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American Language Page 113

by H. L. Mencken

stiff upper lip, 565

  stile, 384

  still better, 463

  Stilton cheese, 261

  Stimits, 484

  stimulis, 413

  stimulus-response-bond, 588 !

  -stine, 499

  sting, to, 435

  Sting Tail, 514

  stingy, 126

  stink, 303, 309

  stink, to, 435

  stinkibus, 149

  Stiobhan, 513

  St. John, 496, 503

  St. Joseph, 535; -ite, 549

  St. Lawrence, 531

  St. Leger, 503

  St. Louis, 531, 541

  stock, 128, 244

  stockbroker, 244

  stockholder, 244

  Stockholm, 530

  stocking, 378; -feet, 145

  stockings, 302, 308

  stocks, 244

  Stock Yards, 536

  stockyards, 462

  stoker, 583

  Stolar, 498

  stole, 435, 437, 442

  stomac, 401

  stomach, 302, 310

  stomps, 346

  stonden, 442

  stone, 99, 250, 308

  stone-fence, 149

  stones, 303

  stone-wall, 149

  stood, 442

  stoop, 98, 108

  stop, 602

  stop-over, to, 147, 198

  store, 7, 122, 123, 266, 292; -clothes, 145; -used, 293

  stores, 234

  storey, 390, 392

  stork, 349

  storked, 561

  Storm, 492

  storm, 578, 585, 602

  story, 390

  Stout, 537

  St. Patrick, 535

  St. Paul, 528, 531, 535

  straddle, to, 148

  straddling, 143

  strafe, to, 573

  straight, 149, 605

  straight-ticket, 148

  strap, 346

  strap-hanger, 228

  strata, 338, 412

  stratas, 413

  stratosphere, 559

  Strauss, 500

  Streed, 491

  street, 544; -cleaner, 239; -railway, 239

  Streeter, 489

  strength, 360

  strenuous, 558; -life, 174

  stricken out, 246

  Strid, 491

  strife, 578

  strike, to, 435

  strike it rich, to, 142

  strike oil, to, 167

  strike out, to, 191

  striker, 30, 573

  string, 247; -bean, 235, 260

  strings, 583

  strip, to, 586

  stripe, 585

  Stritar, 489

  Stromberg, 490

  strong-arm-squad, 243

  strop, 346

  struck, 435

  struck out, 246

  struggld, 402

  strychnine, 341

  St. Therese, 543

  stube, 219, 292

  stubs, 244

  stuccoed, 568

  Studebaker, 485

  Studebecker, 485

  student, 375

  Studie, 579

  studio, 292

  study for the ministry, to, 249

  study law, to, 240

  study medicine, to, 240

  stuf, 403

  stump, to, 35, 93, 118, 228

  stumped, 114

  Stumptown, 537

  stung, 435

  stunk, 435

  stunt, 159, 232

  stuntfest, 218

  Sturgeon moon, 106

  Stuyvesant, 481

  stye, 389

  style, 384

  style, to, 93, 194

  subpena, 401

  subsidize, 118

  subsist, to, 196

  succede, 401

  successor, 395

  succotash, 98, 100, 105

  such, 346

  Suciu, 494

  Suck, 505

  sucker, 37, 263, 556, 562, 576, 584

  Sucker Branch, 535

  suddint, 360

  Sue, 507

  suffragan, 248

  Sug, 519

  sugar, 585

  sugar-basin, 235

  sugar-bowl, 235

  suicide, to, 167

  suitatorium, 179

  Suke, 519

  Sukey, 519

  sulfite, 394

  sulfur, 402

  Sullivan, 477, 500

  Summer time, 234

  Summit, 536

  summon, 461

  summons, 461

  sump, 237

  sundae, 86, 188, 190, 191

  Sunday, 485

  sunflower, 536

  sung, 434, 441

  sunk, 434

  supawn, 106

  super-, 180, 181, 464; -American, 181; -cabinet, 181; -criminal, 181; -film, 181; -gang, 181; -highway, 181; -love, 181; -perfect, 181; -production, 181

