Steel and Promise

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Steel and Promise Page 9

by Alexa Black

  She turned to the dresser, not bothering to look at herself in the mirror. On it was a simple wand of lipstick, in dark red.

  Cailyn sighed again. Red was fine, but that dark? Something else she would never have chosen.

  She watched herself trace the deeper red along her lips. Her job dictated making herself over, becoming what others would want of her. Still, the reflection in front of her looked wrong. She closed her eyes and mouthed a prayer to the courtesans’ goddess, trying to regain her composure. She’d stayed here too long already.

  She stepped toward the door holding her head high. So her stomach was in knots. She’d been trained not to reveal that, trained by the best. Whispering a few more words to her patron goddess, she let the door hiss open and walked through it.


  Cailyn’s eyes swept over the room. Teran sat in a small chair in the center of it. Sparse, unadorned walls left her with little choice but to look at Teran. For her part, Teran nodded and looked her over.

  Teran sat cross-legged in a small chair. She turned something around in her hands. Cailyn could see pale blue metal, shaped into a ring. She laid it down on a small stand near her chair. Cailyn squinted, trying to look without making her staring too obvious.

  Teran set the object down. She walked over to Cailyn, close enough to touch her face. Even the warmth that spread through Cailyn couldn’t calm her nerves. What exactly had she gotten herself into?

  Teran’s fingers reached out and touched Cailyn’s ear. She fought the impulse to jump. Of all the places Teran could touch her, why that one?

  Slender fingers reached out and plucked the gold earrings from Cailyn’s ears.

  “If you want earrings, let me know and I will provide them,” Teran whispered into her ear, voice clear and crystalline.

  The gold dangles glinted in Teran’s palm. To not have earrings made Cailyn more naked than she had felt in years. She had no trouble slipping out of clothes, but to be denied even earrings? Teran had removed them for her, pulled them out and taken them away like a parent chiding a child for dressing up.

  Teran’s other hand traced her chin, inspected her, snaked up to wind in her hair. It drew her head back. Teran lowered her head to Cailyn’s throat.

  “That’s better,” she murmured against Cailyn’s skin. Her other hand snaked under Cailyn’s bodice to pinch her nipples.

  What did she do with my earrings? Cailyn wondered, until a sharp twist made her hiss.

  She sank backward, falling into Teran’s embrace. Her nipple throbbed as the pinch faded. Her skin burned, her hips moved. She wished Teran would touch her, ease the burning between her legs, end her humiliation.

  “Kneel there,” Teran said as she let go.

  Cailyn obeyed. Teran walked away. Cailyn bit her lip, determined not to show her anger.

  “There’s one last thing you need, little one.”

  Teran took the metal ring off of its cushion. As she walked back over, Cailyn could see that it was made of the same light, thin metal as the restraints Teran had used on her. A collar?

  “My lady? I’m not contracted to you exclusively,” Cailyn snapped. She glared at the offending ring of metal. It glinted in the harsh light.

  Teran laughed. She pressed her fingers to the back of the collar and it opened. “I didn’t think you’d planned on looking on the dark channels, little one.”

  The dark channels? How did Teran know about that?

  “My lady?”

  “Who else would think of this as anything but a pretty toy?”

  Who else? Cailyn’s mind raced. She didn’t know. She couldn’t know.

  “You’re baiting them,” Cailyn realized. “You’re making me wear this so they’ll be jealous.”

  “Of course.” Cailyn heard the slight click of the claws as they extended. “They expect it.”

  “I thought you might want to show off, but I never thought you would do that.”

  “They’re going to notice anyway.” Metal reached out to stroke Cailyn’s chin, sharp, sure. “I might as well give them something to talk about.”

  Cailyn fidgeted, her hands safely hidden behind her back. Remember your training, she thought.

  She raised her head, shook out her hair, and held it up while Teran slid the metal around her neck. It was cold, and Cailyn couldn’t hide her wince.

  The metal warmed as Teran’s fingerprints sealed the lock. It was a part of her now, whatever she’d agreed to. The warm burn against her skin claimed her, like a brand.

  “Now go,” Teran said, pulling her hand away.

