SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle

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SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle Page 38

by Seton, Cora

  Just as Remy said, the man had pulled a book out of the towel and held it above the bubbling water.

  The tension eased from her neck, and she breathed for the first time in minutes. “Thank God.”

  Remy settled his hands on her shoulders. “Babe, you’re all knotted up. Let’s go back to the room and relax.”

  “Do you mind? The Woolseys probably think I’m a complete nutcase. I lit out of there like my ass was on fire.”

  Remy laughed out loud. “You did look like you were scalded, even though your face was pale.” He held out a towel and wrapped her in it. “Come on. Let’s go get cleaned up so I can take you out for a nice dinner with a big bottle of wine.”

  “Thank you for being so understanding.” She gripped the edges of the towel under her chin, feeling like a rookie agent. “I much prefer it when my enemy is where I can see him. Then I can just shoot him and be done with it.”

  Remy patted her ass, sending her lurching forward. “That’s my girl.”

  Though he played it off lightly, Remy was on alert as much as Mitchell. Every time they came to a corner, he edged her back and went first.

  Mitchell’s heart swelled. She’d never had a man so concerned about her well-being. Though she prided herself on her independence, she enjoyed being spoiled. Hopefully, all the extra precautions were overkill, and her boss would call the next day to let her know they’d caught Rocco. Then all would be right with the world.

  Chapter Nine


  Remy had checked the vending on the floor with the pool only to find sodas. No water. He’d gone to the first floor to the resort shop, only to find the same situation, and the water bottles had been cleaned out. He’d gone up two flights of stairs before he’d found a machine with water bottles. By then, he’d gotten more and more concerned about leaving Mitchell in the hot tub without protection.

  On his way back down the stairs, he’d been convinced she was in trouble and he’d raced, nearly breaking his neck on the last flight of steps. When he’d seen Mitchell running toward him, he’d been ready to take on any threat, even throw himself in front of a bullet.

  Back in the room, he pulled his H&K .40 caliber handgun from the bag he’d checked onto the plane. As a SEAL, he had access to every kind of weapon he could imagine or ask for. When off-duty stateside, he usually didn’t carry a gun, unless he was headed into an area that warranted self-protection. Though he wouldn’t normally consider a ski resort a place he’d need to carry his handgun, he’d brought it along, anyway. After Rocco’s threat and how spooked Mitchell was, he trusted his instincts and packed what he might need.

  Back in the room, Mitchell hit the shower first.

  Remy gave her a few minutes on her own, and then joined her.

  She stood beneath the spray, rinsing the shampoo suds from her hair, water coursing down her body.

  Damn, she was beautiful. He hadn’t gotten into the shower with the idea of making love, but one look and his cock was as hard as steel and ready.

  Mitchell opened her eyes, her brows rising up her forehead. “Are you just standing there, or are you making love to me?” She reached out and curled her fingers around his staff, tugging gently.

  Remy closed the distance between them. “I didn’t bring protection.”

  Mitchell grinned and reached behind the shampoo bottle. “You mean one of these?” She held out a foil packet. “A good NCIS agent comes prepared.”

  He took it, ripped it open, and slid it down over his already throbbing member. “You’re a woman after my heart, you know that?”

  “I know.”

  Her tone held a sassy confidence that turned him on almost as much as her incredibly toned and gorgeous body.

  “Now, do you know what to do with it, or do I have to take care of that, too?”

  Moving with lightning swiftness, he scooped her up by her thighs, wrapped her legs around his waist, and pressed her against the tile wall. “What about foreplay?”


  “I want you to be ready.” He rested his forehead against hers.

  “Babe, I was ready when I stepped into our room.”

  He eased into her. “Mmm. Yes, you are.”

  “Told ya.” She smiled and lowered herself over him, taking him all the way inside. “Now show me what you’ve got, frogman.”

  Balancing her against the wall, he thrust into her and pulled out, his hands on her hips, guiding the movement, setting the pace.

