Dominating Their Virgin Sub

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Dominating Their Virgin Sub Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  After about an hour of exploring the vast space, Maylene was led back to the estate. Griffin was sitting on the patio with a tablet in hand, and although dressed in a pair of khakis and a white polo, the look of concentration on his face led her to believe he must have been working. He looked up at her approach and smiled.

  “Did you enjoy the garden?” He patted the seat beside him and she sat down.

  “I did. It’s so beautiful. It must take an awful lot of time to keep it up.” She assumed they worked outside of the home, and it became abundantly clear that she really didn’t know these men. No doubt over time she would know every part of them, but right now she felt at a disadvantage.

  A fountain sat in the center of the square, stone patio. Off to the side was an incredible tree with curving branches and bright orange leaves. They reminded her of fire with their intense color.

  Griffin must have noticed where her gaze was because he said, “That’s a Japanese Maple. We had it shipped in from overseas because the color is stunning.” His mouth was so close to her ear that she could feel his warm breath teasing the strands of her hair that fell from her chignon. Whatever it was about these men had her melting inside. “You look so pretty this morning.” He brushed his finger down the curve of her inner arm.

  “Thank you, Master.” He turned her around so she was once again facing her. The blue of his eyes looked especially vibrant under the natural light.

  “I’m Griffin, unless we are playing. Okay, Maylene?” She nodded but he must have seen the confusion on her face because he continued. “Nikolas, he…” He took a deep breath and shook his head. “Although both of us enjoy the art of dominating willing subs, Nikolas enjoys it all day, every day. I may like to have control, but only when sexual acts are involved, and even that isn’t all the time. Do you understand?” He caressed the skin on her cheek and she nodded. “I don’t want a 24/7 sub or slave.”

  She had been trained as a submissive, but here she had a taste of both worlds. Nikolas, the Dom that liked it all the time, and his brother who only enjoyed it at times. Now that she reflected on it she should have seen that Griffin wasn’t like the other Doms she had been taught about, at least not ones that frequented the auctions.

  “Tell me about yourself.”

  Maylene looked away. She didn’t have a problem telling him about her past, but she knew he was already aware of every personal detail of her life. The question was: why did he want her to retell it? When she looked at him again there was only calm acceptance. He wanted her to tell him. That thought had her smiling. “My parents died a year ago when they traveled for vacation. They tended to leave me and my younger sister Kata frequently, so their absence wasn’t really unexpected.” She had never said the words aloud and they felt unnatural on her tongue. “Their passing was a dreadful shock to Kata, but I felt somewhat apathetic to it all. They really hadn’t been involved in our lives, not after they enrolled us in training for the auctions. I suppose they thought they were doing us a service by handing their children over for what they surmised to be a prestigious title.” Many of the aristocratic community sent their daughters off to be trained, normally when the girls hit their adolescence, sometimes sooner. The sexual aspects of their training didn’t occur until eighteen years old, and before that it was all about etiquette and submissive behavior. They were taught to speak when spoken to, to never make direct eye contact, and to always obey. These beliefs were drilled into their young, impressionable minds until that was all they believed. Some girls fought it, but most embraced it since that was all they knew.

  “Kata is a year younger than I and takes her training very seriously. She has always been adamant about being in the auctions, and I think it is because she watched our parents thrust me into it. They drilled it into her head at a very young age, and she has always been very impressionable.”

  “And you’re not?” She could tell by the tone of his voice and his expression that he was genuinely curious. The feel of his fingers stroking over her cheek lulled her into continuing on.

  “I suppose at first I did it because I wanted to please them, but after the years passed I did it because it was what I knew. All I knew.” She looked down at her hands before continuing. “I enjoyed my training, liked the idea that how I acted and responded would please my husband and Master.” She lifted her head and looked at Griffin, surprised to see the heated look on his face.

