Burned Once, Twice

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Burned Once, Twice Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

“What the hell was that all about?” Maria slid her arm around her, hugging her. “I thought for sure he was going to devour you, and what did he mean you were theirs?” Maria glared at her future husband, hovering close to her, waiting for an answer.

  “I told you downstairs someone had claimed Faith. Now we know who.” Alexander crossed his arms over his chest. “Are we getting a little mouthy? Because, as Gordon said”—Alexander lowered his head until his nose touched hers—“I do spank.”

  Maria shivered and squirmed, but held her ground. “Which one wants her? They both… Two? She gets two men?” She squeaked and turned her gaze on Faith. “You lucky bitch.”

  Faith held up her hand and stepped away from them. “No! There has to be a mistake. Two men? Them? Nope, there has to be a mistake,” she repeated and shook her head. “It can’t be true. I mean sure every woman has fantasies, but…” Faith’s cheeks heated as she remembered there were men standing next to her. “Let’s drop the subject, shall we, Maria? I believe you have something of mine? Hand it over. You had no right to take it, girlfriend. You have enough to worry about besides some nasty little letter.”

  Maria glared at her. “I had every right! You’re one of my best friends and you didn’t even tell me he’d come out of hiding, let alone about the attack two weeks ago. I had to find out from Alexander! Dammit, Faith, we almost lost you. You spent over sixth months getting better the first time. It’s not happening again.” She stomped her foot.

  Faith suppressed a smile. “You are a piece of work. Here you are getting married and you’re worried about me. Listen, Maria. I’ve survived this long. I can take care of myself. Now hand over the letter.” She held out her hand.

  Alexander wrapped his arm around Maria. “We don’t have it. It’s gone. I have a feeling those two are preparing for a new hunt and good riddance to trash.” Alexander held her gaze. “Don’t worry. Your men and, yes, they are yours, will take care of this and any other threat coming at you. As they should.” He studied her, nodding finally. “Yes, it will take the two of them to handle you. You are like fire inside. Gordon and Jake are a perfect match for you.”

  “Whatever, but I got news for them. Their claiming I’m theirs does not mean shit. Now are you’re ready?” She ignored Maria’s mate.

  Maria grinned. “Yep, and I sure can’t wait to watch this.” She kissed her man’s chin. “Your friends don’t know what they got, because I’ve seen my friend fry men with her wits and charm. Yep, this is going to be a nice show. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t wait up for me.” Maria pulled her down the hall.

  “I will be waiting for you, and there better not be one scent of another man on you,” he called after Maria as they entered the hallway where the others were all waiting for them.

  “Well, you can forget that. We’re going dancing, duh.” Faith rolled her eyes, but suddenly Alexander blocked their way. Faith jumped, forgetting how quick he was.

  “There will be no dancing!” he yelled and Faith burst out laughing.

  “Talk about a little boy who’s throwing a tantrum. She’s going to dance and nothing else. Tell you what, if this bothers you so much, you grab the other men and go to the club, but you will sit out in the bar, not in our private room. When and if we want to dance, you can dance with us. Will that make you happy?” Faith asked, anxious to get Maria out of the door. The other girls were snickering and Maria’s daughter laughed.

  Behind her, Cain grunted. “My woman dances with me and no one else. We’ll be there.” His wife glared up at him.

  “Warning here and now. If I see another woman hanging on your ass, I swear there will be World War III starting up, understood? You know, maybe your new friends can give the guys their own room so we can drag them out when we want to dance. But you did get…” Tara stopped mid-sentence... “The cake you ordered?” She tried to save face.

  “Yes, and it’s a nice layer cake, perfect for tonight.” Faith and Sandy laughed, getting into her car along with Adele. The limo would take Maria, Tara, Kat, Lori, and Julia to the club.

  All of the men stood outside watching the limo pull away. She started the car and waved, pulling out of their drive before casting a quick glare at Sandy. “I swear, you guys are lucky I was thinking ahead of time,” Faith sniped. “The strippers are actually going to be at the club, having a good time. So no one will think anything of it. Do you know how hard it was to get six men to come to Zero? But this last place I called only laughed and said they’d be honored to come. I hope Julia knows these guys.”

