Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 12

by Tia Wylder

  Whether Jenny was right or not, Jasmine found that she wasn’t particularly bothered by Mark being attracted to her. She found that she didn’t mind it at all.

  Chapter Three

  “I’ve arranged for a babysitter,” Mark said abruptly, causing both Jenny and Jasmine to look up from their current activities of coloring and solving a word search puzzle, respectively. Jasmine quirked a brow, feeling more than vaguely confused by the man’s words. Jenny, however, clapped in delight, turning a toothy grin towards Jasmine.

  “Daddy is taking you out on a date,” she crowed, and Jasmine met Mark’s gaze nervously. He smiled, arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “Trust my little runt to be unable to keep a secret. But she’s right, Jasmine, I’d be much obliged if you would join me for dinner this evening,” he said brightly. Jasmine hesitated, looking between the two hesitantly.

  “Wouldn’t hiring a babysitter defeat having me be your nanny?” She inquired, rubbing the back of her neck. Mark rumbled a laugh, shaking his head.

  “I don’t expect you to watch her morning, noon, and night. At least, not every day. Everyone needs a break every so often, wouldn’t you agree?” He hummed, leaving Jasmine without further argument. She nodded hesitantly, fidgeting with the shirt she was wearing. While Mark had insisted upon buying her an entirely new wardrobe for the duration of her stay, she wasn’t sure if she had anything formal enough to wear to a dinner date. He sensed her trepidation, taking a step forward and moving to help her to her feet. She rose obligingly, leaving the word search to be solved another day.

  “You’re probably wondering what on Earth you’ll wear, I know how you women can be,” he said idly, guiding her out of Jenny’s room and towards her assigned room for the duration. He pushed open the door, guiding her inside and opening the closet. Though she had not noticed it previously, the door in the corner of the room adjoined with a walk-in closet, and Mark wanted her to step inside with him. She felt a slight sense of trepidation as she stepped forward, peering into the massive closet. Her eyes widened at the selection of clothes inside, all new with tags still attached. What caught her eye most of all, however, was a selection of cocktail dresses hanging on their own rack at the very back of the closet. She rushed inside, approaching the dresses with awe in her gaze. It was no surprise that Mark knew her size, she had told him as much when they were discussing her new wardrobe. She hadn’t expected to have an entire closet with more clothing options than she’d ever had in her entire lifetime. She certainly hadn’t expected him to know her tastes so well, either. She grabbed one of the cocktail dresses from the rack, examining it closely. She looked towards Mark with tears inexplicably pricking the corners of her eyes.

  “You didn’t have to… you didn’t have to do this. This is… beyond excessive,” she began nervously, trailing off in an awkward laugh.

  “Do you not like the selection?” Mark inquired, a vaguely wounded expression crossing his features. Jasmine sputtered, shaking her head vehemently as she gestured all around them.

  “Of course, I like the selection! I outright love it, but… I feel so guilty accepting these. Unless of course, this is added to my… bill of sorts?” She inquired weakly, unable to fathom how much he had spent on the closet full of clothes.

  “Oh, no. All of this is free of charge, and you’re free to take it all home when your contract runs its course,” he said formally, before offering her a sly wink. “Allow me to treat you, Jas. After all, you are my girlfriend,” he smiled. She hesitated, cheeks flaring with heat as she considered the situation. She had almost forgotten about this specific part of her bizarre employment. It wasn’t as if Mark was unattractive by any means, and if it were a real scenario, she would be honored to date him. However, the farcical nature of it sort of dimmed her excitement.

  “Of course. I’d… forgotten,” she managed, brushing her hair behind her ear. Jasmine held the dress she’d chosen up, pressing it against her. “What do you think?” She inquired softly, grinning cheekily.

  “A stunning preview, but I simply can’t wait to see you actually wearing the dress,” Mark chuckled. He ran a hand through his hair, seeming somewhat uncharacteristically nervous. “In any case, I’ll leave you to get ready for our first date of sorts. The babysitter should be here any minute,” he stammered, turning his back on her and shuffling out of the closet. She watched him go, drawing her lip between her teeth before calling out to him.

