Sinful Angel: Lost Angels MC

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Sinful Angel: Lost Angels MC Page 5

by K. M. Keeton

I ball my fists ready to put him in his place when Echo speaks up, "Backoff Chancy." his voice is calm, but holds the hardest steal forcing everyone to notice. I see even Bear straighten.

  “I’m messing around. You know that right Kid?” if Chancy had come with someone else it could have gotten ugly, but I jerk my head at him trying to cool my anger.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I wanted them gone. Sara already has an issue with my being part of the club. They are not helping my chances.

  “The big job is going down tonight, I thought you told Ric you wanted in on it.”

  “Nah, I can’t tonight. Go on without me,” as much as I needed the money I didn’t want to leave Sara enough to go. I’ll find a way to supplement the money.

  “You sure?” Chancy says but it sounds more like a taunt. He’s starting to piss me off. I wonder when he first started to act like this. A few months ago it was different between us. We were never close, but there wasn't always this tension. He better knock it off before I find the the need to give him an attitude adjustment.

  “Yeah,” it was more of a “fuck-you-get-out-of-my-house” statement than a confirmation.

  “ How about you Bear?” in my peripheral I can see him shake his head.

  “Whatever, see ya,” he hits Echo in the arm, “Let’s go.”

  Echo looks over at me, and rolls his eyes, shrugs and follows after Chancy. I'm relieved when I hear their bikes roar to life and fade down the street. I go back to getting a plate to pile some pizza for Teddy. The moment I started to walk down the hall with it Sara calls out.

  "No! Don't give him that!" she exclaims.

  "Why the hell not," I respond.

  "He's been sick, he needs something easy on his stomach. I'll make him soup."

  "He'll be fine," I shrug it off. I turn to make my way back down the hall, but am stopped with a hand on my shoulder. I look at the hand, with a furrowed brow attached to the body, "What are you doing," I stop and stare.

  "She's right," Bear says, all serious.

  Then she was there smiling up at Bear, "Don't worry Bear he was about to show me to the kitchen."

  My brows furrow so hard I’m giving myself a headache, "Fuck if I was."

  She looks over at me, "Vince stop being a stubborn ass. Imagine you've been sick for days, your stomach still upset, and even more you haven't eaten anything solid for days. How do you think a grease filled slice of pizza would settle on your stomach."

  My stomach hurts thinking about it, "Fuck," I mutter under my breath as I head towards the kitchen. When I show her where everything is, she has soup ready in no time.

  Somewhere along the way I forgot how nice it is to have a woman around to make those kind of decisions, or even remember those kind of things. This whole responsible adult thing sucks sometimes. This house has needed a woman’s touch for a long time.

  It took a while for us to get back to the casualness of our night. Bear and Sara fell into an easy friendship. Teddy adores her, and as much as I wanted to resist it, I knew I was falling for her. Falling fast and hard.

  ⨳ ⨳ ⨳

  Around 11 pm Bear heads home, and minutes later Sara insisting she has to go as well. Long day ahead is what she says when I try and convince her to stay.

  “Fine, but I’m walking you to your car,” I say as I stand.

  “I’d think less of you if you didn’t,” Sara says playfully.

  During the visit she had become more open, and it was easy to see little glimpses of her that I found so sexy. Don't get me wrong I think everything about her is sexy, but her being the person she is without her guard up is what I find the most alluring.

  Standing next to her open door I lean in to kiss her. This time she doesn’t turn her head. Her lips were so fucking soft, and addicting, it was like taking a deep breathe again. Those kisses were my salvation and my torment. I knew at that point I would live for them, and I would die, right here and now, if it meant she was the last person I kissed. Dramatic yes, but I now knew what it felt like for your entire world to shift and gain perspective. She became the focal point, and I don't care what anyone thinks, it wasn't soon enough until I drank in all of her just to clear my vision.