  Sandy swiveled in her seat as Adele scooted forward from the back. “Oh my god, they’re going to be vampire strippers?” they chorused.

  “This night is going to be interesting to say the least. Let’s hope these guys aren’t influenced by Maria’s and Tara’s men. They have enough pull to make any person think twice.” Faith tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she drove, thinking. It would seem her life was going to change again, but she wasn’t sure it was going to be a good thing or not.


  Gordon stared at the letter as Jake did the research on the man who had hurt their woman. It was obvious he was coming for her, but his location hadn’t been as easy to find as they had believed, especially for a human.

  “What if he’s not human?” Jake’s gaze met his over the computer screen. “He shows up here and we can find no trace of him for years before his arrival?”

  “How long were they together?”

  Gordon sorted the papers in front of him. “Six years. They had two kids before the violence started, but it took the judge a year to grant the divorce. Looks like he disappeared after his first attack. Showed up at her place a month later and hurt her bad enough to put her in the hospital for two weeks. Then he vanished again.” Gordon stared at the pictures of the crime scene and froze at what he saw. “Demon!” He took the picture to his brother.

  “No wonder I can’t find him.” Jake’s gaze met his. “We’re going to need Holbrook.” The same thing he was thinking.

  “I’m here.” Their half-brother strolled into the room, his power washing over them.

  Jake stood and came around his desk. “What brings you here, and don’t say we were going to call you, because we just thought of it.”

  “Actually, you know my side job, the one I do for fun?” His black eyes focused on Jake.

  “Stop it, you two, already. Who hired your men this time?” Gordon halted mid-step. “Fuck, Faith called you, didn’t she?”

  Jake moaned and shook his head. “I believe Alexander was right. Our woman needs both of us. But you and your men will not be taking what you need from these women, Holbrook.”

  “Can’t you two behave ever behave in the same room?” Their mother strolled in, followed by their fathers. It was getting very crowded all of a sudden.Thank god their office was big.

  “Mother, Fathers, to what do we owe this visit?” Jake placed a kiss on his mother’s cheek, as his father, Wrath, pulled him into a hug.

  “Don’t you think we’d know when you’d met your woman? I knew you two would have the same woman, but you’re not the only one who has been shown his mate.” Her eyes landed on Holbrook, who appeared to be totally confused.

  “I have not met my mate and I’m not ready to, either,” he grumbled.

  “She is here tonight, whether you want to find her or not.” She shrugged. “But I’m not too sure she would be fond of your so-called fun job. Are you really going to strip in front of your brother’s woman?”

  Holbrook laughed and stood. “I’ll take my leave, but yes I am. However, since she will be my sister, I will promise not to touch her. I make no promise about the others.” He moved over to Jake’s desk and picked up the letter.

  “Please. Any help would be appreciated.” Gordon hated to ask for help, but if they were dealing with a demon, Holbrook would know.

  Their mother stepped in front of the door. “One more thing. You will allow your woman her fun. If you go in there spouting st
uff, she’s going to go crazy on you.”

  “Tough. She’s ours and no one will touch her. I’ve seen Holbrook’s crew.” Gordon picked his mother up and set her aside.

  Holbrook beat him out of the door. He paused to call over his shoulder, “I know that scent, and you have a bigger problem than my crew, little brother.”

  “Why?” Jake asked, coming alongside him.

  “He is the adopted son of Vepar.” Holbrook opened the door, but stopped.Their mother gasped and placed her hand at her neck.

  This was not going to be good.

  Chapter Three

  Faith couldn’t help but laugh as Adele got on the table and started to dance with one of the strippers. They didn’t even have their drinks yet and already her friend had singled out the male she wanted.

  “Damn, I forgot how fast she can move.” Maria laughed, accepting a drink called Wedding Bliss from the male bartender. Faith had no idea what was in it, but what a perfect drink for a bachelorette party.

