Dream Ride_Legion of Guardians

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Dream Ride_Legion of Guardians Page 16

by Xyla Turner

  “Fuck,” I hissed as I scooped her up in my arms, kicked the door closed with my boot and began to tear every piece of clothing off of her right there in the living room. I bent Avery over the couch and began to bury my cock inside her tight heat until she was moaning for me to fuck her harder.

  I did too.

  Fucked her nice and hard as I slid my thumb in her tiny asshole. She mewed like the lioness she was, which had me erupting in her wet heat. Once we both were able to stand on two legs and compose ourselves, Avery asked, “What was that about?”

  I cupped her face and said, “My bike.”

  A tear came to her eye and I knew that she went through a lot to make that happen. She had to because the bike was so old, Apollo and Snoop had told me it was a wash, but here it was, that my woman found a way.

  “Love you,” I told her.

  “I love you,” she muttered as her eyes tried to escape the intensity of my stare.

  “Come here,” I growled as I pulled her to me, and walked us backward upstairs to her room, so I could fuck her again and again.

  My heart was overwhelmed. It was tight and felt like I was about to burst with emotion, but it was the one act. Hell, it was all the acts that Avery had stormed in my life and fucked me up. She was everything I needed and I never even knew that is what was necessary for my life. She was crazier than a loon, but my fucking crazy. Crazy for me. And I was the same for her.

  By the end of the month, both Avery and I were living in Brooklyn, where I connected with Baxter’s group of Defenders and went on a couple of runs with them. I temped at a tattoo shop in the Park Slope area and got a chance to hang out with a few of New York’s finest. Well, one of them had left the force, Reggie, and was with Baxter’s group. He and his lady were newly married and she and Avery became quick friends. There was a barbecue in Queens, where all of us met, including Ryan and his wife, D’asia, Vic and his wife, Kat, Reggie and Jade, and Baxter’s crew. The women were off talking about girly shit or men and we were talking about the fucked-up shit happening in Brooklyn and what we were going to do about it. As I looked around the yard, I felt a different sense of the world. It reminded me of home with the Guardians. We didn’t sit around and take shit from nobody. We saw an injustice and we did something about it. Here, in Brooklyn, New York, I was connected with more men and women, doing the same things in different ways. It was refreshing.

  The six months went by quickly and for me, it was like I wasn’t even gone, since I was there twice a week. Instead of Avery moving back into her house, I moved her into mine, which she originally balked at, so I got her dad to be a part of the argument.

  “Girl, do what the man says,” he told his only daughter.

  “I can’t believe you Dad. Mom?’ She looked to her for assistance.

  “That’s your man, honey. You got to either stand up to him now or ask him how high later.” She raised an eyebrow at her.

  Avery folded her arms and said, “I’m standing up now. The answer is no.”

  I moved into Avery’s space and whispered into her ear, “Sweetheart, love you more than anything. Just want you with me. Think of Brooklyn. What I did every single night.”

  My woman groaned.

  That is when I knew I had her. My tongue working her folds on a regular basis made compliance easy. That came from Bronx. One day I asked him how he was able to get Shay to simmer down. He said, besides knocking her up, he is #TeamTheRock and mastered the tongue action. Razor, Apollo and Bear shared they were also TeamTheRock but they each accused the other of their women having them wrapped around their fingers. I’d been a witness to most of it, so I knew it was true. I might have shaken my head too hard or laughed too loud, because Razor shifted his insults to me and said, “Avery had you, way before any of our women had us, besides Bronx here. That woman crushed your bike and all you did was find a way to put her in your life.”

  All of them nodded and laughed at my downfall. Shit, I even laughed because my President was right.

  “So, what you’re saying is, that they run the fucking show?”

  Each man looked around the room and grunted at different points, “Yeah.”

  * * *

  “Avery,” I called. “Come here.”

  I called her as she was looking around the plot of land in confusion. It was the place that the owners didn’t finish but I wanted her to see it before we broke ground.

  “What’s this place?” she asked, in her yellow dress that brought out the colors in her melanin skin.

