Pushing what he was working on to the side, he seemed pleased to begin his tutorial. Maria heard his proud tone.
“In the age before man, at a time when Earth did not belong to humans, there were many alien species on this planet. In fact, there were once more extra-terrestrials here than indigenous humans. In those years, aliens wrote the history of the world. As long ago as 12,000 years, one of the most lasting and prosperous of the alien inhabitants was the Atlantis Tribe. Their land claim on Earth was a large island in the middle of the Sea of Atlas, now known as the Atlantic Ocean. We suspect a civil war destroyed them, but because their records were destroyed, we do not know for sure what became of that civilization. However, it is interesting to note that soon after their disappearance stories sprang up all over the world about how gods with great knowledge came to humans.”
Maria then did something Zak hated. She interrupted him and blurted out,
“So the story of Atlantis is true then?”
With an annoyed tone he answered,
“Well in part. Human embellishments have greatly added to their glory. Yes, they were aliens but nobody is sure from where.”
With a harsh stare, his strong voice asked,
“May I continue?”
Maria sheepishly nodded.
“The legends of the Great Earth War between the Rama tribe in India and the ancient Anunnaki in southern Mesopotamia were a historical fact.”
Oblivious to having annoyed Zak, Maria again interrupted.
“Was that the war written in the great Mahabharata?”
“Yes, for a better understanding of our world and a large part of our history, one would benefit from reading that material. There is no better proof that in those days’ aliens lived among humans.”
Interested in learning more about alien history on Earth Maria said,
“I am familiar with the Sky People coming here to interact with Vatican expansionism as well as later developing the great Inca Empire. Before that I know that the Great Grays came to the Middle East and tried to convert us to their faith but I did not know there were so many others.”
Suddenly Zak looked long and questioningly at Maria. He finally asked,
“How is it that you know of the Sky People? I thought they were a well-guarded secret of the Vatican?”
Maria did not want to get into a long story about how she chanced upon a lost tribe of Sky People in the Amazon jungle or how some years later she and Santo were involved with attempting to recover an alien skeleton from the catacombs of the Vatican. By the harsh look on Waldorf, he did not want it revealed either. To change the subject, Maria quickly asked,
“I don’t know anything about the Anunnaki. Tell me more about them.”
He seemed pleased for the opportunity to showcase his expertise. He took a long deep breath and blurted forth,
“Their records on Earth are limited to the writings of the Sumerians and what they understood the aliens to be. When coming to this planet, they approached a tribe in the Middle East called the Sumer. The Sumerians had taken to calling the aliens Anunnaki, which loosely translates to ‘those who from the heavens came to earth’. To the Sumerians that meant they were gods from heaven. Because of an egocentric view of themselves, to this day that is how they now refer to themselves, the Anunnaki, ‘the gods from heaven’. When they first came to this planet, they were a race nearing the precipice of their evolutionary life expectancy. On their home planet, their DNA was degrading, no longer able to retain their genetic code. Knowing that extinction was inevitable, they made plans to preserve a conceited philosophy that they were the ultimate creation of God. At the cost of their egotistical belief, that all other creations in the universe were secondary, regardless of the significant cost of annihilating another species, ultimately they must survive. That was the reason they came to Earth and the Sumerians so long ago. They did not come here to mine gold as thought by historians. They came to destroy all of humankind. They inserted their DNA code into the upper human spirals and sat back waiting for their aggressive strain to take over the human passive strain. It is documented in Sumerian writing that the Anunnaki came to create another race upon this Earth. The Sumerian writing states that an Anunnaki god mixed his blood with clay. From that clay the first human was created in a likeness to the gods.”
Maria could not contain herself so blurted out,
“Just like it says in the Biblical story of creation, ‘Let us make man into our image and likeness, --- So God created man in his own image.”
Zak contributed to her comparison,
“Yes, exactly. It should also be noted there are many legends from other civilizations with similar stories of mankind being created in the image of a god.”
Before Zak could utter another word Maria, in her excitement continued with what she knew.
“What the Anunnaki were attempting to do is called Passive Genetic Recolonization of a planet.”
Again, Zak cast a suspicious eye at her and asked,
“How is it that you understand so much of such things?”
This time it was Maria’s turn to demonstrate her expertise. Like him, she seemed pleased to boast about her skill.
“I am a genetic profiler of human DNA as well as an authority on alien DNA species identification. Gustav and I have discussed the possibility of such a genetic annexation many times. Until you just mentioned the Anunnaki’s desire to make us become like them, or as stated, ‘make us in their image’, I never knew who’s DNA was doing that to us.”
Waldorf, wanting to get back to priorities, the importance of Maria learning about alien history on Earth interjected,
“Zak, the Great Earth War, please.”
