by Alaina Marks
“How’s it going, sweetie?” He hugged her gently around her waist.
“About five more minutes, and it’ll be ready.”
“Great, we can use the dining table. Just call me when you’re ready.” Neal kissed her on the cheek and poured himself more wine. He sat down on the couch in the living room. This felt too comfortable. Like a real couple. Cooking for each other. Sweetie this, baby that. Pet names? What was going on here?
“Neal, come and get it!” Neal hurried into the dining room. He was starving. He slowly walked up to Brandi, pressing his body up against hers, they were chest to chest. He cupped her between her legs.
“Come and get it?” He gave her goodness a gentle squeeze, “Or come and get dinner?”
Brandi cleared her throat. “I was talking about dinner.” Neal smiled as he took his seat. He noticed the effect he had on her and he loved it.
“Smells great my lady,” he took a bite, “Mmmm, wow! Brandi this is awesome. Thank your mom for me.” He stuffed another big bite into his mouth.
Brandi laughed, “Glad you like it.” They ate in silence a few minutes. “My mom always said you can tell if the food is good when no one’s talking, they’re just eating.”
Neal looked up from his plate. “I’m sorry, but your mom was right.” They both laughed.
“Oh, and thanks by the way for setting the table. It’s a little romantic. Was that the effect you were going for?”
Now it was time for Neal to clear his throat. He picked up his glass of wine and drained half of its contents. “Umm, well, I don’t know if I was trying to go for romance but I just thought it would be nice to eat by candlelight. Don’t women like that?”
“Yes we do like that. We think it’s romantic.” She winked at him while she took a sip of her wine.
Neal had to admit, he could get used to having these nice candlelit dinners with her. Brandi’s eyes danced in the candlelight, as he looked at her. “What’s on your mind Brandi?”
“A lot actually. I’m sitting here having dinner with a man I just met a few weeks ago, online, looking for a friends with benefits type of relationship in exchange for giving me free housing. I didn’t even do a background check before I just waltzed my little butt in here and called it home.” Neal giggled into his glass of wine. “This sounds like something you’ll see on TV or something.”
“I know right. Well, it’s real. I’m real. I..” Neal was interrupted by Brandi’s cell phone ringing. She picked it up and pressed the reject button.
“That was Jason again. I don’t know why he keeps contacting me. You would think he would take the hint when I don’t respond. I mean…wouldn’t you take the hint?” She asked.
“Well, if it was you ignoring me…I probably would keep trying too.”
“Sweetie, you don’t have to kiss ass, you already got the ass!” They burst into laughter. It felt nice to share time with someone that you get along with so well. Neal’s last relationship had not been the best, so this was refreshing to have a great chemistry with someone that he was totally attracted to, on all levels.
“You know my birthday is coming up in two weeks,” he said as he finished his last bite of food.
“Oh really?! Is that a hint that you want me to get you a gift or something?”
Neal chuckled. “No sweetie, I’m just making conversation. I really don’t celebrate my birthday anyway, but if you wanted to get me something, I wouldn’t be mad at you.” Brandi smiled. Just before she could comment her phone rang again. She rejected the call.
“Jason?” Neal asked.
“You know every time he calls your whole demeanor changes. Do you still have feelings for him?” Neal braced himself. Never ask a question that you really didn’t want the answer to. That’s what his dad always told him, but Neal had a habit of not always listening to his dad.
“You know, that’s the second time you’ve asked me that question.”
“Well you don’t have to answer, I’m just…”
“No, I don’t still have feelings for him. I’m angry. Every time he calls me or texts me, it makes me angry. I just want to forget about him, but sometimes I feel sorry for him. He finally realized that he had a great thing with me and he’s trying to plead his case. Sometimes I just think maybe I should just hear him out, but then I remember how many chances I’ve already given him, without him even knowing it, and it just pisses me off all over again. Sometimes I’m just like, I’m done with men forever, but I know that I’ll never really be done with men because I do want to get married and have kids one day.”
Neal cleared his throat.
“I just mentioned marriage and kids in the same sentence to someone who just want casual sex.” Brandi shook her head, looking down at her plate.
“Speaking of marriage,” Neal changed the subject. He needed to ease the tension that just crept into the room, “my sister is getting married in a few months. They are having her engagement party here in New York in a few weeks, although the wedding will be in Boston. I actually have to go to Boston soon to help her get some things organized.”
“Oh, awesome.” Brandi responded, eyes filled with relief. “That sounds exciting. I bet…” Brandi’s phone rang again.
Jason. The dude would not let up.
“Let me take this Neal, or else he’s gonna keep calling.” She got up from the table, and answered Jason’s call.
Neal sat at the table, staring at the wall. His body tensed at the thought of Brandi taking away from their special time to go entertain some loser who didn’t know he had a good thing until she was gone. He walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. He turned the TV to ESPN. He needed something to distract him from trying to guess what Brandi and Jason were talking about. She had been gone too long to have just told him to stop calling her.
