Dominating Their Virgin Sub

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Dominating Their Virgin Sub Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “Such a good little sub.” The next strike landed on the back of her thighs and she bit her lip. The next one hit her bottom then her thigh. He alternated between the areas, never hitting the same spot twice. The force of his strikes was just hard enough to have the tip touch her skin, to add pain that heightened her pleasure. Her pussy was soaked, her juices sliding down as he continued his onslaught of pain and ecstasy. Warmth spread through her, starting from her toes and moving all the way up to end at her fingertips. The sound of his even breathing told her he was focused, and concentrating on his task. That fact had her pleasure heightening. Her clit throbbed and her body begged for deliverance, to let go and experience abandon. The pain morphed into pleasure and she started to drift away with the rhythmic beating he delivered. Warmth spread through and filled every cell, every pore, and lent way to the most indescribable sensation. It consumed her, and stole her breath. She knew what this was, knew the endorphins that filled her veins and brought her higher than she had ever been before. This was how it felt to be loved by a Master.


  His pet’s skin turned a beautiful shade of red as he continued to bring his cane down on her succulent body. “You please me, Maylene.” He struck her bottom again. A long, red line slashed across the creamy backdrop. “Tell me what I just said.” A gasp left her when he brought his cane down on the back of her right thigh. “I please you, Master.”

  His cock was rock solid but he wouldn’t touch himself, not even to adjust the heaviness behind his fly. He had made her feel as though she was unworthy, and that was an unforgivable act. He may not have wanted a wife at first, but after spending time with Maylene and watching Griffin interact with their perfect little sub, things changed. After Maylene told him she feared she disappointed him all those days ago, Nikolas had taken some much needed time to reflect on what he was doing and how he was treating the only woman that really ever made him feel something aside from his need to dominate.

  Her luscious lips parted, and the air that left her was even and slow. Had his sweet submissive reached subspace so quickly? Arousal pumped through his veins so fast he grew intoxicated from it. This was a defining moment in their relationship. Nikolas continued to bring his cane down along her sweet ass and the back of her thighs. Over and over he showed her his dominance, and reveled in the knowledge that she bent to him so readily.

  Nearly an hour passed and she continued to take everything he gave her. She was beautiful and receptive and all his. “My good, good girl.” He brought his palm down upon her warmed, red flesh and rubbed her body. She breathed out slowly and he leaned in and kissed her softly. Her eyes opened slightly and she stared at him with a glazed over expression. She was with him, but then again she wasn’t. Her mind was elsewhere as she stared through him. He touched her cheek and said, “You please me, pet.”

  He took a step back and struck her again, loving how her back arched, as if she sought more from him. “You’re a good girl, Maylene. You’re my good girl.” That time away from her, albeit only a few days, had opened up his eyes and had him realizing the way he had been acting. He wanted her, wanted to claim her, and not just as his sub. Calling her his wife and meaning every word of it had come as a shock to him, but it felt so right that he embraced it.

  When her flesh was colored rouge from his lashes and her legs shook from the force of the pain and pleasure, he set his cane aside and snaked his hand around her and down her belly until he came in contact with the swollen bud of her clit. At the first stroke she cried out. Rubbing the pearl back and forth he ached to see her come fully unbound from his touch. He had given her pain, and from the way she responded pleasure as well, but he wanted her release coating his hand and her screams filling his ears. It didn’t take her long before her climax claimed her and she rode out the feeling. He doubted she realized the way she thrust her hips for more, or the way her tiny white teeth punctured her lip. He leaned forward and kissed the side of her mouth, tasting the tangy flavor of her spilled passion.

  When she stopped shaking he unbound her and scooped his pet into his arms and strode to the bed. Nikolas gently laid her on the cool sheets and got great satisfaction at her content sigh. Her eyes were shut and her tears made tracks down her cheeks. Quickly stripping out of his suit, Nikolas wanted nothing between them when he finally claimed her. But once nude he didn’t move for several long moments. All he could do was stare at the beauty that was Maylene. She looked peaceful as she lay on her belly, her face turned toward him, his marks marring her perfect flesh. He dropped to his knees beside her and dragged his tongue along her cheek, following the tear that made its slow descent.

