by John Morris
Queen Regent Kathy quickly swept through the downstairs, and was in the library when a panel opened and the children came rushing through. “Dan, you have a secret door, how wonderful. This is turning out just perfect. Now, let us retire to the inn. Charm, come here at once.”
They had hardly been a minute inside, and came out the front door, as the neighbours arrived to complain about the noise. They fell silent when they saw Royalty in the flesh, and begged forgiveness. Queen Regent Kathy said, “So sorry, the noise will be my helicopters. They will relocate in a moment. The other craft should be gone in a short while.”
Royalty got into the back of the bullet-proof Bentley, and a convoy of cars sped towards the village. Although Dan was the host, Queen Regent Kathy chose to enter via the bar, and a small sensation ensued. She ordered a half pint of the local ale, and spoke to every patron, if briefly. They continued through to the restaurant, which had a large round table waiting, and Felicity quickly made a seating plan. Queen Regent Kathy toured the lounge en route, and tables of other diners in the restaurant, but hardly stopped to chat. She wanted to make a small impression that everyone mattered to her.
The table was only just large enough. The children misbehaved as they were over-excited and over-tired. Brian brought out a small, low table with child seats, a basket of fries, and the problem was quickly resolved. A Lady in Waiting and bodyguards would watch over them.
Felicity said, “How do you get used to having so many people around you all the time, maids, and the bodyguards?”
“One soon gets accustomed to them. I don’t see them anymore…”
Talk was varied and passed around table, until the Director asked, “Why are we here tonight, Dan?”
The table fell silent, and all eyes turned to look at him expectantly. Dan stood and asked Felicity to stand with him. They turned to each other, and he knelt down before her, taking her left hand in his own. “I don’t believe this Danforth. How could you do this to me?”
Unwittingly, Felicity had given him the cue he needed. “Because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Felicity Wigglesworth, will you do me the honour of agreeing to become my wedded wife. By token of my love, I give thee this ring.”
He produced a large diamond ring, and slipped on her finger.
Felicity dragged him to his feet and shouted, “Yes!”
They kissed passionately, if briefly, and she continued, “I would kill you for putting me through that, if I didn’t love you more.”
Cheers erupted all around. Focus of the table fell, and remained on Felicity. Her mother and father were the first to congratulate her, Margaret already refining wedding plans.
The meal was a terrific success, and Queen Regent Kathy loved the chicken tikka curry. Later she spoke to Ayesha. It gave her an insight into the lives of modern, British Muslim women, and she wondered how many others, unlike the girl, had not managed to escape.
Her mind remained working, and after Ayesha had finished cooking, she drew aside to chat. That night, in a backwater inn, in the middle of nowhere, Norfolk, Queen Regent Kathy learned how she might be able to attack Islamic enclaves from within, via their young women, ones with British values, and loyalty to their country of birth.
As the restaurant emptied, Queen Regent Kathy talked with Sir Jack and Dan. Felicity was included, as soon as the Regent learned she was a ranking police officer who had helped cleanse Islamic parts of Norwich.
She began, “We are starved of information from within these so-called caliphates. No one inside is speaking to us, or getting a message out. One reason why it is taking so long to take back our dominion is not knowing friend from foe. We need a presence on social media used by these young Muslim girls like Ayesha. Thank you Felicity for having the prescience to see the full picture, and keep her safe.
“She has given me several websites, and I would like you, Dan, to follow through. Ayesha told me she knows how to make contacts with these Muslim girls on social media, so why not let her use a computer in your office?”
Dan said, “Better I arrange for one in her bedroom, it will be secure, and non-traceable. Alison will set it up, and we will monitor the feed. I’ll need the following information, Your Majesty.”
“Overruled, she already knows what you are doing. You need to work with her to generate one or several personas, which she can act out online. I believe in inclusion, and if you still disagree, deal with it.”
“Your Majesty, this will be no problem, and a great opportunity for us to learn more about Muslim thinking in today’s modern Blighty.”