  “We never thought we would find a female like you, Princess.” His words touched her heart and she found herself leaning forward. He filled the rest of the space that separated them and kissed her softly. Their lips meshed together, and when his tongue slid inside her mouth she didn’t stop the moan that left her. It was like that sound started something inside of him. He gripped the back of her neck and opened wider, allowing himself to fully explore her. He tasted sweet like the pastries they had for breakfast and she pressed her tongue against his for more. She wanted him, but the question remained if he would still deny intimacy.


  The taste of her filled his mouth and Griffin gripped her nape tighter. He didn’t want to be so aggressive with her, well, at least not for their first time together. He moved his hands lower until he gripped her hips and hauled her onto his lap. The dress she wore slid up her thighs as she placed her legs on either side of his. The feel of her heat speared right through his khakis and tempted his cock. He wanted between her thighs, and he wanted in her heart. The Dom in him roared up at that moment as well, demanding to show their perfect little sub what they wanted, but for right now he had to be gentle with her, show her that this marriage wasn’t exclusively about submitting and dominating. Keeping hold of her hips as he stood, he grunted in pleasure when she wrapped her legs around his waist. The position brought her pussy flush with his erection. The curves of her ass in his hands had him moving quickly through the house and into his bedroom.

  Once he had them behind closed doors he took her mouth in a fierce kiss again. She tasted sweet and spicy and he couldn’t get enough. He walked them over to the bed and laid her on it. The dress rode up her creamy thighs and he got a prime shot of her pussy through the sheer material of her panties. The dark spot in the center told him she was wet and ready. Good, because he couldn’t wait to claim his bride.

  “Strip for me, Maylene.” She slipped from the bed, and with her head downcast removed her clothing. Griffin didn’t think she knew how sensual her slow movements were, or maybe she did. Either way he was harder than steel and wanted inside of her. When she stood before him naked his mouth watered at the sight of her full, pert breasts and her smooth cunt. The gentle roundness of her belly and the generous shape of her hips called out to him on the most primal of levels. “Come here, Princess.” With her head still downcast she moved until she stood right before him. With his finger under her chin he lifted her head until she was looking in his eyes. “Take my pants off like a good girl, Maylene.” The sound of her swallowing filled his ears, but it was the feel of her fingers undoing the button and zipper of his pants that stole his breath. When all offending material was shed and they stood facing each other naked, Griffin wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her flush with his body. Just the feel of her smooth, heated flesh pressed against his sent blood rushing through his veins at an astounding rate.

  Griffin walked her backward and when they reached the bed he laid her gently down. Their first time didn’t have to be fast and hard, demanding and assertive. When he took her virginity he wanted to make her cry out in ecstasy. The morning sun streamed through the windows and bathed her body in a heavenly glow. “So beautiful.” He ran his finger up her arm, over her chest, and stopped at the swell of her breasts. He watched in rapt awe as the dusky peaks hardened under his gaze. Not being able to control himself, but knowing he needed to be easy with her, Griffin dipped his head and sucked on the turgid peak. Running his tongue over the tip had her arching her back and thrusting her chest further for his touch. The scent of her arousal s
urrounded them in a musky, sweet saturation. He let go of her nipple with a resounding pop and latched onto her lips. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth had her moaning. The feel of her hands grabbing his biceps, and her nails digging into his flesh, had him thrusting his hips forward.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and he grunted out, “That’s it, Princess.” Warm, wet flesh greeted his erection as he pumped against her. Breaking away from the sweetness of her mouth, Griffin looked down at where his dick glided up and down her pussy. Her lips surrounded his length, and her wetness created a sheen from her arousal. For several long, agony-filled moments all he did was watch his cock slide up and down her pussy cleft. The little sounds of pleasure that left her had him pushing his hips faster and harder against her. The tip of his cock bumped against her engorged clit. He needed her to come, wanted to watch her become unhinged beneath him. Reaching up to pull one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger had her bucking against him. A guttural groan left him and he knew that if he didn’t get her off soon he might be the one letting go first. That wasn’t going to happen, especially when he wanted to feel the walls of her pussy clenching around his cock when he came.

