Jake (The Clan Legacy)

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Jake (The Clan Legacy) Page 2

by J. S. Striker

  Gabby talked to more important people, trying to charm them and keeping ties intact. While Dylan was usually the one who handled internal political affairs, the Montgomery and the Marlow families were the ones who handled the business side of things, keeping income coming as much as they could. It had been responsibility passed on from generation to generation, and now it was Gabby’s turn.

  While conversing, she was aware of Jake’s eyes and how they never left her, even an hour later. At first, she hadn’t minded because he was bound to stop paying attention eventually.

  But now it really, really bothered her.

  He wasn’t supposed to pay this much attention because it might ruin her plan—one she spent weeks trying to perfect. It was the exact reason why she was here in the first place.

  Also, the reason why she didn’t want a bodyguard—especially not now.

  How was she going to get rid of him?

  A plan formed in her mind—one that involved using her…charms on him. Gabby frowned at what her mind was trying to tell her to do, then decided that it was for the best. It wasn’t exactly going to get rid of him completely, but it would make him uncomfortable enough to stop eyeing her so much.

  Discomfort had a way of making things pretty awkward.

  Gabby searched her mind for other options. At the same time, she heard the voice behind her.

  “Miss Montgomery. A pleasant evening to you.”

  With a smile, Gabby turned around to face the man whom the deep, smooth voice belonged to. The man was taller than her—way taller—with the most hypnotic brown eyes she’d ever seen in her life.

  The man was also not a human man, and she knew better than to be too charmed by that kind of hypnotism. Still, Gabby tried to look like she was very interested by holding out her hand.

  “Oh, please. Call me Gabby,” she said pleasantly. “It’s good to see you, Raz.”

  This was step one: luring Raz in.

  Later, she was going to do step two with Jake: make him very, very uncomfortable.


  If Jake didn’t know better, he’d have thought Gabby actually was smitten with the last person he’d have expected she’d be smitten with—a goddamn vampire.

  Not only a vampire but the second-in-line to the vampire clan leader herself, Lucinda Bennett. Raz wasn’t as reputedly vicious as the first-in-line, Vladimir, but still…he was a vampire. Despite the current alliance between shifters and vampires, that didn’t mean they went ahead and flirted with each other or so much as showed any kind of interest. It happened, but it was rare—and it was even rarer for shifter heirs and heiresses, considering they wanted to preserve their shifter lines for continuity.

  So what was Gabrielle Montgomery playing at?

  She really was a piece of work, this one. First, she avoided him like the plague, then she decided to be all uppity and tell him in her own words to stop doing his job. Now, she was treading dangerous ground with the vampire clan by talking about clothes and…underwear. Sure, she was in the fashion business, but she was also the representative at the moment for all business affairs involving the shifter clans. Representatives shouldn’t be getting too warm and cozy with vampires they were only acquainted with casually.

  Unless she wanted to be acquainted more than casually.

  It looked like it, actually. Jake could only watch incredulously as Gabby kept at it, chattering a mile a minute while taking a sip of champagne every now and then. Her body language indicated that she wanted to move even closer to the vampire, but society dictated otherwise, and she was just behaving herself. She did take the liberty of touching his arm once or twice, the movement light but noticeable.

  Raz, for his part, was accepting all the gestures with a pleased expression, though he wasn’t exactly reciprocating it. Still, he did his best to charm her back by complimenting her as calmly as he could. The way Jake saw it, he looked like the type of creature who wouldn’t be fazed with whatever was thrown his way, whether it was a woman flirting or a bloodbath happening in front of his eyes.

  And Jake didn’t trust that at all.

  Actually, he really disliked the guy. He was just too…charming, like he oozed it on purpose. Charming men were usually good at hiding sinister personalities, which was why Jake preferred rough and rude ones who didn’t bother to hide their ugly nature.

  As he was observing Gabby and Raz, Jake was also observing all the other interactions in the event—multitasking, so to speak. Upon entering the event earlier, he realized that not a single leader of any faction was found. Rather, their representatives were all in place, and said representatives were trying to make deals here and there at the pretense of “getting along.” He supposed that was just how politics worked, and he was glad that he wasn’t high-ranking in any way, whether it was family or through rank elevation.

  He’d been bitter about it once, especially when he found out it wouldn’t get him any closer to his once potential mate, Lucy. Now, he was only grateful that he was away from that kind of headache.

  The panther clan’s mate was really making a name for herself despite this being her first attendance. Jake observed the woman’s guard, who was eyeing his charge as closely as Jake was eyeing his—except the other guard looked like he was having fun doing it, too. Like they were friends, with the way they sometimes interacted. The guard looked in his direction once, and their eyes met. The panther guard tilted his head, almost like a silent nod. Jake did the same.

  Raz also had a bodyguard—or an assistant, because she didn’t look like a bodyguard at all. In fact, she didn’t even look like a vampire with the way she moved. There was none of that effortless grace or cold, calculated gaze, and Jake found himself trying to figure out what kind of creature she was. Before he could conclude anything, the woman looked in his direction, too. Then she smiled and started approaching him.

