The Presidents Club: Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity

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The Presidents Club: Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity Page 74

by Nancy Gibbs

  as cochair of Citizens Committee for Peace with Freedom in Viet Nam, 188

  concealed weapons permit of, 155

  creation of “shadow” government considered by, 139–40

  Cuban Missile Crisis and, 10, 145, 147–48

  death and funeral of, 256–57, 265, 305

  defense spending and, 106–7, 144

  election of, 53

  in election of 1952, 75–76, 77, 78–79, 88–89, 107

  European trip of, 69

  FDR’s legacy secured by, 4

  golf played by, 9

  Goodpaster’s briefing of, 176, 179, 183, 184

  heart attacks of, 185, 251–52

  historians’ ranking of, 152–53

  honors bestowed on, 60–61

  inauguration of, 5, 92–94

  JFK disliked by, 109–10, 159

  at JFK’s funeral, 155, 156–58

  JFK’s gift of golf balls to, 141–42

  at JFK’s inauguration, 124–25

  JFK’s lack of respect for, 104–5

  JFK’s meetings with, 118–23

  Johnson’s senatorial work with, 163–64

  Korean War and, 67–68, 91, 93, 94, 175, 177, 189, 242

  LBJ given military advice by, 6, 160, 172–85, 186–88

  LBJ’s address on JFK assassination drafted by, 6, 163, 165–67

  LBJ’s gift of cuff links to, 4, 170

  LBJ’s Vietnam policy supported by, 225

  Lincoln’s portrait painted by, 525

  McCarthy vs., 83–86, 87–88

  management style of, 117–18, 150

  military management style of, 8

  1960 election and, 13

  Nixon chosen as running mate by, 377

  Nixon on, 261

  Nixon’s relationship with, 105–6, 107, 110–11, 226

  party affiliation of, 73

  popularity of, 106, 110, 185, 251–52, 367

  as president of Columbia, 62, 66, 155

  prestige of, 524

  Reagan’s 1966 California run and, 203–4

  self-confidence of, 179

  South Vietnam supported by, 171, 181–82

  as Supreme Allied Commander, 55, 57–58, 68, 75

  Taft’s rumors on, 77

  televised address on internationalism by, 70–71

  Truman disliked by, 56

  Truman given globe by, 61, 90–91

  Truman’s attempt to make politician of, 61–63, 72, 73–74, 75–76

  Truman’s feud with, 7, 55–56, 95, 96–98, 118, 223

  Truman’s first meeting with, 55, 57

  Truman’s handoff of presidency to, 89–92, 249

  Truman’s invitation to foreign policy meeting to, 80–81

  Truman’s offer to be running mate of, 3

  use of nuclear weapons considered by, 177

  Vietnam unification blocked by, 181

  Eisenhower, John, 68, 93, 94, 136, 142, 153

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 58, 65, 69, 77, 89, 97, 110, 111, 125, 155, 156, 157, 251, 253, 256

  Eisenhower, Milton, 168

  Eisenhower library, 142

  elections, California:

  1960, 193

  1962, 193

  1966, 200–206

  elections, U.S.:

  1928, 20

  1932, 20

  1940, 19, 21

  1946, 38–39, 43, 48

  1948, 61–64, 376

  1952, 51, 55, 75–76, 77, 78–79, 88–89, 107, 295

  1956, 96, 295

  1960, 13, 95, 101, 103, 107–8, 110–11, 145, 193, 198, 223, 248

  1964, 6, 169, 170, 200, 206, 274–75, 277, 375

  1966, 224, 225–26, 227

  1968, 187, 205, 206–7, 208–17, 221, 227–40, 262, 264, 267, 268, 278, 281, 282, 284, 285, 353, 357

