debamboozle, to, 194
Debaun, 495
debenture, 244
De Bon, 495
debt, 383
debunk, to, 174, 194, 199, 226
debunking, 174
debut, to, 192
début, 347, 409
débutante, 409
debutramp, 561
decalog, 400
deCasseres, 501
deceit, 380
deceived, 310
decent, 303, 308
deciev, 402, 403
deck, 144, 236
decoy, 325
ded, 403
deed, to, 7, 117
deep, 368, 465
Deering, 482
defect, 325
defence, 383, 394
defense, 386, 394
defensive, 394
defi, 169
deficit, 325
definit, 399, 401, 403
deft, 128
DeGrasse, 514
degree-day, 242
degrees of frost, 246
Degrofe, 539
dehorning-engineer, 290
deign, 380
Dejean, 481
dejelly, to, 194
De La Haye, 481
Delaware, 525, 530
Delaware Water Gap, 535
delayd, 403
Delhi, 540
de l’Hôtel, 482
delicate condition, 304
delicatessen, 155
delicatessens, 412
delinquent, 293
deliveress, 75
deliver the goods, to, 227
dell, 115
Delmar, 538
Del-Mar, 537
Delmarva, 538
Delmer, 523
delouse, to, 194
Delphia, 521
Delsey, 524
demagogue, to, 192, 196
demean, to, 121, 165
Demetrios, 512
Demikof, 478
deminition bow-wows, 317
demisemiquaver, 250
demmed, 317
demolition-engineer, 289
Demon Rum, 244
demonstrate, 325
Demopolis, 530
demoralize, to, 118
Demos, 512
De Moss, 512
Demosthenes, 512
dendanthropology, 117
Denis, 481
Dennis, 505
Denny, 481
dénouement, 409
Denva, 521
Deodolphus, 524
depart, 335
deposit-slip, 244
depot, 147, 151, 409
dépôt, 409
deputize, to, 7, 118
deputy-pro-chancellor, 241
derange, to, 118
Derby, 503
derby, 234, 239
Dermen, 497
Dermenjian, 497
Dermott, 479
derned, 317
derrière, 307
DeRue, 522
desave, 161
Desbrosses, 547
Des Champs, 495
deserv, 401
Deshong, 481
desk, 150, 254
Des Moines, 541
desperado, 152
dessert, 247
destitution, 15
destructor, 234
det, 383, 401, 403
detainer, 583
determin, 401, 403
determine, 383, 384
detour, 236, 325
dettor, 401
develop, 391
develope, 391
De Vere, 479
device, 394
devil, 318
devil-dog, 574
devilinsky, 222
devilled-crab, 247
devotee, 412
dewax, to, 194
Dewey, 512, 516
DeWitt, 506
diagnosticate, to, 197
diagram, 402
diagramme, 394
dialog, 394
dialogicians, 179
diamond, 250, 341, 583
diamond-cracker, 583
Diarmuid, 479
diarrhea, 411
diarrhœa, 411
diary, 341
dick, 577
dicker, to, 118
dickey-seat, 237
dicta, 412
dictograph, 173
did, 430, 442
diddle, to, 22
did I say no?, 217
didn’t, 352
Diego, 110
diener, 220
dierne, 317
diet-kitchen-engineer, 290
die with one’s boots on, to, 142
diff, 170
different, 466
different than, 472
dig, to, 430, 436
diggings, 98, 145
dilatory, 24
Dillehay, 481
diminute, to, 75
din, 128
dinah, 577
dindon farouche, 214
dindon sauvage, 214
diner, 170
dinge, 296
dinger, 583
dingus, 176, 210, 211, 263
dinky, 464
dinner, 240
dinner-bell, 97
dino, 582
dioxygen, 173
dip, 368, 576
diphtheria, 352
diphthong, 352
Dipucci, 497
directly, 251
director, 242
directory-engineer, 290
direct primaries, 245
dirt, 165, 310, 580
dirty, 467
Dirty Face, 514
disagreeable, 268
discipline, 384
discommode, to, 168
disdain, 380
disembarked, 604
dishpan, 234
disme, 116
disorderly house, 304
display-ad, 170
dissenter, 248, 249
distaff, 386
distributing, 376
district, 245, 247
ditch, to, 227
div, 430
dive, 37, 149
dive, to, 430
dived, 430
divide, 115
division, 245
divorcée, 409, 412
divot, 562
Divver, 479
divvy, 191
diwy, to, 148, 192
Dixie, 101
dixième, 116
do, to, 306, 430, 446, 566, 604
do a land-office business, to, 142
do a tailspin, to, 198
Doc, 520
doc, 170
docile, 341
docket, 145
dock-walloper, 263
dock-yard, 239
