Dream Ride_Legion of Guardians

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Dream Ride_Legion of Guardians Page 11

by Xyla Turner

  Avery’s head was tilted, looking at me with unshed tears in her eyes. The expression was one step from collapsing into a tearful mask of emotions, but I kissed each eye to absorb what was next. Her tiny fist balled up my shirt near my hips as she tried to look away but I wouldn’t allow it.

  “Anything,” I repeated.

  My teeth nipped her lips, then her jaw and neck.

  “Any fucking thing,” I murmured through each kiss.

  “Shiz,” her moan escaped, and I did not pretend to miss it.

  She wanted me and I would not make her wait another goddamn minute. Moving her out of the kitchen, we ended on the couch, where I tugged the drawstring lose from her shorts. Pulling both her clothing and underwear down to toss them across the room. Without any warning or thought, I latched on to her clit and began to suck on it hard.

  A moan escaped Avery’s sweet mouth and I could feel my jeans get tighter from the swelling of my cock. Sticking one finger inside, I began to give her multiple sensations at the same time. This had her writhing against my face and gripping my head to move as she will. Pulling her taut nub into my mouth further, put Avery over the edge and that curvy body began to shake and quiver with her orgasm.

  “Shhiiiizzzz,” she moaned which was music to my ears. “Holllyyyy ssshhiitt.”

  Once she started to calm down, I pulled out and rubbed my hands vigorously over her clit to make her come again and this time I stared so I could see my woman fall apart. She tried to tighten her legs but I held them down as she came all over my hand and damn she was gorgeous.

  Her lightly toasted body was flushed with red tones, hands gripped her breast and that mouth was formed in an ‘O’ shape. Pulling off her shirt, I placed my hands over hers and squeezed. My mouth bit down on the puckered nipple, eliciting a groan from her sexy mouth. Switching to the other nipple, I repeated my biting and moved up until I was kissing her soft lips while pushing my boxers down.

  “Avery, I’m clean,” I murmured into her mouth. “Never went without a glove.”

  She nodded and I lifted her left leg higher so she could accommodate me between her legs. My woman spread for me and I nearly came on the spot.

  “Tell me when to stop, this is going to hurt a little,” I whispered. “Just say stop. Okay?”

  “Yes,” Avery breathed. “Okay.”

  Pressing my cock to the tight opening, I spread the wetness around her sweet pussy, her moan spurred me to push in a little and the tight groan, caused me to stop.

  “No, no. Keep going,” she urged.

  “Tell me when it’s too much,” I repeated.

  Avery breathing hitched with anticipation, need and the expectation of pain. I wasn’t a girl. Never had a virgin but I knew I wasn’t small and her tiny hole was. Therefore, it would hurt.

  Pushing in a bit more, she gripped me tighter. I kept going, causing Avery to bury her head in my neck. The strain of holding back was killing me but in order for it to be remotely good for her, even this first time, I had to take my time. One more push and she did not cringe, so I went further and further until I was in and before I moved, I nuzzled her and asked, “Avery, sweetness, you alright?”

  Her head nodded up and down.

  “Tell me,” I demanded.

  “Yes, yes,” she said with a release of air from her mouth. “I’m fine.”

  My lips touched hers and I began to kiss her to get her mind off the discomfort, pain or the finality of what we just did. I wanted her to know what it meant to me. I began to worship her lips, which then lead to moving in and out of her tight hole. My arm wrapped around her thigh as I kept us chest-to-chest and let those nipples drag over the fine hair on mine.

  Avery was mumbling something but I kept kissing her, until she wrenched away and said, “Shizzzz, I’m about to come.”

  My hips began to move faster and our sweat mingling with the other as the claws on my woman came out and through her climax, she dug those nails into me while I fucked her through each and every scream.

  “Ohhh God,” she moaned. “Shizzz, ohhhh.”

  “Yes, sweetness.” She was pushing me to go faster. “Fuck.”

  Wrapping her leg around me, I rode her harder and just as I was about to come, I slammed down and bit the top of her shoulder as I released my seed into her untainted pussy.

