SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle

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SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle Page 81

by Seton, Cora

  “Can I get you something to eat?” June asked.

  “No, thank you.” Holly was starving but Ty’s lips were the last thing that had touched her mouth. She wanted to hold onto his taste for as long as possible.

  “How about I make a bed for you on the couch? You’re exhausted.”

  Holly nodded and let June help her up.

  She curled up with Lucy by her feet and sank into despair. Tomorrow, she’d force the Coast Guard to go back out to find her man. Then she’d talk to the admiral and tell him everything she knew about Crow. Surely, the Navy would send men to find Ty and stop Crow. Hugging the pillow to her chest, she said a silent prayer for Ty, her tears soaking the pillow case.

  Lucy whined and gently pawed her.

  “I’m okay, girl. This is different. I’m not going back to that dark place.”

  It was true. Ty had freed her from her past. She wasn’t afraid of Ronald anymore because she’d faced a greater fear and was still facing it. Losing Ty was scarier than anything she’d known. She couldn’t lose him.

  Closing her eyes, she gave into exhaustion.


  Holly dreamed Ty was lying on her legs, poking her in the shin. He whined and poked her again. What in the world?

  She opened her eyes. It was pitch black and confusing. Where was she? Oh, yeah, June’s place. Grief rushed back in so quickly she barely had a chance to guard herself. The tightness in her chest returned. Burning lungs. Tears.

  Another whine.

  She patted Lucy’s soft head, her comfort and touchstone before Ty. Now she longed to rub her hands over Ty’s amazing abs.

  Lucy barked and jumped off the couch. She ran, actually ran, toward the front door.

  “Girl, stop. Be careful of your stitches.”

  Conan had been asleep on the cool linoleum tiles in the kitchen. He got up and ran toward the door, outpacing Lucy by a doggy length. He yipped and stood up on his hind legs, scratching at the handle.

  Grabbing the numbskull by his collar, she pulled him down. “Knock it off, Conan. What’s the matter with you two?”

  Then she heard it what they did—the low hum of an engine. And then silence. It had turned off. Someone was out there. Holly didn’t wait to find out if it was friend or foe. She threw open the door and ran barefoot into the bitter snow.

  She couldn’t see through the sleet and darkness. All she could do was yell, “Ty! Ty! Where are you?”

  Oh God, it had to be him.

  “Sweetheart,” came the answer. “I’m here.”

  And then she was in his strong, muscular arms. Her Ty, her SEAL. He lifted her so high her cold feet were off the ground.

  She ran her palms over him, feeling every spot she could reach. “Are you okay? You’re not injured?”

  “I’m fine. Better than fine. Perfect, now that I’m with you.”

  She kissed him, and life seeped into her bones, filled her lungs, and untied her heart. She pressed her hands to his cool cheeks and gazed into his moody eyes. They were sapphires dripping with fire and gold.

  “Oh, Ty. Don’t let me go. Please, please, don’t let me go,” she begged over and over. “Promise you won’t let me go.”

  “I won’t, Holly. I promise. You’re mine.”

  And life began anew.



  The five members of the SEAL EXtreme team stood outside the congressman’s office. They wore blue jeans, long-sleeved T-shirts, and jackets—nothing about their clothing screamed combat. Still, last minute Christmas shoppers rushing down the street gave them a wide berth.

  Lieutenant Commander Mack Riley wrapped his arm around Ty’s shoulder. “You sure about this? It’s not too late to call it off.”

  Ty didn’t say a word. He stared at the tall building, ready to do what he’d come for. For this, he’d been born ready.

  “Hell yeah, he’s sure. We’re gonna kick some congressman ass so hard…” Explosives expert, Willy Handly, cracked his knuckles. “…the dude will be blowing his nose and wiping the same end.”

  “Hold up there, son.” Mack’s second-in-command, Tavon Sting, gripped Willy’s shoulder. His hands were massive and some said stronger than the jaws-of-life. But when Tavon touched a man with intent, there wasn’t much life left. “This mission is about talking some sense into the man. Talking, not kicking.”

