One Good Reason (A Boston Love Story Book 3)

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One Good Reason (A Boston Love Story Book 3) Page 29

by Julie Johnson

  “I apologized and acknowledged that fact,” Nate snaps back.

  “Boys!” I hiss. “Stop. You’re both being ridiculous.”

  “Seriously,” Phoebe chimes in. “Zoe is fine. Lancaster is in jail, and so is the bastard who hurt her. They’ll be financially responsible for every LC employee’s healthcare costs for the rest of their lives, while rotting in prison.” She shrugs. “In my book, that’s as close to a fairy tale ending as you can get.”

  I smile at my friend. “Thanks for coming.”

  “You kidding?” She leans down and kisses my cheek. “I’ll be here until you’re ready to go home. And when you’re home, I’ll visit you there, too, and cook you whatever you want.” She grins. “I’m a fabulous cook. Anything you want, just name it and I’ll make it for you.”

  “Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting,” I say immediately.

  “Consider it done.”

  After Nate and Phoebe leave, Chase and Gemma come in. Followed by Chrissy and Shelby. Followed by Lila and Colton. And, finally, by Luca, who needs no entourage.

  I see his big frame fill the doorway and feel my eyes start to tingle. To my great surprise, I see Luca and Parker exchange nods and even shake hands before Parker slips out the door to give me some privacy with my best friend.

  Luca’s eyes are red when he stops beside my bed.


  “Hey, Luke.”

  “Not gonna lie: you’ve looked better.”

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  He smirks. “You keep winding up in danger, I’m gonna have to put some kind of tracking device on you.”


  “I mean it.” His light blue eyes hold mine. “Then again, I suppose I’m not the one who has to look out for you, now. Time to pass the torch, I suppose.”

  My eyes water. “I’ll always need you to look out for me, Luca. You’re my brother.”

  He looks swiftly toward the wall and I know it’s because he’s holding his emotions tightly in check. When he speaks, his voice is gruffer than usual.

  “Could’ve done worse.”

  “What?” I ask.

  He looks back at me with red eyes. “Parker. You could’ve done worse.” He shrugs. “He’s not a bad guy.”

  Wow. That’s the closest thing to an endorsement I’ve ever heard Luca give.

  “Thanks, Luke.”

  He scowls. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m gonna be braiding friendship bracelets with the guy any time soon. But for the past few days, he’s never left your side. And that night, when you went missing — I’ve never seen anyone like that. He was like...”

  “Like what?”

  “A man possessed.” Something flashes in his light blue eyes. “He loves you, you know.”

  “I know,” I whisper softly.

  “You love him, too?”

  I nod miserably. “I do.”

  He pulls in a breath. “Then tell him. Nothing I want more than to see you happy, babe. You deserve it. You deserve it so much.”

  He hugs me, then, and I let my tears flow. He’ll never admit it, but I’m not the only one with wet eyes when we pull away.

  In some ways, it’s an ending.

  For so long, it’s just been Luca and me. Us against the world.

  Now, things are changing. We’ve opened the doors to a whole new family of people, and that’s going to take some getting used to — for both of us. But, like Luca told me not too long ago…

  Change is scary. But you’re not required to be the same person you were ten years ago, ten weeks ago, ten days ago. Hell, you don’t even have to be the person you were ten minutes ago. You’re free to be whoever the hell you want.

  This life — full of friends and laughter and love — is a change I’m ready for.

  My last visitor of the day is an unexpected one.

  When Agent Conor Gallagher walks into my hospital room later that night, I’m pretty positive I’m hallucinating. I sit up straighter against my pillows and try to clear my parched throat. Parker’s conveniently absent – he disappeared a few minutes ago with a flimsy excuse about getting me ice water. Apparently, he thought I’d need space for whatever conversation I’m about to have with the FBI.

  “Miss Bloom.” Conor’s voice is gruff but his icy blue eyes have thawed a bit. “Feeling better, I hope?”


  “Glad to hear it. “

  “Why are you here, Agent Gallagher?”