  Purely mine and now I claimed it. I didn’t move, nor did I shift. If I did anything, I pulled her leg tighter around me and kissed her harder. It was a ravaging of those lips and nothing sweet about it. Avery’s hands were in my hair and she met me, turn for turn and tongue for tongue. We continued this for five more minutes until Avery finally whispered, “I think I’m leaking. Got to go to the potty.”

  I didn’t want to let her go but she was sure to be leaking and I know she wouldn’t want that to be on the couch. Even though it was leather.

  “How do you feel?” I asked with my mouth near her ear.

  “Full,” she chuckled and then wrapped her hand around my neck. “Great.”

  My lips found hers again because she was so cute, it hurt. So fucking innocent and just for me. I didn’t deserve her, but I’d kill the man who tried to take her away.

  That was for certain.

  Grabbing a couple of napkins from the magazine table, I gave them to her as I pulled out. We went upstairs and while she was cleaning herself, I turned on the shower. We washed each other up and I spent another hour soothing her pain with my mouth. A few orgasms later, Avery had passed out on me. She murmured something about being over-stimulated but there should definitely be a too be continued.

  Fine by me.

  * * *

  I took Avery to lunch at the sandwich shop on Main street and she mentioned something about going to the library to get a book, so we headed there before five o’clock.

  While the clerk was showing her a book, I noticed her notebook was open to a penciled drawing of a peacock. It was the most vivid displaying of the bird I’d ever seen, and it was only in black and white. I flipped through the pages and saw amazing drawings back to back that not only captivated but floored me about her level of skills.

  When Avery returned with the book she needed, I held up her book and asked, “You drew these?”

  Her hand froze in mid-air before she replied, “Yeah? Why?”

  I laughed, “Sweetness, these are amazing!”

  Her face turned into a complete light bulb, beaming and brightening the entire place up. I couldn’t help it, but I rose and kissed her right in the library. It wasn’t long or deep, but it was automatic. She continued to smile at me and I just shook my head.

  “Let’s get the fuck outta here before I forget you’re sore.” I started packing her shit.

  We ended the day at Pepper’s where she quickly went to the ladies. I guess she needed some time with them as they all gushed over her to make sure she was alright. Avery told me that the man that hit her was dead, he fell right next to her, which pissed me right the fuck off. Outside of that, she slashed some tires, cut up the seats and cut fuel lines. I needed no reminders of how crazy she could get. My bike was in hell’s abyss, never to come back to life because she mangled it, like a pretzel. I tried to express that she was claimed now, and she couldn’t go off all half-cocked like that anymore. She nodded sweetly but I was no fool.

  Avery hadn’t let it go, which meant I needed to handle it.

  “She aight?” Razor asked me when I finished my beer.

  “Yeah, a little shaken up about the dead body, but she’s fine,” I assured him.

  “Good.” The men, Razor, Apollo and Bronx, sitting at the table nodded their heads.

  “So, y’all good, now?” Bronx asked with a slight smirk on his face.

  “Yeah,” I only gave him that.

  “Solid,” Apollo followed up. “Solidified.”

  “In cement,” I answered, catching the meaning.

  “Told you,” Bronx said to Apollo.

  “Well, that’s good to hear,” Razor said, ignoring
them both. “Wouldn’t want you to lose that one. She seems like a keeper.”

  My head nodded because she was absolutely that.

  “I don’t want her at that job no more,” I shared randomly because my eyes were on her as Shay ran her fingers over the top of her shoulder where I bit her. “I want her at the shop with me.”

  They were all laughing or had their mouths fixed in an O shape. I could only imagine what those hellions were saying to corrupt my woman, but it could have been worse.

  “Don’t tell her that,” Razor replied to my statement. “Take it from experience. She needs to feel like it’s her decision or a suggestion that came from someone else and not you.”

  “Why?” I asked as my head swiveled around to view him fully.

  “Cause if she is anything like those four over there, she probably thinks you’re trying to run her life,” Bronx shared. “Which you’re not but that’s what they think. Them, they’re independent, smart, and don’t really need us for financial support. Therefore, they don’t feel like they need to rely on us for that and will resent the fact that you tried to insinuate such.”