They called Ayesha, and spoke to her about the new job. She was thrilled, and would begin the following afternoon. Brian was content, if not happy, but he knew it was for the greater good.
Sir Jack said, “It is time I departed, I have a plane waiting at the aerodrome, and have an early start tomorrow.”
Dan said, “We’ll give you a lift, as we will be gone in five minutes.”
Their words were interrupted, when an aid whispered to Queen Regent Kathy. She was not impressed, and said, “They tell me it is time to leave. This is what my life is like. I have greatly enjoyed mixing with real people again. We are staying. I presume this inn has rooms?”
Dan replied, “I have the best room here, and will vacate immediately. I hardly use it anymore. One moment, Your Majesty.”
Brian was a mess of disjointed hyperactivity. His arms waved aimlessly, as his legs took on a dancing gait. His words were short and unintentionally sharp. Dan calmed him, and booked the six free rooms.
He informed Queen Regent Kathy, who said, “That’s about enough, the others will have to surf sofas, as I did some years ago. It won’t hurt them for one night. Let Brian arrange everything, as my aid will take all night getting things ‘just right’, which is impossible. Gaelic coffees for nightcap please Brian, and then I need my beauty sleep. Dan, stay a while, we have more to discuss. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast as well. It will be early, I’ll give you a call.”
Chapter 48 ~ Inside Information
Ayesha rose early to help with breakfast. After Royalty departed, she set about making batches of different curries, and putting them in sealed containers, after dating and marking the contents of each. Once cool, she put them in the freezer. Her next task was to prepare chapattis, roti, and naan. She made these in stacks and sealed them in freezer bags.
The under chef had been watching her for some time, and said, “I’m sure I could do some of this for you, and I am keen to learn.”
Ayesha smiled, “Thanks. It’s quite simple, once you get confident. I’ll show you how I make the poppadom mixture now, and then how to cook them. Afterwards I need to make some tarka dal, and then I’ll make another batch of chicken tikka masala. It’s our most popular dish.”
Later, Brian came over and said, “You’re teaching Paul the ropes?”
“Yes, and he’s doing very well. I’ll have him make this himself tomorrow, and then work through the other dishes, if that’s okay.”
“That’s great. You okay with this Paul?”
“Loving it sir.”
“What time do you leave, Ayesha?”
“I’ll go after lunch, but I’d like to take a nap if I can. I have the feeling I may be working quite late, if not tonight, then in future.”
“Go up when you are done here, and no loitering. I’ll call you if we have need, but you have made a great stockpile already. I’ll need to buy a new freezer, just to keep up with you.”
Ayesha checked on the kitchen just after one o’clock, but she was not needed, even though several curries were being prepared. She went to the shop. Stella shouted inside, and Sinjun escorted her around back, showing her the usual way in. The team were at lunch, and she took a seat. Dan said, “Tuck in, but these two contain pork.
Her words surprised them. “I sometimes eat it, and love bacon sandwiches. May I try the pork pie?”
Talk turned to her place within the tea
m. “I think most of my work will be in the evening. I’ll begin with chat sites I know, and see where they lead me. I know Luton well, but people come on from all over.”
Dan said, “Have you thought about which profiles to use?”
“I was just going to be myself.”
“No, you’d cover more ground by being different people, say one an outgoing girl, another who is less certain, and perhaps a boy?”
“Oh, I could do that. All I have to do is imagine Waheed on chat.”
“Write down who you are for each character: age, sex, job, school, or vocational training, hobbies even. And whereabouts you live.”
Veronica said, “I used to teach this stuff. Come out immediately if you feel something is wrong. Don’t lead the conversation, wait for them to make a statement first. I would also have a fourth identity, that being yourself, at least, as much as you can reveal. Don’t divulge too much, we don’t want them tracing you back here now, do we.”
“Okay, this all makes sense. Where do I set up?”
