Roark's Baby

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Roark's Baby Page 7

by Hannah Davenport

  “I will come with you.”

  “Alone.” Not wanting to reveal our apparent talents, I added, “Give me until sunrise and then find me in the neutral space.”

  He nodded, but I could see the worry in his eyes.

  I turned and briskly headed out of the office. When the stale air hit my face, my lips turned down even more. Why did Humans feel the need to cover everything in this hard…what did they call it… pavement?

  If they had found the balance, maybe they could have saved their planet instead of destroying most of the natural resources. And by the looks of this city, they were trying to repeat the process. Large buildings, some ten floors high, sat close together. And roads used up most of the good sod, creating a problem in growing their own food.


  I headed away from this territory that they so graciously gave us—for a price—and headed to the neutral area. I had never been there, never been out of our territory, but tonight I felt the need to get away.

  The air smelled manufactured and sickly with something I could not identify. It only added to my ire over being stuck here for so long.

  As the smog filled sky gave way to stars, my senses came alive, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Sounds of animals heightened my instincts and I longed for home even more.

  The trees were small spindles but would soon grow to be thriving massive monuments, providing fresh air and healthy fruits for years to come.

  Unless they found a way to destroy them as well... I mused.

  An hour into the woods and I stopped short. I was not alone. The moon shone down casting a light that streaked across the water. Seeing the silhouette of a cloaked figure standing near a pond, I hesitated, and was about ready to turn around and leave.

  “I know you’re there,” a musical voice said.


  “I will leave you in peace.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and I got my first look. Large round dark eyes glittered in the moonlight. A thin chin with plump cheeks.

  The rumors were true.

  Her gaze tried to see past my own cloak, but I hid within the hood. She did not seem to be unnerved by my presence. A first among her kind.

  “Stay,” she turned and faced the water. “This is the neutral area.”

  Cautiously, I walked up and stood next to her, staring at the water. Croaks sounded loud in the silence.

  “The tree frogs have made a tremendous comeback.”

  Tree frogs, I mused, wondering what they looked like. After another moment of silence, she continued, “You are a Tizun,” she turned to face me. “I’ve never seen your kind before.”

  My kind were feared, talked about, and rumored to be monsters.

  “They say you’re evil, that you kill for the sport of it.” Everything she said was true. The Humans spread the lies of the Andores and we never rebuked them. It was good to sometimes invoke fear from a potential enemy.

  Lowering the cloak so she could see the scar, I lifted my chin, wanting her to be shriek back and run away. When she held still, her eyes roaming over the scar, I added, “We kill for reason but never for sport.”

  She laughed, the sound sure and confident. “Are you trying to scare me?” She turned back around and faced the water.

  Yes, I was. And it did not work. “I am only speaking the truth.”

  “Sometimes,” she briefly glanced my way, “there is a good reason.”

  Her reply surprised me, which is hard to do. “Is that why I smell blood on your hands?”

  She held them up for my inspection. “There is no blood.”

  Perhaps, but the smell of wildflowers with an undertone of blood tickled my nose, making it twitch. Did she realize how great Tizuns could smell or was that another well-kept secret?

  She gestured to a nearby bench and surprisingly, I wanted to talk with her more.

  Sitting next to her, she crossed her arms and reclined against the hard metal. She seemed unaffected by my presence. Strange.

  “Have you ever met a Human before?”



  “I have. In my position, I must meet with officials at certain times. It is a…requirement.” One that I loathed to do. We only pretended to let the Humans think they were in charge. In reality, this was a fight between us and the Andores.

  “Ah, I see. Have you met any human women?”

  I stared out over the pond, drinking in its beauty. Here, it is untouched by the progress the Humans think they have achieved.

  Turning my head, I faced the female, letting her see the full depth of my scar. On my planet, it was worn as a badge of honor. Here, it was considered a badge of terror. “Why are you not afraid of me?”

  “Why should I be?”

  “You believe I would not kill you?”

  “In a heartbeat.” She lifted her eyes to mine. “But not without provocation.”

  Those dark eyes held much conviction, a strength that intrigues but a hint of sadness that said she has known pain.

  “Indeed. But that is not the opinion of the Earth officials.” The Andores had filled their heads with glossed over lies, and Humans had fallen for it.

  She waved a dismissive hand. “Most of them can’t see past their own noses.”

  I chuckled. For the first time in forever, I actually laughed. She startled, but I didn’t care, it surprised me also. It felt good to relax, if only for a tiny bit.

  She intrigued me enough to want to ask how she felt about the Andores, but I dared not. Just enjoyed this fleeting moment with the odd Human.

  “Do you miss your home?”

  Her voice sounded distant, perhaps her mind was elsewhere, as mine now was. “Yes.”

  She turned those dark eyes on me. “Do you have family there?”


  She scoffed. “You don’t talk much.”

  My eyes briefly slid her direction. “I find…” I inhaled deeply, not wanting to offend her. Which was odd. “Humans do not like the truth and often times draw wrong conclusions.”

