Dangerously In Love

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Dangerously In Love Page 11

by Silver, Jordan

  "Ride me baby."

  I flipped us over so that she could take the lead. With our hands clasped together next to my head she took me all in, riding my cock like she'd been starved for it.

  "More Roman."


  She was using my cock to fight her demons. I know when I'm being used, when I'm just needed to serve one purpose. To make her forget, I can do that, but not this way. I took her mouth in a hard kiss while sitting up beneath her and lifting her off of me.


  I took her off the bed and laid her on the floor before driving back into her. This way I could go as far and as deep in her as she needed me to. There was no give from the hardness of the floor so she could do nothing more than take the pounding of my thrusts.


  "Ssh, I know, I know." I kissed her softly, at least I tried, but I ended up biting into her sweet bottom lip.

  "You're so deep in me."

  "It's what you need." I pulled her legs up higher around my hips, her ass gripped tightly in my hands as I gave her as much of me as she needed to keep the fears at bay.


  I hated deceiving him, I know when he finds out he's gong to be so upset, but I can't help it. I have to find out, I have to know. If I'm really careful nothing will go wrong, I just have to play it safe.

  I know my father's routine all I have to do is cut school and be back in time for the final bell. No one will be the wiser.

  I had my plan all worked out. I knew where my...Kenneth kept the garden tools in the shed. Hopefully she wasn't too far down, shit, I forgot about the tree but maybe I could dig around it somehow. I don't know, I'll see, all I know is that I have to try.

  I stayed in class long enough to be marked present then pulled the severe cramps card, which got me to the nurse’s office for my get out of jail free card.

  I was a nervous wreck the whole way there. I had to hoof it since Roman had saddled us with a driver. He was so overprotective these days. It made me feel safe and loved the way only he could and that only added to the guilt.

  It's good that I had to go by foot though because this way no one would notice a strange car parked in the area and I could cut through the woods part of the way.

  I was sweaty and out of breath by the time I reached the house half an hour later. I rifled through cobwebs and old brooms and rakes among other things that I did not recall us even owning, trying to find a shovel. I finally found one buried behind a lot of storage bins and boxes. I'd been digging around the tree for a good hour when I felt someone come up behind me, with my heart in my throat I turned to confront whoever it was.

  "Timothy what are you doing here?" I clutched at my throat.

  "I could ask you the same thing. Where's your watchdog?"

  "Not now Timothy I'm busy here." How could I hide what I was doing?

  "Does he know you're here?"

  "Why, what does it matter to you?"

  "Just asking, I know how he hates letting you out of his sight, always afraid someone's going to come along and snatch you up."

  He moved his hand to touch my hair and I felt strange. I can't say that I've ever felt strange around Timothy before but for some reason I was getting a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I pulled my head away at the last minute.

  "What, your friends can't touch you now Vicki? You know you were mine before you ever knew this guy."

  "Timothy what the hell are you talking about? I was never yours we were friends that's all we've ever been."

  "We could've been more if you'd only given me a chance. I was getting close I know I was but then you met him and everything changed, suddenly I wasn't the most important thing in your life anymore."

  Was he crazy, why the hell was he talking like that? "Timothy..."

  "No Vicki this was fate, my dad sent me by to drop off some stuff for Kenneth and here you are. It was meant to be now he can't ever come between us."

  "What the hell are you talking about, no get your hands off of me."

  I felt crippling fear when he wrapped his arm around my neck and started dragging me away towards his truck. I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything but kick my feet. I felt darkness descending from the stranglehold he had on me as he forced me into his vehicle. I didn't exactly lose consciousness as I could feel the pavement under the speeding wheels.

  My heart thundered in my chest as I thought of never seeing Roman again. Never hearing his laugh, never seeing that sexy smirk of his, that boyish playfulness he showed when we were relaxed. Never be able to run my fingers through his hair again. These thoughts propelled me from near darkness and weakness to full on rage. No way, there was no way Timothy Crafton was taking that away from me.

  I reached over the seat and started choking him. The truck swerved all over the road as he tried to get my hands from around his neck. "Vicki stop it you'll kill us both."

  "Stop the fucking truck, I'd rather be dead than go with you." I used my nails to score his face making him scream and release the wheel while he grabbed at his face. I bit scratched and punched him in the face and head until the truck went off the road and into the ditch. I had the door open and was off and running by the time he got out. I heard him behind me but I refused to look back. I kept running back in the direction we'd come, a stitch in my side.

  Out of nowhere there was a screech of burning rubber against asphalt. I heard doors opening and someone screaming my name. It was the sweetest sound I'd ever heard followed by the best feeling once I was falling into Roman's arms.

  I looked up into his beloved face. "I'm sorry, so sorry, I just needed to know."

  "I've got you baby, I've got you."

  Everything went black but I wasn't worried, Roman will keep me safe, he would never let anything harm me, never.