  1970, 278, 376–77

  1972, 207, 260, 278–81, 283, 284–85

  1974, 310

  1976, 301, 313, 315–28, 432

  1980, 327, 328–36, 353, 355

  1988, 365–71

  1992, 285, 387, 388, 389, 392–93, 412, 491, 492

  2000, 460–62, 463

  2004, 10, 486

  2008, 13, 507, 508–11

  2010, 520

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 456

  Ellis, Nancy, 476

  Ellison, Ralph, 188

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 270, 272, 273, 278

  Elson, Edward, 186

  Emancipation Proclamation, 177, 522

  Emanuel, Rahm, 513, 516

  Endara, Guillermo, 401

  Enron, 425

  Environmental Protection Agency, 513

  Ervin, Sam, 288


  post–World War II food crisis in, 11, 15–16, 17–18, 22–23, 25–27

  World War I food crisis in, 17, 19, 30

  evangelical Christians, 316

  Evans, Rowland, 212

  Ewald, William, 84, 89, 95, 123, 185

  ExComm, 151

  executive branch, Hoover’s

  overhauling of, 5–6, 43–46, 48–51

  Executive Order 11456, 265

  Face the Nation (TV show), 216

  Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 407–8

  Fair Deal, 73

  Fay, Red, 110

  FBI, 145, 195, 242, 283, 284, 422

  LBJ’s request of Nixon wiretapping by, 263, 288–89

  Watergate break-in investigated by, 282

  Watergate cover-up of, 379

  Federal Emergency Management Agency, 497

  Federal Reserve, 185, 294

  Felt, Mark, 284

  financial regulations, 519

  Finch, Robert, 202, 204

  Finland, 19, 21, 35

  First Baptist Church, 100

  Fischer, Dean, 324

  Flying Tigers, 230

  Folliard, Edward, 95, 155

  Ford, Betty, 8, 294, 296, 297, 298, 302, 329, 350

  Ford, Gerald, 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 184, 337–38, 354, 379, 380, 381, 409, 411, 417

  Carter’s self-promotion disparaged by, 395

  censure of Clinton organized by, 291, 454–55

  China trip of, 317

  in Chowder and Marching Society, 261, 294, 295

  Clinton and, 410, 424

  death and funeral of, 351, 456

  as disrupted by Nixon’s legacy, 301–2, 303–4

  as first to stay in Lafayette townhouse, 266

  Haig’s meeting on Nixon with, 303–5, 308

  John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award given to, 312

  on loneliness of presidency, 307

  at NAFTA event, 426–27

  New York Times op-eds on Clinton by, 451–54

  in 1976 election, 313, 315–28

  at 1976 Republican Convention, 321–25

  1980 election and, 314, 328, 329–30

  1988 election and, 369

  Nixon pardoned by, 13, 291, 302–3, 305–9, 311–12, 353, 526

  Nixon’s offer of vice presidency to, 291, 293, 296, 298–301, 308

  Nixon’s vice-presidential nominations supported by, 295–96

  Panama elections monitored by, 11

  as passed over as Nixon’s vice presidential candidate, 291, 293, 296–98

  press conference held by, 301–2

  radical normalcy of, 8

  Reagan considered as vice-presidential candidate by, 321–24

  Reagan offered cabinet spot by, 319

  Reagan’s offer of vice-presidency nomination to, 330–36

  religion of, 337

  Rockefeller considered as vice-presidential candidate of, 318–19, 322

  at Sadat’s funeral, 337, 339–51

  at September 11 memorial, 468

  sunny personality of, 295

  Ford, Henry, II, 155–56

  Ford library, 350

  Ford Motor Company, 121

  Foreign Affairs, 359

  foreign policy, 159–60, 279, 512

  Forrestal, James, 66, 104

  Fort Chafee, 433

  Fox News, 519

  France, 408

  as defeated in Vietnam, 181

  quasi-war with, 3

  Franklin, Ben, 63

  Frederika, Queen of Greece, 155

  Friedman, Thomas, 390

  Fritchey, Clayton, 95–96

  Fuchs, Klaus, 66

  Fulbright, J. William, 132, 163, 188

  G7, 416

  Gaddafi, Muamar, 343, 344

  Gallucci, Robert L., 436, 437, 439

  Gallup, George, 31

  Gates, Thomas, 121

  Gati, Toby, 416, 418

  Gavin, Tom, 158

  Gelb, Leslie, 264, 270, 390

  gender revolution, 316

  General Electric, 195

  General Electric Theater, 199

  General Foods, 31

  General Services Administration, 6, 266, 356

  Geneva Accords, 181

  Geng Hui Jang, 466–67

  George Herbert Walker Bush Library, 459

  George R. Ford Foundation, 456

  Georgia, 383

  Gergen, David, 422

  Germany, 39

  postwar refugees in, 17

  Germond, Jack, 367

  Gettysburg, Pa., 105, 125, 153, 156, 157, 163, 165, 179, 184, 202, 226, 375, 525

  GI Bill, 62

  Gingrich, Newt, 452, 509

  Girl Scouts, 498

  Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961–1969 (David Eisenhower), 136–37

  Goldwater, Barry, 169, 172, 197, 200, 206, 317, 375

  LBJ’s spying on, 277

  in 1968 election, 282

  Reagan’s similarity to, 201

  Good Morning America, 347

  Goodpaster, Andrew, 128–29, 166, 176, 179, 183, 184

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 162, 167, 172, 173, 186, 289–90, 526