Veronica said, “Dan, I think she should set up next to me, then I can keep an eye on her, help her in case of difficulty.”
“Agreed, let’s move upstairs.”
Ayesha spent the first hour putting her different details online. She registered with five websites, including the ones she had used before. Two were in Pashto, two in Arabic, and one in English. She spent time getting the hang of each website. When she felt comfortable, she joined a couple of clubs and chat rooms on each, and waited.
It was Saturday, so the websites were busy, and got busier after five. The evening was busiest of all. Ayesha made contact with some, but she was unknown, an outsider. Usually girls joined in small groups, so they already had friends on the site.
Even more people seemed to be online on Sunday, and again she chatted to some, but most of it was superficial. She logged on for lunchtime on Monday, and the sites were quiet, only becoming popular as the time approached six p.m. From Tuesday, she only worked evenings and weekends.
Despite her enthusiasm, Ayesha was becoming downhearted as she got to Friday. She had not made any new friends, only acquaintances. Her eyes lit up when she saw her closest friend log into a chat room. She changed to her own ID, and made contact. “Hi Fatimah, how are you?”
“Who are you, do I know you?”
“I hope so, I’m Ayesha.”
The girls chatted, quickly catching up, but not saying anything that would be flagged, Fatimah had typed, “Be careful, they monitor everything on here.”
“You still using the same number?”
“Yes, call me.”
Ayesha got out her mobile phone, but Alison said, “Stop. You are ringing into ISIL Luton? You will need a secure phone, one second … here we are. I’ve put this phone’s number under ‘Z’, and you can use it like any other. It is highly encrypted, and can’t be traced. Sounds like you’re doing well.”
Once connected, Fatimah told her friend about the horrors of living under the shadow of Daesh.
“We all live in fear of being executed for the smallest mistake. They take the youngest and pretty ones as sex slaves, even primary school girls. I wear a full burkha so they can't tell my age. They are evil. I wish I could get out of here, but it’s useless. They have the city locked down.
“How could we get in?”
“Are you crazy, keep away?”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m working with British security forces, and we need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and how we can take Luton back from Daesh.”
“Wow! You’ve moved up in the world. Okay, it will take me many days, because I have to remain hidden. But I’ll find out as much as I can, and be in touch. What’s your number? … Got it. One more thing, there are a gang of girls here trying to subvert the Daesh cause, but we have to be clever.”
“Great. We better keep this short. I don’t want to get there and find you dead. It’s been so long … see you soon, bye.”
Alison said, “That sounds promising.”
“It’ll be one week or more, but she is thorough. This is a result.”
“You going to pack up early?”
“No. Some of my other leads are beginning to show results, so I’ll hang around until things go quiet.”
Things carried on in similar vein, and although Ayesha did make friends, they were not of the helpful variety regards her interests.
During the interim mornings, and quiet afternoons, Ayesha taught Paul how to make all the dishes. Brian was very happy. One week and more had passed since she had chatted to Fatimah, but there was nothing, and Ayesha started to worry about her friend.
She had been given a website to try by one of her new friends, and was visiting for the third night. The room she was in had a strange name, one that could mean several things. She was distracted when her secure phone rang. “Ayesha?”
“Maybe, who are you? How do you know my name?”
“I’m Makaarim, and a close friend, via a friend, of Fatimah. It was because of the information you asked for, that my friend became involved with helping her. You should have the file tomorrow. I advise you not to contact her again. Daesh have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Okay, but this is a bit of a shock you know.”
“You are on the outside. One of the few to escape. So am I, and most of my team. Whereabouts are you?”
“From Luton, north and east, I’m not close by.”
“Good. I’ll need to meet you, say tomorrow at six p.m., in the car park of the Tharp. It’s the only pub in Chippenham village, just north of Newmarket. I’ve got to go. Bye.”
The line went dead. Ayesha stared at the phone, and looked for the caller’s number. Withheld. She sat back, confused, and ran her fingers through her long hair. She wondered if she should cut it off. Disgusted with herself for even considering doing such a thing, she closed down early, despite it being Saturday night, and went to find the team.