  Mitchell rested her hands on his shoulders and rode him, her head tipped back, her breasts bobbing in his face.

  He paused to capture the tip of one perky nipple in a quick nip, and then let go when the sensations ignited inside and sent him rocketing toward the heavens. One more thrust and he tipped over the edge, exploding in an earth-rocking orgasm he wouldn’t have expected, standing in a shower for only a few minutes with the most amazing woman in the entire world. “Sorry, that was way too fast,” he whispered into her neck, kissing her earlobe.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders and moaned. “Baby, don’t stop now, I’m almost there.” Tightening her legs around him and pushing down on his shoulders, she slid up and down.

  Remy threw himself back into the rhythm, pumping hard and fast, sliding his hand between them to part her folds and flick the sliver of flesh he knew would set her world on fire.

  He touched her there and she stiffened, her back arching, her mouth open on a silent moan, then she squeezed his shoulders so tightly, he was sure she left indentations, as she rode her own wave of release all the way to the shuddering end.

  Mitchell sagged against him and let out a long, satisfied breath. “That was phenomenal.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Remy eased her off his semi-erect shaft and set her on her feet. The water had gone from steaming hot to lukewarm and getting colder. “We’d better get out before we run out of hot water.”

  He swept her up in his arms and stepped out of the shower, setting her on the bath mat. Then with extreme care, he dried every inch of her body, taking his time to kiss every surface he touched. Next, she did the same for him, pausing at his cock, smoothing the towel, then her bare hands over its length.

  “At this rate, we won’t get to the restaurant.” Remy gathered her in his arms and pressed his body against hers.

  “Who needs food, anyway?” she said.

  “I could hold you like this forever,” he said into her ear. “What do you say? Are you ready for it?” Though he’d tossed idea out there casually, he held his breath, her answer meaning so much more to him than he could ever have imagined.

  “Mmm. I’m ready,” she said. “I could eat a sixteen-ounce rib eye all by myself.” She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and let it go. “Let’s get going before all the restaurants roll up the sidewalks.” With a quick squeeze of his buttocks, she stepped into the bedroom.

  Remy let go of the breath he’d held, a little disappointed Mitchell hadn’t caught the full meaning of his words. He’d asked her if she was ready for forever with him. Instead, she’d taken the questions as ready for dinner.

  He figured it was just as well. That statement wasn’t the proposal he had planned so carefully. Until he did it right, it didn’t count. Christmas morning, when she opened the little box and found the ring inside, he’d get down on his knees and ask her to marry him. If asking her wasn’t enough, he’d beg her to be a part of his life forever. He loved her so much he couldn’t imagine living without her.

  Dressed in warm slacks, thick down-filled jackets, and insulated snow boots, they stepped out into the winter night.

  “Do you want to walk or drive?” he asked.

  “We’re so close, I’d rather walk.”

  Walking along the sidewalk that had been cleared of the snow and ice, Remy remained alert for any threat. With the Christmas decorations on every building and bright twinkle lights strung along the eaves, the place appeared to be a fairytale village more than a high-dollar resort.
br />   The restaurant was four blocks from the hotel, with lots of shops and other eateries between. Remy made note of a jewelry shop with extended hours for the holidays that would still be open when they left the restaurant.

  The streets and sidewalks were busy with holiday shoppers and tourists, dressed in bright jackets and scarfs, laughing and smiling. Some sang Christmas carols, others window-shopped or strolled hand in hand.

  With so many people milling about, Remy was glad when they reached the relative safety of the restaurant and went inside. Because he’d made reservations earlier that day, they were seated quickly. The meal was excellent, the wine took the edge off Mitchell’s nerves, and Remy enjoyed himself immensely. When their plates were cleared and he waited for the bill, Remy reached across the table and took her hand in his, his heart as full as his stomach. “I feel like this is our first real date in a long time.”

  “I know. We seem to see each other only when we’re coming and going.” She laced her fingers through his and sighed. “Sometimes, I wonder what it’s like to be normal people, with normal jobs, who come home every day at six and have dinner by seven and go to bed by ten.”