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 11, 365, 385, 407

  coup against, 386

  G. H. W. Bush’s meeting with, 382, 384

  Nixon’s view of, 358–61

  Reagan’s view of, 358–59

  Gore, Al, 428, 441, 442, 444, 453, 462, 463, 517

  Gosden, Freeman, 203

  government, size of, 43–44

  Governor Reagan (Cannon), 206

  Graham, Billy, 175, 178, 267, 281, 302, 375, 429, 435, 457

  call from Nixon to G. H. W. Bush engineered by, 387

  at JFK’s funeral, 155–56

  Nixon’s friendship with, 232–34, 280

  popularity of, 286

  Grandy, Fred, 255

  Gray, Gordon, 139, 140, 142

  Gray, L. Patrick, 288

  Great Britain, 41

  Great Debate, 71

  Great Depression, 20–21, 47, 104, 194, 327

  Great Mississippi Flood, 20

  Great Society, 173, 289–90

  Greece, 41, 289

  Greene, Bob, 261–62

  Greenspan, Alan, 332

  Gridiron Dinner, 42, 208, 224

  Gromyko, Andrei, 360


  Bay of Pigs invaders trained in, 122–23, 127–28, 131

  overthrow of government of, 131, 134

  guinea worm disease, 399

  Gulf War, 12, 383–84, 404–8, 422, 480, 485

  G. H. W. Bush’s Presidents Club memo on, 380

  Nixon’s desire to drag out, 285

  Habitat for Humanity, 399, 434

  Hagel, Chuck, 480

  Hagerty, James, 168, 169

  Haig, Alexander, 270, 285

  Ford’s meeting on Nixon with, 303–5, 308

  made secretary of state, 356–57

  Nixon’s aides given information on Ford by, 306, 308

  Nixon’s resignation engineered by, 342

  at Sadat’s funeral, 342, 344–45

  Sadat’s funeral delegation proposed by, 340, 342

  Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 155

  Haiti, 427, 442–49

  earthquake in, 499–500

  Haldeman, H. R., 246, 267, 268, 272, 280, 281, 285

  on bombing halt, 263–64, 273–74

  G. H. W. Bush criticized by, 377

  on Hunt, 277

  on Johnson’s collapse, 276

  on LBJ’s wiretapping, 287, 288

  Watergate break-in and, 282, 284

  Hall, Len, 265

  Halleck, Charles, 83

  Hamburg, Germany, 29

  Harlow, Bryce, 117, 164, 165, 184, 223, 237, 238, 246, 275, 276

  Harriman, Averell, 72, 88, 189, 234, 236, 523–24

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 1

  health care system, 62, 418

  reform of, 519

  health insurance, 29

  Helms, Richard, 277

  Hersh, Seymour, 243, 284

  Hewitt, Edward, 391

  Hillings, Patrick, 204

  Hiss, Alger, 105, 271, 294, 295

  Hitler, Adolf, 21, 85

  Ho Chi Minh, 181

  Holbrooke, Richard, 238

  Holland, 17, 21, 29

  Holton, Linwood, 299

  Holtzman, Elizabeth, 309

  Homeland Security Department, U.S., 471

  Hong Kong, 466–67

  Hoover, Allan, 154

  Hoover, Herbert, 57, 64, 88, 89, 94, 101, 102, 103, 121, 124, 159, 164, 168, 211, 337, 411, 414

  Argentina trip of, 36–37

  background of, 19

  Bay of Pigs invasion and, 135

  book on Wilson by, 524

  Cuban Missile Crisis and, 147

  cuts in American diet requested by, 30, 32

  executive branch overhauled by, 5–6, 43–46, 48–51, 68

  FDR’s dislike of, 20, 21–22, 48, 89, 120

  Germany relief effort organized by, 39–43

  historians’ ranking of, 153

  isolationism of, 69, 71

  1960 election and, 13

  Nixon’s visit to JFK facilitated by, 112–13

  popular dislike of, 20–21

  postwar humanitarian crisis averted by, 11, 15–16, 17–18, 22–23, 25–37, 39–43, 68

  Presidents Club started by, 5–6, 14, 15

  radio addresses on food crisis by, 34–36

  and Truman’s invitation to White House, 22–25, 163

  Truman’s political differences with, 5, 47

  as upset by JFK’s death, 154

  World War I relief efforts of, 17, 19, 30

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 163, 248, 273, 283, 287

  on JFK assassination, 154–55

  LBJ’s praise of, 262–63

  Hoover, Lou, 42

  Hoover Commission, 6, 44–45, 112

  Hoover Dam, 21, 42

  Hopper, Hedda, 196

  House of Representatives, U.S.

