Conquering India

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Conquering India Page 11

by Conquering India [lit]

She nodded.

  "Along with the brass bed."

  She glanced up. "Tell me."

  "He destroyed the mattress. Looked like he took a knife to it like he did your couch."

  She shook her head as she tried to wrap her mind around it. This was just not like Johnny at all. He was passive aggressive, and while this wasn't actually confrontational, it was over the top. Like he had snapped.

  Considering that Victor might be hunting him down, that was a very real possibility.

  "Ms. Singer, should I call...ah..."

  She realized then that the officer didn't know which man she was with.

  She shook her head. "No. Is there anything else?"

  "We picked up Mr. Anderson. He's been booked."

  "Because of the paint."

  "That and his prints matched ones found at the crime scene. I’m not sure how long they will hold him, but considering your situation, that he had a restraining order placed against him, that might keep him from making bail for at least a few days. They set it pretty high. He’ll probably have problems getting someone to pay it."

  She nodded. “Will you make sure to call me if he is released?”

  “Yes. I made sure I would be kept up to date.”

  After thanking the officer and promising to come down and make an official statement on Monday, she let him out. For a few moments, she leaned her head against the door, closing her eyes. Jesus, her life was a mess. Her business was too new to call it successful, she was involved with two men who...well, she didn't know what to think of them.

  As if conjured up out of thin air, they both appeared in the foyer. She could tell from the looks on their faces they both knew.

  Without a word, she headed to the bedroom to grab her clothes. If her house was such a mess, she needed to get it put together.

  "India?" Wade was the first one to break the silence. They followed her into the bedroom.

  "You weren't going to tell me."

  "We didn't think—" Wade tried to explain, but she was not in the mood to be lied to again.

  "You're right about that one. Why did you think you had a right to keep that from me? And just how were you going to keep it a secret?"

  "We thought that we could tell you when things had settled down," Marc said. "I guess we should have told you, but we had our reasons."

  She placed a hand on each of her hips looking at them, waiting. "Well?"

  "We wanted to protect you, and dammit, you didn't need to hear what that bastard did." Frustration dripped from every word. It was almost uncontrolled, so not like something Marc would do.

  She looked at Wade, then back to Marc. "You didn't think I could handle it?"

  Marc shook his head, but it was Wade who answered. "It's our right, and I would do it again. You looked so stunned by the break in that I just didn't want to expose you to it."

  "You’re right?" Her question came out in a lethal tone. Both men shared an uneasy look.

  "What did you think this was all about?" Wade asked.

  She frowned, confusion diluting some of her anger. “What was that all about?”

  Wade sighed.

  “What was going on between us…what did you think that was?” Marc asked.

  Something tickled the back of her throat, and she cleared her throat trying to dislodge it. She tried her best to sound nonchalant. "I didn't think it was anything different than what you had done before."

  Marc shook his head and walked toward her. She backed up a step. Something close to pain flashed in his gaze and he stopped, looking away. When he looked back, the unreadable mask she was used to seeing was back.

  "I don't want you to be afraid of us."

  Her heart softened. "I'm not afraid of you. Good Lord, do you think I would have slept with you if you frightened me?"

  "Your ex—"

  "Stop right there. Johnny was never abusive in the way you are implying, and I refuse for you to cop out to that. What I meant was that if you come near me, I can't think straight."

  Wade snorted and she looked at him. "That's dangerous to tell us."

  "So what? Your plan is to keep me tied to the bed and offer me constant sex so I won't argue with you?"

  A silenced filled the room, the tension ratcheting up another level, this time definitely sexual.

  She closed her eyes. "See what you two have done to me? I mean before this weekend, I never did or said things like that."

  "I like the sound of that," Wade said.

  She opened her eyes. "Give it a rest, Wade."

  A muffled snort came from Marc's direction, and she gave him an evil look. His smile widened.

  "Why don't you explain to me what you two mean by saying that you have a right?"

  "We've been looking for a woman," Marc said, as if it explained everything.

  She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know, you share women—"

  "No. I mean, yes, we do share women." Marc sighed, so obviously frustrated that she wanted to reach out to him. She wasn't used to seeing Marc so unsure of himself. “More Wade was looking for someone.”

  He glanced over at Wade, who said, "We want to keep you."


  "We want to have a permanent relationship, the three of us."

  "Permanent?" Her voice turned strained.

  "You shouldn't have blurted that out." Marc's voice gained some more of his authoritative edge again.

  "Dancing around what you wanted to say wasn't working." Irritation dripped from Wade’s voice.

  "Stop it." She drew in a bracing breath. "You think we should date?"

  Again, they shared a look.

  "No. We said we wanted—"

  "I know what you said, but I don't understand just what the hell you are talking about." Nerves that had been bubbling beneath the surface now rose to the top. "You don't know me. After one weekend with some sex—"

  "Great sex."

  She gave Wade a look that had him shutting his mouth.

  "How can you know you want me? You barely know me. I thought you just wanted..."

  How did she say she just wanted to play out a fantasy? She had known from the beginning that it was more than that, much more. But she didn't know if she was ready, if she could give herself over to one man, let alone two.