  “She’s making up for all the years that prick was fucking around on her, plus, I don’t blame her. Why can men screw whoever they want while we are consider whores? These are good.” Faith lifted up her drink and took another sip. “Powerful, but good.”

  “You’re not kidding. Coconut, chocolate, and I don’t know what else. So, when is the show going to start?” Maria danced in her seat.

  Faith laughed. “You are something, and your daughter is just like you. Look at her.” Next to Maria, Tara was dancing away, singing and drinking. “Wait, how can she drink when she’s pregnant?”

  She reached over, going for the drink, but Maria stopped her. “These drinks aren’t going to hurt the baby. Remember, we’re other, and these babies are not going to feel squat, well, maybe a small buzz. That is the only drawback about this change. No more tying one on.

  “Well shit, that sucks big time.” Faith shifted in her seat to see Jake, Gordon, and a third man enter and settle around another table.

  Maria giggled. “Oh no. They wouldn’t stop the show, would they?”

  “No, and if they even try it, I swear I’ll show them what this woman can do when she’s pissed off.” She got up and slammed her glass on the men’s table. “This is a private party, and you were not invited.”

  “We own this club and we go whereever we want,” Jake stated, not moving an inch.

  “Owning it does not give you the right to crash our party. Maybe these men aren’t comfortable with you in the room while they perform.”

  “Or maybe you don’t want us knowing what’s going to happen here? What you are planning to do?” Jake snapped and moved towards her. “What did we tell you earlier, Little Star?”

  “Don’t give me that crap. I don’t even know you. So back the fuck down.” She sighed. “It sure isn’t a good way to get to know me.” She stood her ground, fighting the urge to crawl under the table to avoid his stare.

  The other man had moved forward now, too, and all music had stopped. The dancers watched their scene unfold. Faith hated to be the center of attraction. Both men crowded around her. Jake reached up and she flinched. Faith couldn’t help it, seeing him come at her.

  “Stop!” Maria pushed her way between Faith and Jake. “Faith, honey, it’s me.” Maria took her cold hands into her warm ones.

  “I’m fine. Just a little panic; stop worrying.” Faith tried to reassure her friend. “Now, enjoy the show while I take this mess outside. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Ignoring the men, she made her way out of the room and made a beeline for the bar. They would follow.

  “What can I get you little human,” the bartender questioned, his gaze traveling up and down her body to rest on her breasts.

  “You can take your eyes off what is ours,” Jake growled.

  She rolled her eyes and ignored the man behind her. “Give me a shot of your best whiskey please.” Taking a deep breath, Faith slowly shifted to glare at the men that had followed her. “Why are you being a pain in my ass? I’ve planned this night especially for my friend. I’m not going to have you two ruin it with some kind of jealous fit. One, we’re not together. Two, I don’t even know you.” She grabbed the whiskey and slugged it down. “Three, tonight’s my night to loosen up and have some fun. Leave me the fuck alone.” The whiskey warmed her pipes all the way down to her stomach.

  Faith was setting the shot glass on the counter when the quiet one, Gordon, slid his hand up her neck, grabbed a handful of her hair, and jerked her head back. She stared up into his beautiful eyes.

  “If you are done spouting crap, you’ll listen. You are well aware we are bonded to you, so stop playing games.” Gordon set his other hand at the base of her neck. “We will allow this night to go on since it’s so important to your friends. But there will be no touching and when you want to dance, you dance with us, only us. We must speak with you soon, but not tonight.” He lowered his head and nipped her bottom lip. “So beautiful and ours.” His mouth covered hers in a toe-curling, aggressive kiss. She reached up and grabbed onto his shirt. Hell, she loved to kiss, and to be touched.

  “We’ll give you all you need.” His hand moved from her neck to rest on the swell of her breast. “You won’t be going home with anyone but us. Go, before I drag your cute butt upstairs and fuck you ’til you can’t walk.” Gordon growled and stepped back, but his brother trapped her against the bar. One arm on each side of her, Jake licked the side of her neck.