  “Mark,” she intoned loudly, and he paused, glancing over his shoulder at her. “Thank you so much,” she smiled, winking slyly at the man. He smiled to himself, the tips of his ears reddening visibly as he shuffled out of the closet without another word. He closed the door behind him, leaving Jasmine alone with her thoughts. Well, alone with her thoughts and her clothes. She giggled ecstatically, examining the selection up close now that she had a chance. Some of the clothes looked as if they had been plucked straight off a runway in Europe. All of them were infinitely classier than anything she’d worn before. Somehow, despite only seeing her in a simple t-shirt and jeans, Mark could read her like a book. Then again, she supposed any woman in her right mind would have been beyond honored to receive such a gift.

  Jasmine hummed to herself as she sorted through the clothes, stopping short as she came to a simple chest in the back corner. She quirked a brow, opening the lid and reddening upon seeing the lacy underwear inside. Of course, it was just her size as well. She tried not to think about the fact that Mark likely bought them with the intent of seeing her wearing them. It wasn’t an unappetizing thought in and of itself, but she didn’t just know how far this girlfriend act was intended to go. She grabbed a matching set of underwear, a simple black lace set, and shimmied out of her current clothes. She stepped into the undergarments, taking a slight thrill in how they hugged her curves. Eventually, she selected a bright red dress with a slit running up the leg for the evening. She looked at the mirror, reveling in how the dress contrasted with the dark tones of her hair. She pulled it on, and it fit her just like a second skin. She was surprised at just how well the garment fit her, as even searching within her size, she’d always had trouble finding a good fit.

  “Miss Jasmine! Daddy said the babysitter is here, whenever you’re ready,” Jenny piped out from outside the door, startling Jasmine out of her reverie. She took a moment to fix her hair before stepping out, smiling down at Jenny. The young girl’s eyes widened upon seeing her nanny so dolled up, and she clapped her hands together in excitement. “You look so pretty,” she said with a big grin. Jasmine smiled shyly, reaching out to ruffle the girl’s hair.

  “Thank you. I can only hope your daddy feels the same,” she chuckled. Jenny rolled her eyes, taking Jasmine by the hand and tugging her towards the hall.

  “He’ll be knocked clean out of his socks!” Jenny announced, all but dragging Jasmine downstairs. The older woman struggled to keep pace with the young girl, nearly having to jog to remain in step at her side. “Daddy! Daddy!” Jenny called out, and Mark stepped out of the dining area with a smile.

  “Yes, hon-,” he began, cutting himself short as his eyes roved Jasmine’s body. A surge of heat cycled through her body, and she nervously averted her eyes. She wasn’t sure she could handle the intensity of his stare any longer, but he soon stepped forward and took her by the hands. “Jasmine, you look beautiful,” he murmured warmly, and Jasmine felt that her heart might beat right out of her chest. She smiled sincerely, fixing her attention on the lapels of Mark’s shirt. She flattened them out, nervously tilting her head up to consider his expression. He looked nothing short of love-struck, his eyes glimmering with desire and adoration. Jasmine swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, managing to find her voice.

  “I suppose you’re ready to leave, Mark?” She asked with a small smile. He simply stared at her for a moment longer, brought to attention by his daughter clearing her throat loudly.

  “Of course. I’ve arranged for a limousine to take us to our destination
, it should be waiting outside,” he said in a rush, taking Jasmine by the arm and guiding her to the door. He paused before leaving, considering the babysitter who couldn’t have been much older than sixteen. “The emergency numbers are on the refrigerator. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need something,” he said kindly. The teenager smiled awkwardly, her cheeks flushed and eyes dark with envy as she watched the two step out the door. Jasmine couldn’t blame her for being jealous, though the entire thing was a farce. It was a wonderful act, however, one she couldn’t imagine she would ever tire being part of. The limousine was just as luxurious as she might have expected, and the driver stepped out to open the doors for the two of them. Jasmine stepped inside, with Mark close behind her. They sat side by side, their knees touching though there was plenty of space to spread out. Mark wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and it felt strangely comfortable.