  Remy’s chest tightened. He couldn’t promise her that kind of life. All he could promise was that when they were together, they would love like there was no tomorrow. He’d do his best to make her happy in every way he could.

  When they were together. “Is that what you want?” he asked. “The normal life?”

  She shrugged. “Seeing each other more often would be nice.”

  His chest tightened even more. He couldn’t give her a normal life. Not now. He could only give her what was normal for them.

  Mitchell squeezed his hand. “No. I don’t want that kind of life. Not yet. I like what I do. I feel like I’m contributing to the greater good. I like that you like what you do. I think you’re pretty damned amazing, and I love you for all that you sacrifice for your country.”

  “You’re pretty amazing, too. And you sacrifice no less for justice.”

  “And while we’re physically and mentally able to perform the jobs we’ve chosen, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Even if it means we don’t see each other very often?”

  “We’ll make up for lost time.” She grinned. “It will make when we are together that much more exciting.”

  “What about when I’m too broken-down to be a SEAL? Will you trade me in?”

  Mitchell laughed. “Are you kidding? What man will put up with me and my less-than-perfect attempts at being feminine and romantic?” She tilted her head to the side. “Are you concerned? You? A SEAL with so much swagger you fill every room?” She leaned closer. “Babe, you’ve got this all backwards. You’re the hunk, the badass SEAL. I wear a black trouser suit. What’s sexy about that?”

  “Sometimes I don’t think you realize just how sexy you are, Mitchell.” He made sure to infuse his voice with emotion.

  “And what’s up with my parents naming me Mitchell?”

  “What most folks don’t see is what I see beneath the tough-as-nails NCIS agent. You’re the sexiest, most feminine woman around. When you let in someone.” Remy stared into her eyes, as if he could see the future in her gaze. But he couldn’t. Christmas morning seemed such a long way away, when in fact it was a day and a wake up.

  “Yeah, well, I’m not always so good at letting in people. Now am I?”

  “Then I count myself as extremely lucky.” The waitress left the bill on the table. He dropped a hundred dollar bill on it and stood. “Ready to go back to the hotel?”

  “As long as we get to stop at a couple of the stores on the way.”

  Remy pulled her to her feet and kissed the tip of her nose. “That can be arranged.”

  The walk back along the sidewalk was no less crowded, with even more people out than earlier.

  “I want to duck in here.” Mitchell stopped in front of a leather shop next door to the jewelry store Remy had wanted to stop at for a new ring box.

  “Okay,” Remy said, his gaze intense. “Stay inside until I come back to get you. I’ll be in the shop next door.”

  “Deal.” She opened the door, and the smell of new leather wafted out.

  If he didn’t have a mission of his own, he’d have gone in with her. The smell of fresh leather reminded him of wallets, knife scabbards, and saddles. Growing up in Louisiana, he’d had friends who kept horses. He’d mucked stalls for the opportunity to ride. He wouldn’t mind perusing the leather store, but first, he had to get the box he needed.

  After a thorough glance around at the people near the shops, searching for anyone who looked like he might cause problems, Remy entered the jewelry store.

  Men liked leather, didn’t they? Didn’t matter what the item was as long as it was leather and had that great leathery smell, right? Mitchell went through the entire store twice. A knife sheath was too warlike. Remy didn’t have a horse, so a saddle or saddlebag wasn’t practical. A wallet seemed overdone, even if he’d keep it with him almost always, and she didn’t want to get him a black leather jacket without him trying it on for size. Though, wearing a black leather jacket would make him look even more badass than he already did.

  A whip was too Indiana Jones, a cat-o-nine tails was… Hmm, she lifted the item and slapped the strap end against her open palm. Shivers rippled through her body. He’d spanked her before and the act had been an incredible turn-on. But gifting him the cat-o-nine tails gave him more control.