  Sara must have sensed the sudden change because she gasps and that is when my tongue slide in. As our tongues danced to a beat of their own drum I dedicated my life to being with her from the moment of that first kiss, for I knew that if I lost her I would lose myself. She was the half that made me whole. The piece I’ve been missing. She was the link that made it ok to reconnect to my childhood, and made me want to be a better man in the future if only to make her life with mine better. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. How could it be possible to have found something that feels this right in such a short amount of time I ask myself.

  I lean away, but give her a sweet peck to her lips before touching my head to her forehead. Un-grasping her hips from my hands I brace them on either side of her on the roof of the car. That’s got to be safer, because if I don’t stop kissing her now I never will.

  "Come back in," the husk in my voice is rough, and suggestive.

  She shakes her head left to right. I move my head up and down. I see her lips turn up in a small smile as our foreheads come to rest on the other once more.

  "I need to know more about you before...before we take it any further," it comes out raspy, and sweet. It makes me want to kiss her all over again.

  “I can respect that, but don’t think less of me for trying to change your mind,” I go in for another kiss and she lets me. This one isn’t fast, trying to get somewhere, this is a slow exploration. I shit you not, the only things stopping me from curling my toes is that’s fucking girly, and my leather boots had no give. I suspect this is my first proper kiss.

  I'm not a stranger to using my mouth, but this was different. The slow savoring kiss causes panting breathlessness.

  “Have I changed your mind yet? Or do I need to try longer and harder,” I'm afraid if she says no, I'll get on my knees and beg.

  “Almost,” smoothly before I can get enough blood to the proper head in order to get the neurons firing to halt her progress, she is in her car, and she locks it behind her.

  I raise my eyebrows, "You don’t think a little thing like a lock will stop me do you?”

  She places a kiss on the tips of her fingers, and with a sweet smile, presses her fingers to the glass between us. And within a second she was gone. The fullness of my hard on pressing into my zipper, and my still moist lips the only sign she was here.

  Chapter 6 - Sara

  As usual my morning was back to normal. Shower, cup of coffee, drive to work, setting out what I need for the day, and then the day started at the first bell and slowed after the last.

  My memory of the previous evening cared not if I was writing on the chalkboard, wielding assignments, or even trying to concentrate on the paper needing graded. If the memory of the kiss hadn’t been enough, every time my body responded, nipples perked followed by clenching of my insides, and the resulting wetness making my panties completely useless. I haven't had sex in a long time, and let's not mention the last time I kissed someone. Hint, it was well before I stopped having sex. I lived like a fucking nun, well at least for the last six years. I needed to call Stacy to find out if a hymen can really grow back.

  During my lunch break my whole body turns on like a light bulb as if it had been in pitch black the whole day and sparks the moment I saw him shadow my classroom doorway.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask breathlessly.

  "You said you needed to get to know me better, so I'm here to make sure that happens. I'm dying to be between those thighs, and I'll do what I have to reach my goal," Vince smiles wickedly.

  "I suppose there is no need to ask your intentions," I murmur. A group of girls talking to one another in hushed tones, and throwing furtive glances Vince's way has my nerves on edge.

  "Ladies," his velvety voice calls to them. I'm sure by the way th
ey burst into a fit of giggles he's given them his best smile. A bout of jealousy courses through me. I only want those smiles directed my way. What an insane thought. Very rarely do I ever feel so possessive. I hit him soundly on the arm to get his attention, but he acts as if it's a tap. He turns back to me with that smile that does things to my insides.

  "Stop that," I hiss, "They are way too young for you."

  "If you would agree to by my girl I wouldn't have to flirt like a scoundrel to get your attention,"

  "Is that what you’re offering? A relationship?" I question.

  "Is that what you want?" Vince replies.

  The question tilts my world a bit on it’s axis. My instincts tell me no, but only because these old fears are rearing their ugly head. So for a second forgetting my past what do I really want to happen here? I question my inner turmoil.

  Of course my body couldn’t be more clear. Apart from reasonable logic I wanted him more than anything, I never expected to feel like this again. Putting that aside, my heart is cautious, my brain contemplative but open to possibilities. In short why not let my body take the lead until the rest can sort itself out?