doctor, 271, 289
doctorine, 180
doctrin, 406
doctrine, 406
Dodge City, 529
dodge the issue, to, 142
do don’t, 99
does, 24
doesn’t, 446
dogdom, 178
dog-eater, 373
doggery, 145, 149
doggone, 316, 317
dog-house, 583
dognaper, 180
dog on it, 317
do-gooder, 187
dog-robber, 573
dog-weary, 564
Dohme, 484
do it all, to, 581
dokus, 217
dol, 401
dole, 430, 437
Doley, 523
dollar, 116, 155
Dollarhide, 505
dollars to doughnuts, 259
Dollarville, 536
doll up, to, 264
Dolly, 520
Dolor, 522
dolour, 395
-dom, 109, 178
dominie, 109
Dominus, 281
don, 183, 242
donate, to, 121, 165, 231
donation-party, 150
Don Carlos, 516
done, 422, 430, 441, 442
donee, 180
donivorous, 118
donkey, 302
donky, 402
don’t, 445, 446, 471
donut, 402
doodad, 176, 211
-doodle, 176
Doolittle, 482
door, 614
Dope, 582
dope, 38, 95, 108, 229, 565, 609; -fiend, 232
dope, to, S5
dope out, 264
dopester, 178
D. O. R. A., 209
Doran, 503
dorg, 350
dorm, 170
Dorothy, 507, 511
dorp, 109, 532
Dorpian, 550
do the book, to, 578, 581
Dotterer, 484
Dötterer, 484
doubld, 403
double-cross, 565
double-header, 191
double pica, 250
double team, 122
doubt, 397
Doug, 183
dough, 45
doughboy, 573, 575
doughface, 74
doughnutery, 176
Douglas, 482, 516
do up brown, to, 143
dout, 397, 401, 403
dove, 430, 437
Dow, 516
down, 115
down-and-out, 93, 143
down-East, 246
downhil, 380
down-town, 143, 246
down-train, 247
doxologize, to, 96, 140
dozen, 462
Dozine, 524
Dr., 272, 280
draft, 334, 382, 394
draftee, 180
drag, 582
drag, to, 430
drain, 339
drains, 235
drama, 337
drank, 422, 425, 430, 440, 442
draper’s-shop, 234
drapes, 170
draught, 382
draughts, 236
draw, 70, 120, 170
draw, to, 430
draw a bead, to, 119
draw a bead on, to, 232
draw-bridge, 70, 120
drawed, 430
drawers, 234, 239
drawing-pin, 239
drawing-room, 266
drawing-room-car, 101
dreadful, 99, 210
dream, to, 430
dreampt, 438
dreamt, 392
dreen, 339
dremp, 430
drempt, 430, 439
dres, 403
dress-circle, 228
dress in, to, 580
Dretha, 522
drew, 430
Drewry, 503
drill, to, 578
drillery, 176
drill-hall, 239
drily, 392, 393
drink, to, 430, 440
drinked, 430
drinkery, 176
Drinkwater, 495
driv, 416, 431
drive, 182, 546
drive, to, 431
driver, 260
drive urself, 407
drove, 431, 437
drown, to, 431
drown’d, 438
drownded, 161, 431, 438
drowned, 431
drug, 430
druggist, 231, 234
drug-store, 231, 234, 263
drugteria, 177
drummer, 37, 583
drunk, 430, 440
druv, 423, 431
dry, 86, 191, 565
dry-cleaning-engineer, 290
dry-goods, 122, 123
dry-goods store, 27, 234
drygoodsteria, 177
dryly, 393, 396
Drytown, 534
dub, 37, 565
Dubois, 495
Duchesne, 539
Duck, 537
duck, 149, 564, 569
ducker, 579
dude, 180
Dudelant, 482
dude-wrangler, 180
dudine, 180
duds, 567
du-du, 113
due, 345
dug, 430
dug-out, 144, 231
duke, 345
duket, 584
dul, 401
dum, 402
dumb, 109, 112, 158, 374
dumb Dora, 561
dumbell, 561
dumbfound, 171
dumbfounded, 126
dumb John, 573
dumb-waiter, 86, 254
Dumitrue, 509
dumm, 109
dummy, 580
dump, to, 118
Duncan, 516
Dunkard, 250
Dunke, 524
dunski, 222
duo, 183
Dupriel, 522
Durhamite, 549
Düring, 482
Durstine, 499
dust-bin, 233
dust-cart, 233
dust-engineer, 290
dustman, 233
Dusty, 520
dutchie, 295
Dutch oven, 260
dutiable, 119, 120
Dutrow, 484
Duttera, 484
Dutterer, 484
duty, 345
Duyvel, 533
Dvořák, 487
dwelling-engineer, 290
dwindle, to, 564
Dykehouse, 485
Dÿkhuis, 485
dynamo, 236
dynasty, 341
dysentery, 376
Džan, 512
Dáaník, 512
Džim, 512
Džimik, 512