  “Please forgive me.” He dropped his head to her shoulder. He had never submitted to another, never showed his emotions so freely. With Maylene he wanted to show her everything about him, show her that she meant more to him than just a full-time submissive. She let her hand trail through his hair and down his neck in a gentle sweep.

  She murmured almost sleepily, “There is nothing to forgive, Master.”

  He let his lips trail over her shoulder and to her back. He kissed and laved and each and every mark he left, feeling his pride for his little sub grow. The ones on her ass were raised and red and he dragged his tongue along each and every one of them. When every single mark was kissed and licked, he gently pushed her onto her back. She winced and he smoothed his hands along her, murmuring how pride she made him, how perfect she was. A sigh left her and she smiled up at him. The bliss that showed on her face told him that his wife was not just a sub, but enjoyed the pain that his cane brought. How could he have been so lucky as to have a beautiful, expressive and responsive female such as her? He wasn’t worthy of her, especially with the way he had shut her out, but he promised himself he would spend the rest of his life showing her that she meant everything to him. He would care for her, lavish her with the affection she so deserved, and maybe one day she would grow to care for him the way she cared for Griffin. Her emotions were so expressive, and he had seen how she gazed upon his brother. Nikolas wanted that from her.

  He brought his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply. He let his tongue stroke along hers. The taste of her filled his mouth and he wanted more. “Touch me, Maylene. Put your hands on me.” The almost tentative stroke of her hands along his shoulders had a growl leave him. He kissed her harder and faster. Their tongues pressed fiercely against one another and her legs opened wide so he could fit between them. Her slick heat surrounded him and he pressed his cock harder to the soft cleft of her cunt. The way her labia parted for his length had him growing harder. He broke the kiss but kept his lips a hairbreadth away from hers so she could feel them move as he whispered, “I need your forgiveness, Maylene.” He rocked against her and loved the cry that left her when he bumped against her clit.

  “I forgive you, Master.” She cried out when he pressed into her hard. He took her mouth in a bruising kiss at the same time he reached between their bodies and placed the head of his cock at the entrance of her body. Pulling back so he could look into her eyes, Nikolas didn’t wait as he thrust every hard inch into her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted when he bottomed out. “Oh.”

  Her inner muscles tightened around him and he groaned. “You’re so hot and tight, pet.” He pulled out slowly to give her time to adjust to his size. Each thrust he delivered was measured and easy, but when her nails dug into the skin of his shoulders and her whimpers turned into pleas, he increased his movements. In and out he slammed into her, the headboard cracking against the wall with surprising strength. Maylene took all of him and begged for more.

  He lifted onto his forearms and braced them on either side of her head. He stared down at her body. With her eyes closed and her neck arched she painted a pretty picture of a female in the throes of ecstasy. Her breasts shook from the force of his pumping hips, and her nipples were red and peaked. Dipping down to taste the hard berries was something he wouldn’t deny himself. He ran his tongue along first one tip then
the other until they were wet from his mouth and harder than before. Never once did he stop thrusting into her, not when her tight little cunt continued to pulse around his dick. “You’re so receptive to me, pet.” He took her mouth again and pumped harder, faster. His own climax approached and he wanted, no, needed his cum inside of her. It would be his mark, his declaration that she was not only Griffin’s but his as well.

  “It’s so good, Sir.” She thrashed her head back and forth and bit her lip once again. Nikolas couldn’t stop himself from dipping low and dragging his tongue across the abused spot. The little minx brought her own tongue out, moved it against his, and sucked it into her mouth. He grunted and slipped his hand between their bodies to rub her clit back and forth. She came right away and he couldn’t hold off his own impending orgasm with the rhythmic clenching from her orgasm. With a mighty groan he emptied his balls and filled her with his seed. Their sounds of ecstasy filled the room as their sweat slicked bodies continued to rock against one another. Nikolas collapsed on her, but used his forearms to hold up his weight. Their breathing mingled as one, but even that didn’t cover the harsh respirations of a third person in the room. He didn’t need to look behind him to know it was Griffin.

