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The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power

Page 52

by Jeff Sharlet

  Abram Vereide and, 87–89, 104–5

  World Prayer Center and, 301–4

  Benjamin Wright and, 79–80

  Prayer Breakfast meetings. See also National Prayer Breakfast

  international spiritual war and, 155

  Abram Vereide’s first, 109–12, 114–15, 121

  Abram Vereide’s spread of, 137–41

  prayer groups. See also cells (core groups)

  Sam Brownback and, 264–65

  Hillary Clinton and, 272–73

  Costa Rican, 220–21

  Family/Fellowship and, 19

  international, 24–25

  international spiritual war and, 281

  Pentagon, 201–2

  Suharto and, 247–49

  White House, 230

  premillennialism, 43–44

  Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 195–98.

  See also National Prayer Breakfast

  Presidential Prayer Team, 344

  presuppositionalism, 349–50

  Prison Fellowship, 22, 233–40. See also Colson, Charles W.

  Promise Keepers, 262

  prosperity gospel, 87, 197–98

  Protestantism, 43, 307, 343

  providential history, 2–3, 339–56, 364–69, 408n. See also Christian educational movement

  Pryor, Mark, 18

  Quayle, Dan, 58, 380–81

  Quie, Al, 238, 246, 396n

  quiet man myth, 355

  Quiet Time, Frank Buchman’s, 126–28

  Radford, Arthur W., 202

  radicalism, 104, 309

  rationalism, 59, 338, 366–67, 383

  Reagan, Ronald, 2, 19, 25, 43, 54, 58–59, 142, 210, 240, 398n, 413n

  reconciliation as theological concept

  Doug Coe and, 239, 278

  exurban movement and, 311

  labor-management, 103, 108–13, 142

  postwar Nazi, 164–65, 168–77

  poverty and, 382

  suffering and, 371 (see also suffering)

  Reed, Ralph, 310, 347, 431n

  Regier, Jerry, 276

  Rehnquist, William, 19

  Reifel, Ben, 247

  religion, 2–3, 15, 29–30, 61–62, 368–69. See also American fundamentalism; Catholicism; Christianity; Islam; Protestantism

  Republicans. See also conservatism

  Christian Right, 44, 132, 222–23, 383

  Dwight Eisenhower vs. Robert Taft, 192–94

  faith-based initiatives and, 379–86

  Family/Fellowship and, 190

  revirgining, 334

  revivalism. See evangelism

  Rhodes, John, 246, 396n

  Robertson, Absalom Willis, 19, 154, 190

  Robertson, Pat, 8, 19, 154, 186, 240, 259

  Robinson, Clifton J., 205–8, 246, 248–49

  Rohrbach, Paul, 166, 175

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 96, 98, 136, 154, 157, 406n, 409n. See also New Deal

  Royal Rangers, 315–19

  Rushdoony, Rousas John, 191, 341, 346–51, 429n

  Rwanda, 28


  labor union, 101–2

  Nazi, 147–48

  Sadat, Anwar, 24

  St. Clair, William, 110–11


  deliverance vs., 386–87

  Jonathan Edwards on, 71

  elite fundamentalism and, 220, 379–86

  Savimbi, Jonas, 222

  Scalia, Antonin, 258

  scandals, sex, 293–94, 322–23

  Schaeffer, Francis, 273, 342–43, 429n

  Schenck, Rob, 257–60, 274, 276, 343, 357

  Schmelz, Gustav, 166

  school prayer, 225, 361

  school segregation, 361


  American fundamentalism and, 135

  Jonathan Edwards and, 61, 68–69

  homeschooling curricula and, 342, 346

  Truth and, 376

  Scopes trial, 277, 337

  Scott, Winfield, 352

  secrecy, Family/Fellowship, 19–21, 46, 223–24, 239, 243–45

  secularism, 133, 155, 219, 265, 287–90, 349

  Sekulow, Jay, 258

  Selassie, Haile, 215, 248, 280

  selflessness, 50–51, 58–59, 70–71, 127, 207. See also Jesus plus nothing theology; key man theory sexual purity movement, 322–35