  Chapter 28


  When I came to I was still lying in the car and Roman was nowhere to be found. It didn't take me long to find him, I just followed the commotion going on not too far away on the other side of the street. It looked like his father, his brother and his uncle were all trying to pull him off of a bloody mess on the ground. I jumped out of the car and ran toward him.

  "Stop it Roman, stop it." The others moved out of the way as what they were doing had no effect. Wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I could I tried to pull him away. I could feel the rage coursing through his body as he tried valiantly to stomp Timothy into the ground.

  "Please baby, please stop, please please please."

  Tears were flowing down my cheeks, my body felt tired and sore but I held on. I took one look at Timothy and recoiled in horror. He was a bloody mess literally. His face had been broken and not just his nose, his arm was laying at an odd angle from his body and he was wheezing as though breathing through liquid.

  "Roman he's bleeding internally we have to get him to the hospital."

  "Fuck him, let the piece a shit die right here."

  "You'll go to jail."

  "Listen to her Roman we can work this, let me think about this for a minute." Marcus stepped forward and clapped his hand on his shoulder. "It was an attempted abduction; it took place on the Sheriff's property, we can have that place crawling with law-enforcement in no time. This is our chance, it's a fucked up way for it to happen but it's perfect. What was Crafton doing there anyway do you know Vicki?"

  "He said his father sent him to drop something off for Kenneth."

  "Wonder what that was, we'll check his truck. Let's call an ambulance, I'll put in a secure call to someone in the state police; tell them of the sheriff's involvement and Victoria-Lynn's suspicions. We'll embellish the truth a little to get this rolling but the secret's out now, Crafton already saw her there, there's no going back."

  "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble but I had to find her. I don't want her under there another minute. Please can't we get her out?" Roman still wasn't saying anything at this point but at least he'd stopped destroying Timoth
y. I almost felt sorry for him; obviously my old friend had mental issues, I mean why else would he do this?

  "Roman?" I shook him a little from behind but still he was lost in that place that he goes to when he gets like this. It might be a while before he comes down from his mad.

  "We understand Victoria-Lynn, if she was our mother we would've probably done the same, we're just upset that you were almost hurt. Son you good now?" Thaddeus tried talking to him but still nothing. Jules came back over from somewhere. He put a jacket over my shoulder. I guess he’d gone back to the car, I hadn’t even realized my clothes were torn.

  "I say we use this to move; uncle can't your guy in the state police make something happen so we can get whatever warrants we need to dig up the backyard? How far did you get Vicki?"

  "Not far Julius, Timothy came along before I could..." I broke off when I felt Roman tense up under my arms.

  "That's where I'm headed Jules, we'll figure out the rest later but I believe all the chips will fall into place if we do this now. Let's get this guy off the streets we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves. The sheriff isn't due home for a few hours at least isn't that right Victoria-Lynn? That's why you thought it was a good time to make your move?"

  I could only nod my head. All my concentration was on Roman who was beginning to scare me because I seriously believed he was weighing the pros and cons of killing Timothy. Uncle Marcus walked off to make his phone calls while Jules and Thaddeus moved in closer to us. All this while Timothy is lying comatose on the ground he's not even moving and my heart is racing out of my chest hoping the idiot doesn't die by Roman's hand.

  "Come on little brother let it go. You need to take care of Vicki man, she's still shaken and she really doesn't need to be seeing this shit right now on top of everything else, come." Julius tried pulling him away but he was not moving.

  "Please Roman listen to him, nothing will come from you killing him. They'd win in the end, I'd be all alone and your life will be ruined and for what? He's not worth it baby, we're worth fighting for, please just let this go, you're hurting me."

  I had to use that last part because I knew even after all we'd been through in the past few months Roman never wanted to hurt me. I've come to understand that I'm his Achilles heel. That's why it's so hard for me to accept that this was all my fault. But I'll have to deal with my own stupidity later, right now I had to get my guy out of the killing rage that had a tight grip on him. I stood on my toes so I could reach his ear. What I had to say was for his ears only; I could see his family watching as I soothed the wild beast.

  "We're supposed to get married and have lots of babies remember? Can't you see them now, running around in that big old house driving everyone insane? Petra will spoil the girls rotten and Julius will teach the boys all his dirty habits. We'll have a hard time getting them to ourselves because grandma Natalia would hog them every chance she gets."

  I painted a picture of our future for him. The future we'd discussed many times, the life we both wanted for each other, together. He took a deep breath and his body deflated as if all the anger had just left. I was pulled around in front of him so fast I almost stumbled but he held me close and firm.

  "Do it and do it quick before I finish him off." I took that opportunity to push him back and out of temptation's way. Thaddeus bent down to check Timothy's vital signs as Roman folded his fist and looked on.

  "I don't feel well can you take me back to the car?" I thought it prudent to get him away from here as fast as I could because whatever leniency he had in him was hanging on by a thread. I had no doubt that Timothy's life was in danger at this very moment.

  "Shit baby sorry, I didn't think; let me see, let me look at you." I didn't think it was such a good idea for him to see any scrapes and bruises I might've received during my little skirmish so I deflected his attention.