  “People who help me take down bad guys get to call me Conor.”

  My lips twitch. “Why are you here, Conor?”

  “Two reasons.” He takes a step closer to the bed. “First, to officially thank you for your help on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Robert Lancaster is behind bars because of you. Thousands of his former employees will get compensation for a slew of illnesses because of you. That’s fine work, Bloom.”

  My eyes are stinging again.

  Damn it. When did I become such a cry baby?

  I nod because I don’t trust myself to speak.

  “The second reason I came will probably be more interesting to you,” he adds, his voice careful.

  My eyebrows lift. “Oh?”

  “A few days ago, when things were touch-and-go with your health, I got a call from your boyfriend. Actually, I got about ten calls, until I finally realized he wasn’t about to give up and called him back.” His mouth twists into a grin. “Persistent bastard, isn’t he?”

  I laugh. “Yes. He is.”

  “Anyway, he told me about your parents.”

  I go still.

  Conor’s eyes narrow. “Guess that explains why you were so intent on hacking FBI files.”

  “I…” I swallow hard. “I…”

  “I didn’t come here to call you out.” Conor shrugs. “I came here because I looked into it.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a blank envelope. “I’m not supposed to give you this – it’s technically classified. But I’ve never been overly fond of bullshit protocols.”

  My eyes are locked on the envelope as he passes it to me. For a moment, I just stare at it, afraid to reach out and take it.

  “You want to read this, Zoe,” Conor says in a voice so unlike his typical gruff tones it makes my throat start to close. “Trust me.”

  Without another second of hesitation, I reach out and grab the answers I’ve been searching for since I was five years old. My fingers shake as I slide the single sheet of paper from the folder – the un-redacted version of the file I’ve been trying to decode for ages. As I read, my eyes fill with tears.

  “Your father witnessed a murder, on his way home from work one night. It was a mob hit.” Conor’s voice is steady as he narrates the words swimming in front of my eyes. I’m crying too hard to read them. “He came to the FBI. Offered to testify, to put one of the highest boys in the MacDonough mob behind bars. It would’ve been a huge win for the Bureau, at the time.”

  “So… MacDonough had him killed.” My voice breaks. “Before he could testify.”

  Conor nods. “Your father was a good man, Zoe. He was trying to do the right thing, trying to put away a criminal. A mob boss. Most people wouldn’t have the guts to do that. I guess that brave streak running in your veins is genetic, Bloom.” His eyes are steady on mine. “In a way… It’s almost poetic justice that you were part of the efforts to put MacDonough away last spring, when you helped your friend Phoebe escape from him. Even if you didn’t know it at the time, you were taking down the man who ordered your parents’ murder. You got your revenge – he’s behind bars. He’ll never breathe free air again, if that’s any consolation.”

  I take a shuddering breath. “Doesn’t really change anything, though, does it?”

  Conor shifts from foot to foot, looking uncomfortable as he watches the tears stream down my face. “I just… thought you’d want to know.”

  My wet eyes lock on his serious blue ones. “I did. Thank you,” I whisper hoa
rsely. “This… finally knowing… finally having answers… it means everything to me.”

  He nods.

  “Can I keep this?” I ask, clutching the document in my hands.

  “Of course.” With a final nod, he turns and heads for the door. “And, Zoe?”

  My eyes fly from the paper to the gruff, scruffy agent in the doorway. “Yeah?”

  “I meant it. About the job offer.” His eyes are intent. “You ever change your mind about working with the Bureau, you call me. I think you could do a lot of good for your country. I think you could make your parents proud.”

  He doesn’t wait for an answer; he just walks out of the room, leaving me alone. I read the paper in my hands over and over, hugging it to my chest when the words start to blur before my leaking eyes. I don’t try to fight the tears. I surrender to the hollow, aching awareness slowly filling my chest cavity.

  I thought having the answers would give me closure. That, when the truth was finally unearthed, it would be a sweeping victory borne of bloodshed and triumph. A grand plot of revenge and restitution, doled out on those who stole my parents from me.