  supergobosnoptious, 145

  supergobsloptious, 176

  super-highway, 181

  superintendent, 243, 288

  superior, 395

  supernaculum, 577

  supper, 240

  surallikus, 109

  sure, 93, 103, 202, 262,

  sure-fire, 262

  surely, 467

  surface-protection-engineer, 290

  survey, 325, 588

  Susan, 519

  Susanville, 534

  suspectful, 175

  suspenders, 85, 145, 235, 239, 391

  suspicion, to, 25

  Susquehanna, 528

  susy, 359

  sut, 383, 384

  Sutter, 542

  Suva, 488

  suveran, 384

  Svec, 487


  Svensson, 491

  Swaffham, 537

  swagger, 269

  swaller, 353

  swallow, 124

  swam, 435

  swamp, 246, 343

  Swampskeeter, 552

  swan, 343

  Swanell, 522

  swang, 435

  swanga, 113

  swank, 269, 568

  Swanson, 492

  swap, to, 126

  Swashing Creek, 533

  swatfest, 218

  sweat, 309

  sweat, to, 435

  Swede, 240

  sweep, to, 435

  sweep stakes, 155

  sweet, 247, 602; -corn, 240; -potato, 114, 246; -shop, 234

  sweets, 41, 234

  swell, 557

  swell, to, 435

  swelled, 438

  Swensson, 492

  swep, 435, 437

  swerve, to, 252

  Swiler, 485

  swim, to, 435

  swimmingly, 126

  swim-suit, 233

  swing, to, 435

  switch, 146; -engine, 146; -man, 146; -yard, 146

  switch, to, 147

  switchback-railway, 237

  swole, 435, 438

  swollen, 435

  Swope, 483

  sword, 349

  ’s wounds, 312

  swum, 435, 441

  swung, 435

  sycamore, 536

  Sydney, 508

  Sylvester, 511, 519

  Sylvia, 507, 509

  Syphax, 524

  syphilis, 304, 306

  Sýr, 487

  Syracuse, 530

  syren, 389

  Syringia, 522

  syrup, 235

  Szabó, 496

  Szemán, 496

  Szentgyörgyi, 496

  Szentpétery, 496

  Sztefan, 510

  Szüle, 496

  t, 335, 348, 352 353 360 368, 375, 389, 401, 402, 447,493, 600; -t, 438

  Taaffe, 478

  Taavetti, 510

  tab, 229

  table, to, 7, 117

  taboobery, 175

  Tacoma, 532; -n, 549

  tactic, in, 461

  tactics, 461

  Tadpole, 552

  taffy, 2

  Taft, 478

  Tahoma, 532

  tail, 308

  take, to, 435, 604

  take a back seat, to, 142

  take a bath, to, 252

  take a lunar, to, 250

  take for a ride, to, 558, 580

  taken, 428, 435

  take on, to, 99

  take silk, to, 246

  take the cake, to, 232

  take the first turning, to, 253

  take to the woods, to, 119

  talented, 70, 98, 120, 223

  Taliaferro, 503

  talk, 183

  talkfest, 218

  talkie, 170, 187

  talk-talk, 373

  talk through your hat, to, 563

  tall, 614

  Tallahassee, 528

  tallest, 420

  tallow-pot, 583

  Talmadge, 524

  Talvi, 492

  tamal, 152

  tamale, 152

  tamber, 409

  Tamer, 524

  tamer, 584

  tammany, 106

  tan, 247

  tangle-foot, 167

  tango, 155

  tank, 582

  tanked, 568

  tank-town, 147

  Taos, 541

  Taoseño, 550

  tap, 235

  tapioca, 112

  tap-room, 243, 292

  Tarheel, 552

  tariff reform, 245

  Tarkington, 513

  tarn, 115

  tarnal, 316, 317, 339

  tarnation, 35, 316, 317

  tart, 235, 305

  tassel, 334

  tasty, 93, 96

  Tatiyopa, 514

  taught, 349, 435

  Taunton, 541

  taut, 349

  tavern, 123, 292

  Tavia, 519

  taw, 349

  tay, 161

  Taylor, 488, 496, 497, 499, 520, 529

  taxed-paid, 194

  taxes, 235

  taxi, 374

