Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)

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Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) Page 11

by Holly Evans

  I cursed every god above and below as I turned away from Lysander to face the intruder. I swore that, if it was a lycan, after what we'd done for them earlier, I'd tear it limb from limb.

  It wasn't a lycan.

  A great white wolf stepped into the light. Its shoulder must have come halfway up my ribs, maybe higher. Its thick fur shimmered with an icy blue sheen, its eyes such a pale blue they almost look translucent. I'd never seen a beast like it before. It held its head low, blood-red lips pulled back to reveal sharp white teeth. Every muscle was tensed beneath its dense fur. Its movements were slow, purposeful. It took in every small detail, every little movement. It ears were pinned to its skull. Its hind end sank down, and it coiled back on itself, ready to pounce. Lysander was at my side; his fire burned within me.

  Time slowed as the great beast pounced, its huge body flying through the air. We side-stepped, but not quickly enough. It caught Lysander's shoulder and took him to the ground with a deep snarl. My hound's fire was extinguished. It went out with a blink, to be replaced with fear. I kicked the beast in the ribs; it felt like kicking a concrete wall. Lysander held its face away from his neck, his fingers digging in, trying to find its eyes. I slashed at its shoulder. It was enough to distract it. Lysander kicked its stomach and knocked it off him. Its eyes flashed with a sharp blue-white light; sigils flared over its coat. The temperature of the air dropped. The air rushed from my lungs. I'd never known cold like it. The beast snapped at Lysander, who had taken on a pale blue hue.

  I put myself between the beast and my hound, trying to defend him. My movements were slower. My blows did nothing but piss it off, but I had to keep trying. Its teeth clamped down on my arm. I screamed. The pain was unlike anything else. Ice shards flooded my system. My teeth chattered, my muscles cramped. I gulped down air and drove my blade into the beast's cheek. I managed to draw blood, enough to make it release my arm. Lysander was shivering; he didn't have the energy or the fire to shift into his hound form. The realisation that we might die there in that park dawned on me. It was toying with us. Circling around us with soft rumbling growls. We couldn't hurt it. We were becoming more sluggish, less able to do a damn thing.

  Another white creature stormed into the area. It barreled into the great beast, its teeth sinking deep into the others shoulder. The beast howled and thrashed against the newcomer. The air temperature lifted a little; Lysander had a flicker of a flame once more. The agony of the wound in my arm was clouding my mind, but I wasn't one to give in that easily. The newcomer lost its grip on the beast, giving it time and room to stand once more. Lysander and I jumped on it, hacking at its face and throat with everything we had. My blade cut through skin and muscle; not enough, but I'd done something. It tossed us aside like rag dolls, its teeth sinking into my shoulder, throwing me against the bench I'd been enjoying Lysander on earlier.

  I crumpled against the wooden slats, unable to move while I tried to gasp for air. The newcomer, leggier and leaner, with a silver shine to its pure white fur, circled around the beast. The beast had its eye on Lysander, who was in a wide stance ready to hack at its face that was bloodied and torn. The newcomer launched itself at the back end of the beast, its teeth savagely tearing at the beast's hindquarters. Blood coated the white fur; a chunk of muscle was torn free. The beast howled and cried out. The leaner wolf snapped at the beast enough to push it back before the aggressor lunged at Lysander. Its teeth sank deep into Lysander’s thigh. His fire extinguished. His skin turned an awful blue-grey.

  The newcomer tore another chunk from its quarters. It released Lysander and ran, but my hound was lost. His body slowly gave way beneath him. He curled up on the floor, his eyes glassy while he shivered. I shivered against the bench and tried to think warm thoughts. I needed to move somewhere warm. Somewhere tropical. With friendly supernals.