  “Ow, Tavon. You’ve been working out.” Willy rolled away from the strong grip.

  Communications Expert, Charlie Handly, spoke to someone on his comm unit. “It’s a go. Repeat, we’re a go.”

  This wasn’t a mission to Ty. It was payback. The sonofabitch had hurt the sweetest woman he knew, hell, the woman he loved. There was no doubt. He was deeply in love with Holly Colton. It happened fast and it happened hard, but there was no changing the facts. Nor did he want to. He was in deep and never coming up for air.

  Ty marched up the steps, threw open the glass doors, and strode across the marble floors. He showed his false ID to the security detail and went through the weapons and security check with no problem. He wasn’t packing. His teammates followed closely behind, passing through just as easily because Admiral Collins had greased the way in for them.

  The hallway to the congressman’s office was empty. The reception desk was too. A golden plate with the words Congressman Hartman was stuck on a wall next to a closed door.

  Willy looked around. “Huh, no sexy receptionist? That sucks.”

  “You’ll live,” Charlie pounded him in the arm.

  “Hey! Why’s everyone beating on me today?” Willy whined. He rolled his shoulder, his muscles rippling.

  Mack did a cursory search of the empty desk. “On your toes, everyone. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  “Did he leave for the day?” Tavon’s deep voice rumbled in the empty hallway.

  Charlie checked his hand-held computer. “Negative. He didn’t exit the building. I’ve got two heat sources inside the office.” He looked up. “Very close to one another.”

  A cry behind the locked door vaulted the team into action mode.

  They moved into close-quarter formation around the door. “On my count,” Mack whispered. “Three, two—”

  The countdown was interrupted when a woman behind the closed door whimpered, “No, sir. Please, don’t.”

  “You want to work for me or not? Bend over,” a man ordered.

  A loud bang. A muffled cry.

  “Ah, hell no.” Tavon growled and left formation.

  There was a special place in hell for men who mistreated women, and Tavon was determined to send each one there. The hard way. Without another word, Tavon’s brute strength busted the door. A surprised Congressman Hartman looked up. He had a young lady pushed against his desk. She was crying, but fully clothed. His pants were unzipped. They’d made it in time.

  The room seemed to shake when Tavon roared, “Let her go. Now.”

  Congressman Hartman’s face turned angry red. “You have no right to break in here. Get out before I call security!” His hand was still gripping the receptionist’s shoulder.

  For a big, bull of a man, Tavon was faster than most would believe possible. He had the congressman in a head-lock before the man had a chance to press the call-button.

  “When a woman says no, she means no,” Tavon instructed.

  “Yeah, dude, what’s the matter with you?” Willy moved to blocking the exit.

  “Security!” the congressman began, until Tavon squeezed harder, crushing the words.

  Charlie stepped beside Willy, effectively and completely blocking the door. “We are security.”

  “Let…me…go,” the congressman choked out.

  “Not yet,” Mack ordered. He took the young lady by the elbow, “Come on, Miss…?”

  “Johnson,” she said. “I can’t believe he did that. I’d heard rumors, but I need the job, and I didn’t believe he would… Oh my God…he’s so strong and scary. If you hadn’t come in…”

  Mack escorted h
er out. “You’ll be all right, Miss Johnson. Here, take this card. Call the number on the back. We’ll make sure you have a good job working for the right people.”

  Ty hadn’t moved closer. He detested the sight of the man turning a soft shade of blue in Tavon’s powerful arm. I’d heard rumors… They weren’t just rumors. He’d seen the scars and was still helping Holly put the horrible past behind her.

  Congressman Hartman deserved to die.

  Mack closed the door. His dark eyebrows raised when he passed by Ty. “Okay, buddy?” When Ty shook his head, Mack whispered, “Keep it together. His death won’t change the past, and I need you on this team.”

  It wouldn’t change the past, but it’d make me feel helluva lot better, Ty thought.