  taxi, to, 192

  taximeter, 155

  taxpaid, 194

  taxpay, to, 194

  taxpayer, 235

  T.B., 208, 536

  -te, 438

  tea, 240; -cake, 233; -shop, 266

  teach, to, 435, 440

  team, 7, 122

  tear, to, 435

  tear-bucket, 587

  teat, 303, 309

  tech, 346

  technical - publicity - engineer, 291

  tecnical, 401

  Tecumseh, 517

  Ted, 519

  Teddy, 519

  tee off, to, 562

  teeth, 612

  teetotal, 161

  teetotaler, 145

  tegua, 151

  tel, 401, 403

  telefone, 402, 403

  telegraf, 402, 403

  telegram, 147, 604

  telegramme, 394

  telegraph-blank, 247

  telegrapher, 165, 324

  telegraph-form, 247

  telegraphic communication, 147

  telegraphic dispatch, 147

  teleology, 155

  telephone, 591, 604

  telescoped, 228

  tell, to, 435

  tell’d, 435

  tell it to a judge, to, 561

  Telluride, 536

  Tell your troubles to a policeman, 566

  Temba, 524

  temporarily, 324

  Tenah, 524

  tend, to, 435

  tended, 435

  tender, 239

  tender-foot, 145, 231

  tenderloin, 236, 240

  Ten Eyck, 481

  Tennessee Iron and Coal, 525

  Tennyson, 513

  ten-pins, 237, 248

  tent, 435

  ten thirty, 251

  tepee, 106

  tequila, 152

  Tera, 523

  Terence, 505

  Terjesen, 492

  terminal, 147

  Terra, 494

  Terra Amarilla, 534

  terrace, 547

  terrapin, 104, 105, 246

  Terre Haute, 541

  Terry, 494

  Tertzagian, 497

  testicles, 307

  tête, 214, 557

  tête-a-tête, 409

  Texarkana, 537

  Texhoma, 537

  Texico, 537

  textil, 403

  th, 335, 353, 367, 375, 382, 404

  -thal, 499, 500

  Thalberg, 500

  Thalheimer, 500

  Thames, 540

  than, 458, 464, 472

  thanx, 406

  that, 367, 452, 453, 454

  that-a way, 471

  that-ere, 452

  thatn, 451, 454

  that’n, 471

  that-one, 451

  that-there, 451, 452

  that way, 561

  -thau, 499

  theatre, 325, 383, 388, 402

  The Dalles, 537

  thé dansant, 409

  thee, 450, 454

  the Hon., 275, 277, 278, 279

  their, 448, 456, 460

  theirn, 448, 456, 461

  theirs, 448

  theirself, 419, 459

  theirselves, 459

  the limit, 227, 230

  them, 420, 424, 448, 451, 452, 454, 455, 456

  them-ere, 452

  them’ere, 471

  Themicoud, 479

  them’n, 452

  themselves, 459, 460

  them-there, 451, 452

  them-two, 449

  thence, 468

  Theodore, 507, 519

  Theotiste, 522

  there, 24, 375, 420, 467

  Thermopolis, 530

  thermos, 173

  thés-dansants, 412

  these, 451, 452

  these-here, 451, 452

  thesen, 451

  These States, 75

  these-yur, 452

  thet, 365

  they, 424, 448, 451

  they is, 363

  thief, 584

  thin, 375

  think, to, 435

  thinnen, to, 193

  third, 367

  third-degree, 243, 264, 577

  thirty-second note, 250

  this, 452

  this-and-that-way, 561

  this-a way, 471

  this-here, 424, 451, 452

  thish-yur, 452

  thisn, 451

  this’n, 464

  this-one, 451

  thither, 468

  tho, 399, 400, 402, 403, 406

  thoid, 350, 367, 368

  Thomas, 493, 506, 509, 515

  Thompson, 439, 488

  thon, 460

  -thon, 180

  thon’s, 460

  thoro, 400, 402, 403, 406

  thorofare, 400, 403

  thoroly, 400, 403

  Thoroughgood, 479

  Thorrel, 522

  those, 451, 452, 460

  thosen, 451