  Pulling and tweaking her nipples had her thrashing her head back and forth and crying out in bliss as her orgasm finally claimed her. Her hips lifted and swiveled against him, seeking more of what he gave her. It was all too much, and he needed buried inside of her. Taking hold of the root of his cock, Griffin placed the pre-cum slicked head at the entrance of her body and pushed inside her. Her eyes widened and her breathing became shallow. If not for the fact she lifted her pelvis up for more and murmured that she needed him inside her, he might have been hesitant in continuing. He certainly didn’t want to hurt her, at least not unless it also brought about her ultimate pleasure.

  He pushed in another inch, and another, until he was half-sheathed inside of her and felt her hymen. Every muscle in his body was strung taut as her wet tightness surrounded him. She was hotter than hell, but he had never wanted to get burned as badly as he did at that moment. Panting above her like he had just run a marathon, Griffin eased out of her slowly. When just the head of his erection was poised at her entrance she grabbed hold of his wrists anchored to her hips.

  “I want it, please.” She arched her neck and moaned.

  “Christ.” In one swift move he slammed into her, breaking through her innocence until he bottomed out. A strangled noise left her and she dug her nails deeper into his flesh. Tiny beads of blood welled from beneath her peach-colored fingertips, and that sight alone had the animal inside him breaking free. He moved in and out of her, needing her to come on him, around him, and scream out his name. Sliding a hand up her belly and between her breasts until he came to her neck had him working his hips faster and harder. He circled his hand around her slender throat, but made sure to keep it loose. The sight was an aphrodisiac, a collar of possession and had the world fading around him. She gripped the hand that was wrapped around her throat but didn’t try to remove it. In fact, she held it to her as she pleaded for more. Sweat dripped from his temple and splashed along the creamy swell of her belly. Her breasts bounced wildly from his pounding hips against hers.

  “Fuck.” Griffin threw his head back and sunk in and out of her three more times before he let his orgasm claim him. His cum shot out of his balls, through his shaft, and bathed the exquisite scorching inside of her pussy. Her cunt clenched rhythmically around his dick and he continued to pump his hips with astounding speed, drawing out as much of their pleasure as humanly possible. “That’s it, Princess.” Swiveling his hips slightly, he bumped against the tight little knot buried deeply inside of her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted as she climaxed around him again. Griffin lifted his head and stared at the mirror lining the wall to the left of the bed. Nikolas stood in the doorway, his heavy-lidded gaze trained on Maylene. Sweat dripped into his eyes and blurred his vision. He looked down at his wife once again. She was the picture of beauty as she rode out her pleasure.

  She opened her eyes and stared up at him as if in a trance. Nikolas made a gruff noise from the doorway and she looked behind Griffin to stare at his brother. There was no embarrassment, only a heated look of rapture. Despite Griffin’s orgasm he was still hard, still ready to give Maylene more. When he pulled out of her a sense of loss filled him, but then he watched as she got on her knees and kept her focus on Nikolas. She dropped her head, already comfortable with the role her brother wanted from her. Nik closed the door behind him and walked to the edge of the bed. He could have left, but Griffin was going to claim their little sub again, and again, and again.

  Chapter Five

  The way Nikolas moved toward her, like an animal about to attack wasn’t lost on Maylene. He moved with a sureness that rivaled any predator in the wilderness. Being with Griffin for her first time had been raw and untamed, but he had taken her like a man that couldn’t get enough. It had been everything she imagined losing her virginity would be like, but the one thing missing had been Nikolas’s presence. It was strange knowing that after only one day she wanted both brothers so ferociously. They were so different in their own way, and she found she wanted both of them with the same intensity.

  Taking the display position, Maylene waited for Nikolas to touch her. She kept her eyes closed. He ran his finger across one breast then the other. He did this over and over again until all she wanted to do was thrust her chest out and seek out more of his touch, but of course she was a good sub and held her place until he gave her a direct order. His hand cupped her chin and brought her head up.