  She trusted him, but was she willing to give him that much power over her? To do so would be to give up some of her control. Since the beginning of their relationship, she’d stressed her need to be independent, to be the master of her own destiny. Mitchell had never wanted to rely on anyone but herself for her happiness. All the years wishing her father could show her half the love he’d felt for her mother had broken her of that. She created her own happiness.

  How soon that changed after she fell in love with Remy. For a SEAL who killed for a living, he was the kindest, most gentle man she’d ever known. Even when he’d spanked her, he’d been considerate enough to ask her if it hurt and lightened his strokes accordingly. Mitchell couldn’t imagine living without him in her life. Part time or full time.

  On more than one occasion, she’d told Remy she wanted to keep things just the way they were, and not take the next step most people made in their relationships. She’d claimed their jobs as the obstacle keeping them from moving forward. But plenty of women had Navy husbands who were gone nine months out of the year. Even more Army wives whose husbands deployed for fourteen months.

  If she was honest with herself, she was afraid to give her heart completely. If Remy died in a particularly awful battle, she’d be heartbroken. That thought made her throat tighten. Hell, she’d already given him all of her heart, wittingly or unwittingly. And now that she’d told him she wasn’t interested in changing things from the way they were, she wanted more.

  She’d have to find a way to tell him how much he meant to her, and that she wanted him in her life on a permanent basis. Well, as permanent as their crazy schedules would allow. She wanted him to be hers, and vice versa.

  She stared around at the leather in the shop. “Now what gift says all that?”

  None of them. Still, she purchased the cat-o-nine tails, because she liked the smell and the way it felt in her palm. But she wasn’t satisfied with only that.

  The clerk had just bagged her item when the bell over the shop door rang.

  Remy entered, scanned the room, and then met her gaze. “About done shopping?” he asked.

  “I’m done shopping here. But I’d like to go to the jewelry store for a few minutes.” She waved around the room. “Why don’t we switch? They have some amazing knife scabbards over there against the wall.” She hoped he’d go for it. She’d need a good chunk of time to find the perfect gift in the jewelry store.

  “Great. I love the smell of leather.” He carried a small bag displaying the nam
e of the jewelry store.

  Damn, had he bought her another gift? Mitchell’s stomach knotted around the rib eye steak she’d eaten. She had to make a decision quickly. Christmas was only a day and a half away.

  Remy walked her out of leather shop and into the jewelry store, kissing her on the lips before leaving her alone with the gemologists.

  As soon she watched him leave, she turned to the woman behind the counter. “I want a gift for the man who just left that isn’t too girly and that will tell him how much I love him without being too gooey.”

  The woman narrowed her eyes and touched a finger to her chin. “How about a pocket watch?”

  Mitchell thought about her suggestion, but wasn’t sure the watch was Remy, or made the statement that she wanted to convey. “What else do you have?”

  “A thick chain necklace in silver or white gold.”

  “No. I can’t imagine him wearing a necklace other than his dog tags.” Mitchell spun around, staring at the glass cases of diamonds, colored gemstones, earrings and rings, and she wrung her hands, losing hope of finding him anything that spoke of her love and how much she wanted to be with him.

  “How about a ring?” the clerk suggested.

  Mitchell stopped in front of a case of men’s rings. “A ring.” The thought took root and grew. She faced a case with thick silver and white gold bands. A dark gray one shone up at her with a chip of a diamond embedded in the metal. It was sleek and masculine. “What about this one?”

  “That’s made of titanium. The metal is amazingly strong and is very difficult to destroy. It should last forever.”

  “Forever.” Mitchell slapped her credit card on the counter. “I’ll take it. Could you wrap it for Christmas and hide it in a big bag so he can’t guess what’s inside?”

  The woman nodded, grinning. “Gotcha. One big bag coming up.”

  Moments later, Remy entered the store, thankfully after the clerk had taken Mitchell’s purchase to the back room to wrap and bag.


  “Almost.” Mitchell couldn’t believe how excited and nervous she was about the gift she’d chosen. Christmas couldn’t get there fast enough. And yet, the day would come far too soon.


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