Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 80

by Tia Wylder

  Satisfied with the outcome, Elizabeth curled up in the pile of blankets on the floor. She fell asleep with a smile on her face. She had come so far since first moving in. Finally, the stars were aligning in her favor.

  It felt as though she had only been asleep for a few minutes before there was a loud knocking on her door. Elizabeth jolted out of the blankets and plodded over to the door. Sunshine streamed through the doorway as she opened it. A lady with a clipboard handed her a slip of paper to sign.

  “What’s going on?” Elizabeth glanced around her to see a moving van parked in the driveway.

  “We’re here to deliver your furniture.”

  Shielding her eyes with her hand, Elizabeth squinted at the woman. “I never made an appointment.”

  Derrick stepped out of the shadows with two cups of coffee in his hand. He passed one to Elizabeth. “I called them. I’ve had you running around so much at work that you haven’t had time to set it up yourself. I didn’t want to have to worry about you sleeping on the floor anymore, so I just set up the delivery myself. All you have to do is tell them where you want it.”

  “Really?!” She was moved by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you.” She sipped her coffee as the moving crew prepared to unload her things. “Where’s Charlie this morning?”

  “His mom already picked him up.”

  Two men hefted a large sofa towards the door. “Where do you want us to put this?”

  “Just put it in the living room.” Elizabeth pointed out the way to them.

  After about an hour, all her furniture was in the house. She waved goodbye to the moving company as they pulled out of her driveway. Derrick followed her inside. The empty echo that had been there earlier was gone now that the furniture was in place.

  “I see you finally unpacked.”

  “Yeah. Finally made myself do it last night. I had no idea how much stuff I had until I had to pack and unpack it all.”

  “It feels more like a home now.” He smiled in approval.

  “It only feels like a home because you’re here.” Her heart pounded as the words slipped out of her mouth. She quickly averted her eyes in embarrassment.

  “Maybe I should come over more often then.” He smirked and turned her head back to face him. She was cute when she got flustered. “Oh, I almost forgot. I got you a housewarming present.”

  “Really? You didn’t have to do that.” Derrick handed her a package wrapped in plain brown paper. A piece of twine was tied in a bow around it. “What is it?”

  “Open it and find out.”

  Slowly, she pulled the twine. The package unwrapped itself. Underneath the parchment was a picture frame with two portraits inside. On one side, the picture from the photoshoot stared up at her. The other side had a candid photo of Derrick, Charlie, and herself at the zoo. “How did you get this?” She stared up at him in amazement.

  “There was a newspaper there taking pictures for a story about the new baby monkeys. They contacted me and asked for permission to use it. I said they could on one condition. They sent me that late last night after you left.”

  “Thank you.” She traced her finger across the images.

  “Elizabeth, it’ll not always be this easy to be with me and to be involved in Charlie’s life. I want you to keep this picture as a reminder of something good when things get more difficult.”

  “What do you mean? Are you expecting something bad to happen?”

  Derrick chuckled, “No. I’m just being realistic. At some point, I will have business setbacks. I want you to know that even if I get upset, I will do my best not to take those worries out on you. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to confide in you.” He sighed, remembering the past. “During my marriage with Catherine, I kept my personal and business relationships separated. I thought I was protecting her from worrying, but in the end, it pushed her away. I don’t want to make that mistake with you. If you’re willing to be with me, I would like to include you in all parts of my life. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, and sometimes that might mean I put too much pressure on you. If there ever comes a time when you need a break, or you feel overburdened, I need you to tell me. Elizabeth, I don’t want to have any regrets this time around.”

  She took his hand in hers. “I want you to tell me whatever you need to tell me. I don’t care if it’s work problems, or family problems. I’m here for you. I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes, but if you’re patient with me, I think we can work out any issues we might face. I don’t expect this to be all sunshine and roses, Derrick. I know I come across as a little flighty sometimes, but I understand that real life isn’t a fairytale. I’m here for the tough times, too. Whatever you need. I’m here.”

  Derrick smiled and cupped her face in his hands. Elizabeth placed the pictures on the counter and tilted her head up. He leaned his forehead against hers, taking in the smell of her perfume. It was a scent he had started to associate with happiness. Her fingertips wound into his dark curls. They shared a smile. Their breath and the beating of their hearts fell into the same rhythm. When Derrick closed his eyes, it wasn’t darkness or a hole that he found but hope. Elizabeth felt her walls melt away at his touch. She felt more vulnerable and yet somehow brazen at the same time. Their personalities meshed into one another like pieces of a puzzle. For the first times in their lives, home was less of a place and more a sense of belonging brought out by being close to each other.


  The Billionaire’s Virgin Fiancée

  Chapter One

  Jackson Wethers crossed his arms over his chest, staring balefully at his elderly parents. They had cornered him in his office, which seemed somewhat customary as of late. He knew what they wanted, it was the same thing they wanted every time they invaded his personal privacy and barged into his office during the week. He tried to keep his expression passive, but it was difficult when the older couple kept beating a dead horse. He had all the respect in the world for his parents; without them, he wouldn’t have this cushy job as CEO of Wethers Enterprises. However, the issue they continued to push was something he simply would not budge on.

