Roark's Baby

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Roark's Baby Page 4

by Hannah Davenport

  Looking at her sideways, Qar complied. “I would not have thought of such a thing, though I believe it will be effective…”

  Cami gave a lopsided grin and shrugged. “Saw it in a movie once.” She turned to me and said softly, “You see? You’re a mama bear.”

  I gasped as a contraction hit hard and tried to pant through it, wiping sweat from my brow, then nodded. “Guess you were right about that…after…all…”

  Roark suddenly filled the doorway; his eyes quickly taking in the scene before he rushed to my side.

  “I am here,” he said, gathering me into his arms.

  Zorvak headed to Cami as the rest of the guard dashed in. Ardak, who had already awakened, thrashed around and tried to get lose.

  Chapter Five


  “Captain, we have searched the area. Neither of the females have been located, and Ardak is still at large,” Voth reported.

  Even though I was still feeling the effects of Lara’s physical torment, I smiled for the first time since leaving home that morning.

  “Lara and Lord La’qa’s bond mate are safe in a home by the Denian Groves,” I replied. “And they have detained Ardak.”

  Voth’s astonishment was amusing. “Your…bond mates…the females…have detained Ardak?”

  Chuckling behind me, Zorvak confirmed, “They have indeed.”

  Voth was trying not to gape, and failing miserably.

  “Fetch Jasok and inform Hocath and Saroff that they will be traveling with us to the Denian Groves,” I ordered.

  “Yes, Captain,” Voth replied, shaking his head in wonder as he rushed off.

  Looking at me, Zorvak said, “I must confess to much pride in my bond mate.”

  “Indeed, I feel the same.” I paused. “That said…what were they thinking, running off to the market when Lara is so far along with the youngling?”

  Zorvak sighed. “I have been asking Cami that same question, but she does not have a good answer.”

  In my mind’s eye I saw Lara and the way she had looked before I left for the arena; I knew that she would never have gone to the market without Cami’s insistence. I could not, of course, voice this aloud…but Zorvak knew.

  “Cami refuses to take orders,” he said abruptly, as though reading my thoughts. “She says that on her planet, females think for themselves and do not need the protection of anyone. I have tried many times to quell her recklessness, but she does not respond to orders or demands.”

  I scoffed. “Lara is the same. If she was not carrying our young, she and your bond mate would be an unstoppable menace.”

  “Cami even rolls her eyes at the other females just to watch their faces twist in disgust.”

  I laughed in spite of myself. Those two females always made life interesting and after the fear of losing Lara, then the relief of discovering she was safe and that she and Cami had shown such courage and detained Ardak themselves…I could only laugh.

  Before Lara, I never knew how structured and boring my life had become—a life focused solely on work and duty, nothing more…not even family.

  I looked up to see Voth, Saroff, and Hocath heading our way. Jasok was already standing by the air vehicle, medical supply bag in hand.

  “Ready Captain,” Voth said, standing slightly in front of the other two guards.

  “Let us go, then.” Jasok climbed into my air vehicle, Zorvak took his own, and the other three guards rode in another. This was not protocol, but since our bond mates were involved, this was the way Zorvak and I preferred it.

  The three air vehicles landed side by side. I didn’t even wait for the others as I sprinted toward the small building, uncaring of any possible dangers. Lara had said she was safe, and I trusted her assessment of the situation.

  When I appeared in the doorway, I quickly surveyed the scene. Cami flicked a wrist at Ardak, whose current predicament of being tied up in a civilian home and under guard of a Human female might have been amusing, were it not for the murderous glare in his eyes and the knowledge that he might well have killed everyone in the house if things had gone differently.

  Zorvak appeared with Voth and the other two guards, who quickly apprehended Ardak. I saw Lara on a sofa, feet elevated and eyes squeezed shut, sweat dripping from her brow. A Ulayian female sat beside her, holding her hand, and a Ulayian male stood behind her. They both bowed their heads in silent respect for Lord La’qa and myself. I hurried over and pulled Lara into my arms.