Sinjun was in the bar, the others upstairs. She knocked on Dan’s door, but nobody was in. She tried Veronica, who answered and had her come in. She told her what was going on. Veronica calmed her by saying, “I need to know the all of it, sorry. It is quite easy to misread a situation, or a person’s true intentions. I’ll call Dan.”
Dan called a team meeting for late on Sunday morning. Ayesha told of her call with Makaarim, and Veronica added her insight.
Dan asked a couple more questions, before saying, “We’ll have to go in. This has all the hallmarks of a trap, but if it’s kosher, we gain friends on the inside. Martin, bring Ayesha to my house for five this afternoon. Veronica, I need you covering on comm., and get me two British vehicles readied at Mildenhall, it’s the closest airfield. Sinjun, you need a specially adapted car, so stay here, and I’ll ask Felicity to fill the breach.”
They touched down and were greeted by the British RAF Commander, in charge until the USAF resumed operations. He showed them one British car, but the others were American. Dan said, “I’ll take the Chevy 300. That’s a man’s car.”
Dan led the way, a journey of five miles, but along B class roads. He drove past the pub and pulled over, as Felicity drove into the car park. They waited.
Some minutes later, a modern, if non-descript car parked next to Felicity’s, and the driver’s window wound down. “Ayesha I presume, follow me, it’s not far.”
“Where to?”
“We’ve a safe house in Fordham. Come, we have much to discuss.”
Dan had Martin call in the registration, as a precaution, and they began to follow at a large distance. “Shouldn’t we be closer, Dan?”
“No Martin. Now you are learning. I placed at transponder on Felicity’s car, Veronica will tell us where it ends up. They won’t know a thing at all about us.”
Dan parked in a side street, Felicity’s car in plain sight. He called her. “How’s it looking?”
“So far it appears genuine. What’s Veronica got to say?”
got good reception from Ayesha’s communicator, and thinks they are on the level, but we should go in, make official introductions.”
Dan headed for the rear of the building, Martin to follow with a ready bag. Dan jumped up, and was about to go over the wall, when he saw movement to his right. He dropped down quietly, as Martin came running up. Dan used his arms to slow his colleagues approach, and whispered, “There’s someone on watch, looks like an ISIL guard.”
“Get in position, and I’ll distract him at the rear gate.”
Martin banged his fist on the solid wooden door, and was met with curses in a foreign tongue from within. Martin continued to bang on the gate, keeping well to the side, until Dan jumped, and took out the guard. He bound the man, hands behind his torso, and let Martin in. Dan took photos of the man, and his ID, sending both to Alison.
They hauled the unconscious man to the rear door, Dan relieving him of his Kalashnikov. Dan picked the rear door lock, and they were inside. They ran a cursory search of downstairs, before bursting into the front room, guns drawn.
Three women were talking to Ayesha and sharing a pot of tea. All four froze, as Dan pointed his weapon at them. He indicated silence with his finger, and Martin scanned for bugs. He discovered three; the occupants realised they were compromised. Martin finished and drew his gun. Dan put away his own, and beckoned Makaarim to follow him. They went outside, where she saw the body. “Who’s that?”
“That’s what we’d like to know, hence our entrance. He’s ISIL I’m almost sure. We’re checking now. Your team appear genuine, but you are compromised and need to leave as soon as possible.”
“Why? We are a small, underground group.”
“Do you know who Ayesha is?”
“Only that she escaped forced marriage.”
“To whom?”
“Erm. A Devout Muslim Man.”
“Hmmm. Trust. Okay. You do not trust us, me. Her father is Valinder Jahlide Hussein, and she was supposed to marry Ali Yousef Mohammad. She ran away because of forced marriage and FGM. She is Ayesha Hussein, and was due to marry Mohammad’s son, they of Mohammad, Ali, and Hussein.”