Edwin waved at Caspian a little awkwardly. This was his first meeting with Caspian since the night he’d tried to kill the triplets. “Hello, Cas.”
Caspian smirked at him. “Hello, too, Ed. I think you should go back home. Dray and I have a personal business to discuss.”
“Cas,” Drake admonished while glaring at Caspian. “Be nice, please.”
Caspian harrumphed. “Fine. Are you sure we can trust him?”
Drake smiled at Edwin. “Yeah. Absolutely.”
Edwin felt a surge of warmth coursing through him upon hearing that. “I like Drake very much, Cas. I’ll always protect him. I’ll do my best not to hurt him. At least not intentionally. You can be rest assured I will not cause him any harm.”
Caspian stared at him for a moment longer before sighing and beckoning him and Drake to enter the house. Edwin couldn’t help studying the clean hallway, which was only wide enough for two people to walk side by side, as the three of them made their way toward the opposite end of the house and up the stairs. It was his first time inside the mermen’s territory, but the house felt cozy. He sat next to Drake on the couch and slung one arm over his boyfriend’s shoulders.
“Mareen stopped by about half an hour ago.”
Edwin was taken aback when Drake stiffened next to him. “What did she want?”
“Who’s Mareen?”
Drake blushed while Caspian snickered in amusement. “A childhood friend. Dray used to have the worst crush on her.”
Edwin bristled in anger and jealousy. “Drake is mine now.”
Caspian raised an unimpressed eyebrow while Drake turned toward him in shock. He felt the heat of embarrassment creeping up his neck and cheeks, but he didn’t utter another word. After a little while, Drake broke the awkward silence by repeating his previous question.
“What did she want?”
Edwin was startled when Caspian paled for a moment before responding. “Some merfolks disappeared.”
Edwin scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. “Disappeared? What does that even mean?”
Caspian nodded. “Apparently, some of them haven’t been seen for quite a few weeks now. At first, nobody thought anything was amiss. After all, our people often go away on missions in the vast open sea or out on dates with other supernatural beings. It’s not strange for merforlks to be out of sight for days, weeks, or even months on end.”
“Okay. What tipped off the merpeople that something might be wrong?” Edwin inquired, both curious and alarmed.
Drake’s palm on his thigh startled him a little. “I think I can hazard a guess. Cas, please correct me if I’m wrong. The only reason for our people to be panicking at the moment is because there are merpeople missing from various communities all over the oceans. The numbers must be large enough if our people have to start sending folks on land to check on us, as well.”
Caspian nodded. “This is terrible, Dray. I love our people, but I’m most worried about Mom and Dad.”
Drake immediately went rigid. “Are they okay?”
Drake relaxed minutely. Edwin attempted to further comfort his boyfriend by hugging Drake even tighter with his arm. “I’m sure your parents will be fine. They can stay hidden at home, can’t they?”
Drake shook his head. “They can’t. My dad is one of the generals in charge of the safety within the Pacific Ocean. My mom is one of the most powerful mermaids within the community. Aside from her natural water magic, she’s also able to create physical and magical shields with a single wave of her hand.”
Edwin gaped at his boyfriend. “You’re the son of a general?”
Caspian interrupted before Drake could answer the question. “As Drake has mentioned, our mom is a mermaid. On the other hand, our father is an octopus shifter.”
Edwin was shocked speechless. Then again, he shouldn’t be. He had been assuming all along that the triplets’ parents were a merman and a mermaid.
“I thought the genes of an octopus shifter are more dominant than those belonging to a merperson.”
Drake snorted. “That’s a common mistake that most non-water shifters seem to harbor about us water shifters. You should clarify your belief with Gavin. You’ve mentioned him once or twice in our conversations. He’s an ancient water dragon shifter, isn’t he?”
Edwin blushed. “You’re right. I’ll have to talk to him. Anyway, let’s discuss that another day. How can I help?”
He was taken aback when Caspian rushed to occupy the empty spot on the couch right next to him.
“I’m so glad you asked.”