  “You’re our good girl, Princess,” Griffin called out from behind him.

  Chapter Seven

  Griffin watched as Nikolas finally claimed Maylene. He hadn’t heard everything Nikolas had said to her, but had heard enough to know his brother was falling for their gentle wife. Once he knew what was happening between them he gave the two privacy to experience each other for the first time without an audience. Now though, as he watched his brother clean their wife before lying back beside her, he knew their feelings for one another would only increase with time.

  Maylene opened her eyes and the smile she gave him melted his heart. She opened her arms for him to come to her and he would not deny her. He’d never deny her, not unless she was a bad girl. The thought had him growing hard. Settling on the other side of her, Griffin brushed away the strands of hair that fell across her forehead. Kissing her seemed like the appropriate thing to do at the moment, but he also admitted to himself it was because he was selfish for a taste of her. With her back to Nikolas he knew that what he wanted to experience with her would push her to the brink of her sexual experience. Griffin would make sure she enjoyed it just as much as they would. When he looked at his brother, a silent communication that passed between them. Nik knew what Griffin wanted, and what they wanted was Maylene at the same time.

  “You trust us, Princess?”

  She didn’t make him wait for a response. “Yes, always.” He kissed her once more before turning her so she faced Nikolas. His brother immediately kissed her. The gentle slope of her waist drew him in and he let his fingers trail along her smooth expanse of flesh. The flare of her hips led way to the generous mounds of her ass and he massaged the globes. “Do you know what we want to do to you, Princess?” She thrust her ass back in silent confirmation, but he wanted her to say the words. “Tell us, Maylene.”

  “Yes, I know what you both want, and I want to be the one to give it to you.” Nik groaned and took her mouth again.

  Grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer, Griffin found his thoughts running wild. His cock became unbearably hard at the images that flashed in his mind. Nik already placed her on top of him, and the sight of her pussy spread and on full display had him moving quicker. He gripped her chin and turned her face until she looked at him. For several long seconds he didn’t speak, just searched her face. All he saw was unadulterated lust and undying submission. He dragged his tongue along her lips then kissed her once. The leather restraints were attached to the headboard, and when she noticed them her lids dropped and her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. After securing her wrists together then to the headboard, he looked at the sight before him. The new position had her arms raised at the level of her head. Her back was arched and her breasts thrust out. Nik took that opportunity to suck her nipples into his mouth.

  “You taste so sweet, pet.” While Nikolas lavished attention to her front, Griffin moved in position behind her. Despite Nik’s focus on her tits, he guided his cock to her pussy. Griffin placed his hands on her shoulders and eased her down onto Nikolas. Soft sounds escaped her and he took her chin once more and swallowed the sounds of pleasure that left her. She broke the kiss and sucked in a great lungful of air as Nik gripped her waist and started lifting her up and down on his shaft. Lube in hand, Griffin spread her cheeks and let the clear fluid slip down the crease. He did the same on his cock and used his palm to rub the liquid up and down his dick. Taking hold of each cheek he spread them wide then rubbed his thumb across the puckered hole. The sight of him pressing the digit into her, working the lube into her ass was erotic as hell. He let Nikolas work her on his dick a few more times then he stilled their movements and moved into place. Gripping the root of his shaft he placed the tip at her anus and slowly started to push in. “Bear down, Princess.” The words came out muffled and hoarse. She was tight, hot and wet. Sweat beaded along his temples as he worked himself inside of her. Inch by slow inch he filled her until every part of his erection was buried in the tight confines of her ass. He took a minute just to feel her muscles tighten around him then he moved. In and out, slow and steady. After several long minutes of him stretching her he pushed all the way in again. Nikolas took that as his cue to start.

