sommer marsden learning to drown-CALIBRE

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sommer marsden learning to drown-CALIBRE Page 3

by Sommer Marsden

  I was afraid of what he would find out. Sad but true. I waited, body trembling even under the huge overalls and the blanket. The wool smelled vaguely of gas and possibly dog. He handed me a hot cup of coffee while he dialed. The heat from the cup nearly made me weep with joy.

  “Lucky guy.” I barely heard him over the engine. “I‘m done for the night and I find his girl all trussed up in her pretty green panties. Pretty panties, pretty girl. I might not give you back,” he teased.

  There it was again. My secret little fetish. I might not give you back. My initial secret instinct was to submit and please. I sipped instead, the coffee burned my tongue. It gave me something to focus on, that hot little pain on my tongue.

  “Hey there, friend. My name is Lucas Crow, I just took your truck.”

  Damien’s enraged voice issued from the phone. I couldn’t help but smile. He was pissed--good. Fuck him. Yelling about his truck but not me? He deserved it if Lucas doused the truck in gasoline and lit it up like the Fourth of July. I pushed my free hand to the warm dash and strained to hear.

  Lucas frowned. Shook his head. Crow. I liked that name. I’d have to ask if he was Native American. His hair was light but the nose was right. And the high cheekbones that begged to be traced with a fingertip. I shook my head and looked out into the dark rushing past the windows. Get a grip, girl. Focus.

  “I understand that, Damien, but that’s not my concern. See, I work for Sideswipe. And independent contractor, if you will. They give me an assignment and I wrangle the vehicle and bring it to the lot. After that, the company figures it out. Not me. Doesn’t matter one lick if you had to pay a vet bill for your dog or you mother needed an operation.” He rolled his eyes at me.

  “Lie and lie,” I mouthed.

  Crow grinned and nodded. My belly did a slow, lazy roll and I had to shift in my seat again. Inappropriately horny. What did one do about that kind of situation? “Dude…hey, man, listen to me. You can call this number in the morning and plead your case.” He rattled off a phone number while I hunched toward the heat. I opened the blanket a bit, trying to catch the warm drifts of air. I ignored how muscular his forearms were. And how big his fingers seemed. He was imposing without being inflated. An air of confidence surrounded him. “Is there anything else you’d like to tell me, sir? About the truck?” Lucas pointed to me and to the phone.

  I nodded. Here was Damien’s chance. He could step up and try to save me. I held my breath. Lucas frowned and my heart sank.

  “That’s it?” he said. I leaned in but the words were lost to me.

  Lucas sighed, and hit the disconnect button on his cell. He cut Damien off in mid bellow. “Well?”

  “He told me he’d just had the paint touched up and not to scratch it.” Crow looked mortified on my behalf and somehow that was even more embarrassing.

  “Not a word about me?”

  “No. I’m sorry, la¾Ember. Really. Look, let me take you home and I’ll kick his stupid fucked up ass for you.” He leaned in and grinned. So close to me he was sucking up all my air. It felt like he would kiss me, he was that close. I wanted him to kiss me. Despite how much I loathed men at the moment, I wanted his lips on mine.

  “I can’t go there. He left me to die.” I tried saying it matter of factly, but my voice shook. One tear broke free. I wanted to die of embarrassment right there. “I have to go somewhere else.”

  “Where do you want me to take you?” He put his hand on my arm, a comforting gesture that somehow exuded a heavy sensuality. It was simply that he‘d saved me. I knew that deep down. It didn’t make his masculine pull any easier to handle.

  Then it hit me. The ugly truth.

  “I don’t have anywhere to go.” A wall of tears obscured my vision. I swallowed and swallowed again to keep from crying. Bit my tongue and pinched my thigh and tried to slide away from him on the bench seat. But he caught me up, a kind arm around my shoulder as the first wave of tears broke the barrier of my lower lashes.

  “Hey, hey, Ember. September--can I call you that? Good,” he went on without waiting for my approval. “Why are you crying? Don’t cry. Why are you crying?”

  “Because I keep biting my tongue so I won’t cry.”

  “But you are crying.”

  “I know.”

  “So why are you crying?”

  “Because now my tongue hurts!”