  She seemed to glow, which almost had me double checking to remember if she was on the pill or if I had used protection.

  Grabbing her hand, I pulled her behind me as I made my way to the property.

  “Shiz,” she called in a sing-song voice.

  Turning the knob on the frame, we walked into the barebones of a large house and I turned to face Avery.

  “What’s this?” she asked again, when she saw the seriousness on my face.

  “This,” I waved a hand around the space, “is ours if you want it.”

  Her eyes squinted as she processed what I just said, then she asked, “What?”

  “Avery,” I grabbed both of her hands again. “Sweetheart, love you with everything I got. I saw this and thought of us. The future us. Our living room, right there, kitchen over there. The extension will be your art gallery and the basement, can be my ink slash man cave. Four bedrooms for our kids, a jacuzzi for you when you’re tired and need me to rub your feet. Or when they swell, cause you’re knocked up with my son. I want to see you help build this house, so you can twirl in it like you did the temporary one. Wanna fuck you in the foyer, on the stairs, against the fridge, in the backyard and anywhere else, I can make you cum.”

  I sighed as I realized my ramblings were continuing.

  “Want you to be with me. My woman. My girl. My wife.” My forehead touched hers as I gazed into her glassy eyes. “This time, you don’t even need to run over my bike to get my attention. You get everything. Just say yes.”

  Her eyes were no longer holding the tears but her face was wet with all of her emotion. That terracotta skin was a nice shade of red and she never looked more beautiful.

  “I’m doing the ugly cry,” she whined. “Shiz, are you serious?”

  “Do I fuck around about shit like this?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Avery said as she looked around the humongous place. “I, just…I…”

  That was when I cut her off and said, “Just say yes.”

  My woman sighed a long and deep one, then she whispered, “Yes, Shiz.”

  That was when I dropped to one knee, pulled the box from the inside of my cut and opened the box for her. It was big as shit, but she was worth it. Every fucking cent.

  Avery screamed in excitement, then she started jumping up and down.

  “Fuck, fuck…” she exclaimed. “I think I’m in shock.”

  Looking at Avery from my position below her, I was the one in awe. She was beautiful, smart, crazy as hell, talented, and she loved me. Shit, I didn’t know if I’d live to see forty, but being with her until my last dying breath was worth it. She was worth everything and I’d fight any enemy, devil or hell itself to stay with her.

  “That a yes, sweetheart?” I asked.

  “Of course, it is.” She mumbled. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Fuck me.

  As calmly as I could, I slid the ring on her finger, rose and kissed the hell out of her. It was frenzied and desperate, but then she pulled away.

  “What?” I was still holding onto her.

  “Shiz,” Avery exclaimed. “Somebody might walk in.”

  “Avery, I purchased the property. Nobody is walking in here,” I told her.

  “You already purchased it? Oh my gosh.” She let me go. “This is going to be our house. Where we raise our kids. Oh, Shiz.”

  She completely abandoned me and the hard-on I was getting from the kiss and began to circle the place w
ith thoughts and ideas about what should go where.

  “Avery,” I called. “Where are you fucking going? My dick is hard and you’re talking about a sectional sofa.”

  I was gesturing to my cock as the steel rod laid on the side of my leg. Very visible to any eye.

  “Oh, honey,” she smiled and kept moving around like I hadn’t said a damn thing.

  “Fuck this,” I said more to myself and took off my shirt.

  I followed her to the empty room that would probably be a huge ass pantry. She had already left that area, so I yelled out, “Avery, where are you?”

  A moment later, I heard, “In the kids’ bedroom.”

  Fuck me.

  That sounded so fucking good, I nearly ran to wherever her voice originated from.

  When I found her, she was twirling around in a smaller room with damn near stars in her eyes.

  “Oh, Shiz,” she sighed with more tears. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”

  My body froze for a moment, as it seemed to be déjà vu. Then she sauntered up to me ran her hand across my chest and said, “I could never repay you.”

  “Just marry me, Avery.” I told her on an absent mutter.