“I’m a hunter for the council, Cas. It’s my duty to protect all supernatural beings. I’m even more anxious about these allegedly missing merpeople because I think it’s a pattern. Whoever the criminal is, the target is obviously a merperson.” Then, he turned to face Drake. “I can’t lose you, sweetheart. This case has now become personal to me.”
Drake only threw him a small smile. “Thank you. You don’t have to be concerned about my well-being. I can protect myself just fine.”
“I know, but I like taking care of you.”
Caspian made a loud and obnoxious gagging sound. “I think I’m going to puke. Can the two of you stop it already with the sickening display of affection?”
Drake stuck his tongue out at Caspian. “Don’t envy my good luck. I have a wonderful boyfriend.”
“Ugh. Whatever. So, Ed, we need you to investigate the Pacific Ocean.”
Edwin shrugged. “Sure. I can do that.”
Drake shook his head. “No, you can’t. Merpeople may be friendly and nice for the most part, but we’re a close-knit community. We’re wary of strangers, especially someone like you whose main source of power is fire.”
“Okay. What’s your suggestion then?” Edwin was surprised when Drake’s cheeks reddened all of a sudden. “Sweetheart, what is it?”
“I…I can accompany you.”
“What for?”
“We can travel together into the ocean on the pretext of me introducing you to my parents as my potential ma…mate.”
Caspian guffawed out loud in amusement while Drake’s blush deepened. Edwin felt a little shy himself, but he was also excited. He pulled his arm away from Drake’s shoulder and grabbed his boyfriend’s hand instead.
“I think that’s an excellent idea.”
Caspian got off the couch and started to walk away from the living room before halting his steps midway through and turning around to face Drake and Edwin. “This is getting yucky. The two of you should just mate already. You both deserve each other. I’ve never witnessed mates who are more disgustingly in love with each other than the two of you. Just have sex somewhere else. I don’t want to hear either of you during your foreplay and the main event itself. You will scar me for life. Night.”
Edwin burst out laughing first before Drake followed suit. Caspian lifted both middle fingers at them before continuing on his way to what Edwin guessed had to be the merman’s bedroom. He cleared his throat and tapped Drake’s shoulder to get his boyfriend’s attention.
“Do you want to?”
“Do…do you?”
He lifted Drake’s hand close to his lips before kissing the back of his boyfriend’s hand with a loud smack. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m not horny and aroused at the thought of claiming you as my mate, but I need to be sure that this is also what you want. I know how important mating is for merpeople. You guys mate for life, for eternity. We haven’t dated long enough. We barely know each other. I don’t mind waiting, sweetheart. Honest.”
The next few moments of silence felt like forever. His heart beat harder and faster as he observed Drake’s muted expression.
“Are you sure, Ed?”
He nodded eagerly. “Positive.”
“Let’s do it then.”
Edwin tugged on Drake’s arm right before his boyfriend could get away from him. “One more thing.”
; “What is it?”
“When phoenixes mate, the process can be quite painful.” Drake simply stared at him wordlessly. “As a merman, you’ll give me your pearl for safekeeping. As a phoenix, I’ll be marking you permanently.”
Drake gazed at him in confusion. “Like the claiming bite from a werewolf?”
Edwin snorted in annoyance. “That’s so primitive.”
“Explain it to me then. Little is known about phoenixes. There are so few of you in the world. You’re all very secretive, as well.”
“That’s because phoenixes aren’t born in the same manner as most supernatural beings, sweetheart. A phoenix can only be created when an innocent and pure soul is burned with a magical fire and is consequently lost to the cycle of life and death.”
“Oh, I never knew that. Whose souls are you referring to?”
