Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1

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Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Page 47

by Harley, Lisa M.

  She kissed me again and then licked her lips. Biting her lower lip as she stared at mine longingly, she shook her head and reached for the doorknob. Her deep brown eyes were filled with remorse as she whispered, “I’m sorry.” She quickly pulled the door open and walked out, closing the door behind her.

  Fuck. I stared at the door as frustration started to course through me. I began to wonder if I just got played because of who I am. I ran through what just happened, questioning if she had a camera somewhere and this would wind up on the front page of the news, just like last time.


  Chapter Six


  “Of course, Lauren. I’ll have Mitchell ready for the interview tomorrow by one,” I told Lauren as I adjusted Mitchell in his seat.

  I tried to control my thoughts from wandering back to last night as I walked over to the fridge for the milk. The man at the bar, the bar I wasn’t supposed to be at, was incredible. And as he promised, he certainly did help me forget about Gordon…at least for the evening. I snickered to myself as I realized throughout the night and this morning the man from the bar was occupying my thoughts. Maybe that’s all that I needed was a new perspective from another man.

  At the beginning of last night, I picked a very crowded restaurant on purpose. The car ride was lonely enough and I couldn’t even talk Tim into going inside with me.

  I glanced around the room throughout dinner and observed couples chatting, touching each other and laughing together. It was depressing enough that I couldn’t be with the man I love.

  As I pushed the food around on my plate, I overheard several men at the table next to mine joke about a bar that was fun and usually packed. I hadn’t been to a bar in what seemed like forever. I leaned over and asked one of the men where this place was located. Since it was only a couple of blocks away, I decided to check it out. I had told Tim I would call him when I was ready to leave, so I doubted he was waiting for me. No one would ever know.

  Then I had more than my fair share of fun at the bar. The man from last night seemed young too, as I reminisced about our thrilling time together. Short blonde hair and deep green eyes entranced me right before he took me…in the bathroom. A smile crept over my face at how naughty that was. Being taken by a stranger in the restroom of an upscale bar. My heart was pounding just thinking about the way he slammed into me forcefully and so full of lust. And yet, as hard as he took me, he still managed to be so sweet and sensuous. I continued to reminisce about last night as I returned to the kitchen island with the gallon of milk and unscrewed the cap so I could pour milk into Mitchell’s cup.

  A silhouette appeared in the doorway and my eyes flicked to the figure standing there. I swallowed hard and sucked in my breath as I realized who that person was. Flashes of his mouth on mine, his hands grabbing at my waist surged fire through me. My heart almost jumped out of my chest and my mouth went dry as I gaped at the man that just appeared in the kitchen.

  Mitchell jumped down from his seat and went running over to the man who scooped him up quickly bringing him to his chest for a strong hug. I watched the man close his eyes quickly as if inhaling the little boy’s youth.

  “Oh good, Conner. You made it home. I thought you were going to come to the house last night,” Lauren said as she crossed the room to hug the man who helped me gain new perspective on my life last night. Mitchell happily came running back to me.

  “I was going to Mom, but…”

  “’Lina!” Mitchell yelled, making me jump. I looked down quickly to see that I was pouring milk into his cup, which was now overflowing onto the counter.

  “Merde,” I whispered under my breath as I looked at the huge puddle and placed the milk container onto the table. I darted across the room nervously to get something to clean my mess.

  “Well, well. Look who walks back into my life again,” last night’s mystery man lilted as he started walking toward me. A shimmer to his vibrant green gaze left me wondering who I had really been with last night.

  “Do you two know each other?” Lauren sternly asked the man who was now standing before me, smiling like the Cheshire cat. I swallowed, trying not to meet Lauren’s eyes, knowing they bore right through me. Although I couldn’t understand why she would be agitated.

  “We’ve met,” he replied, still smiling as his eyes danced with mirth. His hands were in his jean pockets and he smelled just as amazing as he did last night. I inhaled deeply, relishing the memory of how he had touched me.