  “Well,” she sighed, “feel free to speak truthfully. I rather enjoy not having to decipher everything.”

  “We read body language more than we listen to words.”

  She turned her eyes on me once more. “What does my body language tell you?”

  Even though I already knew, I studied her more thoroughly. Shoulders held back, easy confidence, she portrayed what she wanted others to see, but with subtle movements and gestures, I knew the truth.

  “You want others to see you as happy and confident. But the anger you hold inside verges on rage. There is also an undertone of deep sadness.”

  She laughed, then dismissed my observation. “I’m sure that’s how most women feel. Since the arrival of the Andores, women have been cast back to the dark ages. I mean, a protector? Really?”

  “Why are you not afraid of me?” I asked once again.

  Her smile faded, and without hesitation she said, “Because you are good.”

  “You think I would not kill?” Because I would and I have. Without hesitation.

  “I didn’t say that. I think we don’t know enough about your laws to know what is right and wrong, so you’re judged by our standards, not yours. But you have a good heart.”

  “You cannot be sure.”

  She laughed, “You would be surprised what I know.”

  My shoulders stiffened; distrust settled deep as I glanced her way. Who was she?

  I heard the light buzzing of the solar board and glanced over the top of the trees. The first rays of the yellow sun streaked the sky.

  Pushing up from the bench, I raised the hood and covered my head. “It was nice chatting with you human.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  Gar maneuvered the solar board through the trees. When the leaves rustled, she looked that direction, surprised. “Oh.” She stood, pulled her own hood over her head. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I also, must be getting hom

  Without waiting, she turned and headed the opposite direction.

  Gar glided up beside me. “Who was that?”

  I watched until she was out of sight. “I did not get her name.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  Chapter Three


  Standing at the pond, I had just finished washing my hands when I felt his approach. Not really felt, but everyone knew when they were no longer alone. Something like a sixth sense. In my case, a seventh or eighth.

  I tensed, slid my hand around the hilt of a hidden knife and waited. When I glanced over my shoulder and seen his light grayish and pink aura, I let go of the knife. He was no threat to me, at least not right now.

  It had taken me several years to learn what the different colors stood for. Light gray meant that he was a good person. Pink meant that it could easily turn to red and kill someone. A good killer, I chuckled.

  Once upon a time, I would’ve said there was no such thing. But now that I was older, I knew better.

  He tried to scare me, but unless his aura changed, he couldn’t. Even the jagged scar that ran the length of his face didn’t scare me. It couldn’t take away from his looks. Unlike the Adonis Andores, this guy was average verging on homely.

  Average height, around 6 feet tall, ash colored skin, amber eyes, a sharp pointed nose and sunken cheeks. He was mysterious and I enjoyed talking with him. More than anyone I had met in a long time.

  Not realizing how late it was, I left him and his friend and headed home. Jenna would surely be up and probably be full of questions. What would I say? We’ve always told each other everything, mostly, and I’ve already kept one secret from her. Not the aura thing, she knows about that.

  Heading into the clearing, I spotted her sitting on the front porch with a steaming cup in her hands.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, cupping the coffee with both hands.

  “Couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk.”

  “Really?” she took a sip from the cup. She didn’t sound as if she believed me.

  “Let me take a quick shower and I’ll join you. Give me ten minutes.”

  “Okay, but I want details.”

  I softly shut the storm door behind me, headed down the hall and veered to the room on the right. After grabbing a towel and some clothes, I headed into the small bathroom.

  A chain hung in the center of the ceiling, connected to one lone lightbulb. I pulled, and light flooded the dark five by five room. Peeling faded yellow wallpaper with white flowers, a single white porcelain sink, a commode, and white tub with a blue shower curtain. It was barely big enough to turn around but it was certainly functional.

  Thankfully we had a well for water and solar panels for energy that still worked.

  Sliding out of the cloak, I unstrapped a knife from each thigh, slid one out of each boot, and carefully laid them in the bottom of the tub. As I scrubbed my body, making sure to get all the blood off, the water also rinsed the knifes.

  Stepping out, I dried my body, used the towel to soak up the water in my hair, leaving it messy and damp. I slid an old cotton white shirt over my head, stepped into a pair of faded jeans, then dried the knifes with a towel.

  Heading back to my room, I carefully placed the knifes in a locked metal case in the bottom of my closet. Grabbed a cup of coffee and headed outside.

  Jenna, who had the cup to her lips, lifted her eyes to mine when I softly shut the storm door.

  “The kids are still asleep.” I took a seat next to her. We both liked the swing.

  “That’s good. I like to have a cup of coffee out here. In silence, before they get up. Good company excluded of course.” She grinned.

  “It is nice.”

  “So, are you going to tell me?”

  The coffee tasted good this morning, not to strong, not weak, but perfect. The sun was in full early morning view, birds chirped in the trees. It seemed like a fresh start to a brand-new day.

  “I couldn’t sleep so I headed to the old man Myers place.”

  “Where the old log house used to be?”

  “Yes. His pond is still there.”

  “I remember that. It’s been years since I’ve been there, though. What made you go all the way out there?”