  “Let him go,” Mack ordered and Tavon did. “You need to understand something, Congressman Hartman. We’re here to teach you a lesson.”

  Rubbing his throat, his gaze lighted on each of them, taking in their muscles and strength. “A lesson? I support you guys. What are you? Rangers?”

  Willy snorted.

  Ty stepped forward. “Zip up!”

  Hartman zipped his pants and cinched his belt.

  “Move!” Ty shoved him toward his desk chair. “Sit.”

  “Man of many words,” Willy said through the corner of his mouth to Charlie.

  Hartman looked into Ty’s face, saw something he didn’t like, and turned to speak to Mack. “What is this about? I told you, I support the military.”

  Putting his hands on the edge of the polished-to-shine walnut desk, Mack leaned forward. “We know. It might be the only thing that keeps you in your job, Congressman. And hopefully, keeps you alive today.”

  “Tell me why you’re here right now and perhaps I won’t press charges,” Congressmen had the audacity say.

  Wrong answer. Ty couldn’t keep the anger in. “You hurt Holly. If it were up to me, you’d be dead already.”

  “Holly?” Hartman blinked as if he didn’t recognize the name. It took every ounce of strength Ty owned to keep from slamming the man’s head into the walnut desk.

  “You remember, right? Your ex-wife,” Ty snarled.

  Awareness bloomed. “That’s what this is about? The bitch hired you to harass me?”

  Ty slapped him, the sound ricocheting off the walls. “Don’t.” He held up one finger in warning.

  Mack eyed Ty. “You have it all wrong, Congressman. We’re here as concerned American citizens. It’s bad for our great country when elected officials abuse the office and hurt innocent Americans. It stops now. Got it?”

  Hartman’s eyes narrowed, “Or what?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Charlie stepped forward and Tavon eased back to fill his spot blocking the door. “Pull up your bank account, Congressman, and we’ll show you.”

  The congressman’s mouth dropped open. He looked at Ty again. “No.”

  “Now,” Ty ordered.

  The man lifted his chin in defiance. “Forget it. I won’t give you passwords or let you into my bank accounts.”

  “Let us? We’re already there,” Charlie answered.

  “You’re robbing me? That’s what this is about?”

  Ty raised his hand again, only this time it was clenched in a fist. Hartman ducked, just as Holly did when she thought a fist was coming.

  “Do it,” Ty ordered.

  Congressman Hartman typed his ID and password into his bank accounts. The shmuck had a hefty balance.

  “Now,” Charlie said into his comm unit.

  Congressman Hartman’s bank balance went to a negative twenty dollars. He was overdrawn.

  “Nice touch,” Charlie said to the person on his comm.

  “You see, Congressman, we have the power to completely and utterly bankrupt you with no penny left to your name,” Mack explained. “But! If you keep on fighting the good fight for the men and women in the military AND stop hurting women, we will allow you to keep your money. All of it. Understand?”

  “Don’t forget anger management therapy,” Tavon’s deep voice rumbled from the back of the room.

  “Right, I almost did. We will keep an eye on you, Congressman. Trust me, we have eyes everywhere. You’ll check yourself into therapy today. If we get so much as a whiff that you haven’t learned your lesson…well, you don’t want to know what’ll happen. Money worries will be the least of your troubles.”

  Congressman Hartman cleared his throat. “You’ll kill me?”

  “Or worse,” Willy said.

  Silence filled the room. Ty waited. Make the wrong move, asshole. Please, give me one good reason to—

  “All right.” The congressman’s shoulders sagged.

  “Anger management and rehab,” Tavon growled. “All the damned steps.”

  “AA for you, man. We’ll be watching to make sure you graduate from the program,” Willy added.

  The congressman’s head dipped, resigned. “I’ve been thinking about sobriety ever since the day…” He cut himself off, but Ty knew what he was going to say. Ever since the day I almost killed my wife.

  “Now you don’t have to think about rehab. You’re doing it,” Charlie said.