  I couldn’t speak as I stared at the man that was supposed to be a one-night stand; a fling that was hopefully to help me forget about Gordon. Oh mon Dieu. That would make this man Gordon’s stepson. Merde. I broke our stare quickly and returned to the table to clean up the milk. I started to dab at the liquid as I continued to feel Lauren’s piercing stare on me.

  “Where did you meet?” She sounded annoyed and I looked over to her quickly. Her facial expression matched her tone and I wasn’t sure why this would make her so upset.

  “At a bar. Last night, actually,” he told her as he continued his gaze on me. My heart was beating even faster now as I was about to be scolded and he didn’t even know that he just outed me. As an Au Pair to the Senator, I wasn’t supposed to frequent bars. It was outlined in my contract. I could be fired right now. Of course, I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere in my contract not to sleep with her husband either.

  “Angelina!” Lauren spat out with disgust.

  “I…I’m sorry. I…it was just one drink. I didn’t stay for very long.” I just had incredible sex with your son in public. I’m pretty sure that falls into the same category as not frequenting a bar. Grimacing, I bit my lip, hoping my look of remorse might lessen her anger with me.

  “You know better than that. Were there reporters there? Did anyone approach you from the news media?” Her questions fired off angrily at me. She had never used such a tone with me before and I knew for certain I was in trouble. I would lose my job. At least this might finalize things with Gordon.

  Conner, as I now knew his name, interjected quickly, “Mom, it was fine. There wasn’t any media there and no one will find out.”

  “Hmm. We’ll see,” she fumed at me as she turned her anger to Conner. “And you! You’re not old enough to even be in a bar. And what about your fiancée? Was she there when you met Angelina?” My heart dropped hearing the word fiancée and my eyes snapped to his. He didn’t seem to have any apology in them for his little admission. I guess I hadn’t realized he might be doing the same thing I was doing; getting a certain person out of his head for just one night.

  “No, she had a headache. Again. She didn't feel like coming out. And don’t sound so accusatory. Angelina and I just talked. Right Angelina?” The way my name rolled off his tongue, he seemed satisfied to know my name now. His eyes teased me, daring me to say something different. Or maybe he was remembering our hot amazing time together, just like I was.

  I nodded quickly as I finished wiping up the milk and walked over to the garbage can to throw away the paper towels.

  “Hmm. Well, I hope that’s all. I need to focus on the campaign and not my son’s love life. Again.”

  My head snapped up. “Your love life again? Why? What happened?” I spat the questions out as my heart sank. I wasn’t sure why that might upset me, but it added to the information of him having a fiancée.

  “My son tends to be a bit of a philanderer and dates…quite often.” Lauren answered as I watched Conner shrug, tilting his head with a sarcastic grin.

  “It’s not like that really. Mary and I were broken up at the time. The media caught wind of me with some girl and printed that I was cheating on her.”

  “Are you broken up now?” I questioned before thinking.

  “No,” he answered me staring right into my eyes and without remorse. A smile crept upon his face as he remarked, “But then, neither are you, right?”

  “Angelina doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Lauren stepped in to answer for me bef
ore I had a chance to say anything. “Or do you? Angelina, I must say, you going out to a bar last night and this new information of a boyfriend is not sitting well with me.”

  “Why can’t she have a boyfriend?” Conner asked as his eyes darted back and forth between his mother and me. I stood there unsure of how to answer anyone’s questions.

  “Because it’s in her contract that she will set aside her personal lifestyle so as not to draw media attention to our household. It’s to be renewed every year, at which time if she chooses to have a personal life, she may leave our household.”

  “No, Lina! Are you leaving us?” I glanced down at Mitchell and smoothed his hair.

  “Non, Mitchell. I’m not leaving,” I told him trying to keep my voice calm. Actually, I was unsure if I was staying or not, but there was no need to cause unnecessary stress to him.