  “I guess I get to thinking about mom and dad.”

  “And your brother?”


  “Oh, Millicent. I’m so sorry. You know you can always talk to me.”

  “I know.”

  Even though it was only four years ago, it seemed like yesterday. The Andores arrived long before they were discovered, I’d seen them with my own two eyes. Taking women and killing families, and then one day, they made contact. Earth government had fell for their lies, hook, line, and sinker. Out of the goodness of their cold-blooded heart, they helped clean up the air, filter the water, made Earth a more livable habitat. They were heroes to most people, but not me, I knew the truth.

  After a moment of silence, she asked, “When do you have to meet with your uncle?”

  “Tomorrow, 3 pm sharp.”

  “I wonder what he wants this time?”

  I scoffed. “Nothing good, that’s for sure.”

  Last year, after my Great Papa passed away, Uncle David had summoned me to the government building. He informed me that under the new law, and as my only living male relative, that I was now under his protection. The five-minute conversation ended with, “Stay out of trouble and when I have need of you, I’ll let you know.” Then he went back to the reports on his desk, ignoring and dismissing me at the same time.

  After a few silent moments, I dropped a bomb on her. “I met a Tizun.”

  Jenna’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Oh my God! Where? Was he scary? What happened?”

  I chuckled. “He walked up behind me at the pond. That’s why I’m late.”

  “Okay, you gotta give me more than that!”

  Smiling, I took a sip of coffee, drawing out her impatience.

  Jenna cocked her head slightly and gave me the look.

  “I don’t know. It was nice. We talked for a little bit, not really about anything important.”

  “Was he scary?”

  I thought about everything, about the scar, the rumors. He should’ve been scary. “No. His heart is good.”

  “So the Andores…”

  “Are trying to paint them as evil? Yes.”

  Jenna’s shoulders slumped. “How can people not see through them. I mean, our house can’t be the only one getting raided.”

  “I don’t know.”

  The storm door opened and closed; Cara plopped down on the bench. Her messy red hair stopped just above her shoulders; her pale skin looked splotchy. “Good morning,” I smiled.

  “Huh, what’s good about it?” she said grumpily, then swiped her bangs out of her eyes.

  “Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

  “No,” she said with condescension, “someone woke me up when she took a shower.” And then she shot me an accusatory look.

  “You could’ve gone back to sleep. You didn’t. Get over it.” Sometimes it was the only way to talk to Cara.

  Her tone changed immediately. “Anymore coffee left?”

  “A little.”

  She probably expected me to get it for her, but she was old enough to get it herself. I hated it when she got into one of those moods.

  When Jenna nor I offered to move, Cara huffed before jumping up and stalking away.

  “Kids,” Jenna said, dismissing her attitude.

  I finished my coffee, stood and then smiled at Jenna. “Good luck with that. I’m going to bed.”

  Jenna chuckled, “After waking up Cara, good luck getting some shut eye.”

  Cara was a tad vindictive that way. She’d probably make breakfast just so she could bang the pots loudly and make as much racket as possible. Then she would get ready and head to the Human territory and pick pocket some p
oor schmuck.

  Crawling into bed, I hugged the pillow and thought about the Tizun. There was something refreshing about being near him, talking to him. I wasn’t a bit scared.

  I readjusted my weight, trying to get comfortable. This was a temporary home and this bed didn’t feel as cozy as mine.

  My eyes grew heavy and a smile played on my lips. Maybe I would visit the pond again tonight.


  Hours later, I woke to a quiet house. Rolling over, I took my time getting up. The less noise I made the better. It’s not that I wanted to sneak out, but I didn’t want the others to get used to knowing when I came and went. The less they knew the better. I didn’t delude myself in thinking that I could stay here forever. In my heart, I knew the day was coming. Sooner probably than later. It would be the only way to keep them safe.

  Stretching my arms over my head, I yawned, then shook off the left-over sleepy feeling.

  Standing in front of the thin, full-length mirror in a pair of white boy shorts and a snug white tee, I took a deep breath. What would the Andores do if they caught me? I shoved the thought away and grabbed the metal box from the bottom of the closet.

  Strapping a knife on each thigh, I slid on a pair of loose black cargo pants, some I had designed myself. Black in color, there was one pocket above hidden slits to reach my bare skin and draw a knife with ease.

  I pulled the snug black turtleneck over my head and let it hug my chest and waist. Running quick fingers through my short dark hair, I grabbed the black cloak and quietly headed out.

  I wasn’t sneaking, not really, but I didn’t want to be seen. Laughter drifted inside from the back yard, the smell of smoke in the air. They must be roasting food over an open fire. The neighbors loved to get together once or twice a month to congregate over food.

  Reaching for the front doorknob, I heard, “Where you going?” from behind.

  Slowly, I turned and smiled at Austin. I held my finger to my lips. “Shhh… this is our secret, okay?”

  He stared for a mere second, shrugged, then said, “okay,” then ran out the backdoor. You could never really trust him to do as he was told, so I left in a rush.


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