  “Talking from experience, too?” I asked Bronx with a smile.

  “Yeah, this is why Dessy works with me and Shay doesn’t. This is why Kylie works under Big Joey and not Razor. Lori’s got her own shit, thank God,” Bronx added. “Just make sure it is not your idea.”

  “Gotcha,” I nodded and thought of other shit I needed to ask them. They were all pussy-whipped and now I was too. Might as well learn what it’s all about. “Is it weird, that I don’t want to let her out of my sight?”

  “Nope,” they all answered together with laughter.

  “Not at all,” Apollo replied.

  “She was a virgin,” I shared and after those words escaped my mouth, I froze.

  Shit, I didn’t mean to mention that.

  “Fuck,” Razor hissed while the other men made similar sounds. “That’s serious, Shiz.”

  “Shit, I know. I bailed on her when I found out the first time, then she ended up with the Vipers. Not doing that shit again. Claimed her, she’s mine now. All mine.” I sounded like a kid who found some candy and others were looking like they wanted some.

  My brothers had their own candy but I just wanted to be clear, that candy over there with the spiky black hair and the bite on her neck, she was mine.

  “I know that look.” Bronx laughed.

  “Brother, you are smitten,” Apollo emphasized.

  “You ain’t got to tell me. I know it. Knew it before but I’m gone.” I was shaking my head. “Want her to move in, have my kids, get married and shit.”

  Never in my life did I think I would ever voice that out of my mouth. My brother was probably rolling over in his grave as I spoke. I was gone for her though. Ran from it enough and for what. I have nothing to lose. She got my heart, my mind, my body and anything else is hers. Life was too fucking short and if anyone should know that, it would be me. Lost my father in his forties and brother in his thirties.

  “Whoa, whoa,” Bronx howled and slammed his drink. “We making big leaps already?”

  “You only saying that cause you knew Shay for years,” Razor said. ‘I knew Kylie for months and was where he’s at.”

  “But it’s only been weeks,” Apollo added, who knew Lori for years before making his move.

  “Okay, but this is the thing brothers, and I know you know what I’m talking about. When you know, you just fucking know, and you waste no more time trying to sort shit out,” Razor said looking each of them in the eye.

  They both grunted and nodded their heads.

  “Yeah, I bought a fucking house right next to hers,” Apollo admitted.

  “I made her move in with me,” Bronx added with a head nod.

  “So did I and wouldn’t let her leave,” Razor noted.

  “Fuck,” Apollo laughed. “Right.”

  I looked at all of them and said, “How are we getting these Vipers? The one I was going to kill is dead and now they know about her, which means she could be a target. I don’t trust Slay because he’s a conniving, khaki-wearing mother fucker and I’m sick of these fucking snakes. We’ve been patient enough.”

  Apollo laughed, and Bronx snickered.

  “There’s a new development that your girl might have put us on to. A shipment of guns that the president was rattling off about in front of her. Slay said nothing about it, but according to what Avery told Apollo, he knew about it and might have been in on it,” Razor shared with us. “Anyway, we got Swag scoping out the shit, but we might get these fuckers for good.”

  That sounded like music to my ears.

  “Great, I am all in,” I said without sharing that Avery might be a step or two ahead of us. “Can we get a tail on Avery?”

  “Already done,” Apollo replied.

  “Obliged,” I nodded.

  We shot the shit for another hour or so until I started getting a little restless and wanted to see Avery. She probably was engrossed with the women, but I just wanted to steal her for a bit. Coming up behind her, I wrapped my arm around her stomach pulling her into me and pressed my mouth onto her neck.

  “Hey,” I murmured.

  “Hey,” she breathed.

  “Oh, will you look at this shit,” Shay said with nothing but glee in her eyes. “Fucking Shiz, took the plunge.”

  I ignored her ass.

  “How long you want to stay?” I said in the same position next to her ear.