  those-there, 451, 452

  thou, 449, 450

  thought, 435

  thrash, 346

  thread, 383, 384

  threat, 384

  thred, 384

  Three Churches, 537

  Three Fingers, 536

  three-of-a-kind, 191

  three-sheet, to, 585

  threesome, 562

  three - strikes - and - out, 191

  Threetops, 539

  thresh, 346

  thret, 384

  threw, 422, 435, 440

  thro, 406

  through, 605

  throw, to, 435, 440

  throw a rock, to, 123

  throw a scare into, to, 198

  throwed, 435, 440

  thrown, 435

  thru, 399, 400, 402, 403, 404, 406

  thrung, 435

  thruout, 400, 403

  Thugut, 478

  thum, 384, 402

  thumb, 383, 384

ck, 239

  thunder, 602

  Thunichgut, 478

  thunk, 435

  Thurgod, 479

  thusly, 467

  Thusnelda, 522

  ticket, 101; -agent, 238; -chopper, 239; -office, 147; -scalper, 145, 147

  tickler, 145

  tickrum-juckrum, 577

  tiddy-bit, 361

  tie, 147, 235

  tie-pin, 235

  tie-up, 239

  Tildy, 519

  tiles, 238

  till, 160

  till hell freezes over, 314

  tillicum, 150

  Tilman, 516

  timbre, 409

  tin, 228, 238, 375

  tin-hat, 573

  tinhorn, 263

  tinker, 236

  tin-key, 234

  tinner, 236

  tin-opener, 234

  tinsmith, 236

  tipe, 402

  tiptoe, to, 192

  tire, 389, 390, 394; -engineer, 290

  tiro, 390

  Tish, 519

  tiswin, 151

  tit, 309

  tit for tat, 578

  tithe, 248

  title-holder, 562

  tiz, 173

  to, 401,471

  to a frazzle, 167

  tobacco, 112, 152, 604

  toboggan, 105

  tocking, 378

  to-day, 414

  Todenacker, 479

  toffee, 235

  toggery, 266

  to go big, 202

  toilet, 304, 389, 391, 394

  toilette, 389

  Tola, 516

  told, 352, 438

  tole, 352, 435, 438

  To Let, 266

  Tolliver, 503

  Tom, 512, 513, 519

  tom, 402

  tomahawk, 105, 372

  tomahawk, to, 117

  Tom-and-Jerry, 149

  Tomas, 508

  Tomáš, 511

  Tomasini, 493

  Tomaso, 509

  Tomaszewski, 488

  tomato, 112, 152, 334, 337

  tomb, 402

  tombé, 151

  Tombstone, 536

  Tom Collins, 149

  tommy-rot, 564

  to-morrow, 414, 605

  tomtomery, 175

  tongue, 383, 384, 399

  tonguey, 129

  tong, 162; -war, 162

  to-night, 414

  tonked, 260

  tonsil-paint, 568

  tonsorial-artist, 288; -studio, 292

  tony, 96, 145, 464


  tooken, 442

  toor, 382

  Toothacher, 479

  Toothpick, 552

  toot sweet, 573

  top, 237; -hole, 269; -kick, 573; -liner, 236; -round, 236; -side, 236

  Topekan, 549

  topped, to be, 581

  topping, 269, 557

  toppings, 583

  topsy-turvy, 126

  tore, 349, 435

  Torial, 525

  torn, 435

  tornado, 152, 231, 339, 347

  Torontonian, 549

  torope, 105

  torpedo, 580

  torpor, 389, 395

  tort, 349

  tortilla, 152

  tortillia, 152

  tosh, 269

  tote, to, 99, 119, 232

  touch, 346

  touchy, 126

  tough, 609

  tough guy, 39

  toune, 379

  tour, 382

  tourist, 155

  tovôdoun, 113

  towards, 204, 468

  towerman, 146

  town, 379, 539

  town-loafer, 156

  Toycen, 492

  T.R., 183

  track, 238

  track-walker, 146

  Tracy, 504, 507

  trade off, to, 232

  tradesmen’s-entrance, 266

  traffic, 269, 406; -blockade, 239; -division, 243

  trafic, 406


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