  Foreign Affairs Committee of, 40

  Judiciary Committee of, 308, 451, 453

  Un-American Activities Committee of, 96

  see also Senate, U.S.

  housing, 29, 62, 181

  Hoving, Walter, 151

  “How Great Thou Art,” 178

  “How to Lose the Cold War” (memo), 388–90, 391

  Hughes, Emmet, 83

  Hull, Cordell, 21

  Humphrey, Hubert, 4, 107, 174, 187, 213

  at JFK’s funeral, 162

  in 1968 election, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 247–48, 284

  1976 election and, 315

  Vietnam peace talks and, 237, 238, 247–48

  Hungary, 29

  Hunt, E. Howard, 277, 282

  Huntley, Chet, 279

  Hurricane Katrina, 497–99, 515

  Hussein, King of Jordan, 349

  Hussein, Saddam, 383–84, 404–8, 421, 423, 480

  Huston, Tom Charles, 273, 277

  Ickes, Harold, 21, 64

  Idaho, 215

  Illinois, 111, 369, 392

  India, 29, 34, 120, 177

  Indonesia, 491

  industry, 397

  inflation, 331

  insurance bailouts, 519
r />   intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF), 362, 364

  International Atomic Energy Agency, 439

  International Monetary Fund, 95

  Iran, 91, 468

  hostage crisis in, 398, 419, 426

  Iran-contra scandal, 357–58, 366, 368, 452

  Iraq, 383–84, 421–24

  Clinton’s attack on, 422–24

  no-fly zone over, 422

  Iraq War, 13, 424, 470, 475, 482–85, 487, 496, 500, 509

  IRS, 166, 283, 356

  Isaacson, Walter, 238, 481

  isolationism, 69, 71, 392

  Israel, 348, 350, 405, 486

  Jackson, Jesse, 366

  Japan, 26, 27, 34, 58–59, 356

  Javits, Jacob, 179

  Jefferson, Thomas, 3, 9, 90, 449

  Jenner, William, 78, 82–83, 87

  John Birch Society, 140, 203–4

  John Paul II, Pope, 494

  Johns Hopkins University, 179

  Johnson, Haynes, 343, 344, 345, 348, 350

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 155–56, 167, 174, 180, 226, 229, 249, 251, 266, 268, 290, 363, 459

  Johnson, Luci, 252

  Johnson, Lynda Bird, 270

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 1, 6, 10, 13, 100, 154, 155, 160, 439

  address on assassination by, 6, 163, 165–67

  approvals rating of, 167, 185, 186

  Chennault surveilled by, 242, 244–45, 263, 281, 289

  collapse of, 276

  death of, 4, 260, 290

  depression of, 180

  drive of, 513

  Eisenhower as similar to, 168

  Eisenhower given cuff links by, 4, 170

  at Eisenhower’s funeral, 256–57

  Eisenhower’s military advice to, 6, 160, 172–85, 186–88

  former presidents granted privileges by, 6, 164–65, 251–52

  frequent requests of Nixon administration by, 265–66

  Goldwater spied on by, 277

  Great Society of, 173, 289–90

  JFK as envied by, 167

  at JFK’s funeral, 155–56

  memoirs of, 223

  moral qualms about Vietnam of, 180, 185–86, 221

  in 1960 election, 108

  in 1964 election, 6, 169, 170, 200, 274–75, 277

  1968 election and, 213, 221, 227–30, 231–36, 239, 267, 268, 284

  1972 campaign and, 278–81

  Nixon given cuff links by, 224

  Nixon insulted by, 225–27

  Nixon refused aid by, 259–60

  Nixon’s celebration of sixty-first birthday of, 267

  Nixon’s criticism of Vietnam policy of, 224–25

  Nixon’s desire for neutrality in 1968 of, 229–30, 232–33, 237–39

  Nixon’s transition with, 249–50

  Nixon’s two meetings with, 229–30, 262

  peace activists opposed by, 276

  in Pentagon Papers, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275–76

  as Presidents Club’s unofficial secretary, 169–70

  self-confidence of, 179

  in Senate, 163–64

  sixtieth birthday party of, 231

  swearing-in of, 159, 161, 162

  taping of, 269

  Truman visited by, 186

  vice presidency hated by, 162


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