  author’s meetings with New York City men and, 324–27

  Frank Buchman and confessions of sexual sins, 126, 128

  foreign policy, abstinence-only sex education programs, and

  Abstinence Clearinghouse books on, 327–34

  Ivanwald brothers and, 40–41

  sex scandals and, 293–94, 322–24

  sexual payoff for, 334–35, 337

  Sezibera, Richard, 28–29

  Sheldon, Louis P., 259

  Silk Road Strategy Act, 266–67

  Silva, Costa e, 24, 222

  Simon Wiesenthal Center, 167–68

  Sims, Gannon, 5–6, 17, 31–32, 52


  Frank Buchman and sexual, 126, 128

  Jonathan Edwards and, 70

  elite fundamentalism and, 220

  forgetting of, 278–79

  Abram Vereide and, 107, 110

  Smith, H. Alexander, 139

  Smith-Connally Act, 142

  Social Gospel

  Catholic, and faith-based initiatives, 381

  Hillary Clinton and, 274

  Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship and, 236–40

  Jesus plus nothing theology vs., 370–79 (see also Jesus plus nothing theology)

  Abraham Kuyper and, 350

  Abram Vereide’s rejection of, 110, 153

  social order, 255, 371, 378, 385

  socialism, 155, 215, 280, 409n, 429n

  Somalia, 25, 222, 279–84

  Soulforce pro-gay ministry, 323

  soul surgery, 124–26, 128, 130–31, 156

  South Korea, 24, 215, 250

  South Vietnam, 199, 205–8, 248

  Soviet Union, 150–51, 162, 171–72, 280. See also Cold War anticommunism; communism

  Spain, 227, 396n, 407n

  Sparkman, John, 140

  Speidel, Hans, 166, 175

  spiritual war

  Harry Emerson Fosdick on, 135–36

  Ted Haggard, New Life Church, and, 297, 301, 304

  international, 155, 217, 281 (see also foreign politics; Worldwide Spiritual Offensive)

  Ivanwald brothers and, 1, 29, 39, 42

  Stonewall Jackson as model for, 355–56

  sports, 15, 30, 41

  Staggers, John, 238–39

  Stalin, Joseph, 252, 255, 380, 400n

  Stark, Rodney, 312–13, 427n

  stealthiness, 19–20, 91–92, 190. See also secrecy, Family/Fellowship

  Stennis, John, 25, 140

  Stockstill, Larry and Melanie, 301

  Stoddard, Solomon, 65

  Stoeker, Fred, 330–31

  Stone, Clement, 26, 199

  Stone, Donald C., 151–52, 154

  Stone, I. F., 201

  strikes, labor union, 104–8, 122. See also labor unions

  Stoll, David, 413n

  submersion strategy, 223–24. See also secrecy, Family/Fellowship

  submission, 70–71, 262–63, 344. See also obedience

  subversion strategy, 208, 218–24

  Sudan, 267–68


  Bruce Barton on, 136–37

  deliverance and, 386–87

  labor unions and, 102

  Social Gospel vs. Jesus plus nothing theology on, 370–79

  theodicy and, 93, 160–62, 311

  Truth and, 377–79

  Suharto, 24, 221, 245–52, 423n

  Sullivan, William H., 206, 417–18n

  Summit Ministries, 322

  Sunday, Billy, 87, 113

  Sundberg, Bruce, 249–50, 424n

  Swaggart, Jimmy, 322

  Taft, Robert, 187–89, 192–94, 199

ey Act, 142, 193

  Talmadge, Herman, 19

  Tanzania, 384

  Tarrant, Tommy, 240

  Teamsters Union, 99–100, 104, 231

  televangelists, 43, 293–94, 322–23

  Temple, Paul, 227, 398n

  Tempting Faith: The Inside Story of a Political Seduction (book), 379, 383, 431n

  Terry, Randall, 343


  American fascism and, 121–24 (see also American fascism)

  American history of, 8, 336–39

  Frank Buchman on, 130

  Doug Coe on, 223

  democracy vs., 6–7, 277–78, 366–69

  Jonathan Edwards and, 59–60

  faith-based initiatives as, 379–86

  of Family/Fellowship, 56–58

  Arthur Langlie and, 121

  Rousas Rushdoony on, 347–48

  theocentric worldview vs., 342–43

  as totalitarianism of God, 151–52, 155

  Abram Vereide’s Idea about (see Vereide, Abraham [Abram])

  theodicy, 93, 160–62, 311. See also suffering

  theology. See American fundamentalism; Jesus plus nothing theology; religion

  theonomy, 191. See also biblical capitalism

  Thieu, Nguyen Van, 248

  Thomas, Clarence, 26

  Thomas, Rusty, 357–60, 364–66

  Thune, John, 18

  Thurmond, Strom, 19, 140, 225, 265, 395–96n

  Tiahrt, Todd, 29–30

  Tice, Jayson, 303–4

  totalitarianism. See American fascism; European fascism; fascism; German fascism; theocracy

