DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1

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DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1 Page 8

by Doris Miller

It is 12:00 Saturday afternoon. The theater lobby is packed full of people! There are large posters and large signs in the lobby that read :THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION PRESENTS ‘NICOLAS AND MICKEY, DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES, MICHAEL AND THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON BAND, THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON FASHION SHOW, THE RANGOS AND THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON CHOIR! The people in the lobby are all excited as they read the posters and the signs! A Hispanic teenage girl turns to other teenage girls and says, “Hey, Diane D and The Dianettes are gonna perform tonight!”

  “I know,” a second girl says. “What about Mike and Mitch? Are they gonna perform too?”

  “I don’t think so. I heard their family took them away to Puerto Rico.”

  “They’re in Puerto Rico?” a third girl asks.

  “That’s what I heard. So I guess we won’t be seeing them perform tonight.” The girls sadly look at each other, they then continue to look at the posters.

  It is 8:00 Saturday evening. The theater is packed full of people.

  Backstage, there are nine average-size female models of different cultures and eight plus-size female models of different cultures as Margarita gives their outfits a last minute fixing. Mary comes backstage. She approaches the models asks, “Okay are you ladies ready?”

  “Yes we’re ready Mary,” the models say.

  “Good. Now when the announcer announces for you all, I want the average size models walking along with the plus size model who is wearing the identical outfit, that way it can be shown that the outfit comes in all sizes okay?”

  “Okay Mary!”

  “Good.” Mary turns to Margarita and says, “Mama, voy a salir comprobar en los hombres.”

  “Muy bien Mary,” Margarita says.

  Mary turns around and heads to the other side of the backstage area.

  On the other side of the backstage area there, are around nine average size male models of different cultures and seven large size male models of different cultures as Barry and Tomas talk with a black male designer. Mary comes in the area and looks at the male models and their outfits. She then approaches Barry, Tomas and says to the designer, “Wow your designs are lovely.”

  “Thanks Mary,” the designer says.

  “Are your models ready?”

  “They sure are.”

  “Good.” Mary turns to Barry and Tomas and says, “Barry, Dad I’m gonna head back out.”

  “Okay Mary,” Barry and Tomas say. Mary turns around and heads back out the backstage door.

  Inside the theater, the announcer comes out on stage. He goes to the microphone and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!” The crowd becomes excited and starts to cheer. The announcer then says, “Their first performance is ready to come out! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents the Diaz-Davidson Fashion Show with a performance by Nicolas and Mickey!” The crowd cheers again. Nicolas and Mickey come out on stage and wave to the crowd. They sit on the stage with their guitars. They smile to the crowd. Nicolas and Mickey start to sing some tunes as the female models come out on stage. The crowd starts to cheer as the average size models walk alongside the plus size models down the runway. The models turn and walk back down the runway. The male models come out. The crowd continues to cheer as an average size male model walks along a large size male model. The male models turn and walk back down the runway.

  Five minutes later, Nicolas and Mickey and the models finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. Nicolas and Mickey and all the models take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “That was an incredible performance, wasn‘t it? Let’s hear it again for Nicolas and Mickey and the models!” The crowd cheers and applauds again. The announcer then says, “Okay ladies and gentleman, we have another wonderful act presented to you by the Diaz-Davidson Organization!” The crowd screams and cheers more. “Yeah you all know them very well! Let’s hear it for Diane D and The Dianettes!” The crowd starts to cheer and scream again as music starts to play. The stage curtain opens up. Jungle trees and grass are around the back of the stage and the sides. Diane D and The Dianettes appear on stage looking at the jungle as the crowd cheers more. Diane D turns to the Dianettes and says, “Oh here we are girls. We’re finally in the jungle.”

  “Now that we’re in the jungle Diane, can we go?” says Bernice.

  “Go? We just got here.”

  “Yeah, but this place gives me the creeps!”

  “It gives me the creeps too,” Charlotte says.

  “Me too,” says Miranda. “There might be cannibals or headhunters in this jungle.”

  “Cannibals or headhunters?” Diane D says. “There’s no such thing.”

  “It is a thing like that Diane,” Lonna says. “Cannibals and headhunters do exist!”

  “You mean they did exist. Those ancient tribal cultures existed a long time ago. They’re not around anymore.”

  “We can’t be too sure Diane,” Nancy says. “So come on. Let’s go.”