  “Hi,” she said softly. “I’m Raz’s assistant. I’m Olivia.”

  She held out a hand, which Jake had no choice but to shake. He actually didn’t mind, because her touch was warm. Definitely not a vampire.

  “I’m Gabrielle’s bodyguard. Jake.”

  “I figured that,” she said. “It looks like our masters are getting along.”

  Jake frowned, not really considering his charge as his master. But he supposed it was different for vampires, so he let it slide. “Is your master this friendly to women?”

  Olivia’s eyes gleamed behind her silver spectacles. “Not so much, actually. He’s always polite, but I do think he’s particularly interested in your master. I can see why.”

  He couldn’t see why. Jake gave Gabby a subtle once-over, noting her outrageous fashion statement—a lemon yellow wraparound dress and royal blue shoes. Her headband was also royal blue, and her outfit reminded Jake of those Upper Eastside heiresses who liked to be the center of attention and influence. They weren’t his type, really. Gabby’s hair was pulled back in a tight chignon, and she looked too put-together.

  As if she sensed his observation, she glanced in his direction. Blue-green eyes flared in defense, and Jake realized it was because he was probably making his dislike known. He banked it down and pretended not to notice, then half-turned his attention back to Olivia to chat.

  Gabby also turned her attention back to Raz and flirted some more. He wondered where this was going, then deduced that it was none of his business. As long as she didn’t do anything rash and run away with the guy, then everything was good.

  All he needed to do was not let her get kidnapped and get her safely home after this.

  Then he was taking his paycheck and charging it to experience, so to speak.


  A few hours later, Gabby surprised him by taking his elbow on their way out.

  “Ride in the limousine with me. Pick your motorcycle up tomorrow. I might be in danger.”

  He didn’t want to ride in the limousine with her, but her voice sounded so urgent that he couldn’t exactly ignore it, either. So h
e followed her, looking around and noting that there was no sinister presence he could sense before slipping in beside her in the vehicle.

  Five minutes later, he realized that Gabby had drunk too much champagne and was probably not as sober as she should be.

  “I have a business dinner with Raz tomorrow night, so we can’t leave yet. What do you think of him?” she asked, her words tumbling all over each other.

  Crap. And here he thought they could finally leave. He then focused on her question and shrugged. “He’s a vampire.”

  “That’s the most prejudiced answer I’ve ever heard,” she shot back. “I bet you also have the same conceited answer for heiresses, which is why you can’t even hide your dislike for me.”

  He wanted to shoot back that she wasn’t giving herself a fighting chance in that matter, considering how weird she was acting at the moment. But Jake clamped his mouth shut instead.

  Gabby sighed. Then she began removing her headband and untwisting her hair, pulling it down in swift movements. He watched, surprised, as a long trail of curly hair spilled down her back almost to her waist. She had blonde hair that looked almost golden in the limousine’s dim glow. She sighed again.

  “It’s really hard to pretend to like people you’re not supposed to like,” she confessed in a mumble. Her glazed aquamarine eyes bored into his. “Don’t you think so, Jake? I think so. At least you can show me you dislike me. I can’t do the same to those I need to rub elbows with because it’s my responsibility to be poised and elegant and uphold the family name.”

  She kept staring at him with those eyes, as if waiting for him to confirm what she said—and for the first time since he met her, Jake felt an unexpected jolt in his stomach.

  “You must really hate me if you don’t even want to speak with me,” she said. There was a sad tinge to her tone, and she finally broke their gaze.

  “I don’t hate you,” Jake found himself saying before he could stop it. Damn it. Vulnerable women were his weakness, and she was no exception. But she was tipsy, if not drunk, and they really shouldn’t be having this conversation.

  She brightened considerably. Then she bit her lower lip, and his eyes strayed there.

  “I’m lonely. I’m always lonely, and sometimes I just want to have a good time,” she admitted.

  Jake was about to suggest that maybe she should try to loosen up every once in a while, and maybe say no to her family—take a vacation or something like that if she was really this stressed out. But before he could, Gabby was stretching her hands up in the air, making her chest pop out.

  Then any suggestion he might have had became replaced with shock when she began straddling him.


  There were two things Gabby should have considered before proceeding with her plan in pretending to seduce Jake, the first one being: it could backfire on her, and that he disliked her so much that he would be repulsed.

  The second thing she should have considered: the fact that she didn’t know a single damn thing about seducing a man.

  Men came on to her, period. All Gabby ever had to do was smile and flirt back, then use her intense knowledge of so many things to charm them into giving her what she wanted. It definitely worked on Raz, who had been the one to invite her to dinner—thus setting her plan into motion.

  But Jake was a different kind of man. When she straddled his lap, he looked surprised for the first few seconds, like he couldn’t believe this was even happening.

  Then the poker face came through, and he stilled. It wasn’t a stilling that spoke of arousal, but rather, a stilling that was actually really a stilling—almost like he couldn’t care less what she did in front of him.

  Gabby blinked, unused to such behavior. Before she could analyze it, he spoke.

  “What are you doing?” he asked in a calm voice.