  In reality, having the answers doesn’t change anything – not really. The bad guy is already rotting in jail. Knowing how they died won’t bring my parents back to me.

  But maybe I don’t need to bring them back.

  Maybe, the whole point is, they never really left. They’re inside me – in my heart, my soul, my memories.

  And as long as I hold them close… I’ll never be alone.


  The Happy Ending

  A week later, I’m standing on the dock with my hands on my hips, glaring at my grinning boyfriend.

  “You’re not serious.”

  “As a heart attack, darling.”

  I stride across the narrow gangway onto the boat, brush past him, and clamor down into the cabin. When my eyes land on the navigational station, I feel them go wide.

  “You like it?” Parker’s voice is warm and close. I turn to find him standing directly behind me, still smiling wide.

  “You shouldn’t have.” My voice is dark. “This equipment costs a fortune! Parker…”

  He shrugs and winds his arms around me. “You’re leaving everything behind to go on a crazy adventure with me. The least I can do is provide a computer to keep you busy and let you stay in touch with everyone here at home.”

  I feel my throat starting to close. “How inconsiderate and terrible of you.”

  He laughs and pulls me closer. “Just the reaction I was expecting.”

  “Really. I hate it.”

  “Excellent. Then you’ll be relieved to hear it’s got satellite coverage and will perform at high speeds even in the middle of the ocean or on the most remote of tropical islands.”

  My eyebrows lift. “Which islands would those be, exactly?”

  “Darling, the whole point of an adventure is to enjoy the ride. The destination doesn’t matter.”


  “No buts.” He kisses my forehead. “I want to show you the world, Zoe Bloom. You plan on letting me? Or you want to ask a zillion questions so there’s no surprise when we get there?”

  I press my lips closed. “I suppose I can let it be a surprise.”

  He grins. “There’s my girl. Now, come on. We have to say goodbye.”

  My brows lift. “To…?”

  “You didn’t think Phoebe and Gemma would let us sail off into the sunset without a grand farewell, did you?” He laughs. “Oh, my naïve little snookums.”

  I glare at him. “Call me that again and I will tie an anchor to your feet and throw you overboard as soon as we’re in shark-infested waters. Just try me.”

  “Aw, darling!” He ruffles my hair, then releases me to climb up on deck.

  I roll my eyes and follow him. As soon we enter the cockpit and the dock comes into view, the breath catches in my throat.

  Everyone’s there, waving and grinning at us.

  Nate and Phoebe, holding a huge BON VOYAGE sign.

  Chrissy and Mark, each carrying a kid.

  Gemma and Chase, toting large bottles of champagne.

  Lila and Shelby, already drinking glasses of said champagne.

  Colton and Luca, towering like giants on the edges of the group.

  “Come on,” Parker whispers, tugging me toward the gangway. “I want to show you something.”

  I walk onto the dock, grinning at everyone as I make my way down the line. Phoebe kisses my cheek, Gemma hugs me close, Lila passes me a paper cup brimming with champagne, Shelby slaps my ass, and Chrissy waves while bouncing a baby on her hip. The boys nod and smile, Nate reiterating his offer of a job while Chase assures Parker for the hundredth time that WestTech will be safe under his management. They both press polite kisses to my cheeks and wish us well on our trip.

  Luca shows less restraint.

  He wraps both arms around me, lifts me clear off my feet, and gives me the biggest bear hug imaginable.

  “Gonna miss you, babe.”

  “You too, Luke.”

  “Check in, you hear me? I want to know you’re safe.”

  “I will,” I whisper, feeling my throat get tight. “And you – fight smart. Fight fast. Don’t let them pin you.”

  “Hey, coaching is my job.” Colton’s voice cuts in. “Don’t worry, Zoe – I’ll look out for our boy.”

  “Don’t let them break his nose again,” I say, suppressing a laugh. “He’ll never find a girl to love him if you get him too banged up.”