Somewhat hurt not able to show off her expertize to a fellow scientist, Marie pouted and Zak continued.
“Yes of course, the Great Earth War. The war is told in detail in the Mahabharata plus other sacred writings. However, the events of the Great Earth War were not written by the Rama Tribe but rather by the humans who witnessed the battles. Of course, those humans had no understanding of advanced machines and weapons. At the time, everything was described in the manner of human understanding of them. It was said that a flying saucer, the ‘Pushpaka’ was an aerial chariot that the Rama Tribe flew in from city to city. The sky was full of black flying machines seen at night by lights with a yellowish glare. According to human interpretation, the flying machines were hemispherical and made of either glass or porcelain.”
Zak went off track again, saying,
“It is evident that before the Great Earth War, the ancient Rama gods flew all over Asia as well as the Americas in a Pushpaka. Writings found in Pakistan, South America, plus Rapa Nui, that later became known as Easter Island bears legends and writings of their arrival. There are descriptions of how to build one but again, only in the understanding of the humans at that time. Those building instructions contain words which translate as ‘graphite rod’, ‘copper coils’, ‘crystal indicator’, ‘vibrating spheres’, ‘stabilizers’ and the so-called fly chariots were cone shaped with a drop of mercury inside. Naturally, there was no human understanding of ground to air missiles so they simply described them as flaming arrows. It is said that flaming arrows were shot from the ground and the flying chariots were blown up in mid-flight. A Jain text of the eighth century copied from older texts describes a great air battle. The Vedas are ancient Hindu poems that describe Vimanas or Rama flying machines of various shapes and sizes. The ahnihotra-vimana had two engines. The elephant-vimana had multiple engines. Other texts speak of the Great Earth War between the Anunnaki and Rama as using weapons of destruction only understood just recently. The war between the Anunnaki in Mesopotamia and the Rama tribes in India started about 10,000 years ago. As the legend goes, the Great Earth War started when a Rama warrior kidnapped an Anunnaki Princess. Apparently there were other issues but that was the catalyst starting it all. The ancient Mahabharata relates the awesome destructiveness of weapons used by the combat
ants when the Anunnaki attempted to rescue their Princess. It tells of gods fighting battles in the sky using flying chariots equipped with weapons as deadly as any used in a modern air force today. One page describes a destructive single arrow charged with all the power of the Universe.”
Maria was enthralled. She could not help but interrupt the story with an observation.
“The Mahabharata is describing a horrific aerial battle with ground to air missiles and flying saucers in an aerial dog fight shooting air to air missiles at each other.”
Zak pointed his finger, agreeing,
“That’s exactly what they are describing but only in the way the humans understood what they were seeing.”
He added,
“One weapon when switched on produced a shaft of light which, when focused on any target, immediately exploded it. As if Maria was the first person to connect the dots, she blurted out,
Zak agreed and continued.
“There is an account where a flying chariot is made invisible in some way but a special arrow was fired that destroyed it by seeking out the sound it made. Many other weapons described in the Mahabharata were terrible but the most fearsome of all destroyed two cities. I was so taken by it that I can quote the account by memory.”
He sat back, slightly adjusted his glasses, and seemed proud to quote an ancient document.
“Gurkha, flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in its entire splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.”
Zak then looked to both Waldorf and Maria. It was clear that he was waiting for something to click in. It came to Maria first and she shouted,
“Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s the same story as the fire and burning sulfur that destroyed those two cities.”
Zak nodded and contributed,
“Yes, there are many today who say the fire and burning sulfur was suggestive of an atomic bomb. This so-called iron thunderbolt also had a terrible recognizable consequence. Apparently, those killed by it were burned beyond recognition. Even those unlucky to survive eventually lost their hair and fingernails and died soon after.”
Maria looked shocked and meekly uttered,
“The Mahabharata was describing a nuclear war.”
Waldorf added,
“Just like Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was the terrible weapon that ended the war.”
Maria asked,
“What of the Sky People, those who sat on Vatican councils and later developed the Inca civilization? Were they warlike?”
Zak answered,
“No, they were a passive people. Remember what I said about many alien civilizations living upon the earth. Most welcomed other visitors. The Sky People’s contribution to us involved the development of Vatican religious policies. They came to the Vatican with the evangelical purpose of correcting errors in the faith.”
Maria jumped in, saying,
“Yes, that was the cause of the animosity between the Great Grays and the Sky People. The Grays did not appreciate the Sky People coming to the Vatican interfering in a religious philosophy they had preached to us right from Adam and Eve.”