  When I first came to this household, that small clause in my contract was more than fine with me. After Jacques, I just wanted to focus my attention on my job and getting my mind in the right place. Unfortunately, Gordon’s small touches and provocative whispers flipped my whole plan off kilter.

  I turned back to Lauren, hoping to lessen her concerns. “I spoke of an ex-boyfriend to Conner. I’m not currently with anyone,” I lied as I tried to keep my voice calm for both Lauren and Mitchell. I swallowed as I stole a peek at Conner; his eyes were slits as if he were trying to figure me out.

  Lauren nodded at my correction and then huffed as she turned her gaze back to Conner. “Well, good. Let’s just hope nothing else comes up in the papers,” she tossed out as she started to leave the room. “Conner, I need to speak with you right now, please.”

  “Of course,” he replied to Lauren, his mother, as he walked around me. He ran his hand along my ass and then tapped it just the way I begged him to last night, shooting waves of pleasures through me. He leaned in, tickling my ear as he whispered, “I’m glad you’re not going anywhere. Maybe we can continue what we did last night. I can’t stop thinking about you.” I looked up as he started to walk out of the kitchen; pausing at the door he gave me a small sexy smile. “And she’s not really my fiancée. Mom keeps trying to get me to commit to her. She doesn’t know we broke up again.” He winked at me as he continued out the door.

  I flopped onto the stool near Mitchell, completely flustered by his older brother and what he whispered in my ear. I began to wonder what I just got myself into. Even though I knew I’d probably like it. Just like last night.

  Chapter Seven


  “Do you mind that he gets a little dirty?” I asked Mitchell as I knelt in front of him to help zip up his jacket. His little hand clutched the transformer toy to his chest as if I were going to snatch it away from him. The navy blue and black plastic was his favorite toy and he usually didn’t want to take it to the park for fear of losing it. Mitchell seems to have made a step in taking chances with his most prized possession.

  “He’s already dirty. And he’s a boy. Boys are supposed to get dirty,” he explained with a serious expression that only a child could have when trying to convince you of something. I nodded my head and gave him an approving look. At the age of four, he already seemed to have his parents’ knack for persuasion.

  Holding his hand, we walked down the sidewalk and across the street to the park. Our security detail, as usual, was Claude, who always tried to make sure he blended in with Mitchell and me. Even though he seemed to be around Gordon’s age, his buzz cut hair and strong features made him appear younger. Since he always accompanied me to the playground, he was dressed to look like a regular father type figure so as not to scare the other parents. Lauren’s usual security detail dressed for display to make sure others noticed she was protected.

  When I first started my employment here, before Gordon and I started our affair, just standing near Claude used to turn me on. It must have been my desires to need a man after trying to remain abstinent for so long. Not only that, but his beautiful smile and charcoal grey eyes always warmed me. Add in that he always stood closer than another security person would, just to make it look as if we were a family, helped add to my mini-fantasy. His amazingly toned body usually intensified my little daydream.

  “So I overheard that you and Conner met up at the bar last night,” Claude stated as he continued to look around. He rarely looked me in the eyes, but when he did, it always heated me up, even after Gordon seduced me. Claude used to be the main attraction in my fantasies. Maybe if I had focused on persuading him, I wouldn’t have wound up with Gordon. Or Conner.

  I swallowed, unsure of how much he really knew what happened in the bar. His disapproving glance at me led me to believe he definitely found out somehow.

  I returned my focus to Mitchell and his new playmate he just met. They were shooting their plastic toys down the slides, chatting about the likes and dislikes of their pretend friends.

  I didn’t bother looking at Claude as I responded. “We met. He seems very nice.” Nice was the only word I could think of to describe him without giving away too much or overdoing it.

  Claude sputtered, pretending to cover it up with a cough, making me chuckle. “What? You don’t think he’s nice?”

  “I’m not supposed to speak of my employers,” he told me as he looked around, grinning.

  “You already did,” I teased him as I faced him. I looked up to his strong chiseled face and coaxed him. “Spill it. What do you know about him?”