  “This feels… right,” Jasmine murmured, reddening and wishing she could take the words back as soon as they left her lips. Mark seemed thrilled by the confession, smiling a dopey smile and leaning in to kiss her forehead affectionately.

  “Well, I do aim to please,” he murmured. The ride was a short one, and in retrospect, the limousine seemed a little exorbitant and unnecessary, though she supposed Mark was intent upon impressing her. They stepped out, and Mark slipped a wad of bills to the limo driver, instructing him to circle around town until he called for him to return. The older man nodded, driving away as Mark and Jasmine stepped away from the car.

  “I get the idea that you’re wealthy, but this seems… extreme,” Jasmine hummed, receiving a soft chuckle in return.

  “Well, when you’re the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company, you tend to enjoy the finer things in life,” he said dismissively. Jasmine’s eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, and she felt suddenly small at the side of the impressive man. It was a wonder that he saw anything in her, especially enough for him to be treating her so kindly. She could only muse that he felt sorry for her, there was no way that a man like him could ever want for company. “Please, don’t be intimidated. I’m just your average friendly billionaire,” he muttered, and Jasmine could have guffawed at the lack of irony in his tone.

  “It’s just… why me? You could have your choice of any woman in the world, it seems. I know we’re not truly dating, but…,” she trailed off as he paused, guiding her to meet his gaze.

  “Don’t question it, love. Just go with the flow. You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” He inquired softly.

  “Of course. This is the most exciting night of my life, and the time I’ve spent with you and your daughter has been a dream,” she asserted. He smiled, brushing his thumb to the corner of her lips. Warmth flooded through her body at the tender touch, and when he drew away, it seemed all too soon.

  “Well, I’m enjoying myself as well. Come on, we have a reservation. I couldn’t convince them to clear their bookings for the night, though I suppose an establishment has their reputation to consider. Unfortunately, we won’t have quite the privacy I had hoped for,” Mark muttered, drawing her towards a table towards the back of the restaurant. The lights were dim, the tables adorned with candles and roses. The soft sound of a piano echoed through the entire establishment, a hauntingly beautiful melody that sent shivers down Jasmine’s spine.

  “God, Mark, I wouldn’t expect you to book out the entire restaurant just for the two of us,” she said idly, taking in the atmosphere of the establishment. The tantalizing aroma of seared beef floated under her nostrils, and she had to swallow a moan at the scent alone. She couldn’t begin to imagine how amazing the food would taste.

  “You don’t know me very well, yet, love. You’ll learn that my dates never have to settle for second best,” he teased, pulling her chair out for her. Her heart gave a pang of longing at the gesture, and she couldn’t help but find herself wishing this was more than a play date. Of course, Mark would want nothing from her besides a bit of fun, a touch of the company. Once her contract was over, she could imagine he’d be dating models, rich women who fit the lifestyle Mark was trying to fit her into. She breathed a sigh as he took his seat, and he rested his chin in his palm, watching her with a curious expression. “You seem troubled. Is this too much, too soon? We could have gone for pizza, or..,” he babbled, and Jasmine reached out to caress his cheek. He fell silent, and she reddened at the amorous look he had fixed upon her.

  “It’s just… I’ve said it once, and I’ve said it again. This whole arrangement seems too good to be true,” she whispered. Mark quirked a brow, reaching out to take her by the hand. He lifted it towards his lips, pressing a tender kiss to the back of her knuckles. She shuddered with the desire she was trying so desperately to contain, and he released her with a cocky grin.