  Her perfume was sliding up my nostrils, singeing my sensors. It wasn’t strong but just called to me on an emotional level.

  “Well, hello Shiz,” Kylie called.

  “Sup,” I called back. “What sort of mischief are y’all causing tonight?”

  “None that requires bites,” Shay interjected, causing the girls to laugh.

  “Speak for yourself,” Dessy said with a roll of her eyes. “I’m trying to get bit tonight.”

  “Oh fuck,” Kylie murmured. “Hot.”

  I couldn’t help but to laugh and kiss Avery’s marked skin on her shoulder. She melted into me, then she let her hand hang from my arm around hers.

  “Well, we’re about to go,” I announced without waiting for Avery to answer.

  “Mmm, need another matching bite mark?” Dessy smirked.

  “Something like that,” I answered. Then I whispered in Avery’s ear. “Sweetheart, come on.”

  “Okay y’all. It’s been fun, and I’ll let you guys know about that second bite.” Avery laughed, grabbed her purse and left her crew falling over in stitches.

  I shook my head and led her out of Peppers. Once the cool night breeze hit us, I pulled her closer to me and tucked her into the truck. We made it back to my house in no time. Avery chatted on about what the girls had said, that I was cool, and I hadn’t always been an altar boy. This bothered me for all of two minutes, but Avery kept talking as if it didn’t bother her at all.

  It wasn’t that I wasn’t an altar boy, but I didn’t even act like I was anything remotely noble. Just fucked women and kept it moving. Since being in the club, I hadn’t taken one chick twice, didn’t intend to, or settle down for that matter. The thought of settling down scared the shit out of me because life was short. My family’s lives had always been short. Is that what I wanted for someone else, to have to take care, bathe, and watch them die like I did my pops and brother. Or have them do the same for me?

  Fuck no.

  Yet, I knew it was selfish to take on someone but she needed my help. Swear to God, this woman went looking for trouble. I couldn’t have that on my conscience, so she’d be in my bed or however she let me have her.

  I was making some coffee to get her to calm down and not want to do anything frisky. She was sore, and we’d need to wait a couple of days before she could do anything else. That was my thinking that I hadn’t shared with her but if she was sore, I didn’t anticipate she’d be looking to have sex.

  Well, I should have known better.

  Avery went upstairs to freshen up, so by the time I got up there with coffee, the woman definitely had not received my mental memo. Since she was on her knees, naked as the day she was born and waiting for me.

  Holy shit.

  “Avery?” I whispered as I put the coffee down on the dresser to my left. “Y-you’re sore.”

  “You’re not,” she replied, dropped her hands to the floor and began to crawl.

  Holy fucking shit.

  My cock went to full attention and I nearly came on sight. She looked so goddamn good as the shoulder blades of her curvy body moved in direct timing with those wide hips. The same ones I couldn’t wait to press my fingers into as she rode me hard or as I held her still while fucking her from behind.


  She was sore.

  She was sore.

  I kept chanting this in my head so I would calm my ass down. Avery reached me and began to unbuckle my belt, then slid my briefs to my ankles. Quickly stepping out of them, I saw those gorgeous brown eyes looking up at me. It was as if she was meant just for me. It was a moment of revelation, one of just knowing. Not because I took her virginity, but because she gave me something and I had given it back. Our hearts. Fuck, our trust.

  Those eyelashes of hers, went down to brush against her cheek, then Avery grabbed my throbbing cock with both hands and said, “Teach me.”


  Precum dribbled down my cock as she squeezed ever so lightly. My hand moved that curly mane out of the way, so I could wrap my hand around the back of her neck.

  “Squeeze hard and stroke it slowly,” I nearly growled because I was completely on edge.

  Willing myself not to cum like a teenager with no self-control was proving harder than I anticipated. Her soft hands, delicate touch, sliding up and down my steel cock.

  “Lick it,” I commanded while bending over slightly. “That’s right, sweetheart. Wrap your lips around the head.”

  She was killing me softly with her movements and then she moaned and more cum had to release.

  “Harder,” I tell her. “I can take it. I like it like that.”


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