  I crawled off the bench to my hound. I had to re-ignite his fire. I had to save him. He trembled and shivered on the concrete, the beast somewhere on the periphery of my vision. I was aware of the sound of cracking bones and tearing muscle; I ignored it and forced my arms and legs to move. Almost there. I rolled my poor hound over on his back; his glassy eyes looked skyward, unseeing. He'd told me I needed to embrace my passion, that was the key to it all. I straddled his hips and put my hands just below his collarbone; I could do this.

  I slowly kissed up his throat, allowing the emotion to take over. The desires, the need, and the fantasies trickled into my mind. I swore I felt the shimmer of a flame within him. I nibbled along his earlobe and stroked down his throat, his abdomen was beginning to warm beneath me. I brushed my lips over his, they were so icy cold. A small flame formed within him, I could feel it. Hope bloomed. I leaned down closer over him, pressing my body to his while I wrapped one hand around the back of his head and pressed my lips to his. The flame grew, but his lips remained cold.

  "Kiss me damn you,” I growled.

  He kissed me back, slow, tentative brushes of his lips against mine. I pushed back, kissing him harder, more fiercely. He was my hound; I wasn't going to lose him. The fire grew within him. His tongue slipped between my lips. I pressed my body tighter to his, the warmth spreading through his tight muscles. His hand gripped my hips, holding me close to him as he kissed me harder. The need spread through us. His fire exploded in an inferno as his hand sank into my hair and his teeth gripped my lip. He bit down my throat, eager little nips that sent thrills through every inch of my body. I gasped for breath, adrenaline flooding me. I'd never felt anything like it. I wanted more. I needed more.


  My breathing came in short bursts, my heart was pounding. I slowly looked at the person who stood over us. Her pale hair was almost white; she wore white clothes that hung just so. I frowned and peered up, trying to pick out features in the light. Lysander caressed my hip and stroked my neck, eager for us to continue where we left off.


  She crouched next to us, a grin on her face. "My lady has given me some useful tricks."

  "You were the other wolf?"

  She smiled. I realised I was still shivering. The pain of my injuries tore at the edge of the adrenaline, dulling the pleasure and replacing it with something far less fun.

  "You saved me,” Lysander whispered in my ear, his breath hot against my neck.

  I kissed him tenderly. "You're welcome."

  He made a growling, purring sound but gently pushed me away. "You're injured, Evelyn, we need to heal you."

  I gave him a hopeful look; he laughed. "I'm afraid I can't heal you the way you did me."

  I stood slowly, my legs wobbly beneath me. "That was an ice wolf. Lysander's fire stopped it from killing you outright, but you're still human. We need to get you to Kadrix. I've already told him we're on our way."

  Lysander held me close to him as we walked to the waiting taxi. I had to wonder just how long we’d been screwing around in the park. I decided it was better not to ask.

  I pressed myself against Lysander's chest, revelling in the warmth I found there as he carried me into the elf's workshop. He lay me down on something hard and warm. Kadrix's face swam before me.

  "Evelyn, you do like getting into trouble. I hear your mating rituals saved Lysander, although I expected you to conduct them somewhere a little classier than a park."

  I gave him my darkest glare. Quin appeared next to him; he squeezed my hand. I frowned, trying to think.

  "What's an ice wolf? Why don't I know them?"

  "They're very old, and very rare. Only powerful Nordic witches can control them."

  I groaned. "Fucking witches."

  Quin smiled at me. "We're going to patch you up. We need to push out the ice with fire,” he said in a calm tone.

  I glared at him. "Why are you so worried?"

  His smile wavered. "I'm not."

  "I"m your twin, I know when you're lying."

  The smile never reached his eyes.

  "Your injuries are deep. They've
had time to take hold,” Kadrix said.

  "I'm not giving up that easily,” I replied.

  Suddenly it felt as if my entire body caught fire. My skin flickered with flames, yet my core remained icy cold. The two collided somewhere in my shallow tissue, a war that stormed within me. Agony crashed against intense pleasure. The world went black.

  "Evelyn." A familiar voice whispered.