  “If one man touches you…” he snarled, but moved back, allowing her to escape.

  Faith pulled her dress down and stared down at the floor, trying to get her thoughts together. “I don’t have much luck with men. He’s going to catch up with me. He’ll kill me this time, there is no doubt in my head.” Faith met Jake’s gaze. “You know about him, don’t you? So please don’t get attached. I know I’m going to die and I’m ready for it.” She glanced towards the door. “I wish there was more time.”

  “You will not die, Little Star. We will not allow it. Yes, we’ve heard of him. Our half-brother is going to help us take care of that problem, but don’t worry about it now. Go have fun with your friend and know you are protected here,” Jake promised.

  She rose on her tippy toes and kissed his lips softly. “I wish I could, but he’s not only after me.” She stepped away from him, towards the door to the private room. “He wants Maria as well. She interrupted his plan last time, and he won’t forget it.”

  “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? To protect Maria, you’d give yourself to him.” Gordon touched her arm and squeezed it, understanding too much.

  “You’re a very smart man. Too bad you didn’t come into my life sooner.” She stared over at the bartender. “Could you bring a fresh round of those delicious drinks you gave us to the private room?” Gordon waved his hand, approving her request.

  “We’re not done talking, but we’re not giving up, Little Star,” Jake told her. “You’re the one meant to be with us, and we’ll figure a way out of this.”

  “The only way is to give myself to him. I recognize that now.” She walked away, taking a few deep breaths, wanting what they were offering but knowing it was impossible. He could show up now, or a month from now. Faith had to make sure she was ready. She shivered.


  Gordon watched his woman pull herself together before re-entering the party room. In order to protect her friend, she planned to give herself up to the man who had nearly killed her.

  “What was Faith talking about when she mentioned Maria? I only caught a few words.” Alexander stepped up to his side with his second, Radar, and soon-to-be son-in-law, Cain, with him. Both Gordon and Jake had done their work, extensive background checks on each man who was close to their woman.

  “Let’s take it to our office. Certain ears around here can’t be trusted.” Gordon shifted to see the table against the far wall where Lem sat. He nodded and returned his attention to Alexander.

  “There is trouble we don’t need,” Jake snarled.r />
  “Agreed, but there is nothing we can do right now.” Gordon led the others to his office and shut the door, grateful for the soundproof walls.

  “What’s going on?” Alexander’s gaze moved back and forth to him and his brother.

  “Do you know any high, powerful demons?” Gordon took a seat behind his desk.

  “What does Maria have to do with demons?” Alexander tensed as he and his second stared at them.

  “It seems your woman stopped Faith’s first husband from performing the claiming ceremony on her. We know Faith is not his woman, but it seems this demon does not care.”

  “Who?” Alexander questioned.

  “Son of Vepar,” Jake supplied.

  “Son of a bitch!” Alexander pulled out his phone, “Don’t you know any demons?” he asked, just as his brother walked in.

  “Alexander, meet my brother Holbrook, the one who figured out who the threat was.” Gordon introduced them, earning a glare from Holbrook.

  “They have been cleared already,” Jake stated.

  “Maria, right? Cute little thing? You’ll have your hands full tonight.” Holbrook now addressed Gordon. “I spoke with Vepar and he hasn’t seen or heard from his son in over ten years. Also, he has repeatedly warned him if he exposed himself to anyone he’d have to return to his home. Do we know for a fact he’s done this?”

  Gordon nodded. “She confirmed it tonight, but if he’s only a stepson Vepar won’t be able to call him back. How is he going to find him?”

  The door to his office flew open and Maria raced in, tears running down her cheeks. “He took her. Find Faith!” She flung herself into Alexander’s arms. “She saved my life. That thing had his knife at my throat, but Faith offered herself. Please find her.” Maria shook as the other ladies started to move into the room, scared and crying.

  Gordon stood, and cracked his neck, his gaze moving to Holbrook. “Can you find him?”

  “I can find her. Faith allowed me to take her blood when she came back into the room, earlier. It was the only way if he got away from us before we could stop him.”


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