  “Hey, if you all are too chicken to be here, y’all could go back to the camp. I’ll catch up with you all later.”

  “Are you serious Diane?” Kelly says. “We can’t just leave you here! We came here together, we have to leave together!”

  “Or die together,” Bernice says. “So come on Diane, let’s go!”

  “What are you all so afraid of?” Diane D says. “I’m telling you all, there is no such thing as cannibals or headhunters anymore! If we do happen to run into any of them right now, maybe they might invite us over to their village for dinner. I am sort of hungry.”

  “Diane if we don’t hurry and get out of here, we’re going to be their dinner,” Miranda says. “If these cannibals catch us, they’re gonna eat us alive!”

  “They just might cook us alive,” Nancy says.

  “Okay ladies, cut it out!” Diane D says. “You’re really starting to scare me, now cut it out! I’m telling you all for the last time, there is no such thing as cannibals or headhunters, absolutely none! They’re history!” Diane D and The Dianettes suddenly hear eerie footsteps.

  “What was that?” Kelly asks.

  “A cannibal,” Lonna says.

  “Lonna there’s no such thing as cannibals!” Diane D says. Suddenly a headhunter jumps out of the weeds behind Diane D.

  “Oh my God Diane, turn around!” Miranda shouts. Diane D turns around and sees a headhunter! She becomes startled. Miranda shouts, “Is that our imagination Diane?! Are we all imagining the same thing?!” The head hunter slowly approaches them.

  Diane D turns to the Dianettes and says, “Okay let’s try to calm down ladies, alright? We’re gonna try to ease out of here.”

  “No, let’s not ease out of here Diane!” Kelly shouts. “Let’s just run!”

  “You’re right Kelly, let’s run!” Diane D and The Dianettes turn and start to run. Music starts to play. Suddenly, another headhunter jumps from behind the bush right in front of Diane D and The Dianettes! Diane D and The Dianettes stop in their tracks! They become startled! They back up slowly. They turn and start to run again! The other headhunter jumps at them, then a third headhunter! Diane D and The Dianettes stop in their tracks again! They turn and start to run the other way! The headhunters give off chase! Diane D and The Dianettes run around the stage being chased by the headhunters! Four more headhunters jump from behind the weeds! They join the other headhunters and chase after Diane D and The Dianettes! The headhunters bend down and lunge for Diane D and The Dianettes! Diane D and The Dianettes bend down and run towards the headhunters passing right through the headhunters! The headhunters turn around and chase Diane D and The Dianettes around the stage as the headhunters lunge towards them! They head hunters jump and land as Diane D and The Dianettes run around the stage! Diane D and The Dianettes soon run off the stage! The headhunters run off the stage after them!

  Four headhunters come back on stage dancing as they look for Diane D and The Dianettes. Charlotte suddenly runs at the back of the stage as a headhunter chases after her with a sword in his hand! Charlotte disappears off the stage as the headhunter disappears off the stage after her! Suddenly Diane D and The Dianettes appear back on stage dancing and twirling high in the air with swords in their hands as they go after the headhunters!

  The headhunters see Diane D and The Dianettes with swords and start to run the other way! Diane D and The Dianettes jump and land! They start to chase the headhunters around and off the stage! The headhunters run back on stage with Diane D and The Dianettes in hot pursuit! The headhunters stop running and face Diane D and The Dianettes. They give up the fight and hold their hands out to Diane D and The Dianettes offering to shake hands and make peace. Diane D stands in front of The Dianettes as they all stare at the headhunters. The headhunters continue to hold their hands out towards Diane D and The Dianettes. The Dianettes look at Diane D. “I think they want to make peace with us Diane,” Miranda says.

  Diane D turns her head around towards The Dianettes. She places her hands on her hips and says, “What! They tried to have us for dinner, just like you predicted! Now they want to make peace?! Ha ha give me a break!” Diane D turns her head back towards the headhunters. The headhunters continue to hold their hands out to Diane D. Diane D continues to stare at the headhunters. She gives up and holds her hand out to the headhunters. The headhunters shake Diane D’s hand and The Dianettes hand. They all smile and make peace with each other.

  The performance is now over. Diane D, The Dianettes and the headhunters leave the stage. The crowd screams and cheers as a large group of children in the first two rows cheer.


  Chapter 8

  The Meeting


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