer to her? We need to supply her blood immediately, and our store doesn’t have this blood group right now,” I looked at Julian, knowing that he was probably going to do it.

  “I am sorry, I have to go,” he said to her, “Maybe you can do it?” he said to me.

  I was again dumbfounded, “What?” I croaked. Why is he behaving like an ass?

  “Maybe we can still go and check out the store for the blood,” he wondered.

  “I am telling you, boy, we don’t have the supply in the store right now, she needs it right now. Her condition is worsening.” She said in a hurry.

  “I will give—“I was saying when Julian spoke up again. “I am telling you; we should check the blood banks. We should not use our blood.”

  “Why not?” the nurse asked. Now I was getting angry. Here Sharon was dying in that room, and he was delaying it. He wasn’t going to give her blood, fine, but why the fuck isn’t he letting me do it?

  “Please shut the fuck up and get your ass out of here. I am giving her blood,” I said in a deadly calm tone to Julian, rolling the sleeves of my hoodie up.

  He didn’t answer anymore; instead, his face gave me a hard look.

  “This way,” the sister led me hastily.


  After two hours of waiting in the lobby, the doctors finally announced that she was going to live and all because the blood had reached her in time. I felt like I was going to cry. I hugged Lee in my happiness; she was going to live, my Sharon was going to live. The doctor said that one of us could visit her right now and stay the night if we wanted, but we had to remain in the chair. The boys asked to leave, and since her parents hadn’t been informed yet, they weren’t there. Which
left me to watch her for the night. I asked the boys to tell her parents about her when they got home. They might be worried sick about her right now. I entered the room; machines beeped around her. My poor Sharon! She looked so vulnerable and small in that bed. I sat down on the hard plastic chair placed beside her bed and held her hand in mine. It had syringes and plastic tubes sticking out of it, I didn’t like them, I didn’t like her being so weak. I sighed; at least she was going to live.

  I kissed her hand tenderly, with no sign of life in them. The doctor said her senses would be back by tomorrow. I hope that it was true.

  “Maybe after waking up, you will want to go back to Julian. Perhaps you will want him here instead of me, but sweetheart, I promise never to leave your side. No matter what you choose, I will…. love you Sharon unconditionally, always,” I said tenderly in a whisper.

  I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I had a dream again. This time, it was different than the one I always had, the one where I am talking to some man with a beard probably bigger than an ocean. This time, it was different.

  The same man spoke to me, only he was smiling. “Your first labor of unconditional love is complete. Three more before you are among us again. I give my blessings son.”

  After that, I was woken up from my sleep, what was that even? But all of those thoughts went out of my mind when I heard a faint sound coming from beside me.


  Sharon was awake.



  Table of Contents
















  Chapter-1 Michael

  Chapter-2 Michael

  Chapter-3 Sharon

  Chapter-4 Sharon

  Chapter-5 Michael

  Chapter-6 Sharon

  Chapter-7 Sharon

  Chapter-8 Michael

  Chapter-9 Sharon

  Chapter-10 Sharon

  Chapter-11 Sharon

  Chapter-12 Michael

  Chapter-13 Sharon

  Chapter-14 Sharon

  Chapter-15 Michael

  Chapter-16 Sharon

  Chapter-17 Michael




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