  For whatever reason, his gruff barely audible laughter made me feel better. I had to figure out where to go. I’d be fucked blue and tattooed before I’d go home to Damien. That ass.

  Chapter 3

  Lucas put the tow truck in gear and it took off with a grunt. He hit a button on a remote attached to his visor. The gates opened slowly in the darkness. I sniffled, trying so hard not to let the embarrassment turn me inside out. My emotional state was not making a good first impression. Abduction Fantasy Barbie in my green undies wasn’t a great start either. I was pretty much screwed as far as first impressions went. “Where are you taking me?”

  My heart pounded. If he said the police station, I’d open the door and jump for it. What more could a girl want than to take a flying leap from a moving truck while handcuffs circled her wrists. Oh yeah, a boyfriend who’d think it important to mention that you were locked in the back of his truck. You know, so you didn‘t freeze to death.

  “Home. I’ve got some cuffs and the key should work just fine. We’ll get your wrists free, dunk you in a shower, dress you in some sweats and regroup.”

  I blinked at him, feeling stupid. Streetlights threw flashes of yellow and silver over his strong profile. One moment he looked angelic, the next nearly demonic. A surreal and gorgeous play of light that showed me how little I knew about the man sitting next to me. No matter what the light, he always appeared gorgeous, I noted. “I’m sure your wife will love that.“ I was testing the waters though I wanted to deny it. Not quite ready to admit my attraction, I was cheating. Probing. If a shrink got a hold of me, he’d have a field day.

  “No wife.” He put his turn signal on and took a sharp left. My ass slid across the bench seat, my thigh banged his before I could scramble back to my side. The chains on the cuffs jangled merrily and he smiled. “And before you go there, no girlfriend either. So no one will care if I bring home a woman who’s cuffed up and bare. And you‘re kind of blue, in case you were curious.” He stared at me not smiling and my heart grew too big for my chest. “ No one will care if I get her out of her cuffs and no one will care if I put her in a hot steamy shower and dress her in my too big clothes. No one. Except maybe Daisy.”

  His description in that soft sure voice made my heart flutter. With Lucas it seemed that every word was deliberate. He’d be the man who rarely cared what others thought. Who did what he wanted and that was the way it was. If you didn’t like it, I bet Lucas Crow would tell you to go fuck yourself. “Daisy?”

  “My dog. She might be pissed. But if you give her a treat, she’ll love you for life. She is a little big, so don’t freak out, okay? You’ll want to, but don’t.”

  In my head, X-rated images played of me pinned to the shower wall by a huge wet Lucas. I struggled to inhale, barely managed. The movie in my head was full of steam surrounding us. His big hands pinned my hips to the cool white tile. His knee parted my thighs, forcing my stance wide so that I was open to him. Exposed to his touch. When his fingers found my pussy, I arched to meet him. His thumb rubbed my clit in perfect circles until I made a soft sound. His fingers slipped inside of me, pushing into my warmth, seeking out every secret place in my cunt that would make me shiver in his arms like I was still cold. His lips would taste like coffee and cinnamon. They would cover my lips and his tongue would push hard into my mouth. His kiss would be almost angry. Possessive. Alarming. I heard a small sound when my throat squeaked. He leaned in and I jumped like he’d burned me.

  “Earth to Ember, I said, okay?”

  “Yeah. Okay. Your dog is big. Got it.” I sucked in a shaky breath and pushed the rest of the stuff in my head
away. It came back instantly. Showed me in detail, Lucas Crow rubbing the head of his cock to my wet slit. I gasped and then covered poorly with a cough. I managed to clear my mind when he pulled up in front of a small cottage. He helped me down from his giant truck. I stumbled when my knees gave from a mix of exhaustion and relief. Lucas steadied me, mumbled easy and helped me up the dark walk to his house.

  The barking started half way to the door. Big Daisy. Big dog that would love me if I gave her a treat. No big deal, I reminded myself.

  Lucas opened the door and a blur of black and white the size of a small person came bounding toward us. Daisy made a sound that put my hair on end. I backpedaled, bouncing off of Lucas. I grabbed at him with clumsy fingers, trying to find something to clutch. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I was chanting it as if I could summon up a savior. “That’s not a dog. That’s a horse.”

  “Oh, she’s a baby,” Lucas said but stepped in front of me. “Daisy, heel!”