  She smiled, then rose up to kiss me, but then she stopped dead center.

  “Wait, what’s that?” Avery pulled back to look at my chest.

  A little taken back from the disruption, I turned to her and looked to where her eyes were focused. It was my new tattoo.

  “Shiz, that says my name.” Avery observed as her fingers hovered over the ink.

  “Yeah, babe.” I nabbed her wrist and kissed it gently. “Going to be my wife and you’re already my life.”

  She smirked and said, “What if I would have turned you down?”

  This time, I laughed.

  “I would have worn you down, stalked and bribed you. Just fucking moved in with you. Seduced you. Impregnated you and drag your ass down to the courthouse,” I told her.

  Avery began to dissolve into giggles of laughter.

  “You would do that!” she exclaimed.

  “You already know I would,” I shot back.

  “Well, I love it.” Avery focused back on the tattoo. “You’re my heart beat too.”

  That was when my woman, slid to her knees, tugged on my jeans and began to show me what her mouth was capable of. Avery never disappointed as she had me fucking her face, then her pussy against the wall of our future kid’s bedroom.

  We had to christen the place in a variety of ways. Once we left and made our way to Pepper’s – Kylie made an announcement over the loudspeaker.

  “Hey Manor, the Guardians just want to show our love to Avery and Shiz. He proposed, and she said yes!” she screamed, but not over the crowd who absolutely lost their shit. She looked our way and said, “This one is for you two.”

  Avery had more tears in her eyes as she listened to her friend, sing I Will Always Love You in our honor. Her hand wrapped around my bicep, and I let her. She was so deserving of someone that was good and would love her. I planned to spend my life, proving that I was that for her, our kids and our future. Judging by the noise that the Pepper’s crowd was making, they knew it too. This was home and it was family. Even after leaving for six months and coming back, it didn’t stop. The love, support and friendship.

  At that moment, there was no fear of our enemies, our trials or even the shortcomings. We’d get through it, like family does. My woman, first, club second and everything else would be figured out when it was time.

  One year later

  I walked into the backyard, to see Avery swinging on the porch with our little girl in her arms, breastfeeding her. Her eyes were low, on our daughter and there was nothing but love to be seen with that view. I strolled to my woman, as she peeked up at me with a smile on her face. Abagail was asleep and there was no sucking happening. So, I scooped our bundle and went to let her rest in the crib before I joined Avery back on the porch swing.

  Apollo had decorated our yard, so it was just what my wife wanted. The other ladies were mad at Apollo, because they were jealous of our expansive, state of the art, backyard.

  “Can she stay that little forever?” Avery asked as I pulled her into me, while we rocked on the bench.

  “No, sweetheart,” I smiled as her head landed on my chest. “She’s going to grow up, start dating and then I’m going to start shooting.”

  “Oh shit,” she chuckled. “You sound like my dad. Who, by the way, is coming to kidnap Abagail. Like tomorrow.”

  “I know.” I mumbled in her heir.

  This had her pulling up to sit straight and staring at me in awe.

  “You know?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I told him to. We need a break. I’m taking you out.” I moved her run-away curls out of her face. “I’m not arguing about this, Avery. We’re going for a long ride. You’re going to wear that skirt I like, on the back of my bike, then I’m gonna fuck you on it with those heels digging in my ass. That’s final.”

  She scoffed, then folded her arms over her chest.

  “That sounds sexy and all, but he’s not taking my daughter. They have to go over the rules and regulations for her. You don’t understand, she’ll be cussing when she comes back to us. My dad has a foul mouth. And my mom will have her ready to fight all interracial wars. Believe me. She’s militant.”

  I burst out laughing at her assessment of her parents. She wasn’t wrong.

  “That sounds good to me. Wars need to be fought and I curse like a sailor. So, she’ll be a cusser, no doubt. Fuck, you do too.” I reminded her.

  “We can’t in front of Abagail,” Avery explained.

  “Good luck with that shit,” I said as I put her on top of me. “Tomorrow is happening, even if I need to drag your ass with me.”