Neal stared blankly at the game. Why the hell was she talking to her ex? He should go tell her to get off the damn phone. Her ex. The same ex that took advantage of her kindness. The same ex who was a selfish lover. The same ex—
“Sorry about that, Neal. I just had to say something so he would stop calling me.” Brandi sat down next to him, placing her hand on his leg. Neal’s body softened, his frustration erased with one single touch. He craved her. They looked into each other’s eyes, desire burned deep within hers.
“Now….where were we…Mr. Calhoun?” She leaned in for a kiss.
Chapter 9
“Well, well stranger; nice to finally see you,” Chloe said, as Brandi hugged her when she arrived at their table for lunch at one of their favorite restaurants.
“Stranger? Girl, please!” Brandi waved her hand dismissively.
“Brandi, I haven’t seen you or talked to you other than texting, in two weeks. You moved out of your apartment four weeks ago. That was the last time I saw you, so yes…stranger.”
Chloe was right. Brandi had been so involved in her “new life” with Neal that she had barely made time to hang out with her bestie. “Well I’m sorry. I’ve just been trying to adjust to this “new lifestyle” of mine. It hasn’t been difficult but, I’ve never had so much sex, goodness gracious. I mean, dude did say he had a high sex drive but man! I’m not complaining because the sex is amazing but it can control your thoughts and your time, if you let it.”
“So it seems like you are happy with your decision to go through with this “arrangement,” Chloe said, in between bites of the complimentary bread and butter.
“Neal is an easy person to get along with. We really enjoy each other’s company so it’s not hard to be happy with my decision. Oh…before I forget, what’s the name of that spa that offers to come to your home to give private massages?”
“Traveling Hands, why?”
“I’m planning a surprise for Neal. His birthday is Friday and I want us to have a couple’s massage.”
Chloe almost choked on the water she was drinking. “Couple? Brandi, did you forget that this is not your man? You are not a
couple, you are just fucking!”
“I didn’t mean couple like that; I just meant a couple’s massage because we are a couple of people having a massage at the same time in the same room. I know what type of relationship I’m involved in, I don’t need you reminding me Chloe.”
“Don’t get snippy with me missy, I’m just saying. You sound like you are getting your emotions involved here. A birthday gift? A couple’s massage? Avoiding your friends for him? I mean, just watch yourself okay. I don’t want you to get your feelings hurt.”
“Chloe, thank you for your concern, but Neal and I do have a friendship. We don’t just have sex all the time, we do other things together, like watching movies, working out, we like hanging out with each other. So if I want to give my friend something for his birthday then I can. It doesn’t mean that I’m falling for the dude, I’m just being nice.”
“Yea and we both know how you being nice gets you in trouble all the time. You know you have a tendency to be nice to the wrong people.”
“Chloe the dude is giving me a place to stay—“
“And you are giving him sex…so you’re even.” Brandi rolled her eyes. Chloe had a point and was just being a great friend watching out for her feelings, but Neal was just a friend. Should she go ahead with her birthday plans for Neal? She knew how to play her role in this game. She just wanted to do something nice for him, to show him that he was appreciated and that she liked him. A lot.
Neal walked into his condo after a long day at work. He had received many phone calls and texts from his family and friends wishing him a happy birthday. The only one that hadn’t contacted him was Brandi. He kicked off his shoes by the front door like always. There were no lights on. The apartment was pretty dim. A familiar scent filled the air. Spicy vanilla. That was the same oil that Brandi burned when she was taking one of her milk baths to relax.
“Brandi, you here?” Neal walked toward the common areas. Just before he reached the living room, Brandi came out of her bedroom. She walked up to him, in her robe, with a blindfold in her hand.
“What’s going on Brandi?” he asked.
“I need you to put on this blindfold and take off your clothes. You can leave on your boxers.” She gave him a seductive smile. Without question Neal undressed. His insides vibrated. What was she up to?
Half-dressed and blindfolded, Neal held onto Brandi’s shoulders as she led him through the apartment. Soft music filled his ears. Brandi stopped, placed Neal’s hands down by his side. She moved behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist. He put his hands on top of hers. Neal flinched when Brandi’s lips touched his ear.
“Neal, I just want to show you my appreciation for all that you’ve done to help me out of what I thought was a hopeless situation. When I take off the blindfold, you can open your eyes and see your gift. Okay?”
“Okay.” Neal bit down on a smile. Brandi slowly took off the blindfold and he opened his eyes. Two female masseuses stood in front of him, smiling. Candles and scented oil burned on a small table near the two massage tables that were set up in his living room.
“SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. CALHOUN!” Brandi grabbed his face and placed a big, wet kiss on his cheek.