  Daisy did so but didn’t look happy about it. I peeked out. “I don’t think she likes me.”

  “Don’t be silly. Let’s get you a treat to give her.” He rummaged in his pocket but I couldn’t help but notice that he stayed in front of me the whole damn time.

  * * * *

  Daisy greeted me in a super aggressive way. It was clear the behemoth was not happy. I could tell by the way she showed her teeth. As if to say, he’s mine, bimbo, back off. A huge Dalmatian colored beast, Daisy had big paws, floppy ears, one blue eye and one green. “She’s pretty, if not frightening. What is she?”

  “Part Great Dane, part Burmese Mountain Dog and part other stuff.”

  “Part bear?” I followed him up the steps when he tugged my hand. Daisy followed close on my heels, hot breath rushing over the backs of my legs. The dog was tall. Her snout probably waist high to me. I couldn’t help but imagine what might happen to my poor spine should Daisy decide to sink her teeth into me right above my tailbone.

  “She just wants more treats, don’t act afraid. Trust me. You do not want to act afraid.”

  “Shh, then! Saying that makes me more afraid.” I took the steps faster, staying right on Lucas’s heels. My own unstable breathing didn’t distract me from noticing how nice his ass looked in faded denim. Or how his jacket hugged his broad shoulders. What would he look like with the jacket off? Or all his clothes.

  “…in here. I have a few that might work. If not, I can try and pick the locks. Might be able to do it, too. I bet I can.”

  “What?” Damn. I had to stop going off into pornographic fugues. I was not here to get laid, I was here to…what? Hide?

  “I said, the key should be in here.” He pulled me into what could only be his bedroom. Daisy sat at the threshold, settling down in the doorway like the Sphinx. She seemed to be blocking all possible escape routes. I cleared my throat, nerves making my belly tingle. The hair on the back of my neck tingled too. My pussy was so wet and hot that I was hyper aware of it. The whole thing made my cheeks blaze.

  I dropped onto his tall, old fashioned bed. It sported an ornate wood headboard that dominated most of one wall. Antique. Nice. I touched it, feeling mildly stunned, while Lucas rummaged through his closet. I wouldn’t even ask why he had handcuff keys. Not one key. Plural-- keys. “Let’s try this one,” he knelt. The elevated mattress hit him at shoulder height.

  “I like this bed. Is it a family heirloom?”

  Lucas nodded, pushing a small silver key into the hole. “Family heirloom, yep. Rough guesstimate is it’s about a hundred and twenty years old and I’m the fourth generation to have it. Nope. That one didn’t work.” He pushed a slightly larger key into the hole.

  “You have a lot of keys on that ring,” I said, my voice soft. Daisy snorted, lowered her head, her eyes drifting shut.

  “I have a lot of use for them. When I choose.” He bent his head, turned the key, the cuff sprang open. He didn’t say any more on the subject. Simply undid the other cuff, took them both and dumped them in a tall silver trash can in the corner. “Better?”

  I rubbed my wrists, though they weren’t raw, they felt it. It was surprisingly emotional to have them off. “Yes, thank you.”

  He plopped onto the bed next to me, hands on his thighs. Big hands. Nice hands. Squared off fingertips and big knuckles. Some oil and grease stains at the knuckles. Lots of small nicks and scars. The hands of a man who worked hard and played hard. And fucked hard? “So you and this Damien…you played games?”

  I nodded, studied my own hands. The same hands as before. A bit stiff and cold still. Plain, boring, event planner hands. “Yeah. Sorry you were pulled into it. Sorry you had to find me that way. Trust me, very sorry. I’m sure that was not on your agenda for the night.”

  He grinned and hooked an arm around my neck. “You were a very pleasant surprise on a cold, lonely night.” His brotherly way made me feel somewhat shunned. He kissed the top of my head, which seemed both normal and shocking. “So, let’s talk. You were the one who wanted the playtime?”

  His voice was almost tactile it was so rough. Something in my chest loosened. Felt a little freer than usual. “Yeah. Me. I couldn’t…I didn’t. It made stuff better for me. We were stale.”

  “Rape or abduction? Or both?” His voice dropped lower. Fear prickled at the nape of my neck even as a whorl of pleasure unfurled in the softest spot between my legs. I cleared my throat.