  I tried to move, but I was bound. Panic flooded my system. My eyes flew open.

  "Sshh, you're ok," the voice said.

  Warm breath on my cheek. The scent of hot metal and petrichor, I recognised that.


  "Always, mistress."

  My senses returned to me for me to realise I wasn't bound at all. I was bundled up in numerous blankets, with Lysander's arms around me holding me close to him. I relaxed against him and allowed the panic to subside while I looked around. A stack of books was precariously close to my head. A vial of something swirling purple and green bubbled away not far from my feet.

  "Evelyn, excellent. Tell me, what did the treatment feel like?"

  "Hell,” I muttered.

  "Interesting!" The elf replied and scribbled something down on his notepad.

  I wriggled back against Lysander and ran my foot up his calf while I slowly came to. "On a scale of ‘never happening’ to ‘we'll start today,’ what are my chances of removing all witches from existence? I'm growing tired of their shit."

  Lysander and Elise chuckled. Quin's face appeared before me, a frown sat on his lips.

  "How're you feeling, Evie?"

  I scowled at him. "You didn't answer my question."

  The frown lifted. "You must be feeling more yourself then. We were worried. You were out for two days."

  "So... killing the witches? Is that a yes?"

  He laughed. "Afraid not, the balance is too delicate."

  I sighed melodramatically.


  I became aware of my lack of clothing when Lysander's hand stroked up over my naked abdomen. I put my hand on his when he reached my upper ribs, his desires and hopes clearly pressed against me.

  "Not now, not here,” I whispered.

  I couldn't do anything, not with Quin and everyone else right there. He nibbled my earlobe.

  "Shame, my previous master rather enjoyed an audience."

  I stiffened against him. "I am not him."

  He nuzzled my neck. "Sorry."

  I stroked the back of his hand that rested on my ribs. "It's ok."

  It had certainly removed the temptation to take him up on his offer. Elise came over with some fresh clothing.

  "Sorry, the clothes you came in with were ruined."

  "My jacket...?" I asked.

  I'd tear every ice wolf and cursed witch apart if they'd ruined my leather jacket. It was more precious to me than about everything I owned. Elise handed me a crisp new jacket with a hopeful expression. I buried my face in the blankets. I could heal injuries, but that jacket was irreplaceable. It sat perfectly, I'd worn it in just so, we'd been through so much together.

  I took the clothes from Elise and set about trying to get dressed while maintaining the final scraps of dignity I had left. I squeezed my eyes shut when I realised Kadrix had likely seen me in my underwear. "Did the elf poke and prod me while I was out?" I asked Elise.

  "He tried..."

  "She threatened to make his testicles shrivel up if he tried any experiments on you,” Lysander said.

  I sputtered and laughed. Elise grinned at me. Kadrix ignored us both while he studiously stirred something in a pot. I wriggled out from the blankets in fresh clothes; at least my boots hadn't been damaged. The jacket didn't fit right. It was too stiff. I wriggled and rolled my shoulders trying to get it to sit better. It'd take me months to get it just right.

  "Thanks Elise,” I said.

  There was no point in being ungrateful, the damn thing couldn't have been cheap.

  Lysander had some jeans on and was tugging on a shirt when they appeared. They came in with their hands up; even Tiel looked wary. He looked between the make-shift bed and Lysander, before his eyes settled on me. An eyebrow quirked upwards.

  "You finally claimed it?"

  I glared at him. "Why are you here?"

  Zair nervously looked around and took a step back before he said. "There was another shiver from hell, something made it through."

  I ground my teeth together. "You are the shittiest trackers."

  Ioel gave me a dark look; I spun my blades in my hands. He looked away. Lysander stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. Tiel smirked, no doubt thinking it a territorial display. I felt the tremble that ran through him, the fear that threatened to overwhelm him. I ran my fingers over the back of his hands to soothe and ease him. We weren't going to give the arrogant assholes the satisfaction of seeing anything but confidence.