“Almost no one knows about the process. It can be anyone’s souls really, both a supernatural and otherwise. The soul is consumed by the magical fire in a sacrificial process during rituals. For example, a mother may allow herself to be burned to save her child, who happens to be possessed by evil spirits. The mother may not be a virgin in the strictest sense, but her soul is pure. The ritual will accept her sacrifice and the child will be freed. There are many other examples, but most people aren’t that altruistic. As long as both the intention and sacrifice are pure, a new phoenix will be born from the ashes of the soul. Anyway, phoenixes also mate for eternity. In order to mark you, I’ll have to burn you with my fire while I climax deep inside you. My symbol will appear somewhere on your body. That will be my claim on you for the rest of our existence. It will be painful, though. I’m not going to lie to you about it. I’ll understand if you want to back off now.”
Drake entwined their fingers even tighter. “Not a chance. I’m ready. Let’s do it.”
Edwin beamed at his boyfriend. “Let’s go to my penthouse then.”
“Do I need to bring anything? Clothes?”
Edwin smirked and shook his head. “We will probably be naked for the next several hours, so you don’t have to pack anything at all.”
Drake blushed, and Edwin would never get bored at such a gorgeous sight. Then, the two of them got off the couch and made their way out from the house within minutes. He couldn’t wait to claim this beautiful merman as his mate. He had a strong feeling that it would alter everything in his life. He wasn’t frightened at the prospect, though. He was actually looking forward to it. By the time they got inside the car and drove toward the penthouse, he could feel his body trembling a little bit at the thought of mating with Drake. It was unexpected. He certainly hadn’t planned to mate with Drake on this evening, but it was a welcomed outcome nonetheless.
Chapter Nine
Drake knew what sex entailed. He was a virgin, not uninformed. He understood the mechanics. Well, sort of. After existing for almost two hundred years, he’d heard enough from some of his mated fellow merpeople to have a broad picture of what sex was like. At least inside his head. He also pleasured himself enough to kind of have an idea of how wonderful sex with someone else could possibly be. However, he wasn’t prepared for sex with Edwin.
He expected the sex to start hot and heavy once they lost their shirts. He didn’t know why he imagined it like that. He simply did. However, Edwin kissed him with such reverence and tenderness he was left wanting more. Not that he had a clue about what he yearned for. He was also at a loss as to what he was supposed to do with his hands while Edwin was peppering both rough and gentle kisses along his collarbones. He was certain there would be bruising and markings the next time he checked his reflection in the mirror.
Tentatively, he raised his hands and placed them at the back of Edwin’s head. He craved tightening his grip, but he was frightened of hurting his future mate. In the end, he could only caress Edwin’s hair. Once in a while, he would run his hands over Edwin’s ears and neck. He trembled a little when he rubbed his palms against the warmth of Edwin’s shoulders and back. He couldn’t believe he was given free rein in such a manner. He could touch Edwin without worrying about the upcoming years because this fabulous man, who was currently sucking and licking on his right nipple, would soon become his mate and future.
“Grab my hair harder, sweetheart,” Edwin whispered in a raspy voice before moving on to suckle on his left nipple.
Drake obliged in a heartbeat. Then, he moaned and writhed on the bed at the incredible sensation that coursed through his entire being. He could feel the heat all over his entire being, both from the arousal and embarrassment about his wanton reaction at the skillful touches and licks from his lover, but he couldn’t care less about appearing desperate underneath Edwin’s intense gaze. He even lifted his hips before reaching down to assist Edwin to pull down his pants and trunks. He wondered if he looked nice enough in his lover’s eyes now that he was naked while he waited for Edwin to remove his remaining clothes, as well.
His lips felt dry after he caught the sight of Edwin’s leaking dick mere moments later. It seemed massive. Or maybe his dick was too small. He honestly had no idea. It wasn’t as if he swam or walked around checking out other men’s erections. He must have stared at Edwin’s hard cock for far too long because his lover startled him by leaning over and kissing him to within an inch of his life. The kiss was gentle and sweet, and he could sense his desire burning even brighter than before. He whined in dissatisfaction when Edwin pulled away from him.
“Don’t look at me that way, sweetheart. You’re driving me crazy.”
“Sorry. I just…I mean, I’ve never seen another erect dick aside from my own.”