  "A quick fun fuck weekend?"

  Marc's brutal words made her wince.

  "Not exactly, but I'm older, starting a business. And let's not forget having an ex who apparently slipped off the right side of reality. Why would you want me?"

  Wade stepped forward and took her hand in his. "But I do know you, India. I know your dreams. I know what makes you laugh."

  Marc stepped forward, effectively blocking her. "I know you are a damned smart business woman and you have a soft spot for the underdog."

  "All we want is a chance," Wade said the words softly. She was shivering from the heat of having both of them so close to her, and fear.

  “Just how would this work? I mean, I carry on with the both of you?”

  “Why is that so hard to grasp?” Wade asked. “We want you, you can move in with us. There is a third bedroom, plenty of room.”

  Some of the shock must have shown on her face. Move in with them? She barely knew them, but that wasn’t what she feared. It was the sharp tug of pleasure she felt when he proposed it.

  “What about other people? You don’t think people would talk?”

  “If it gets to be a problem, you can marry Marc.”

  He said it as if it was no big deal. She looked at Marc, who nodded.

  Oh, God, she wanted this. Wade touched her heart by constantly lightening her mood, and Marc, he made her feel so damned sexy. She looked at both of them, their sincere expressions, and said, "I have to think."

  Wade opened his mouth, but she shook her head. "This is a serious choice. Would you expect me to make it quickly? You don't want me to have any regrets, do you?"

  "You would never have any time for regrets."

  She laughed. "Yes, I�
��m sure you would see to that in awhile. But I can't choose right now. My life is a mess, my house is a mess, and I am sure that isn't over. There will probably be at least an interview with the judge."

  "I don't like waiting," Wade said it in the tone of a little boy being denied a gift.

  "If you push me, my answer right now will be no."

  A charged silence filled the room. She knew she was being weighed, that both men were trying to figure out which way to move next.

  Wade looked at Marc, who nodded. Then Wade said, "Okay, we’ll wait, but not for long."

  Chapter Eleven

  "I told you not to rush her." Marc's quiet voice broke into Wade's thoughts.

  "I know. I just thought—"

  “You thought you would seduce her into bed and everything would be fine. That’s exactly what I thought about Michelle, too."

  Fear and irritation turned Wade’s voice sharp."Michelle doesn't come close to India."

  Marc sighed. "No, not close. But you need to be ready for a rejection."

  "What the fuck for? Why do I always have to plan for the worst fucking scenario? I'm sick of it. I want to look for something good in my life, something that I want to work out."

  A beat of silence. "I know. I want—"

  "What? You want what? You didn't think this would work. So if it fails, you can just walk away, again."

  “Goddamn it. This isn't any easier for me. Do you think watching her walk out the door this afternoon was easy for me? I know there’s always a chance she won't come back, that she’ll just say we are too much, and every minute that she’s gone, the fucking hole just keeps getting bigger."

  Marc screamed the last of it. Wade was stunned. In all the years he had known Marc, he had never seen such a reaction. He closed his eyes, and Wade watched as his friend pulled himself back under control. When Marc opened his eyes, Wade saw nothing but pain.

  “You don’t think I know the consequences of her leaving today, but you’re wrong,” Marc said.

  “I didn’t say that. I said that I am sick of you looking at life as though you are waiting for everything to fall apart. Planning for the worst isn’t a way to live.”

  “It is the only way—”

  “No, dammit. It’s not. I refuse to allow you to ruin this. India is ours. You know it has never been that good with anyone.”

  Marc shook his head.

  Wade stood, his hands fisted by his sides. “You’re afraid.”

  Marc’s face went blank. “Are you calling me a coward?”

  Some of the tension he felt drained, and Wade rolled his eyes. “Good Lord, no. What I’m saying is you’re afraid of commitment.”

  “Commitment? Been watching Dr. Phil?” He sneered, but Wade could read between the lines. He hit a nerve.

  “After Michelle, you became a fucking robot. No emotion, always cool.”

  “My cool head saved your ass in Afghanistan.”

  “Jesus, Marc, let it go. From the moment you dumped Michelle, you’ve been morose. You never look forward to anything. Sex was an outlet, not a joy.”

  Marc walked away from him, but Wade stopped him. “I don’t want you to end up like your father.”

  He stopped. “I’m not.”

  Wade took a bracing breath. “What do you think all those antics in Afghanistan were, Marc? You risked your life, got a ton of medals, but did you think you’d survive?”


  “That’s what I thought. You didn’t care if you lived or died. Well, you son of a bitch, I do. You’re my brother, and I’m damned sick of seeing you existing and not living.”

  Marc shook his head. “And you thought a weekend of good sex would fix it?”

  “No, but I know a lifetime with India would.”

  Marc snorted. “That worked out well, didn’t it?”

  The starkness of Marc’s voice told him everything he needed to know. Marc was in love with India the same as Wade was. If she didn’t agree, he could save himself the pain. Otherwise, Wade was pretty sure Marc would be a broken man. Wade didn’t know what would happen if his friend dug a deeper hole. He might just lose him.

  “You wait. She’ll call.”