  “Let me be your fantasy, Jasmine,” he purred. Her eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment, but he quickly shifted gears as their waiter approached. “Yes, I would like to start with a bottle of your finest vintage wine,” he said with a smile. He glanced to Jasmine, his eyes shining with mirth and something she couldn’t quite identify. “Does that sound alright to you, Jas?” He asked with a sly smile. Jasmine felt as if her heart were hammering at the speed of light, but she managed to swallow her uncertainty just enough to speak.

  “That sounds… perfect,” she managed. A glass or two of wine wouldn’t render her too helpless. It wasn’t as if Mark would exploit her.

  She hoped, at least.

  Chapter Four

  They’d been waiting some time for their wine, and Jasmine could tell that Mark was already growing irate. He tapped his fingers on the tabletop, craning his neck to watch each waiter or waitress as they passed. She reached out to grip his hand, smiling gently to soothe him. He didn’t seem the type to get testy so easily, but she supposed every man had a temper. Truthfully, she was enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant enough that she could have waited a good bit longer and been unbothered. However, when it seemed Mark was ready to blow his top, the waiter from before stepped towards them with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He set them on the table, turning to Mark and seeming to realize how agitated the billionaire had grown.

  “I’m so sorry for the wait, I had to step into the wine cellar, and this bottle was towards the back. I wanted to be sure I got the right thing, I-I’m sorry. This is my first night here,” the young man sputtered. Mark drew his lip back in a sneer, but Jasmine tightened her grip on his hand.

  “It’s fine, sweetheart. I think we’re ready to order, aren’t we, Mark?” She said awkwardly, trying to defuse the situation. His hand quaked in her own, but he took a moment to pull himself together. He offered the waiter a smile, shoving a few twenties into the young man’s pocket.

  “She’s right, don’t worry, kid. Go ahead, Jas, I need to look at the menu for just a moment longer,” Mark said carefully, his eyes locked on someone just behind the waiter’s shoulder. Jasmine watched him curiously for a moment before turning to face the waiter to order. She tried to follow Mark’s gaze while she placed her order, finding that the only thing her pretend boyfriend could be staring at was a tall and willowy blonde near the entrance of the building.

  “I’ll take the filet mignon, medium rare,” she said absently, feeling irritation brew in her gut. She knew she was only playing a part, but for the man to stare at another woman so blatantly in front of her? It seemed she would have to step up her game, a bit.

  “An excellent choice, ma’am. And you, sir?” The waiter prompted nervously. Mark’s eye twitched, and Jasmine could only wonder what on Earth had him so worked up.

  “The same. Rare,” Mark said sharply. Then, he drew his eyes away from the woman and met Jasmine’s gaze. She struggled not to look angry, but she couldn’t deny she felt a bit scorned now. The waiter shuffled away without another word, seeming to take the cue that he wasn’t wanted at that moment.

  “Mark, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been tense ever since… ever since you started watching that woman over there
,” she said sourly, only for Mark to look as if he had been stricken. She worried as his cheeks flushed a bright red.

  “I’m… sorry. It’s not… God, it’s not what you think. That’s my ex-wife. She’s had it out for me ever since the divorce finalized, and I just… I really hope she doesn’t try to ruin our evening together,” he blurted. Jasmine felt as if her heart dropped into her stomach, and she reached out to guide Mark’s attention towards her.

  “Oh, Mark. You don’t have to worry. I know how divorces can be. She probably won’t even notice us, though. Like you told me, just try to enjoy yourself,” she said gently. He hesitated before slowly nodding his head. He poured a glass of wine for both and raised his glass. She raised her glass as well, though she had no idea what they were toasting.

  “To us, and the future,” he grinned. Jasmine smiled awkwardly, clinking their glasses together.

  “Cheers,” they both said before taking a sip from their respective glasses. Jasmine rumbled in delight, the taste of the wine dancing across her palate. She turned back the wine glass, swallowing the rest of the wine in big gulps. Mark watched her with an amused expression, and she realized abruptly how rude she was acting.


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