  Traditional Values Coalition, 259

  Trask, Thomas E., 298

  Travis, William Barret, 345

  Trotman, Dawson, 210–11

  Trueblood, Elton, 186

  True Love Waits, 327

  Truman, Harry, 150, 154–55

  Truth, 374–79

  Turner, Carl, 219–20

  Uganda, 23, 46, 52–54, 223, 328–29

  Ukraine, 304

  “under God,” U. S. Pledge of Allegiance and, 26, 198–99

  unions. See labor unions

  United Nations, 157, 224–25

  United States. See also American fascism; American fundamentalism; Congress, U. S.; domestic politics; foreign politics; politics

  as Promised Land, 221–22

  providential history, 2–3, 339–56, 364–69 (see also Christian educational movement)

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 224–25

  Unruh, Leslee, 327–29

  unschooling, 342. See also Christian educational movement

  Unumb, Greg, 241–45, 251–52, 278

  Values Action Team (VAT), 18, 265–66, 328

  Vandenberg, Arthur, 148, 157

  Vereide, Abraham (Abram), 87–113

  Frank Buchman and, 124–30

  conversion, immigration, and ministry of, 92–101

  death of, 121

  Jonathan Edwards and Charles

  Grandison Finney vs., 87, 113

  elite fundamentalist key man Idea of, 89–92 (see also elite fundamentalism; key man theory)

  fascism and, 122–23, 150–52, 156–74 (see also American fascism; German fascism)

  Finding a Better Way pamphlet and spread of prayer breakfasts by, 137–41

  first National Prayer Breakfast of, 197 (see also National Prayer Breakfast)

  as founder of Family/Fellowship, 8, 21 (see also Family/Fellowship) labor-management reconciliation by, 99–113 (see also reconciliation)

  Arthur Langlie and, 114–21

  retirement of, 205

  on Suharto’s coup in Indonesia, 245–46

  Billy Sunday vs., 87–89

  vision of international spiritual war by, 152–55 (see also foreign politics; spiritual war)

  Vereide, Warren, 88–89, 91

  Vessey, John, 25, 282

  Vietnam War, 199, 205–8

  virginity, 40–41, 316, 323. See also sexual purity movement

  Vision Forum, 345–47

  von der Ropp, Baron, 172, 180

  von Gienanth, Ulrich, 147–49, 172–74

  von Neurath, Konstantin, 167, 411n

  WallBuilders, 342

  “wall of separation,” Thomas Jefferson and, 339. See also church/state separation issue

  Wamp, Zach, 19, 264

  war criminals, Nazi, 158–59, 165–68. See also German fascism

  Warren, Earl, 199

  Washington, George, 366

  Washington, Walter, 237

  Watt, James, 26

  Wayne, John, 203–4

  Webster, Daniel, 349

  welfare, privatization of, 381

  White, Mel, 323

  Whitehead, John W., 349

  White House prayer cell, 230

  Wilberforce Foundation, 22

  Wiley, Alexander, 139, 168–71, 176, 180, 199

  Willis, Raymond, 139

  Willowbank retreat, 32

  Wilson, Charles E., 201–2, 204

  Wings of Eagles, The (film), 204

  Wolf, Frank, 19


  culture and, 376

  feminism, 20, 213–14, 269

  Potomac Point house for, 28, 30, 40, 42–43

  sexual purity movement and, 332–34

  World Prayer Center, 293, 301–4, 312

  World Vision agency, 209

  Worldwide Spiritual Offensive, 155, 206, 217, 264, 288. See also foreign affairs Wright, Benjamin, 77–80

  Wright, Christian, 23

  Wright, J. Elwin, 155

  Wurm, Theophile, 176–77

  Yeaworth, Irvin “Shorty,” 181–83

  York, Alvin, 343–44

  Young Life, 22, 239, 295

  Youth Corps, 46–47

  Youth For Christ, 152

  Zapp, Manfred, 144–52, 177–79, 417n

  About the Author

  JEFF SHARLET is a contributing editor for Harper’s and Rolling Stone, and an associate research scholar at New York University’s Center for Religion and Media, where he has taught journalism and religious studies. He is the coauthor, with Peter Manseau, of Killing the Buddha, and the editor of He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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  Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible (with Peter Manseau)


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