  Zorvak bent and gripped Ardak by the throat, something I fully intended to do myself later.

  “As judge, jury, and executioner, I sentence you to death,” he growled in a low voice.

  “You cannot do that! I am the son of Esad, I am royal blood!” Ardak snapped, his voice raspy. “And I am not the only one who resents your very presence leading our world, Zorvak.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Zorvak opened his mouth to speak, then quickly glanced at Cami; I sensed there was unspoken words between them. Zorvak let go of Ardak’s throat, then straightened.

  As Captain, Zorvak deferred to me. “What say you, Captain Roark?”

  Extracting myself, I stood and faced Ardak and the others. I wanted to deliver justice myself, but Lara needed me. As much as it pained me to do so, I deferred to my second in command, Voth.

  “Voth, Ardak has been sentenced to death. You can carry out the order, or detain him until later and I will deliver it myself.”

  With a stern chin, Voth replied, “I will handle Ardak. Congratulations on the impending birth of your young, Captain.”

  Voth followed as the guards took Ardak away.

  “Roark!” Lara cried, focusing on me. I bent down on one knee and pulled her into my arms again.

  “Are you well, ji’si?”

  “Yes, but our baby is ready to meet us.” She smiled bravely, swiping tears from her eyes.

  “Captain,” Jasok interjected from behind me. “May I?”

  Refusing to let her go, I shifted her closer into my arms, cradling her head. I brushed the hair away from her sweaty forehead and planted a kiss in the center.

  Jasok scanned over her stomach. “Captain, we need to get her back to the mansion now.”

  Without questioning the urgency in his voice, I moved out from under Lara, scooped her up and swiftly headed for the air vehicle.



  “It’s okay Roark, you don’t have to be in such a hurry. I’m fine.”

  The words poured easily from my lips, but in the back of my mind, I worried. A lot. The events of the morning had taken their toll. Now that Roark was here and we were all safe from that madman Ardak, I wanted nothing more than to just fall apart in his arms and be as vulnerable as I truly felt. But I couldn’t do that to Roark, knowing already how much he had been through on my account.

  Shielding Roark from my fears didn’t keep them from me, however. What if the baby was too big for me to have naturally? Could Jasok perform a c-section? I didn’t think so…and frankly the idea of allowing an alien who knew little of Human physiology to cut me open was not an option. I refused to be the guinea pig for Ulayian medicine.

  I might not have a choice…I realized with a growing sense of dismay.

  Roark smoothed the hair away from my face and kissed my forehead tenderly, distracting me momentarily from my thoughts.

  “We will be in medical soon and all will be well,” he said, with what I knew was far more reassurance than he actually felt.

  As he climbed inside the flyer, Jasok slid in the seat behind us. Roark refused to let me go. With one arm cradled around my body, he programmed the coordinates for the mansion.

  I snuggled into his arms. With him, I always felt safe and protected; it was blissful relief after the terror I’d felt earlier, followed by a shaking rage I didn’t know I was capable of as Cami and I captured Ardak. No one would hurt my baby.

  As the flyer zipped past buildings and people, I nestled my head against Roark’s shoulder, eyes closed. Look
ing out the window made me nauseous. He kissed the top of my head again, stroking my hair.

  I was so worried about you, he said gently.

  I’m sorry I went to the market without telling you.

  Light fingers brushed my jaw. You are the most important thing to me—you and our young. I do not know what I would do if something happened to you.

  I forced myself not to shudder at the thought of all that could’ve gone wrong today.

  Among Humans, labor lasts a long time, especially with the first child, I replied, trying to alleviate some of his anxiety.

  I should never have left you alone.

  I felt his guilt; we both knew that if he had stayed, I would never have gone out.

  It was my fault. I should’ve stayed home.

  We will talk about that another time.

  I can’t believe we’re about to be…

  Suddenly another contraction hit me full force; with less of a buildup, the pain felt more intense this time (if that was even possible).