Edwin gave him a soft smile. “I should be the one apologizing to you. It will probably…no, it will definitely hurt when I push it inside your ass later. I’ll do my best to go as slow as I can. My dick is way larger than most men, though. I’m sorry, sweetheart. You’ll just have to bear with the pain for a little while.”
Drake shook his head in a hurry. “It’s…it’s fine. I…I can take it.”
Edwin gazed at him without uttering a single word for several seconds. “You’re terrified.”
He couldn’t deny the truth. “I am, but I trust you.”
Edwin beamed at him. “I trust you, too. Just lie down and let me taste every inch of you.”
Drake expected Edwin to return to his nipples, but his lover surprised him by nuzzling into his right armpit and licking it. He couldn’t stop the giggle that came out of his mouth. It was both ticklish and pleasurable at the same time. He had the same reaction when Edwin moved on to the other side. When Edwin moved lower down his body, he thought he would finally know what it felt like to get his dick sucked, but his lover astounded him by nipping and licking on his inner thighs over and over again. Then, Edwin shifted even lower all the way to his toes. He gasped in shock before groaning out loud when Edwin sucked on each toe. He never knew getting his toes inside someone’s mouth could feel so amazing.
By the time Edwin scooted up higher all the way to his aching balls, Drake was more than ready to explode. He panted and gripped the bedsheets before gritting his teeth. He wasn’t ready for Edwin to lick his balls, but the sensation was beyond compare, especially when his lover dragged that fantastic tongue up along the throbbing shaft of his leaking cock. He couldn’t help but cry out loud when Edwin swallowed his dick all the way to the base. His lover bobbed up and down at varying speed and depth. Sometimes, Edwin would suck on about half of his dick, moving up and down fast and hard. Drake also liked it when his lover took the entire length of his cock down his throat.
He was so absorbed in his own pleasure he was taken aback when Edwin’s cock was right in his face. His lover must have changed position without him noticing it. Drake reached out for Edwin’s cock and stroked it lightly. He wanted to suck on Edwin’s cock. He yearned for a taste, but he had never done it before. He wasn’t sure how to do it properly. He stared at the pulsing dick in his hand for a moment longer before stickin
g his tongue out and scooping up Edwin’s precum from the tip of his lover’s dick. It was salty with a hint of bitterness, but he was also hit by the musky smell of Edwin’s crotch.
He wasn’t disgusted by it, though. Instead, he leaned in closer toward Edwin’s balls and inhaled deeply before darting his tongue out. He first took one of his lover’s balls into his mouth before spitting it out and sucking on the other one. Judging by the whimpering sound coming from Edwin, Drake was certain he must have done the right thing. He continued to lick and suck on Edwin’s balls until the temptation to swallow Edwin’s cock became too much for him to resist. He opened his mouth wider and went down on Edwin’s dick.
That was a novice mistake, especially for someone like him who had zero experience. He gagged and choked in shock, pulling back in a hurry, but Edwin didn’t seem to mind. In fact, Edwin encouraged him by guiding his head back to his lover’s throbbing dick. This time around, he was more careful about it. He only took as much as he could, which wasn’t a lot. He managed about a quarter of the entire length. It was too long and too thick. His jaw ached after sucking on it for a little while, but he was still hungry for Edwin’s cock. He refused to stop. He loved the taste.
Not that Edwin was passive. Drake was taken aback when Edwin tugged on his hips and dragged his ass toward his face before sniffing at and licking his hole. Edwin’s tongue was a formidable weapon. Drake couldn’t stop himself from pushing back against Edwin’s face, allowing his lover to continue eating his ass out. The sensation was out of this world. He didn’t think any other sex act could feel better than what he was experiencing at that very moment. It was fantastic, and he didn’t have the right word to describe how perfect it was. He even growled in irritation when Edwin stopped licking his hole out. Edwin snickered while rearranging their positions once again. Drake moaned out in delight when he felt Edwin’s cock rubbing against his own.
“Ed, please.”
He had no idea what he was begging for, but Edwin obviously did. “Hold on, sweetheart. I need to get some lube from the bedside drawer.”
The Mark of the Phoenix [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7