  “Look at me.” She opened her eyes, and although his expression was fierce there was clear desire written on his face. While he kept her stare she heard his zipper sliding down. Her heart pounded a fierce tattoo behind her ribs.

  Griffin moved behind her. He placed his big hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her forward. She was sore, but her arousal and excitement overshadowed it. On her hands and knees, her position caused the heavy, thick length of Nikolas’s shaft to brush against her lips. She wanted to taste him, but waiting for his command came first. His pleasure was her pleasure. Griffin, however, did not need any preamble. He thrust into her from behind and she closed her eyes and moaned. Maylene may have gotten off already, but her body didn’t care. She wanted these two men more than she had ever wanted anything before. Giving them pleasure gave her pleasure, and that in itself aroused her beyond comprehension.

  Nikolas ran the crown of his shaft along her lips and murmured, “Open your mouth and take me inside.” Maylene did as he said right away. The flavor of him brought back remembrance for their time together last night. Fresh juices from her pussy mixed with Griffin’s cum and slipped out of her. The sensation should have been uncomfortable, but it made her arousal ignite once again.

  She paid attention to the vein that ran the underside of his thickness. The pulsing sensation had her humming around him and taking him deeper. When the crown touched the back of her throat she swallowed. A thrill of pleasure at the knowledge she pleasured him like he had done to her washed through her.

  “So good, sweetness.” He cupped her cheek in his hand and groaned. He gripped her hair on each side of her head and started fucking her mouth. A wave of warmth spread through her. Hands on her bottom sent a thrill to her core, and when Griffin’s hands landed on her ass in a resounding crack, she couldn’t stop the gasp of surprise that left her. Over and over Griffin brought his palm on her bottom, alternating cheeks until the blood rushed to the surface. The stings of pain lent way to warmth then the release of endorphins. His teeth grazed her spine a second before he drove his cock into her pussy.

  With her mouth full of Nikolas’s shaft she could do nothing but moan from the impact. They alternated fucking her mouth and between her thighs. Griffin reached around and rubbed her clit back and forth, quicker and quicker until her inner muscles clamped on the fullness pounding into her. She milked Griffin until the warm, powerful
jets of his release filled her.

  “Take me all the way to the back, pet.” Nikolas tightened his hands in her hair until the twinge of the strands getting tugged on traveled through her whole body. She wanted to, needed to, please Master Nikolas.

  Hollowing out her cheeks and renewing her efforts, she called forth her training on pleasuring a man through oral. With her eyes closed and the post euphoric bliss still coursing through her, Maylene focused her lips and tongue on Nikolas’s hardness. Small bursts of salty fluid bathed her tongue and she knew he was close. He continued to thrust in and out of her, fucking her with abandon. With one final hard pump he buried himself all the way until the heavy weight of his balls pressed against her chin. The heavy jets of his cum pumped in the back of her throat and she greedily swallowed it. Griffin continued slow, languish slides in and out of her pussy, and keeping the ecstasy humming through her body.

  There was just too much, and his climax was just too powerful. His seed slipped from her mouth and down her chin, but he either didn’t care or he liked it because his cock continued to make small jerks inside of her. When Nikolas was spent he pulled free. For several long moments he stared down at her and smeared his finger with his cum that coated her chin and brought it back to her mouth. Maylene sucked the digit inside and made sure she licked it clean. Griffin pulled out of her, but before she could miss his presence he gripped her around the waist and pulled her onto the bed. With her back to Griffin’s chest, Maylene watched as Nikolas disappeared into the bathroom. Assuming he was going to leave like last night she closed her eyes and focused on her other husband, but a few moments later the bed dipped. She opened her eyes and watched as Nikolas took a warm rag and cleaned her gently, first her mouth then between her thighs. He had been so dominating that this softer side showed what a caring and considerate Dom he was. When he was done he lay beside her and pushed the strands of damp hair from her face.


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