pleasd, 403
plebe, 170
pled, 433, 437
plesure, 403
plop, 184
plough, 96, 146, 383, 390, 393
plow, 381, 383, 386
plug along, to, 609
plumb, 143, 232
plumb, to, 192
plumb crazy, 143
plump, 143
plunder, 99, 101, 159
plunderbund, 219
plunge, 184
Plunkett-Ernle-Erle- Drax, 502
pluralist, 248
plus, 210, 211
plute, 169, 263
Plymouth Brethren, 249
Plymouth Rock, 527
pneumony, 360
poche, 158
pochen, 157
pochspiel, 157
pocketbook, 247
pocket-diary, 247
počkij, 216
poco, 152
podiatrist, 288
Podlesnik, 489
Podunk, 553, 554
Poe, 479
Po-ell, 503
poem, 341
Poh, 479
pohickery, 105
poifect, 367
poil, 367
Poincaré, 410
point, 242, 250
pointer, 227
Point Loma, 534
points, 147
poison, 346
poison-ivy, 246
Poke, 523
poke, 577
poker, 157, 591
Poker City, 536; Flat, 535
poke-weed, 114
polack, 296
pole, 368
police, 360, 604
policy, 222
politeness, 374
politician, 30, 245
Polk, 493
Polly, 519
poly, 577
pomp, 343
Pompey, 523
poncho, 152
pond, 115, 121
pone, 100, 105
pontiff, 386
Pontius Pilate, 578
pony up, to, 191, 562
pooldoo, 214
pool-room, 237
poorhouse, 243
poorlaw institution, 243
poorly, 467
poozly, 110
pop, 149, 170
pop-corn, 85, 115, 122, 229
Pope, 493
poppycock, 47, 144, 565
poque, 158
porch-climber, 243
pore, 349
pork-barrel, 148
porpoise, 383, 384
porque, 376
porridge, 116, 235
Portage, 535, 542
portage, 108, 151
porte-cochère, 409
porter, 235, 247
porterhouse, 231, 236
portière, 347, 409
Port Tobacco, 527, 537
Portugee, 111, 461
positiv, 403
Positive Wassermann, 525
Pospíšil, 512
possum, 104, 169, 170; -belly, 583
Possum Hollow, 554
post, 238, 256, 283
post-bag, 238
posterior, 380
postes, 360
post-free, 238
postilion, 393
postillion, 392, 393
postman, 85, 235, 238, 266
Post No Bills, 239
postpaid, 238
postum, 172, 173
pot, 191
potato, 603; -bug, 114
potecary, 22
Poteet, 481
potlach, 150
potman, 236, 243
Potomac, 527
Potowanmeac, 527
Potunk, 553
Poughkeepsian, 549, 550
Poulos, 485, 486
Pound, 485
pound, 250, 462
pounding, 150
povidla, 216
Powell, 503
powerful, 99
powerize, to, 193
powerphobe, 570
Powhatan, 531
powwow, 105, 231
pox upon it, a, 317
practical, 336
practice, 393
practis, 401, 403
practise, 394
practise, to, 393
prairie, 57, 108, 151, 536;
-dog, 151; -hen, 151; -schooner, 145
Prairie du Chien, 536
praline, 214
pram, 233
pre-, 181
prebendary, 248
precinct, 148
precisely, 253
predicate, to, 141
prefect, 268
preferd, 403
pregnant, 301, 310, 311
prelim, 170, 562
prélude, 347
première, 347
premiss, 392
Prentiss, 516
prepaid, 238
preparation-room, 287
preparatory, 325
prepare a body, to, 287
prepare a patient, to, 287
prep school, 240
pres, 401
prescriptive, 118
presentation, 248
Preserved, 516
president, 11, 242, 244, 289
presidentiad, 75
presidential, 98, 119, 120, 165, 231
presidio, 152
prespiration, 353
press-agent, to, 195
press engineer, 291
pressmen, 228
press-representative, 289
Preston, 498
pretty, 340
pretty boy, 584
pretzel, 112, 295
Preussen, 296
preventable disease, 306
preventorium, 179
previous, 231
pre-Volstead, 181
pre-war, 181, 183
priceless, 269
prickly-heat, 116
Priest, 496
prig, 126
primarily, 324
primary, 148
primary school, 241
primate, 248
Prince, 485
Prince-Albert, 37
Princell, 492
Princess Anne, 537
Princeton, 528, 530
Princilla, 524
principal, 241, 242
Prins, 485
printery, 176
printing-engineer, 290
printorium, 179
Priscilla, 512
prise, to, 252
private, 256
private-bar, 243
prize, to, 252
probably, 376
probate a will, to, 246
probationary captain, 283; lieutenant, 283
probe, 182, 185
pro’bition, 353
prob’ly, 353