  “Please tell Holly…” The congressman pulled a kerchief out of his pocket and wiped the sweat from his lip. “Tell her that things got out of hand. I suppose it was partially my fault. I didn’t mean to…I never meant to…” His eyes darted toward Ty again. “She never loved me, you know. No matter how hard I tried to make her happy.”

  It’s not hard, asshole. She’s the most loving person on the planet. Go on, do something stupid. Anything. Ty’s fists flexed at his side.

  “Still…” The congressman patted the sweat on his neck and shook his head. “Holly set this up? I didn’t think she had it in her. Such a mousy thing. Weak. Then again, the bitch had this annoying way of pushing my buttons—”

  Ty slammed his head facedown into his desk and yanked it back up by his hair.

  Stunned, Congressman Hartman’s eyes tried to focus. He pressed the kerchief to his nose. Blood poured. “You broke my nose!”

  “Payback.” Ty walked away.

  Willy and Tavon stepped aside so he could pass, and they followed him out with Charlie close on their heels.

  “Remember what I said, Congressman Hartman. We have eyes everywhere,” were Mack’s final words.

  Outside in the street Charlie said, “Amber will keep his bank balances in the red for half an hour. That ought to give him time to sweat some more.” He smiled. “My wife is such an excellent hacker.”

  “We’re tapped into his phone and computer networks. Plus, I put a bug on his desk. The guy farts and we’ll hear it,” Mack said.

  “Great. Just what I wanted to hear.” Tavon shook his head.

  “I put a camera on his bookshelf. We’re all in,” Charlie added.

  Willy punched his shoulder. “One asshole neutralized. And we’ll get Crow and his dipshits soon too. I can feel it. We were a few beats behind them in Alaska. They barely got a chance to clean house before they escaped. Those suckers can run, but we’ll catch ’em.”

  Ty felt bad that his teammates had spent their resources searching for him instead of going after Crow. If only he’d been able to get a message out earlier to let them know he was okay, they would be all over Crow’s ass by now. He shook his head. Willy was right. Next time.

  “Feel better?” Mack asked Ty as they walked to their cars.

  “I will once I get back to Alaska. I’m on the next flight. Good gravy, I left this morning and miss her already,” Ty said.

  Mack’s dark eyebrow cocked at the good gravy part, but he fist bumped him anyway. “I get it, brother.”

  “High five.” Charlie joined in.

  “You guys disgust me. So panty-whipped.” Willy shook his head.

  Ty grinned. A pretty pair of pink lace ones popped into his mind. Yes, indeed.

  The End

  About the Author

  Kimberley Troutte is a NY Times, USA Tod
ay, and Amazon Top 100 bestselling author for Romantic Suspense. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two sons, a wild cat, an old snake, and all the random creatures her hubby and boys rescue.

  To learn more about her novels, please visit her at Kimberley’s website.

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  Thank you for honest reviews and messages.

  Titles by Kimberley Troutte

  SEAL EXtreme Team

  COMING IN HOT (Book 1)

  LOCK AND LOAD (Book 2)


  DOWN AND DIRTY (short story)




  Middle Grade Fiction by K. Troutte:


  Fall Hard

  a SEALs Undone novella

  Zoe York

  Website | Newsletter


  Jared Sutter has a simple rule when it comes to women: keep ’em happy and keep ’em at a distance. He’s got his reasons, and they all make sense until he falls for his neighbor and Cassie Bronson makes him want things he’s always kept off-limits.

  Chapter One


  Just once, he’d like to spend Christmas bundled up in a sweater. Preferably with a ski bunny tucked into his side.

  Jared Sutter looked at the text message from his brother Jackson again. Something’s come up. We’ll do Colorado in the new year.

  “Something” would be a mission. His brother was an ex-Navy SEAL turned mercenary who lived in the Caribbean and did the jobs Jared and his SEAL teammates couldn’t be asked to do.

  Jared could go to Colorado on his own, but that would get complicated. He preferred to play wingman—help his brother or a buddy sweeten up their target, and then pay some attention to her less eager friend who was always relieved to find out that Jared didn’t want to get in her pants.


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