  “Go?” Cailyn asked, puzzled.

  “Surely you have things to do. People to meet.”

  “My lady?”

  “Surely you didn’t expect to spend your every moment here. Besides, I think the others have something to see.”

  Cailyn glowered. So Teran really did mean to show her off. Still, she had accepted this. She could hardly expect to spend every moment with Teran, tucked under her wing.

  “Yes, my lady,” she said.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Cailyn Derys!”

  Cailyn fought not to twitch. She’d walked the halls all morning. No one had so much as spoken to her. Most had stared, their eyes locked on Cailyn’s collar, and whispered to one another. All she’d caught from most of them was Teran’s name.

  And now someone wanted to talk. A shiver of anticipation ran through her. Teran might like people avoiding her. Cailyn hated it.

  But Cailyn wore Teran’s collar now. Just because someone wanted to talk didn’t mean she’d like what they had to say.

  Steeling herself, she turned and found herself looking into a familiar face.

  “My lady Liana.” Cailyn laughed with relief.

  “It’s always good to see you.” Lady Liana’s painted lips opened in a wide smile. Cailyn looked her over, pleased to see it.

  Dark wavy hair framed Liana’s dusky, dimpled face. A diadem, showing her rank on one of the Councils, circled her head. A gem, this one an implant, glistened in the center of her forehead. Jewels winked at her ears. She wore her house’s traditional purple, a glittering weave of color that caught the harsh light of the hall and brightened it.

  After so long in the gloom of Teran’s chambers, Cailyn reveled in it.

  “It’s been too long, my lady.”

  “I agree completely.” She smirked and looked Cailyn over. “Maybe we ought to do something about that.”

  Her grin twisted into a frown as she caught sight of the collar at Cailyn’s throat. “Unless you’re busy for now, with—the woman you’re serving.”

  “My lady Nivrai,” Cailyn said, her voice crisp and clear despite the uneasiness she felt.

  “Yes. Nivrai. This is all such an unfortunate business. I never thought you’d get caught up in it.”

  “Caught up in what, my lady? Lady Nivrai hired me to keep her company for this conference. That’s all.”

  Cailyn saw Liana’s hand twitch at her side. “Of course, Derys. That’s none of my business, really. And I’m sure you’re getting something for it.”

  Her smile returned. “Or at least I hope you are, given what she probably has you doing.”

  Cailyn bowed her head. “My lady. Like you said, that’s none of your business.”

  “Oh, I agree.” She reached out a hand. With a gentle gesture, she tilted Cailyn’s head up to look at her again. Warm memories spread through Cailyn’s mind at the touch. She let the movement guide her.

  “But I meant this whole meeting. This whole thing with Nivrai. It’s not something the Councils are meant to demand of someone.” She shook her head.

  Cailyn opened her mouth to speak, but Liana spoke first. “And seeing you with Teran Nivrai makes it our business. Or at least, some people will see it that way.”

  Cailyn sighed. “You’re probably right.”

  The fingertips lingered on her chin. “Then you really should make sure to get some pleasure of your own out of all this.” She laughed
again. “Unless I’m being presumptuous thinking seeing me again would bring you pleasure.”

  Cailyn felt her cheeks flush. “No, my lady. You’re not.”

  “Then we should talk later, Derys. I’m glad to see you here. I ought to take advantage of the opportunity. Unless you’re working only for Teran right now.”

  “My first duty is to my lady Nivrai right now, yes,” Cailyn answered. “But it’s not an exclusive contract.”

  “Thank the gods for small mercies, then. I’ll videocall you later, once we’re done with some of this damned council business.”

  Cailyn grinned again. “I’d like that.”

  “I’m just glad to hear that you can. Nivrai is—” She shuddered.

  Cailyn kept her face composed. Was this what she had to look forward to? She’d expected looks and glares, and already gotten a few. She hadn’t expected her favorite clients fretting over her on top of it all.

  “Even if it were exclusive, my lady, there’s no need to worry about me. This is an agreement like any other.”

  “Like any other,” Liana repeated, clearly unconvinced.