  “Abduction. I’m sure you think I’m insane.”

  “No. Not insane. But you have an abduction fantasy. An urge to submit. To be taken, yeah?”

  I nodded, too mortified by the confession to speak. I could feel twin hot spots on my cheeks. My fingers plucked at the woolen blanket.

  “But you would say you wanted it. You’d tell him, or did he ever instigate? I mean, clearly you don‘t have to tell me.”

  “No-no, it’s fine. I can say it. I would tell him.”

  His voice dropped even further to match mine. “That’s why it still wasn’t working. Do you trust me?”

  “What? I…” Did I? Shit, I should. The man had hauled me out of danger and given me a small corner of safety. “I think so. I suppose.”

  “Not good enough.”

  Lucas grabbed my arm and pulled me to another door. “Shower’s in there. There are towels under the sink and shower gel on the shelf. I’ll dig up some sweats for you. Then we’ll see about some food. Okay?”

  Warm brown eyes, sharp nose, calm low voice. He had the effect of a big glass of wine, taking my jangling nerves to a calmer more serene place. “Yeah, sure. Okay. And Lucas?”

  He turned, half way out of the door. “Yeah?

  “Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am. For everything. Especially for not laughing at me.” I said the last to my feet. Unable or unwilling to look him in the eye.

  “Nothing to laugh at, September,” he said and shut the door.

  Chapter 4

  I lathered my hair for the second time. I wasn’t dirty. I had showered and primped before letting Damien haul me kicking and screaming down the steps in a sloppy fireman’s carry. There he’d dropped me (unceremoniously) into the back of the truck. I’d done my makeup for the night before Damien slammed the lid on my little prison, shutting off the world. I’d put on careful black swipes of mascara, painted my lips cherry red. Spritzed myself with Juicy Couture perfume. I’d been ready for play. Now I huddled in the warm water, exhausted and shaky. The hot water that sluiced over my head, across my scalp and between my breasts was heaven. A million hot wet tongues on my skin.

  A knock sounded, then that voice. Immediately I felt it in me. My pussy growing slicker than the shower could make me. My heart beat hard in my chest. “Ember?”

  “Yes?” It was like rolling a boulder uphill to push that word over my lips. Just him saying my name had somehow caused all of my nerves to misfire. I clenched up my internal muscles and let a small pulse of pleasure roll through my pelvis. I had to stop. But I did it again. He was right there. So I did it a third time.
My own muscles inching me closer to a very needed orgasm.

  “Clean clothes on the bed. I’ll be downstairs. Omelet? Are you hungry?”

  He was just on the other side of the opaque white curtain. Plain white. No muss, no fuss. Barren of decorations or flair, his bathroom was black and white with a few red towels. Spare but clean cut, like him. A no bullshit, no foo-foo kind of person. “Sure. I could eat, I guess.” I really didn’t want to eat. I flexed my insides again as heat flooded my cunt. I tried to breathe quietly, hoping the steady hiss and drip of the shower would cover the small gasps I made.

  The curtain wagged and I clamped a hand over my mouth when his head appeared. He stared at me for a beat. His big brown eyes studying my neediness, how I shook in the spray. I covered only my mouth which was insane.

  “You’ll eat. You were damn near frozen.” He didn’t smile, just raked his dark gaze up and down my body. Eyes stopping a beat too long at breasts, navel and then the shaved mound between my thighs. A moment before the water had been perfect, now it was too hot, like I might burst into a flurry small red flames. “Hurry up,” he said and the growl in his voice made me close my eyes.

  “Coming.” I had the nerve to look into his eyes for three heartbeats. And then my eyes dropped and the curtain whooshed and he was gone. “Coming,” I said again and set about doing just that.

  * * * *

  My fingers tickled over my clit, moving in slow, soft circles. My shoulder blades hit the cool tile wall and I spread my legs a bit. Closing my eyes, I let the heavy exhaustion settle on me like a lead blanket. My fingers moved over my wet skin, rubbing the tender spot that made my heart beat even faster. I felt light headed from the goodness of it. I let my mind go. It was him. On his knees like he’d been when he had unlocked my cuffs. It was his face pushing between my soft upper thighs, his tongue parting me and pressing my clit with a wet weight that staggered me.


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