procede, 401
pro-chancellor, 241
proctor, 242
produce a certain state, to, 311
prof, 170
professor, 100, 242, 272
professoriat, 180
progenitor, 395
program, 389, 390, 396, 400, 401, 403, 406
programme, 239, 390, 393, 394
progress, to, 7, 15, 24, 117, 120
project, 588
prolog, 400, 403
prom, 170
promenade, 338
promis, 403
promotion-engineer, 291
promulgate, 325
promulge, to, 75
pronto, 152
proof, 344
proov, 381, 383
propaganda, 101, 196
proper, 465
prophecy, 394
Prophet, 524
proposal, 239
proposition, 31, 210, 227
props, 289
prosaic, 380
prosit, 157
prostitute, 293, 303, 305, 311
protectograph, 173
protégé, 347, 409
protest, to, 195
Protestant Episcopal Church, 249
protozoa, 155
proud, 465
382, 383
prove, to, 433
prove a will, to, 246
proved, 433
proven, 433
pro-vice-chancellor, 242
provost, 242
prowler, 582
Prudence, 516
Prujín, 487
prushun, 582
pry, to, 252
psychological-engineer, 290
psychology, 155
psycho-neurosis, 293
psychopathic hospital, 293
psychopathic personality, 293
pub, 237, 243
public, 383
public-bar, 243
public comfort station, 304
public company, 244
public elementary school, 241
public-house, 237, 243
publicist, 288
publicity, 227
publick, 383
public relations counsel, 288
public school, 240
public-servant, 96, 243
publishment, 98, 141
puckerstopple, to, 568
Puckey-Huddle, 554
pudding, 155
puff-puff, 240
puffy, 558
pug, 169
puka, 377
Puke, 552
puke, 309
Pulkka, 493
Pulkkinen, 493
pull, 148, 227, 565
pull hard, to, 465
Pullman, 147, 238
pull the pin, to, 583
pull up stakes, to, 142, 232
pull wool over his eyes, to, 142
pulmotor, 171
pulque, 152
pumpernickel, 155
Pumpkin Hollow, 554
pun, 169
punch-drunk, 562
punctuate, 352
pung, 117
pungy, 116, 117
punk, 305, 562, 573, 580, 582
punt, 248
pup, 580
pur, 403
Púrcell, 504
purp, 350
purse, 247
push, 609
push, to, 199
push-cart, 235
pushed, 438
pusher, 583
pushover, 560
pusht, 438
pussyfoot, to, 255
pussy-footer, 174
put, to, 198, 440, 604
put a bug in his ear, to, 142
put across, to, 227
putchamin, 105
put down, to, 234
put it across, to, 191
put it over, to, 191
put it through, to, 232
put one across, to, 191
put one over, to, 191
put on the spot, to, 580
put over, to, 198, 227, 611
put the skids under, to, 198
puzzledom, 178
pygmy, 390,394
pyjama, 389
pyjamas, 391
pyrex, 173
Q, 582
q, 404
Q-room, 208
Qua, 524
quack, 184
Quaco, 524
quadril, 403
quahaug, 98, 106
quake, 183
Quaker City, 553
quality, 335
Quamana, 524
Quamina, 524
quandary, 126
quanity, 352
quantity, 335
quarrel, 341, 343
quarter, 255
quarter-days, 255
quarter hour, 251
quartern-loaf, 255
quarter note, 250
quarter of an hour, 251
quarter of nine, 250
quarter to nine, 250
quartet, 401, 403
quartette, 393
Quash, 524
quash, 335
quash, to, 199
Quashey, 524
quasihemidemisemiquaver, 250
quaver, 250
Quay, 524
Quebecer, 549
Québecois, 550
Queener, 569
queer the pitch, to, 260
Quentin, 513
-quest, 491
questionize, to, 141
quick, 420, 465, 466
Quico, 524
quien sabe?, 152
Quincyan, 549
quinine, 341
-quist, 491
quit, 433
quit, to, 199, 433
quite, 251
quitter, 37, 227
quiz, 30, 182
Quod, 524
Quomana, 524
quotes, 170
-qvist, 491
qw, 404
r, 335, 340 348, 349, 350, 369, 375, 383, 600
rabbit, 123
Rabbit Ridge, 554
rabble-rouser, 186
Rabinovitch, 498
raccoon, 104
race-course, 237; -track, 237
Rachel, 507
racket, 565, 566, 580
racketeer, to, 195, 565, 580
radio, 226, 338, 559, 604
radiodor, 561
radioitis, 179
radiorator, 175
radioteria, 177
radiotrician, 288
radish, 339
Rae, 507
Rafael, 509
raft, 336
rag, 377, 584
ragamuffin, 128