  “Please, my lady. Don’t worry about me. It’s a contract, not a prison sentence.”


  The bedroom was large but unadorned. A cross lay against the wall. Cailyn squinted at it. Had Teran brought hers all the way here from Nivrai, or did the facilities provide for patrons of the dark channels?

  Teran slid out of her clothes. Cailyn watched, eyes lingering on Teran’s body. Teran turned and took down a harness from a shelf. A large dildo already jutted from it, and Cailyn’s pulse quickened as Teran slipped it on. Made of the same shifting metal as Cailyn’s collar, it fitted itself to its wearer’s body. The metal glimmered as its shape changed.

  Then Teran stepped behind her. Cailyn could feel the hard shape of the dildo press against her leg.

  “You look lovely,” Teran said. She pulled back Cailyn’s hair. “A gem in a world of stones.”

  Cailyn blushed. “My lady?”

  Teran’s hand slid down the front of Cailyn’s bodysuit. Slender fingers teased and pinched her nipples through the garment. Claws grabbed at the fastener and unzipped it with a swift, decisive motion.

  Cailyn peeled the bodysuit off. “My lady, you just had me put that on.”

  “And you expect me to leave you in it when it’s been so long?” Teran leaned over to bite her neck.

  Cailyn didn’t answer. Steel trilled along her breasts. Then Teran pushed her down onto the bed, the delicate curl of the metal replaced by the strength in her hands.

  “I thought you wanted everyone to see—”

  “I chose you. You ought to take pride in it.”

  Deft hands moved her hair to one side. Steel tickled her back. “You ought to exult in it.”

  Teran rummaged in a drawer beside the bed. She drew out a small package and set it beside her. Cailyn twisted to look at it, but a slender hand pushed her head back down.

  “Calm down, little one. Here, I’ll show you.” She held out one of the small cylinders. Metal glinted inside. Cailyn squinted at it. Was that a needle? Whatever it was, it looked small and sharp.

  Metal trilled across Cailyn’s back. Cailyn was too busy staring to respond.

  “A shame I can’t just do this with my claws,” Teran murmured.

  Cailyn gasped, eyes fixed on the metal as Teran drew it out.

  Unable to think of anything else to do, she thought back to her training. She’d studied techniques until she was dizzy with desire or sick with boredom. Beyond the lessons in technique, she’d had thousands of lessons in manners. The young hopefuls had learned proper etiquette for every eventuality.

  But how, she wondered as she slowed her breathing and visualized the smiling face and flowing hair of her goddess, was she supposed to deal with this?

  She could hear Teran breathe behind her, soft and quick. The claws pinched a bit of the skin of her back. Cailyn gasped as Teran pulled it up.

  Fire lanced through her skin as the steel pushed through. She cried out at the invasion.

  Teran’s other hand soothed her. She breathed in slowly, still thinking of the courtesans’ goddess, her flowing dark hair, wide eyes, and big-lipped smile.

  Another needle pierced her. She breathed out, fought not to tense, and focused on her vision of the goddess’s lips as they opened like her skin. Tears welled in her eyes, and she beat the bed underneath her with her fists.

  Metal trilled across her back again. The tips of the claws kneaded her back.

  Another needle pierced her. The world floated in her mind as the steel invaded her skin. Silver lightning lanced through her again and again. She shook, listening to her own sharp whimpering, and waited for her body to relax again.

  “Very nice.” Teran laughed. “Was that pleasure or pain?”

  Cailyn drew in a breath. “What you’re doing is intense, my lady.”

  Teran’s hand slid down Cailyn’s body. “I suppose I’ll just have to see for myself.”

  Her fingers reached between Cailyn’s legs, probing for wetness. Cailyn slid back to meet them, grateful for the contact.

  Then Teran drew her hand away. Cailyn whimpered as Teran’s fingers wiped her own moisture on her skin.

  “I thought as much. Time to remove these, I think.”

  Cailyn hissed as Teran drew the first of the needles out, running the point against the channel the steel had made.

  She could hear Teran’s breath behind her, a faint gasp as the needle came free, quick breaths as she stared at Cailyn’s back.