  “Who says I want a girl?” Luca grumbles, setting me gently back on my feet.

  I peer up into his face. “You want a girl, Luke. And you’ll find her. I know it.”

  “Don’t get sappy, babe. Not your style.”

  I punch him on the arm. “We’ll Skype after every match. I want all the details.”

  “And I want to hear about your adventures.” His eyes soften. “Don’t forget about me.”

  “Never,” I whisper.

  He looks down at his feet so I can’t see how red his eyes are getting. But, as Parker’s hand twines with mine and he leads me down the dock, I do see a certain curvaceous strawberry blonde sidling closer to Luca.

  He’ll be fine.

  More than fine, if Lila has anything to do with it.

  “Where are you taking me, playboy?” I ask as he pulls me along, the whole group following behind us.

  Parker drops my hand only to circle behind me and cover my eyes with his massive palms. “No peeking.”

  “Hey!” I protest as he pushes me along blindly.

  “Shh. Almost there.” We take a few more shuffling steps and then I feel him pivot my body so I’m facing the other direction. “Okay.” His hands drop away. “Now you can look.”

  My eyes fly open… and immediately fill with tears.

  I’m staring at the stern of the boat, which used to say the word Folly in blocky letters. Instead, the name-plate now reads Neverland in beautiful black script.

  “You renamed her?” I choke out.

  He nods.

  “For me?”

  Parker’s lips hit my cheek. “For us.”

  I hear the pop of a cork as Chase opens the second bottle of champagne and suddenly, everyone’s there beside us – laughing, drinking, hugging, smiling. I look around at all these beautiful people who’ve come to mean so much to me and feel unbelievably lucky. My heart is so full I worry it might burst.

  Turning, I lean into Parker’s chest and tilt my chin so he can hear my whispered words above the revelry happening on all sides.

  “I love you, Peter Pan.”

  His voice is rough when he replies, “I love you more, Tinkerbell.”

  I stretch up onto my tiptoes and kiss him until I’m breathless. When his lips pull away, he looks down at me with shining eyes. “You about ready to fly off into the stars with me?”

  I’m not sure where we’re headed.

  I’m not sure when we’re coming back. />
  But I know, with Parker by my side, life will always be an adventure – full of love and trust and more laughter than I can handle. And that’s the only reason I need to justify the answer I give him.




  I never planned to write a rom-com series. I sat down at my computer in the dreary months of early 2015, fully intending to pen another angsty, suspenseful standalone novel.

  Instead, a quirky brunette started speaking to me… and she refused to shut up until I’d written 100,000 words. A few months later, NOT YOU IT’S ME came out. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  Three books later, the BOSTON LOVE STORIES are international bestsellers. That genuinely blows my mind every time I think about it.

  It’s not lost on me, even for a single moment, that I have you to thank for the success of this series. You are the reason I get to spend my days with this crazy cast of characters. You are the reason my life is full of so much laughter and love.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  I could say it a million times; it wouldn’t be enough. It brings me such joy to receive your messages, your videos, your picture collages. It means everything to know you share my enthusiasm for these characters, this city, this series.

  Chase, Gemma, Nate, Phoebe, Parker, Zoe.

  Each of them holds such a special place in my heart. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading their stories as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them.

  Huge hugs to the fantastic ladies in my reader group, the Johnson Junkies. Your support and positivity is beyond lovely!

  Big thanks to my family and friends for sticking with me — even during the crazy weeks when I retreat into my writing cave.

  And, lastly… thanks to all the boys out there who (intentionally or not) provided inspiration for the love between these pages. If you weren’t such idiots, my fictional men wouldn’t be half as appealing.



  About the Author

  JULIE JOHNSON is a twenty-something Boston native suffering from an extreme case of Peter Pan Syndrome and an obsession with fictional characters. When she's not writing, Julie can most often be found daydreaming, drinking too much coffee, striving to conquer her Netflix queue, or stalking Goodreads for new books to add to her ever-growing TBR list.


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