  I let out a tentative, “Yes.”

  “Really?” his question is as reluctant as my answer.

  I nod. His smile could break a million hearts and then bring them back to life beating to his chosen rhythm. Having to avert my eyes from the sudden onslaught of feelings I finally notice the bag in his hand.

  “What's that?” I ask.

  “This,” He holds it up between us, “Is lunch. I know this place that makes the most tantalizing burgers in town.”

  Vince walks around me and heads for one of the chairs behind a desk and pulls it next to me, “Come on before it gets cold,” He pauses, “Oh shit I forgot drinks. You got a soda machine here or somewhere I can grab us a drink?”

  “Language please, and yes. I’ll go get it, what do you want?” I ask, knowing it will buy me some time to settle my racing heart.

  “Don’t want me loitering the halls?” Vince laughs.

  I give him a smile, “Drink?”

  “Anything is fine.”

  “Two Cokes coming right up,” I’m a nervous ball of energy, but it somehow soothes when I come back to my classroom and find him still sitting there. He’s spread out our lunch, waiting on me before eating.

  “You didn’t have to wait,” I insist.

  “No problem, plus I’d hate to have dug in and started to choke. The coke could save my life.”

  “And here I thought you were being chivalrous about it.”

  He snorts, “As if..., why would I want to be making a good impression? It’s not like lunch is solely to make you think I’m the greatest, and you reward me with wicked dirty things between sheets later,” he smirks.

  “I'm glad we've got that straightened out. You'd have to work harder than lunch to push my panties aside,” I answer his smile with my own. I could also feel my blush. It felt good to flirt.

  I hand him his coke as I sit in my chair, “This all looks good,” I say to Vince.

  “It’s way better in your mouth I promise,” he smirks.

  “Why do I suspect that has a double meaning?” I ask.

  “Sweetheart, I’d never do that,” that smirk told it all, and my body heated thinking about me on my knees, his fingers in my hair, and his meat between my lips.

  He picks up his burger and takes a generous bite out of it. The throaty moan released from his throat has everything in my body tightening. Jesus Christ! Gulping trying to release the lump forming in my throat seems impossible. Watching his hardened jaw move, throat working, it took him talking to get me to notice I was staring a little too intensely,

  “Try it. It’s tasty. I promise,” a smirk curving his mouth. The move he made to broaden his seated position didn’t escape my notice; neither did the jerk he made with his pelvis. I wanted to get on my knees to see if it was true, but I settled for the burger in front of me, and decided a little payback was in order.

  I took a bite, closed my eyes and released a moan of my own. But I didn’t stop there. I slowly licked the edge in which I bit to catch the ketchup and mustard that escaped, and I did it unnecessarily slow opening my eyes to maintain contact as I did so. The burger itself was as he said, tasty, but what I wouldn’t give to be on my knees instead. This man made my dirty thoughts come to the surface, no matter how deep I thought I buried it. His eyes seemed to catch fire as he watched me. Burger in his hand all but forgotten as he watched my actions intently and longingly. It turns me on even further. I was in big trouble. I search my mind for anything to talk about before we both forgot about lunch, and used my desk to hold more than just ungraded papers.

  “Are you always going to show up like this?” I asked.

  “Well I do have your number now,” he smiles.

  My cheeks heat, “You do,” I confirm, “For my classroom.”

  “You know you should give me your personal number. It would be inappropriate for me to call you during class and interrupt you. Who knows what would come out of my mouth. If I had your cell, I could text you and you could get back with me whenever you get the time. Think of the kids.”

  I couldn’t stop my giggle, “You do present a good argument,” or I just wanted it to be.

  “Just thinking about children's futures you know, like any good parent would. Plus texting is how most people communicate these days. Not to mention it would save on gas,” his smile was brilliant. The smooth talker.

  “Do you see yourself as Teddy’s parent?” it didn’t surprise me, but I was curious how he had gotten to see himself as such. I wonder when it changed for him. From being a brother, to seeing himself as a parent.