  Lara? Roark’s arm gripped me tighter, but I couldn’t answer just yet.

  Breathe, Lara, I told myself firmly. After several beats, I sucked in a deep breath, swallowed hard, and said, “I’m okay.”

  His shoulders relaxed slightly, and I inhaled his warm, musky scent.

  I felt the air vehicle slow and descend; we had reached the landing site outside the arena. A light thump jostled me slightly, but Roark held firm.

  The door opened and a cold, light breeze washed across my arm; with the increased blood supply of pregnancy, I felt warm and comfortable when I should have been shivering.

  Noise, low mummers drifted inside the vehicle, like excited hushes all minced together, forming a static inside my head. Roark held me tight against his chest, stepped outside, and the noise fell silent.

  When I cracked open my eyes, every trainee stared back at me. They had formed a loose line, all watching with—was that worry mixed with fascination? Being the center of attention made me feel uneasy, but I had heard the rumors from Cami. As a true Compatible and a Human, everyone was waiting for the birth of our child.

  Roark didn’t waste any time rushing me inside.

  Another contraction hit, this one closer and much stronger, more intense than any of the other ones. The mental wall cracked, the door swung open and I couldn’t hold in the scream that tore lose from my throat.

  Roark faltered, stumbled and almost fell with me in his arms. He leaned his back against the wall and slid down to sitting as I squeezed his hand with every ounce of strength I possessed.

  He grunted.

  Wrapped in his loose arms, I would’ve laughed at the irony. We were both useless at the moment, and at this rate, we would never make it to medical. Jasok should just bring his equipment here and let me give birth in the hallway.

  Now that would be a show for others to talk about for years to come, I thought with faint amusement.

  As the pain receded, Roark slowly got to his feet, still cradling me against his chest and shaking his head at Jasok, who had reached out to offer a hand. In silence, Roark strode purposefully down the hall, Jasok at his side. Cami and Zorvak appeared next, followed by three guards.

  What a procession we must be making, I thought with ironic amusement until more pain struck. I just want painkillers. Oh God…I never asked Jasok if epidurals are a thing here…why didn’t I ask about that? What if there’s no pain meds that will work on me?

  There will be, ji’si, Roark reassured me, and I realized I’d been projecting again. And if there is not…I will help you bear the pain, as you did for me.

  I didn’t think it was possible to love him any more than I already did, until that moment.

  We finally reached the medical center, and Roark placed me in the center of an oversized stretcher, then rounded the bed and took my hand in his while everyone stood around waiting. Without a word, Jasok grabbed the scanner and placed it over my belly.

  “The head is in position. You are having the youngling today,” he said grimly.

  “Really? I never would have guessed…” I quipped as another contraction struck. “You.Were.Wroooong!”

  The last word came out as a scream and I withered on the bed, not caring about niceties.

  Roark bent on one knee, breathing heavily. Zorvak, Hocath, and Saroff stood staring slack-jawed, and even Cami looked a little pale. Maybe she was thinking that this might be her one day soon; I hoped so.

  “Can someone just give me an epidural?” I yelled.

  Jasok’s grim face floated into view. “I do not know what that is.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I grumbled.

  “Can’t you give her something to help ease the pain of the contractions?” Cami’s practical voice demanded.

  Jasok seemed nervous, fidgeting, his eyes darting everywhere but in my direction. “I am not sure how she will respond.”

  Cami planted her feet, shifting hands to hips. “Seriously? No pain meds?”

  Jasok slowly shook his head. Cami let out an audible sigh. “How much has she dilated?”

  Jasok shifted his eyes briefly to Roark. “I have not checked.”

  “Well check, dammit!” Cami ordered.

  I only half-listened as I panted, silently vowing to myself that if I survived, I would open a birthing center, maybe become a midwife myself. The men were clueless, or at least they appeared to be.

  Jasok lowered his gaze to Roark. “Captain, with your permission, I need to check your bond mate.”