  Really? Did she have to spell it out?

  “I’m lonely,” she blurted out, as it was the first thing that came to mind. Truth be told, she was lonely, though it was more in an emotional sense. As an only child, she’d learned to live with herself all her life and uphold whatever responsibility was thrown her way. It was fun for the first few years, being so rich and getting to buy whatever she wanted—but it became miserable in the end when she grew old enough to realize money couldn’t buy love, affection and real friendships.

  Then it became terrible when something else happened—something that changed her life for the worse, and one she was trying to fix, starting with Jake tonight…then Raz tomorrow night. It was all connected, really.

  “So this is your solution to being lonely?” Jake asked.

  “I’m horny,” she added, placing a hand on his chest. It was a surprisingly warm, hard chest, and she gulped. He didn’t react. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he not moving away and not responding to her advances? “I want a body to warm me up, and you…you’re qualified.”

  “You’re drunk,” he bit out. His hazel eyes roamed her face, and it was such a thorough and almost medical stare that she blinked once more. Again, most guys would have already taken advantage or gotten uncomfortable.

  She wanted him to get uncomfortable.

  “I drank, but I’m perfectly sober,” she boasted. Actually, she did drink a lot, but only enough to give her the courage to do this. “Don’t you want me, even a little bit? Can’t I pay for you?”

  She let her voice go all soft and cuddly, and let her body do the same. Seducing and insulting him at the same time was the key. She rolled her body against him, an aggressive move that should have worked—except it only worked on her because the body roll allowed her to get in closer contact with his hard one. And boy, this man certainly had the brawns to guard. The hard, sleek muscles. She allowed her hands to feel those muscles out, especially his arms. She sighed again, letting her chest touch his with the movement.

  Push me off. Be uncomfortable. Come on, now. Work with me here.

  “Do you know what I think?” he asked after a while, his hands going to her elbows. His thumbs brushed her skin there, and she felt tingles starting. Shocked, Gabby looked up and into his eyes.


  He rewarded her with a death stare. “You’re a spoiled little shit.”

  The words registered, cutting through her champagne haze, her plan, and whatever little tingles had been stirring up in her body a few seconds ago. It was working. He was repulsed. He was going to push her away now. She braced herself for it and looked into his hate-filled eyes again.

  Except there was no longer any hate in them this time.

  The first flare of lust came, darkening the hazel to a deep green color. Surprised, she placed her hands on his chest, attempting to push herself away. Jake removed her hands, placed his on her waist, and pulled her closer.

  Then he crashed his mouth against hers in a hard, unforgiving kiss that had the tingles coming back in full force.

  It spread through her. It spread like wildfire and wouldn’t be put out, and all Gabby could do was stay still and try not to respond. Then Jake opened his mouth and turned the kiss around, the hardness melting into sensuality that made heat erupt in her belly and shocked her beyond her senses.

  And then, before she knew it, she was responding and opening her mouth up for him, too.

  It was glorious. It was a kiss meant to seduce, and Gabby realized now that he was the seducer all along. His tongue slid in and sought hers out, and when they collided, their fire might as well have collided, too, for all the quivering her body did. She grabbed the lapels of his coat and clung on as wave after wave of pleasure shuddered through her, especially when his palms ran up her knees and slid straight for her bare thighs. She closed her eyes and moaned into his mouth, a sound that felt foreign even to her ears.

  She’d been kissed, but never like this. Never with this kind of brutal intensity.

  Never straddling a man who now had a hard-on that pressed against her core and made her throb, too.

  It was gone as a
bruptly as it came.

  Gabby felt herself being lifted into the air like she weighed absolutely nothing. Then she yelped as she was practically thrown to the other side, the limousine seat cushioning her fall. She opened her eyes and found Jake on the other end, looking at her like she was the vilest creature on the planet.

  “Happy now? You got what you paid for,” he bit out, so much bitterness in his tone that it sliced through her like a knife. “That’s the problem with the likes of you heiresses. You play with people’s feelings and don’t give a damn about the consequences.”

  And just like that, she was blasted with a douse of cold water that left her sober and horrified.

  Gabby suddenly understood too much because Jake also gave too much away. An heiress played with him in the past and hurt him in the process, and he was taking it out on her. Hence the dislike.

  And she’d pretty much done the same—played with him like some kind of toy.

  She wondered who the woman was. But the wonder flitted off as shame washed over her and had her staring at his side profile. He was looking straight ahead, his body tense with nerves and his erection making her torn between fascination and guilt.

  And yes, desire. Damn it.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” he said with so much derision in his tone. Then he visibly reined it in and nodded his head, much calmer now. “You were begging for it.”

  Her shoulders straightened in defense almost immediately. It was the most arrogant thing to say, really, though she couldn’t fault him. But that didn’t mean it didn’t irk her.

  “I thought you wanted it, too,” she shot back. Lame shot.

  “You thought wrong,” he said. “I will never like a selfish creature like you.”

  Gabby winced. Everything he said rang true. She bit her tongue and kept quiet instead of lashing out and defending herself. She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling vulnerable.



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