  “I’m not marrying Lina Estevez,” cutting off his father mid-speech.

  “Why not?”

  The older man stepped forward. “You can’t just continue to fool around with any girl who catches your fleeting fancy. It’s bad for business, this company has a reputation to uphold.”

  Jackson rolled his eyes, reclining in his office chair and propping his feet up on his desk. His mother looked irritated, but he seemed to enjoy in the increasing aggravation that his elderly parents were feeling.

  “It has nothing to do with business. You just want to control my life, the same way you always have,” he bit out snidely.

  His father sighed in exasperation, tapping his foot repeatedly. “You’ve never taken this job seriously. Marrying Lina Estevez would be perfect for you. She could run the company alongside you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about her running off with our money. You know how women can be,” the older man paused, glancing apologetically at his wife. “Some women, dear, not all women,” he corrected, and the Wethers matriarch rolled her eyes contemptuously.

  “I run the company just fine, it’s not like we’re going bankrupt. We’re doing better than we’ve done in years, and it’s because I’ve been in charge. Don’t tell me you’re like those other parents who are insistent upon having grandchildren?” Jackson grumbled, groaning aloud when his parents exchanged a look. He parted his lips to argue his case further, but cut himself short as the door to his office swung open. He narrowed his eyes, only to feel relief upon seeing his personal assistant step into his office with her nose buried in some sort of files.

  “Mr. Wethers, I have an update on line twelve, if you…,” she paused, looking up and seeming to realize she had come in at an inopportune time. Jackson considered her with a wry smile, and she reddened in embarrassment.

  “Svenka, I’m afraid we’ll have t
o discuss this later,” Jackson murmured, feeling mildly taken aback when she leveled a glare in his direction.

  “Svetlana, sir. It’s Svetlana. I apologize for the interruption, please ring for me when you have a moment to spare,” she grinned, nodding to the elder Wethers with a polite smile. As she turned and walked away, his eyes followed the sway of her hips, gleaming with desire. He smiled to himself, only for an idea to strike him with all the force of a freight train.

  He looked towards his parents with a cheeky little grin. “I’m afraid that, despite your very stirring arguments, I can’t marry Lina Estevez. Now, if you will leave me —” His words were abruptly cut short by his father who slammed fists down on his desk, staring straight into his eyes. “Why on earth can’t you marry her? It’s one thing to say you won’t, but it’s not as if she’s an unattractive young woman. Why can’t you marry her? Why are you being so damned difficult?”

  “I can’t marry her because my heart already belongs to another.” He yawned, glancing quickly towards the direction where someone had just left a moment ago.

  “Who? Who on earth could you be in love with?” His mother’s eyes bulged from her skull, and she looked nearly ready to faint.

  Jackson forced a smile, glancing again in the direction his personal assistant had gone.

  “You… you can’t mean,” his father sputtered, staring after Svetlana as well.

  “I’m afraid I do. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to have a word with my assistant. Feel free to let yourselves out,” the dark-haired playboy murmured, rising to his feet and swiftly bustling out of his office. He could feel his parents staring after him, they even called out to him, but he had no time to waste. If this plan was going to work, he had little choice but to confront his pretend paramour.

  Svetlana Zhukov had been working for him for close to a year now, initially hired as an unpaid intern. She was cute and intelligent, but moreover, she did her job well. That’s why he had not hesitated in hiring her on to his personal team. It helped that she had legs that went on for days, topped with the cutest and roundest bottom. Though he found her attractive from an objective standpoint, her personality tended to be somewhat prudish and cold. He knew she would never go for a quick, no-strings-attached lay, but that wasn’t what he presently required from her.

  Though, truthfully, what he needed would likely trouble his young assistant more than sleeping together.

  He moved quickly, his strides steady as he made his way through the massive business complex. He paused briefly to check his watch, humming to himself as he noted the time. If he were fortunate enough, perhaps he would find his assistant in the cafeteria area. He changed directions, ignoring the cheerful greetings of his staff members as he walked along. While he considered himself a kind enough man, he didn’t have time to waste with pleasantries. He stepped into the cafeteria, scoping out the area with a terse expression. Relief washed over him once more as he spotted the woman he sought, and he swiftly approached her. She was in the middle of eating a salad, idly perusing some work documents. She seemed entirely oblivious to his presence, and he found himself watching her for a long moment. He quickly shook off the reverie, however, resting a hand on her shoulder.

  “Svetanka! Just who I wanted to see!” He boomed, nearly sending the woman toppling out of her chair in fright. She turned to face him, eyes narrowing upon the billionaire playboy with something akin to disdain.

  “Svetlana, sir. You are getting… closer, than usual,” she complained, shrugging off his hand. He fought the desire to roll his eyes, wondering why the gorgeous young woman had to be so difficult all the time. “Are you here to discuss the report?” She added as an afterthought, closing the plastic box her salad was contained in and pushing it to the side. She pulled the work report in front of her, and Jackson couldn’t help but wonder how on Earth he would get her to agree to his ploy.