  He crossed his arms and laughed. “I know nothing. Just,” he started to say and then shook his head. I touched his arm and squeezed, feeling his strong bicep underneath his jacket. The things he could probably do with those arms.

  “Come on, you have to tell me now,” I cajoled as I fluttered my eyelashes, completely overdoing it.

  In the beginning, flirting with Claude was more of a way to pass the time when we were around each other. He always tried to be so stern and my goal was to break him into some sort of smile for the day. He has a very beautiful smile.

  Claude looked down at me and uncrossed his arms, placing his hands in his back pockets, as he seemed to consider telling me his information. I glanced over to Mitchell, who was still playing with his new friend, continuing their game.

  “Just…just don’t look too much into anything with him. The last girl he wanted to date wound up with her name dragged through the mud.” I stared into his eyes for a few seconds as I pondered the information he just told me. I wasn’t really sure what exactly he meant by that as I tried to process what he said. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. What had the papers said about her? Who would have revealed such information to the news media?

  I was just about to try to find out more information from Claude, when I noticed Mitchell running full speed toward the entrance of the playground. Completely panic stricken, I called out to him as I ran as fast as I could. Claude was way ahead of me, grabbing Mitchell before he reached the gate.

  “Conner!” Mitchell called out as both Claude and I turned to what he was pointing his little finger at. Exhaling with relief, we both turned to see Mitchell’s older brother, smiling broadly, his green eyes gleaming with excitement as he called out, “Hey, little bro!”

  Mitchell clamored to escape Claude’s strong grip on him. Conner pulled him from Claude’s grasp as he jokingly ordered, “Stand down, guard. I’ve got him.” His eyes laughing as he hugged his little brother. My eyes darted between Conner and Claude, my heart still pounding at Mitchell’s attempted escape. I took a few deep breaths; my hands were shaking at the possibility that Mitchell could have been hurt.

  Claude’s disapproving gaze reminded me of our discussion just moments ago. He briefly shook his head as he looked away annoyed. He stalked off to stand aside, leaving me alone with Conner as he coddled Mitchell. The little boy’s face was overjoyed that his big brother was with him.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, unsure if he usually spends time with Mitchell when he’s home from colle

  “I came to play with my little brother.” He paused for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next words. He bit his lip and then smiled at me. “And seeing your gorgeous face is a nice benefit,” he teased.

  A small cough erupted from Claude and I couldn’t help but turn my head quickly to meet his eyes as he gave me a “remember what I told you” look. I pressed my lips together as I turned back to Conner and his beautiful eyes.

  Conner leaned in and whispered, “I’ve been dying to talk to you again since I saw you in the kitchen this morning.” He put Mitchell on the ground, who tugged at Conner’s hand, leading him over to his new friend.

  Slowly, I followed both of them to the slide and Mitchell’s friend. Mitchell introduced Conner to his new pal and explained with an animated expression what they were doing. Conner stood back allowing Mitchell to continue to play. Turning toward me, his gorgeous eyes darted to Claude and back to mine.

  “Are you seeing him?” Conner asked as he tilted his head toward Claude. His smile faded and his eyes seemed to be more serious. Seeing his facial expression so deliberate, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Seeing who?” I asked as I looked around, knowing all too well he meant Claude.

  He took a step closer to me and touched my waist, squeezing just enough to force me to look into his eyes. “I know you really do have a boyfriend, but you didn’t want my mom to know. I get that. I won’t out you, I just want to know what I’m up against.”

  “Up against? What makes you think you have a shot with me? You’re engaged, don’t think I haven’t forgotten that bit of information.”

  “I told you in the kitchen, I’m not engaged. I never asked her. Mom wants me to propose to her in a year or two because it’s the perfect match between two powerful families. I’m not into that bullshit. I’m just playing Mom’s game until college is over with.” He hitched his other hand around my hip, gripping me tightly and pulling me closer. “Now tell me, who is ‘he’?” He had this small smile, almost smug, but it was still kind of sweet. Almost protective over me.


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