  Avery looked at me in the eyes and pouted, right before she added, “I don’t want to leave her.”

  Tears threatened to come to her eyes, but I kissed her nose and said, “Yeah, but we gotta do it. You gave me the world, Avery. I lived to see it. We’re here and if this is a dream, baby. I’m going to ride this mother fucker out. With my main girl and my little one. Understand me?”

  “Yes,” she said with her bottom lip poking out. “I’m riding with you.”

  “That’s my girl.” I pecked her lips again. “Love you so fucking much.”

  “Who would have thought…” Avery mused against my lips.

  “Yeah, the crazy woman who ran over my bike,” I reminded her. “I’d marry her, have a baby with her and never let her go.”

  “Right,” she laughed as she turned over her wrist to look at her tattoo of the same one that I have but my name is written with the heartbeat signal at the front and back, etched in a heart.

  “That’s forever,” I remind her.

  Avery taps my chest, where my tattoo is, and said, “I know, Shiz. Even though it feels like a dream, I’ve pinched myself too many times, so I know it’s real.”

  “Yeah,” I reply with our foreheads touching. The sun went into hiding until the next day, shadows cast over the yard with acoustics and solar lights embedded within the design and we stayed there, on our dream porch, in each other’s arms until Abagail started to cry. Then, like any family, we scrambled to get to our dream baby, in our dream house and continued to live our dream life.

  Tomorrow, we’d take our dream ride, on the same bike that started it all.

  The End.

  I hope you enjoyed the crazy Avery and Shiz. They are super cute.

  This will conclude the end of the Legion of Guardian Series, but don’t worry because there is a spin-off. Actually, two spin-offs.

  One is the Norristown Legion of Guardians Chapter. Yes, that will be its own series, starting with yours truly, Swag and Vida.

  The second spin-off is the Lady Guardians. It is an actual serial with multiple authors that will be released starting in July 2018. This is going to be epic! For more information, go to https://ladyguardians.xylaworld.com and keep readi
ng to enjoy the first chapter of Justice, featuring Razor.

  You want more of Xyla Turner and her world – text EZXYLA to 313131 or visit her site to sign up for my newsletter.

  Lady Guardians: Justice

  Justice (Eva Wyatt)

  Courtroom A

  “Your honor, my client visited her boyfriend and was assaulted by a gang of biker delinquents. She was brutally punched in the face and barely made it out of there alive. The biker gangs are out of control and they need harsh repercussions to dissuade this sort of brutality.” The snotty face lawyer gave his closing statement.

  This man was highly recommended because of his winning streak. He was nearly almost unstoppable, but what made the other women and me besides me stop was the way he was referring to bikers. Talbert had no idea I was in a motorcycle club and he damn sure did not know that I was the President of one. He was not an acquaintance of mine but came highly recommended. Until that day. I would never recommend him to even tie my shoe after that.

  “Counselor isn’t your client in a bike club?” The judge asked, as he squinted his eyes to view Mini, as if inspecting her.

  She was about five-foot and one whole inch. My girl always had on platform shoes, rode her bike, ran and could do a somersault in those puppies too. Her makeup was done well, eyebrows arched, and her hair was always braided with her long curly hair. Mini always said, it helped her maintain the nest. Unfortunately, like many women, Mini hooked up with a biker on the east side and he belonged to a one-percenter chapter. They had no laws, rules or even jurisdiction half of the time. She caught him cheating, went to his club’s bar to confront him and ended with her ex-boyfriend and another guy punching her like she was a dude.

  By the grace of a good Samaritan, Mini was able to get away and found refuge at the compound. We immediately rode out to the location, because the Lady Guardians did not stand for that type of shit. As a matter of fact, we fought heavily against it within our charter. They had vacated the premises by the time we got there. Mini begged us not to retaliate and swore she’d press charges, therefore, that was why I found a so-called ‘winner’ lawyer and why me, my Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant at Arms were behind Mini and the stupid-ass lawyer in the courtroom.


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