  “Actually, I’d like to discuss something a bit more pressing. Privately, if possible,” he murmured, smiling. Immediately, she got the wrong idea, sneering at him. “Nothing like that, Alina. Come on, you’ve got to give me more credit than that,” he huffed. Her expression did not shift, but she obligingly rose from her seat and gestured for him to lead the way. He rested a hand on her shoulder, guiding her in a way that was likely much more intimate than she was used to. She didn’t resist him, however, allowing herself to be led back to his office.

  He could only hope his parents had taken the hint and left by then, but one could never tell with the plucky older couple. If they weren’t his own parents, he might have been impressed by their tenacity. As it stood, he could barely stand the weekly reports he was forced to make. They always had some nitpicky issues with the way he ran the company, despite how well the business was doing under his guidance. His assertion that things were better than they ever had been wasn’t made on false pretenses; he truly had improved things when he stepped in. It just seemed the Wethers kingdom was not ready to be released by the metaphorical monarchs.

  There wasn’t time to get embroiled in his own issues with his parents, however. He opened the door to his office just a bit, peeking inside to see if it was empty.

  “...Mr. Wethers?” Svetlana inquired softly, sounding more than a little confused. He threw the door open grandly, gesturing for her to step inside. She squinted at him, seeming to size him up before breathing a sigh and stepping into the office. He followed behind her, closing and latching the door behind him. “I’m beginning to think I was right to be concerned,” the young woman said blandly, and Jackson turned to face her with a deadpan expression.

  “I simply want to discuss this manner in private. A little secret between boss and personal assistant, yes?” He rumbled, stepping towards his desk and resting his hip on the edge. Svetlana lingered towards the door, barely breaking out of her apathetic facade to look vaguely nervous.

  “Of course. Anything you need to discuss, sir, I’m all ears,” she droned, and he idly wondered if she was always such a stiff. Realizing it would help his case to see his assistant in a positive light, he struggled to swallow his mounting irritation.

  “I have a bit of a problem regarding the number one shareholders in the company, and it is an issue I was hoping you could help me resolve. After all, you’ve always been such a good worker,” he smiled, attempting to look charming. She smiled faintly, pulling out a tissue to wipe away sweat that’s about to drip down her cheeks.

  “The shareholders? You mean your parents?” She snickered, obviously trying to swallow her laughter. He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Alright, alright. It can’t be that bad. What seems to be troubling you, Mr. Wethers?” She continued, tapping on her tablet; likely to make sure she could properly schedule what her boss required.

  “They want to marry me off. I told them that would be an issue, as I am currently… in love with another woman,” he confessed. The blonde-haired woman tensed, quirking a well-manicured brow at her boss.

  “I fail to see how this is any of my concern, or business for that matter. I prefer to keep your private life just that, sir. Private,” she leaned back. “Though I must congratulate you on finding someone who caught those wandering eyes.”

  Jackson gritted his teeth, resting his forehead in his palm. He swore the help could be so dense sometimes, but he supposed he owed an actual explanation before getting too cross.

  “I’m not actually in love, Selena. I just… needed to get my parents off my back with this whole marriage proposal. I reasoned that the only conceivable way to satisfy them is to fake a relationship,” he sighed. Her eyes widened at the confession, and the realization of what he wanted hit her rather abruptly.

  “No. No, no, no. I’m sorry sir, but that’s extremely unprofessional. I can’t… You can’t expect me to pretend to be your girlfriend just for the sake of getting your parents off your back. It’s laughable! There’s no way they would fall for it. You can’t even get my name right!” She blurted furiously. Jackson g
ritted his teeth, looking entirely unamused by her reaction. He stepped closer to her, and she took a hesitant step back in turn.

  “I was afraid you would say that,” the dark-haired man said grimly, and Svetlana’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  “You’re willing to fire me over this?” She screeched, quickly losing her cool. Jackson looked taken aback, fervently shaking his head.

  “Oh! Oh, no, of course not! I was just going to mention that adequate compensation would be provided in exchange for your services,” he muttered, reaching into his desk and withdrawing his checkbook. He scribbled down a number, and from the looks of it, Svetlana was both intrigued and perturbed. He signed his name, extending the slip of paper to his personal assistant. She hesitated, looking as if she very much did not want to accept the offer. However, it seemed that curiosity overruled her morals in that moment, and she reached out to grasp the check. She looked over it, eyes widening at the number of zeroes on it.

  “You’ve got to be joking. Isn’t this illegal? Wouldn’t this be considered prostitution?” Svetlana sputtered helplessly, trying to deny how appealing the check was. Jackson simply smiled, reaching out to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  “No sexual favors would be exchanged. I would simply require your company and compliance,” he smiled. She looked up at him, looking perhaps more troubled than he had ever seen her before. “Certainly, there’s something that this money could go towards, something special. A vacation to someplace exotic, or…,” he trailed off, waiting for her to fill in the blanks. She muttered something under her breath, staring morosely at the check. “What was that, dear?” Jackson inquired softly.


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