Neal took a step back; his heart overflowed with gratitude. “You remembered?!” He planted a lingering kiss, softly on Brandi’s mint flavored lips. “Wow, thanks! You really didn’t have to do this Brandi, a simple card would have sufficed.”
“Come, come…lie down, let’s get this party started!” Brandi, giddy like a little school girl, motioned for him to lie down on the table. “I’ve never had a professional massage before.” She took off her robe and lay down on the table closest to the window.
Neal stretched out on the other table. He looked at Brandi with loving eyes. “Thanks again.” He reached out to her. She grabbed his hand, giving it a quick squeeze.
“You’re welcome, sweetie; now, relax and enjoy. After this, I’ll give you one of my amazing milk baths.” She winked at him before closing her eyes as the masseuse massaged her back.
After the hour long massage, Neal sat on the edge of the tub in his master bathroom while Brandi filled it up with warm water and a cup of coconut milk. She ran her hand back and forth the length of the tub before turning off the water. Neal entered the tub first. This was his very first milk bath. He didn’t know people took milk baths. Brandi stepped in and sat down in between his legs, resting her back against his chest.
“What is the milk for anyway?” He whispered.
“Keeps your skin soft.”
Neal glided his hands over her wet skin. “So that’s your secret.” He hugged her close, kissing her on the ear. They lay in the tub in silence, eyes closed; holding hands beneath the water. It had been a long time since Neal had just held someone. It was more than just lust; more than just physical. Brandi’s chest rose with Neal’s every breath. There was a deeper connection. A stream of emotions flowed through Neal as fluid as the water that ran over their bodies: fear…passion…excitement…love.
Half asleep, Neal picked up the vibrating cell phone. ‘Jason’ displayed on the caller id. Tempted to answer the call and tell Jason to fuck off, he pressed the reject button & quietly placed the phone back on the nightstand. He turned over to Brandi. Her back faced him. He pulled her body closer, she snuggled up to him. She fit so perfectly. He kissed her softly on her neck.
Chapter 10
A few days later, Neal left for Boston for a week to help his sister, Emily, with some arrangements for the wedding. That time alone gave Brandi the chance to come down off her whirlwind and spend time with her friends that she had neglected since she moved in with Neal. Brandi talked with Neal via Skype every night that he was away. During his absence the phone calls from Jason came daily, a few times a day even. Brandi had to put an end to his non-sense. After a lot of begging from Jason, she agreed to go out to dinner with him. They set a date for that Friday night since Neal was due back that Saturday afternoon. Maybe if she saw him face to face and told him that there was no hope of them ever getting back together, he would stop his obsessive behavior.
The key turned inside the lock. Brandi paused; her right foot partially inside her high heel. What the hell? She stood motionless. Was Neal back? She got her answer a few seconds later when Neal popped his head in her room.
“Hey there!” He smiled at her, showing those gorgeous dimples she loved so much.
“Hey…Neal, hey. Ummm, you’re back early.” She pushed her foot into her shoe and grabbed her purse. She smoothed her sweaty palms down the sides of her dress.
“Wow! You look amazing, where are you going?” He asked, looking her up and down.
“Oh…nowhere special, umm I’m just meeting Jason for dinner. He’s been begging me and I just want to put some closure to this. I was trying to get this done and over with before you got back so—“
“Oh, so you were trying to sneak out with him without me knowing?”
“Wait…what? No, Neal….no I wasn’t trying to do anything behind your back, I just wanted to do it when you weren’t here so it wouldn’t take away from our time together you know. If I don’t put an end to this he’s gonna keep bothering me and I’m just tired of dealing with him honestly.”
Brandi moved closer to the doorway of her bedroom. Neal stepped back a little. He held something behind his back. “What’s this?” She peeked around him. “Neal, are those for me?” She looked him in his eyes. Her smile disappeared at the look of disappointment written all over his face.
Neal pulled the roses from behind his back. “Yea…well it doesn’t matter now. I wanted to come home a day early to surprise you and take you out to dinner. But you already have plans so. Whatever.” It was obvious that he was hurt.
“Neal I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset, but I just have to handle this with Jason. I need to put some closure to this. It’s just dinner. I’ll be back before you know i
t. I promise. Okay?” Please be okay with this.
He stared into her eyes for what seemed like eternity before he answered, “Sure. Okay. I’ll just put these in water until you get back. Don’t be too long.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “I won’t be long.”
Neal woke up to the sound of high heels click clacking on his floor. He looked over at the cable box next to the TV; it was after one in the morning. Brandi’s dinner date with Jason was at eight o’clock. Neal had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for her to return home. Brandi walked into the living room. Neal didn’t move, pretending to be asleep. The cushion gave in when Brandi leaned over the couch to see if he was awake. He started breathing heavier. She left. A few minutes later, the shower came on in her bathroom.