  “That’s it, pet. Squeeze that pussy around my dick.” Nikolas’s words sent her into a frenzy of small, broken noises. Griffin started to move as well, and they worked in tandem. When he pushed in Nikolas pulled out. Their movements were synchronized and precise.

  “That’s it, Princess. God, that is so it.” Griffin reached around and cupped her breasts. The mounds were soft and her nipples were rock hard as they rubbed along his palm.

  “Ohhhh.” She threw her head back and cried out her orgasm. Griffin ran his teeth down the side of her throat and latched his mouth around her pulse point. They fucked her harder and his balls tightened up as his climax claimed him. He pumped his cum in her ass, feeling the pleasure climb higher when she clenched around him. Nik let out a guttural groan of his own and their three voices mixed as one.

  Griffin pulled out of her and let his forehead rest on her moist back. For several long moments no one moved, just stayed in position until they could all breathe easy. He moved away and went to the bathroom to clean up. When he returned with a wet rag to clean Maylene, she was no longer bound and now sprawled across Nikolas’s chest. His brother rubbed her back and the words he spoke were low and intimate. He never thought he’d see the day when Nikolas let every part of him be claimed by one woman. His brother’s eyes were closed and a smile played across his face. Pure contentment surrounded them and snaked out to ensnare Griffin as well. Just looking at his brother and the protective cocoon he held around Maylene told Griffin his brother was lost for their girl. If he didn’t already love their little sub, he was headed that way.

  He cleaned her up and they situated her between them. This is what he had been dreaming of when it came to a wife and sub to share with his brother. Griffin let his eyes close as elation coursed through him. Everything was finally how it should be.


  One year later, Christmas day

  The scent of cinnamon and the sound of Christmas carols filled the mansion when they stepped into the vestibule. Griffin and Nikolas flanked her and she was thankful they added an extra buffer, not only to the wintery weather, but to also ease her nerves that seemed to be frazzled. Nikolas helped her out of her jacket and leaned in to steal a kiss.

  He whispered against her mouth, “Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look?” Leave it to Nikolas to make her blush here, at his brother and sister-in-law’s house. Griffin took her hand and brought it to his mouth for a soft kiss. Maylene was so very thankful to have these two men in her life. They gave her strength, but were also understanding and supportive in every single aspec
t of her life. She wasn’t just their submissive. She was also their wife, partner, and soon to be the mother of their children.

  As if they read her mind, they both placed a hand on her slightly swollen belly. She was four months pregnant but already had a sizeable bump due to the fact she carried twins. When the physician told her there were two inside her she nearly fainted on the spot, but then she found out it was a little boy and girl and tears of joy had sprung forth. Their rhythmic rubbing of her belly had become a common occurrence as of late, but that was fine with her. Her heart swelled as they each kissed the top of her head.

  “Yow he! Yow he!” The little girl with bright blonde ringlets came bounding down the hall at full speed. She kept chanting that strange phrase over and over again, but her smile was wide and the happiness poured out of her.

  “Faith St. Michaels. You come here right now.” The motherly voice that followed after the little girl was none other than Veronica, Kristoff’s wife. The woman was the epitome of beauty and grace. Her long blonde hair was coiled high atop her head and the baby bump she sported showed prominently through her sapphire-colored gown.

  Faith ran up to Nikolas and he scooped her up for a big hug. Griffin took the rambunctious toddler next and showered her with kisses. Maylene had met their brother and his wife a handful of times since they purchased her at the auction. Maylene had never been one to be comfortable in the presence of others, but Veronica made it impossible not to relax.

  “Oh my, you look so pretty, Maylene.” Veronica embraced her and they both giggled when their baby bumps touched.

  “You don’t have much longer, right?”

  Veronica sighed heavily but her smile was evident. “One more month, thank goodness. They already estimate this little guy to weigh close to nine pounds.” She patted her belly and her smile grew. Kristoff came out of the study and stepped behind his wife. Griffin and Nikolas’s older brother was large and intimidating, just like them, but she knew he was a gentle giant. He wrapped his arms around Veronica and rubbed her stomach.


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