  "You can do that later, please can you just hold me? I'm feeling kinda shaky." He picked me up and headed for the car, my head on his shoulder.

  "Thanks for saving me Roman, I knew you would come. I didn't know how, but I knew you would not let anything happen to me." His answer was to squeeze me but he was still not saying much; that's okay at least he wasn't in a killing rage anymore.

  True to his word uncle Marcus had the place crawling with law enforcement before long. We'd driven back to my old home. Timothy had been taken to the hospital under police escort; when he awakened he'd be charged with attempted abduction, which carried a stiff penalty in this state. I'd had to give a brief statement but uncle worked it out so I didn't have to go down to the station until later since I wanted to be there when and if they dug up my mother.

  The old lady from across the street came over and stood on the sidewalk to watch. A look of sadness on her face as the men dug up the backyard. Roman had insisted on helping the men dig for her. I know he wanted to be the one who found her for me. I walked over to Mrs. Dillard and just stood watching, my heart heavy as men went about the business of searching for my mother's body. I couldn't bring myself to think of the many times I'd played back here as a child not knowing that I was trampling on my mother's grave.

  "I'm so sorry Victoria-Lynn I think I failed you, you and your mom." I looked down at her.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I always suspected, when the rumors first started I always knew they weren't true but I was too sacred, too afraid of him and his power to come forward. Now I wish I had, wish I could spare you this. She wouldn't have wanted this for you; it burned me up the way the people around here just accepted that story when most should've known better. She was a sweetheart your mama was, and she loved you with everything that was in her, I know, saw it with my own two eyes. You were her everything; it might be a little late but I wanted you to know that."

  And with that she turned and walked away.


  That was Roman's voice. I turned back from watching her cross the street, tears blinding me, to see him kneel down and peer into the hole they'd dug. His head came up and our eyes connected and I knew. My knees buckled and I cried out as I fell to the ground. He was there almost before the sound escaped a second time.

  "I've got you baby, I've got you." We sat there on that ground, him rocking me back and forth in his arms as people milled about around us. Natalia showed up at some point and tried to take me away from Roman but he just told her firmly and with one word "No!" and I stayed locked in his arms as I cried for my mother.

  Chapter 29


  Everything was crazy after that; sheriff Baldwin showed up and was throwing out threats against everyone while swearing that he knew nothing about the body being removed from the hole in his backyard. I wanted to punch the fucker in the face but cheeks, even as distraught as she was caught on and kept a death grip on me.

  Whatever uncle had done with his call to the state police they'd done a good job of quarantining things so to speak. Because of the other aspects of the case we needed to keep things contained so that the others involved wouldn't be made aware. Uncle had left soon after the troopers had shown up, something about synchronizing his team. I hadn't even known that he'd called anyone in as yet. I know he talked about it but damn he moves fast.

  There was a team of crime scene techs combing the area around the hole and the uprooted tree. The body had been wrapped in some kind of burlap sack and the men were handling it delicately while I held my girl to keep her from moving forward and contaminating the evidence.

  I couldn't stop her from crying and I wouldn't even try. She hadn't even spared her father a glance, not even when he started blaming her for what was taking place. I wasn't too concerned with his shit anymore since no one else was listening to his crap. That was evident by the cuffs that were placed on his ass before he was dragged away kicking and screaming. I wonder how he’d missed the official cars and vans lining the street? You’d think the jackass might at least make a run for it. I guess he was hoping for some serious help from hi
s sick fuck friends. I couldn’t think about that now either, my mind was more on her and what was going on inside of her. She hadn't said anything after her collapse just a keening moan that had pierced my soul.

  Now she just sat on my lap clutching me tight as her eyes stayed glued to the burlap sack on the grass. “What are you thinking baby? Talk to me.” I kissed her hair and hugged her even closer. My only wish, that the events of this day didn’t set her back. I could do a lot of things for my girl. I had the money to give her anything her heart desired, but I couldn’t give her the thing I was sure she wanted most at this moment. Her mother.

  I'd prepared myself for this or at least I'd told myself I had but the reality was something else entirely. If I could spare her this there's no question that I would but I was afraid there was even more heartache to come. There was still the whole hunting of humans thing to deal with, then the case of murder against her father. What was it going to do to her to have to go through that?

  "Baby let me take you home." I kissed her temple needing contact with her in the worst way.

  "I can't Roman; I have to go with her where're they going to take her?"

  "I don't know but I'll find out stay here okay." I beckoned mom over to come stay with her while I went to take care of that.

  I think I already knew that there was no way that she would be able to see her mom; not yet anyway, but I had to at least try. I left her with dad and approached the guy who was in charge. Dad and Jules were talking to some of the crime scene techs I guess they were getting the ins and outs of what was going to happen next.

  "Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me what happens next. My girl would like to go with her mother if you could tell us where you'll be taking her."

  "You're Marcus's nephew, the younger one right?"

  "Yes Roman Blair." I shook his hand.


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