  “Well yeah, I guess. He is mine in all ways that matters. I’m always there for him, and our parents aren’t. We are all each other have. Plus saying guardian is stupid when my job includes the same things a parent would do.”

  “Is it too personal to ask when all this happened for you?” I asked cautiously.

  “Yeah, but I don’t mind. It’s not like it’s a secret. I was eighteen still in school, not that I was any good in it anyways. It was either give him up to the system or become his guardian. There wasn’t even a choice.”

  “Do you still think you did the right thing?” I continue to probe.

  “Every day, even when he was younger and it was hard,” he runs his fingers through his hair before taking another bite of his burger.

  “That’s noble of you,” I respond.

  “Nah, I just know right from wrong. It would have been wrong to have him grow up with someone he didn’t know,”

  I reach out and touch his hand before he can get to another fry. I squeeze it, “You did a brave thing. I’m sure Teddy appreciates everything you have done for him. He’s a good kid,” he maneuvers his hand so he is grasping my finger, and he brings my hand to his lips.

  “I know,” he kisses them again before releasing me. I’m not sure why my cheeks grew hot, but something in the action seems intimate. I don’t think it meant the same thing to him as it did to me.

  We continued like this until the end of my lunch. Talking, laughing, and at times intense. It was harder than I expected to see him leave. He fulfilled his purpose by coming here. After all, I did tell him that I wanted to get to know him better. With the things he shared we were getting to where we needed to be. From all I learned about him, he’s a good man despite his appearance, and bad boy allure. I gave him my number before he left, and before I could ask for his, he had texted me.

  “Easier,” He shrugs, “See you later?

  I nod. I couldn’t wait to see him again. Whenever he decided to show up next, I would be ready and open minded. I went through the rest of my day almost on autopilot. My mind kept drifting to thoughts of him. The only thing I remember is my short conversation with Teddy. He had finally returned to school today, and he looked even better than he did yesterday. Not yet a hundred percent, but tons better. I sw
ear boys have the greatest immune systems. He even got up the courage to get Emma’s number. She admitted that she was worried about his absence. He was so proud of smoothly suggesting that if they had each other's number for next time there would be no need to worry. I couldn't help but laugh at the similar argument his brother had made only hours earlier. As time passes I learn Teddy and Vince are more alike than I initially thought.

  It’s as if my constant thoughts of him summoned him to the spot I wanted him most when I walked out of school. Waiting for me by my car, his engine still growling.

  “Follow me?” I didn’t wait for the answer, but got into my car. I bit my lip between my teeth. Was I moving too quick? Something about him makes me want to be reckless. He also feels right. Nothing I've seen so far makes me believe he is anything like...I push the image from my mind forcefully.

  When I called Stacy between classes, she gave me a complete gossip shakedown, and she insisted that I would be fine. Stacy told me if I didn't call her with every detail she'd hunt me down, and force me and Vince to reenact each bedroom move. Though I'd hope she wouldn't, the pride that swam in her voice was uplifting. She knew this was a really big step for me.

  It only took about fifteen minutes to make it to my house. He pulled up behind me, turning off the engine and kicking the stand. His bike looked completely out of place in my driveway, considering I lived on the most conservative block in this town, but I could care less. I wanted that place next to my car to be his spot, and that filled me with anxiety, but I pushed it away before it could overwhelm me completely. Instead I get out of my car to walk around and grab hold of his hand. Only dropping it to open my front door.

  Chapter 7 - Vince

  Seeing her house close up the outside is nice, and I assume the inside will match, but once the door is closed behind us, I zero in on the only thing that matters. Her mind must have been in the same dirty gutter, because my back hits the wall as her lips smash into mine. Pulling her closer we moan in unison. My moan has everything to do with the erection grinding into her, and I hope hers is of anticipation. I thicken at the thought of being inside her. Her tongue is working my own, and I'd love to know the feeling elsewhere. Shit I can’t stand the pressure anymore. I grab her up by her ass and she wraps her legs around me. Her hips grind, and her heat radiating against me has me wanting to get on my knees to taste the sweetness that would be unique to only her.


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