  "How did this happen?" Elise snapped.

  "We're unsure. There was a lot of interference,” Zair said.

  "Interference...?" Elise said.

  He cleared his throat.

  Tiel stepped forward, that smarmy smile on his face. "Something big and powerful blocked our view of things. We suspect an alliance has been made, but we can't do anything, as it's not our plane. So it looks like you'll be having some more fun."

  "Get out," Elise growled.

  "Not just yet,” Ioel retorted.

  All eyes turned to him. He puffed up his chest and glared at Kadrix.

  "We need to speak to the elf."

  "Tough shit,” Quin spat.

  We formed a barrier between the elf and the celestials. The celestials glared at us. "You do not know what you're protecting."

  "We're protecting our friend,” I said.

  "He is hiding things from you,” Zair said.

  "We all have secrets,” I replied.

  He waved us off and vanished, Ioel was hot on his heels. Tiel remained, his hands in his pockets as he looked us all over.

  "Why do you do it?"

  "Do what?" Elise said.

  "Protect him."

  "He's our friend."

  "But you know barely anything about him."

  "I know my twin loves him. I know he's saved our asses. I know he stood at our side when we defeated the demons. What more do we need?" I said.

  He tilted his head to one side. "You're an odd species. I'd like to explore those oddities."

  He vanished before anyone could punch him.

  "I despise those creatures," Elise snarled.

  "Just don't break anything,” Kadrix said.

  I had to laugh. The elf knew what his priorities were. I just hoped they included my brother.


  Elise didn’t break anything. She gave a beaker the glaring of a lifetime, but she didn’t break anything. Once everyone had calmed down a little, the topic of conversation returned to the ice wolves. Kadrix pulled out books from varying heaps and piles around the room. Quin followed behind him, rebalancing the books so they didn't collide with the piles next to them and begin the domino effect. Elise watched with fascination.

  "Do you really know where everything is in here?" she asked.

  The elf didn't look at her; he was too busy gathering more books. "Yes. There's a system in place, albeit a complicated one."

  That sounded like code for chaos to me, but I didn't say anything. Kadrix took a deep breath and prepared to give a lecture. I sat down and readied myself to try and listen. Lysander picked me up and placed me back down in his lap. I raised an eyebrow at him and his presumptions. He grinned at me and held me close. I let him go with it; I could still feel the shivers of fear that he was desperately trying to hide.

  "Ice wolves are an ancient and wild breed. Only the strongest of the old Nordic bloodlines managed to tame them. Those that did forged loyalty of a depth that was unheard of elsewhere. They haven't been seen in over a century, perhaps longer." He flicked a page. "Their magic is unique to them and absolutel
y fascinating. Their ability to use the network and collect the ice energies from thousands of miles away is just astounding. If I could capture one and see how exactly it worked, I could make major breakthroughs in other areas."

  "Focus, Kadrix,” Elise said sweetly.

  He huffed and continued. "Only an old and powerful Nordic witch can control a wolf, so it stands to reason that that is what we're looking for. The dead witch mentioned an Icelandic witch, did he not?"

  "You could have a little tact, Kadrix,” I replied.

  Lysander nuzzled my neck as I remembered the mess that been left once the celestial had finished with Lucien. Kadrix made some hand gesture at me. I glared at him. Elise cleared her throat to bring everyone back on track.

  "Yes. Lucien made mention of an Icelandic witch,” I said.

  "Well that gives me something to look into, once I've finished with this celestial puzzle. If you could capture one of those, I have a cage out back that would hold it. I'd only really need twenty-four hours,” Kadrix said idly.

  We all glared at him.

  "You're welcome to stuff Zair into that cage,” Elise said.

  He grinned at her. "I'll see what I can do next time he appears."

  "I don't want to know what you'll do to him do I?" I asked.

  His grin only widened.


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