  Without another word, Marc left him alone with his whiskey. He hoped that India didn’t let him down.

  * * * *

  “You did what with whom?” Delilah asked India. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open.

  India chuckled, delighted that for once she stunned her friend. Delilah’s tales were usually the stuff of fantasies, thanks to her stunning body and outrageous personality. Tall, athletic, Delilah gained attention by just walking in a room. The long, straight, black hair, mocha skin, and light green eyes made her unusual and stunning. She could have just about any man she wanted—and did on a regular basis. To have her so flabbergasted was quite delicious for India.

  “Marc and Wade, you know the owners of T and J.”

  “I know what you said. I’m just trying to assimilate it in my mind.” She closed her eyes. They popped open. “I think you have to start at the beginning.”

  So India did. She started with her first meeting with them, through the entire mess with Johnny, and then her weekend with them.

  “Holy hell, woman. When you let loose, you really let loose!”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “When you told me what happened, I thought this place would look much worse.”

  India looked around at the freshly painted walls and the fixed window.

  “Wade and Marc did that. They even replaced my mattress. I told them I have renter’s insurance, but they ignored me.”

  “Wait, they showed up here, fixed things themselves?”

  “Yeah, well, the paint, and cleaning up. I thought to do it myself. They showed up bright and early Monday morning and worked on the paint.”

  “And you’re here for what reason?”

  India laughed, but then tears rushed to her eyes. “Oh, God. Sorry.” She grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes. “I didn’t mean to do that. I can’t seem to stop.”

  Delilah reached over and slipped her hand over India’s. When she looked up at her friend, she knew the unasked question. “I’m afraid. Two men…very virile, younger men—”

  “Want you. Jesus, woman, don’t let that asshole Johnny rule your life. Is there any reason, other than your worries about pleasing them, that you shouldn’t be with them?”

  “Other than the fact that there are two of them and most people would find that strange?”

  Delilah rolled her eyes. “Fuck them.”

  India drew in a deep breath. “What happens if they dominate my life?”

  “I don’t think they’ll do that.” Delilah shrugged. “Besides, I don’t think you would let them.”

  “Please, I let Johnny walk all over me. What’s to say I won’t let them do the same thing?”

  “India, I’ve known you since high school. I saw what Johnny did to you, saw the way you ran around trying to please him.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll do it again.” She whispered it, fearing if she said it too loud it might come true.

  Delilah shook her head. “From what you say about these guys, I take it they are big, very alpha.” India snorted and Delilah smiled. “And you told them to wait. Have they asked again?”

  “No. And they haven’t tried anything for a week. I mean, at least not overtly. They did take their shirts off to work.”

  Delilah laughed. “Sounds to me like they demanded, and you said not until you make up your mind. The days of being walked all over are done for you, girlfriend.”

  She sat there, absorbed what Delilah said, her mind going back over their demeanor, the way they treated her. There had been kisses and comfort, all of which drove her crazy. She could tell both of them were holding back, and hurting, but they did it for her.

  A lightness she hadn’t felt in days filled her chest, warmed her heart. She couldn’t stop the smile that curved her lips.

  “Ahh, I see that
you get it.”

  India looked at Delilah, her mind going back over her feelings for the men. Wade was wonderful, always making her laugh, making her heart light. Then he would look at her and she would lose all thought of anything rational. Marc, his serious looks and dammit…she was in love with both of them.

  “I love them.”

  “Yeah, you do. I could tell the way you talked about them.”

  “No, you don’t understand. The one thing I worried about was being able to love both of them.”

  Delilah took her face in her hands. “You have more love to offer than anyone I know.”

  “I’m going to call them.”

  Now that she made her decision, she couldn’t wait. She was already hitting speed dial as Delilah grabbed her purse and headed to the door.

  “I’ll talk to you later. Call me, tell me how it goes.”

  She didn’t even register the door shutting as their home phone rang. Marc answered on the third ring.


  “Marc? Is Wade there?”

  “Yeah. Wade, get on the extension. Are you all right?”


  “Hey, India, how you doing?” Wade’s voice was soothing, but she heard the same thread of tension she heard in Marc’s.

  “I’ve come to my decision.”

  Neither of them said anything, and now she started to feel nervous. What if they had changed their minds?

  “India?” Wade asked.


  “What’s your decision?”

  “Oh, it’s yes.”

  An audible sigh sounded from both men, as if they had been holding their breaths. Then Wade laughed.

  “Hell, woman, you know how to make a man sweat.”

  She giggled and heard the door handle jiggle. Thinking that it was Delilah returning, she whirled around, a smile on her face. The moment she saw who it was, her blood turned to ice.

  Johnny stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. The smile he wore was pure evil. The gun he held in his hand was pointed at her chest. “Hello, India. I bet you didn’t expect to see me.”

  He lunged at her, and she evaded, screaming into the phone, “Marc, Wade, call the police.”

  She wasn’t so lucky the second time he attacked her. They went tumbling down on the floor, the phone falling out of her hand and skidding across the floor. The back of her head slammed against the wall. She lifted her head, trying to push him away, but bile rose in her throat, her vision blurred, and her world faded to black.


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