  What the hell? My hands balled into fists. I did not have time for this shit!

  “You don’t need his damn permission, you need mine!” I cried, outraged.

  “Permission granted,” Roark replied as though I hadn’t spoken.

  My eyes quickly touched on everyone in the room. “Not until they,” I waved a hand toward the guards and Zorvak, “get out! Until then, these legs are staying closed.”

  A snarky grin spread across Cami’s face. “You wouldn’t be in this position if you had kept your legs closed in the first place.”

  I shot her a deadly glare. “I don’t recall asking your opinion.”

  Roark looked uneasy; he was clearly out of his element. “I should wait outside with Zorvak.”

  “Why?” I demanded sharply. It pissed me off that he even thought about it.

  “It is our way.”

  “Well, it’s not my way so you’re keeping your ass right here with me.”

  Roark exhaled sharply but knelt beside the bed, clutching my hand in his.

  I was mortified by how completely useless everyone in the room appeared to be. Meeting Jasok’s solemn eyes, I dared to ask, “You have delivered a baby before, right?”

  Silence descended as everyone froze, all eyes trained on Jasok.

  Chapter Six


  “Jasok?” When he briefly averted his eyes, my heart beat double time.

  Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?

  Trying to keep some sort of control over my emotions, I squeezed Roark’s hand, hoping he would give me the reassurance I needed.

  “Alright people, out! Everyone out but Jasok and Roark!” Cami commanded the room. When the door closed, she rounded on Jasok, hands on hips and head cocked slightly as she stared him down. “Tell me you have delivered a baby before.”

  “I…I have. But the births are far less painful, and most of the females prefer to have their young at home, with assistance from other females.”

  “Shit!” I hissed as another contraction tightened my middle. “Somebody do something!”

  Cami briefly glanced my way. “Jasok, ignore the pain and pretend she’s Ulayian.”

  A quick nod and his demeanor changed. Working swiftly, he retrieved a different cot.

  “This is a birthing chair,” he explained, pulling it over.

  It appeared to be a little firmer, narrow, and light blue in color. The back reclined at a thirty-degree angle, with slender arms that
folded out at the sides. The half-seat would leave me exposed to anyone’s viewing. Just like the arms, the table broke off into two sections, one for each leg. Unlike Earth and the use of stirrups, this bed supported the entire leg; it reminded me of a stick man drawing come to life.

  “Let me help you,” Roark said, gently lifting me. When I wrapped my arms around his neck, I didn’t want to let go.

  Roark placed me on the birthing chair, then lifted up padded flaps to keep my arms and legs from falling off.

  “Well,” Cami said, staring at Jasok, “check and see if she’s fully dilated.”


  Roark stared into my eyes. “You have my permission—and that of my bond mate—to do whatever is needed. Now just do it, Jasok.”

  Jasok rubbed a light cream on his hands which quickly formed a thin transparent barrier. The first time I’d seen him apply these gloves left me gaping in amazement. Then cool hands touched my inner thighs before I felt them at my opening.

  Another contraction tore through me and I felt the overwhelming need to push. Instead of yelling, I held Roark’s gaze and tried to breathe through the pain. I knew he felt it, but now he was being brave for me.

  You are the strongest female I know.

  You’re just saying that.

  I am not.

  Really? How many do you know who have given birth?

  A smile ghosted his lips. None.

  That’s what I thought. As the contraction peaked, I squeezed Roark’s hand with every ounce of strength I had. He grunted, but I ignored it. I need to push!

  I bore down and pushed with everything in me.

  “I feel the head.”

  “Really? Let me see,” Cami said, peering over Jasok’s shoulder.

  “It has not descended down enough to see.”

  As the contraction dissipated, I collapsed back against the chair, only to repeat the entire ordeal again in about two minutes…


  Two hours! Two freaking hours I’d been at this. I collapsed against the chair again; the damn thing now felt like cinder bricks. Sweat soaked my forehead, dripping from my nose; actually my entire body was soaked. I can’t do this anymore.


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