  Cailyn howled as a bright spike of pain lanced through her. Teran paused. Cailyn gulped in air. It filled her lungs, pristine and refreshing.

  Teran pulled another needle free, ripping at the tranquility Cailyn had made for herself. Tears sprang to her eyes. She muttered a curse.

  Teran laughed. Apparently, she’d heard it.

  How many more, Cailyn wondered. The room wavered in her vision as tears welled in her eyes and spilled.

  I must look awful, Cailyn thought, but the welcome fingers found their way to her vulva again, smoothing away the pain.

  Teran’s other hand pushed at her back. “Turn around,” she said, her voice halting with the desire choking it.

  Cailyn did as Teran bid her. Pale eyes, sharp as a hawk’s, regarded her.

  Then all she felt was the bright shock of being filled. She winced, the pierced skin of her back singing its protest. Teran purred and moved faster inside her.

  She twisted, trying vainly to find a more comfortable place for her back, but the pinpricks were everywhere. Each hole in her flesh burned as her body was tossed against the sheets underneath her.

  Teran loomed above her, her body a black silhouette. Cailyn stared up at it as the great thing drove deep. She could feel it dividing her. The nerves inside her sang. Shocks of pain thrilled through her back.

  She sighed, fixing her eyes on Teran’s. They shone, brilliant crystals set in a white face, the mouth slightly open. Pleasure rolled in waves through Cailyn. It crackled through the punctures in her back, spilling out of her like blood.

  She opened her eyes as something wide and heavy slid out of her. Her heart raced. She wondered when exactly she’d closed them. Her back itched, the rhythmic hum of pain growing more insistent as her breath and heartbeat slowed.

  A clawed finger traced its way along one of her breasts. Her skin opened, bright and alive. Wet blood welled up from the place where it parted.

  Teran’s lips pressed against the wound. Cailyn closed her eyes again and let go.

  The lips pulled away. She moved after them, feeling bereft. When she opened her eyes, metal tickled her chin.

  Lips smeared with her blood smiled down at her.

  “So, how did they react to you?”

  “I—what?” Cailyn stammered. “They stared.”

  “Don’t they always?”

  “This—it—” Cailyn’s cheeks burned. “It wasn’t the same
, my lady.” At least, not until Lady Liana had appeared to rescue her. But even that conversation had turned to Teran in the end. To this.

  Cailyn closed her eyes again. She’d loved eyes on her body, loved the idea of eyes on her from long before. But these eyes she could barely endure.

  A gem in a world of stones, Teran had said. You ought to exult in it.

  “I don’t know how you stand it,” she said at last.

  Teran didn’t answer. Silence stretched between them.

  Claws tinkled softly against the metal collar. “I wonder how they would react to this.”

  Cailyn turned her head away, letting her hair hide her face. She swallowed, opened her eyes, and felt warm metal on her neck. She remembered Teran pulling back her hair, urging her to display the collar with pride.

  So be it. She would try.

  Teran smiled down at her, a few drops of blood on her lips. “That’s better.” Her hand pushed at Cailyn again. “Turn around, little one.”

  On her back, she couldn’t do much unless Teran wanted to penetrate her again. She hoped that Teran would call on her soon to give pleasure with her hands or lips. She wanted her to feel pleasure as deep as the pleasure she felt now.

  Fingers traced their way along her back. It made her fidget, wondering when the fingers would run over the pierced spots in her skin. They didn’t. Cailyn sighed and sank into the bed.

  A drawer slid open. She listened to Teran sift through it and turned her head to look. Teran drew out a cloth and something else. Probably some version of the ointment Teran had used on her before. Reassured, she turned away again.

  A symphony of pain exploded through the nerves in her back. That wasn’t ointment. The astringent cleanser burned, its sting a far cry from the cool, soothing ointment.

  She twisted away, but strong hands pressed her back down. Then the liquid stung her again. It sent thrills of pain through the punctures in her skin.

  She gripped the sheet beneath her, clenching her fists around the fabric. Her eyes fogged again with tears. It wasn’t fair, after so much, not to be allowed to rest. Her insides twitched from the penetration. Her mind drifted from the needles.


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