rahaugcum, 104
rahrah-boy, 186
railroad, 57, 165, 239
railroad, to, 147, 195
railroading, 96
railroad-man, 147
railway, 239, 267
railway-carriage, 247
railway man, 228
railway-rug, 147
Raimund, 505
raincoat, 235
raise, to, 7, 30, 101, 434
raise Cain, to, 232
raised, 434, 436
rake-off, 62, 572
Raleigh, 541
Raleighite, 549
rally, 227
Ralph, 507, 509, 520
ram, 184, 302, 308
rambler, 219
rambler-society, 219
rambunctious, 47, 145, 175, 568
rambustious, 568
ran, 434, 440, 442
Ranee, 519
ranch, 152, 231
ranch, to, 152
rancher, 152
ranchero, 98
ranch-house, 152
ranchman, 152
rancho, 98, 152
rancorous, 395
rancour, 395
Rand, 499
Randolph, 507, 516, 529
Randolph of Roanoke, 504
Ranft, 484
rang, 434
range, 145
Ranhojič, 488
ranker, 270
Ransom, 519
rap, to, 199
rape, 311
rapids, 115, 151
rapport, 75
rare, 346
rarowcun, 104
raspberry, 192
rat, 576
ratepayer, 235, 243
rates, 235, 243
rather, 336, 337, 371
rathskeller, 155, 412
Rat Lake, 536
Raton, 543
ratskeller, 112, 347
rattle, to, 227
rattled, 231
rattler, 169, 582
Rattles, 505
raugroughcum, 104
Raven’s Eye, 537
ravioli, 222
raw, 349
ray, 246
Raymond, 505, 510, 515
razor-back, 114, 584
razz, to,192
Razzle-Dazzle, 536
r.b., 209
rd, 438
re, 383, 399, 402, 411; -re, 386, 390, 393
reach-me-down, 239
reaction, 210, 588
Reada, 524
reader, 242
read for holy orders, to, 249
Readingite, 550
read the law, to, 240
br /> ready, to, 195, 586
ready-made, 293
ready-tailored, 293
ready-to-put-on, 293
ready-to-wear, 293
real, 341, 466, 467
real-estate, 165; -agent, 85; -man, 285
real good, 467
reality, 353
really, 466, 467
really true, 467
realm, 384
real McCoy, 580
real nice, 467
real smart, 467
realtor, 179, 239, 284, 286
realtress, 287
rear, 346
Rebecca, 507
rebel, 582
rebound, 325
rebuilt, 293
recall, 245
receipt, 380
reception-clerk, 239
receptionist, 178
recess, 235, 325
reciet, 403
Reckawackes, 527
reckon, 259
reckon, to, 24, 99
recluse, 325
recognize, 447
recognize, to, 433
reconditioned, 293
reco’nize, 352
recontre, 409
recovered, 604
recreation-engineer, 290
Rector, 523
rector, 241, 242, 249
red, 403; -ball, 582; -cap, 573; -eye, 149, 568; -lead, 582
Redheffer, 505
Red Kettle, 514
red-light district, 304
reducathon, 180
reed-bird, 114
reefer, 582
reel, 235
ref, 580
reflection, 393
reflexion, 392, 393
reformatory, 292, 293
reform school, 292
refresher, 246
régime, 409
Reginald, 518
registered nurse, 240
regius, 242
regular, 148, 465
regular guy, 254
rehabilitation, 292
Reichman, 498
Reifschneider, 499
Reifsnider, 499
Reifsnyder, 499
Reiger, 481
Reilly, 499
Reindollar, 485
Reino, 510
Reiter, 499
relapse, 360
release, 191
releasement, 98, 141
reliable, 120, 121, 165, 168, 223, 224, 231
relief, 292
religion, 150
relm, 381, 384
reminisce, to, 192
remove, 268
rench, 161
rench, to, 434
renched, 434
rencounter, 409
rendezvous, 409
Renee, 507
Reno-vated, 561
rense, to, 434
rent, 438
reo, 173
repeater, 148
répertoire, 409
repertory, 409
reposing-room, 287
repossessed, 293
reptile, 341
requirement, 98
requisite, 383, 384
research, 325
resinol, 173
resolute, to, 141, 192
resolv, 403
respectablize, to, 193
respiratory, 325
restatorium, 179
restaurant, 292
restauranteria, 176
resteteria, 176
restorium, 179
rest-room, 308
résumé, 409
resurrect, to, 93, 141, 165
retainer, 246
Retha, 521
retiracy, 141
retire, to, 302
retiring-room, 304
retoric, 402
return, to, 245
Reuben, 515
reumatism, 402
reune, to, 192
reunion, to, 195
Reuss, 482
Rev. 268, 279, 281
Reverend, 280
Reverendissimus, 283
reviev, 403
American Language Page 110