Zak contributed,
“Yes. Vatican leaders saw advantages in listening to the Sky People for they saw them as angels. Some years later, the Sky People or angels convinced the Vatican to move to Avignon in France. However, when it eventually became clear that moving to Avignon was a mistake, it destroyed the Vatican’s trust of the so-called angels. As stated in some writings, angels fell from grace. Under orders from the Grays, the Vatican excommunicate the Sky People from the church council. They then eventually migrated to South America where they ultimately developed the great Inca Empire and became their High Priests and Kings.
Waldorf still wanted the Great Earth War bought back on track and so quickly interjected,
“The war to win Anunnaki dominance over this planet has never ended. They have since either assimilated into the human population or decided to return to their own planet waiting for the Genetic re-colonization of Earth to be complete. Some say that is the only way the Great Earth War will ever end.”
Maria understood the story of the alien war but not why it seemed so important for her to learn about it. She asked Waldorf,
“But what has this got to do with the Sentinel Satellite that destroyed Ile de Celeste? I thought the satellite was a creation of the Great Grays.”
“It was. Many years after the Great Earth War, the Grays came to this planet and heard of the terrible weapons the Rama and Anunnaki used against each other. Fearing that weapons of such great destruction could be used against them, they developed a superior defensive weapon. However, as a safeguard against an enemy capturing the Sentinel satellite, they also developed a counter weapon capable of destroying it.”
Not understanding the difficulty, Maria looked hard at Waldorf and demanded,
“Then what are we waiting for, let’s go get that weapon.”
Waldorf nodded and said,
“That’s exactly what you are going to do. Now that you have a better understanding of the war and the alien tribes before the dawn of man, you are well equipped to do just that.”
Chapter 14
Thirty minutes before Santo’s meeting with Commander Razk, he approached Rome in his D-wing. As it was daytime, a camouflaged landing in the middle of the Vatican was too risky. He therefore touched down on a private forested property belonging to an agent of the House of the Nazarene just outside of Rome. A car was waiting and he drove the fifteen minutes to the Vatican. At the private entrance, he showed his Commander Razk issued ID to the security guard. When his name checked out, the guard opened the gate.
After parking in a designated spot, a Swiss Guard marched him through endless halls until finally shown Commander Razk’s office. Razk was at his desk awaiting Santo’s arrival. They had met before but it was not a cordial experience. Although the House of the Nazarene and the Vatican were often at philosophical odds, there had been occasional cooperation for the benefit of challenging a mutual enemy. The adage, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ had at times prevailed.
Even though Santo did not know the purpose of this meeting, friend or foe, he put on a friendly face and cordially greeted the still sitting Razk with a smile. Razk had trouble smiling back but eventually a weak one managed to appear. At that, Santo grew a little more at ease. As Razk wanted the meeting to be formal, he did not get up. He casually pointed to the chair across his desk and Santo accepted the offer.
Razk was the first to speak.
“I recently heard that a small island in the Aegean Sea suffered a major earthquake, as a result broke up and sunk.”
He then cast a knowing one eyed glare at Santo and added,
“A tragic event indeed.”
Santo understood Razk’s veiled condolence for the loss of the House of the Nazarene and politely responded,
“Thank you Commander.”
Santo then sternly added,
“If we are going to sit here and continue being to each other, I suspect that it will be a very short meeting.”
Razk acknowledged the suggestion to get on with it and said,
“I agree. This will be a private meeting between the House of the Nazarene and the Vatican. I assure you there are no listening or recording devices in this office.”
When Santo nodded, accepting the declaration of a closed and secret meeting Razk asked,
“How hard were you hit?”
Regarding the devastation of the House, Santo held nothing back.
“Completely destroyed. We have set up a temporary base elsewhere and will operate out of it until we get organized again.”
Razk asked a bold question.
“Did Gustav Magnus Laurent survive?”
“No, I am sorry to say that he did not.”
Razk sounded truly remorseful.
“I too am sorry. There have been many dealings between us and I dare say a few are still ongoing. Perhaps we can talk about that later.”
Santo nodded and Razk continued.
“Have you compiled a survival and death list yet?”
Santo knew what Razk was getting at and another security curtain was raised.
“Are you asking about your two spies, Elizabeth Walden and Mario Johansson?”
Razk tried his best not to look surprised that Santo knew about them. He tried to hold back a smirk and admitted,
“Yes. Did they survive?”
“I’m sorry to say that they are not on our Survival List but neither are they on the Dead List. I assure you that if located they will be returned to you unharmed.”
“Thank you. They are two of my best.”
He sheepishly added,
“At least I thought so.”
Santo still wanted to get to the point of the meeting so mockingly asked,
“Did you call me here so we could play a friendly game of who has the best spies?”
“No, of course not. However, as a show of faith I shall return your two spies to you.”
Santo had been in this game far too long to be surprised that Razk knew the House had infiltrators in the Vatican. He trumped Razk’s offer, teasing,
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