e, 339, 340, 341, 346, 347, 359, 368, 375, 384, 389, 393, 394, 401, 405, 438, 451, 469, 484; -e, 464, 549
ea, 381, 401
each way, 248
eagle, 116
Eagle Pass, 535
Eammarell, 525
eankke, 110 ear, 603
Earl, 517
earlier’n, 464
earnest, 367
Earthly, 525
earth-wire, 236
Earvila, 524
eastbound, 247
East End, 247
easy, 465
easy-mark, 565, 576
eat, 404, 424
eat, to, 431
eat crow, to, 148, 198
eaten, 431
eatery, 176
eatfest, 218
eat out of my hand, to, 95
Ecker-R, 496
eclaircise, to, 75
éclaircissement, 75
éclat, 409
eco, 401
ecology, 155
écrevisse, 105
ed, 401, 402; -ed, 377, 435, 464
-ede, 438
Edelstein, 501
Edelweiss, 522
Eden, 183
Edgar, 506
edict, 183
Edina, 522
Edith, 506
editor, 289
editorial, 165
Edward, 506, 507, 515, 519
Edwin, 506, 515
Edyth, 520
ee, 381, 412; -ee, 180, 549
eel, 600; -grass, 114
-een, 491
-eer, 180
effuse, to, 75
eg, 401, 403
egad, 315
egg, 340, 614
egg-plant, 114, 246
eggs, 614
egofest, 218
egoist, 340
ei, 402, 484
Eibhlin, 513
eighth note, 250
Eileen, 513
einen bummeln machen, 156
Einstein, 501
Eisenach, 484
either, 6, 341, 472
el, 86
elastic, 334
Eldarema, 521
Eldeese, 524
Eldorado, 534, 539
eldorado, 152
electioneer, to, 228
electragist, 178, 284, 287
electric-sign-engineer, 290
electrize, to, 192
electrocute, to, 192
electrolier, 171
Eleroy, 538
elevator, 57, 120, 234, 239, 254; -boy, 234
Elias, 506
Elihu, 515
Elijah, 515, 519
élite, 409
Elizabeth, 506, 507, 509, 511, 519, 520, 529
Elk, 529, 536
Elkdom, 178
Ellen, 510
Elliott, 507
Ellis, 499, 507
Ellsworth, 512
ellum, 129, 353
Elly, 510
Elmer, 510, 515, 516, 517
elocute, to, 192
Elpasoan, 548
Elseroad, 483
Elserode, 483
Elserote, 483
Elsinore, 534
Elsroad, 483
Elsrode, 483
Eltzroth, 483
Ely, 508
Elzie, 523
Em, 519
em, 452
Emanuel, 508
Emavida, 522
embalm, 335
embalmed-beef, 174
embalming-fluid, 582
embalming surgeon, 287
emerald, 250
Emersonthusiast, 570
emfasis, 402
Emil, 513
Emily, 507
Emjo, 518
Emma, 509, 519
Emmanuel, 506
emote, to, 192
emperor, 395
Empire, 552
empire, 346
employd, 401
employé, 409
employée, 412
emporiums, 413
-en, 193
enceinte, 304
enceinte sow, 305
enclose, 390
encumbrance, 390
endeavour, 395
endive, 260
endorse, 390
endorse, to, 141
Eneatha, 521
enervate, 325
Engberg, 490
Enghien, 547
engin, 403
engine, 347
engineer, 227, 228, 604, 605
engineer, to, 93, 141, 231
engineer of good taste, 289
engineman, 291
Englewoodite, 549
English, 250, 296
engulf, 391
engulph, 391
Eno, 499
Enoch, 511
enquire, 390, 392, 393
Enroughty, 503
Ensenada, 534
ensure, to, 393
ent, 446; -ent, 192
enter a claim, to, 142
enthuse, to, 141, 165, 192, 232
enthusiasm, 126
entire, 325
entrance-hall, 237
enuf, 402, 403
envoy, 183
eolian, 394
eower, 449
eowrum, 449
Episcopalian, 249
epoc, 401
epoch, 340
Epstein, 499
equestrian-director, 584
equipment-engineer, 290
ex 353, 367, 396, 399, 402, 411; -er, 192, 463, 549, 568
eraser, 239
Erdmann, 484
Erez Israel, 299
Erie Canal, 525
Erik, 510
Erin go bragh, 160
Ernest, 507
Ernst, 510
erosion-expert, 291
errant, 360
errata, 338
error, 395
-ers, 346
erster, 367
eruptiveness, 101
-ery, 176, 325
Esbjörn, 490
Esbyorn, 490
escaped, 604
Eschscholtzia, 522
Esco, 522
escritoire, 254
Eselkopf, 501
eskate, 375
esleep, 375
esophagus, 391, 411
espace, 375
espantoon, 243
Esq., 278
-est, 463
estampida, 152
estate-agent, 239
estator, 286
Estelle, 507
Estha, 522
Estherina, 522
esthetic, 388, 401
estudent, 375
et, 431
eternal, 316, 317, 339, 379
American Language Page 102