by K. M. Keeton
“Hey punk, where do you think you’re going with that food? We eat at the table in this house.”
“Ask you Fiancé.”
Vince looks over with a perplexed expression, “Please tell me you didn’t okay that,” but he’s already let Teddy and Emma go, and walking towards me with a hint of a smile.
“Does this mean we're going to christen the table?”
I can feel my mouth turning down. The thought hadn't occurred to me, but it's taken me so long to want to do any of that stuff since...
“Babe I was kidding,” he kisses one side of my mouth.
“I need to talk to you.”
It was his turn to frown, “That is never a good sign,” He takes a seat at the table. I make both of us a plate, and once I’m seated his stare gets too hard for me to ignore.
“Sara, spit it out. You’re making me nervous with your twitching over there.”
“I’m not twitching.”
“Hun, your fingers haven’t sat still but for a few seconds at a time, you’re biting your lip to the point I’m surprised it’s not bleeding, and if you look at me one more time like I kicked your puppy I’m going to follow Teddy into his room and eat up there.”
“Ok, I’m sorry, I’m nervous.”
“There’s nothing you can say that should be making you that nervous. This is me Sara, just say it.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Shit, really?”
“Yes really, I found out at the hospital.”
“And you’re just now telling me?!” I flinch at his tone, “Sorry babe, but you should have told me sooner.”
“I wanted you to get used to the idea of me being here, around you, and maybe…,” I twist my engagement band around my finger in nervousness.
“Maybe what Sara?”
“You wouldn’t leave.”
There was a long silence. We sat there looking at one another, and I could see his eyes darken, “Listen to the next words I say to you Sara, and listen to them good. Not once have I given you a reason to think that I would. But there’s something more important that you need to remember. I LOVE YOU. Eight letters, three words, easy to say for some, hard to explain to even more, almost impossible for some it seems, but I do, I completely and nakedly mean them when I say those words to you. So cut the bullshit Sara, I’m not your ex. When I say, I love you, I mean it every time it passes my lips, I’m not wielding it like a weapon in hopes it will earn me points in an argument, or tilt the scales so you do something for me.
I’m from a broken family, I've been surrounded by an MC club all my life, I know all about words not meaning anything, or to use them to gain something. So I know it hurts when someone does it. I didn’t fight to win you just to lose you now.
And now that I know we’re about to start a family of our own that means I’ll only be working harder to make our kid’s life how mine should have been. I’ll make mistakes, but you can be sure that one will never be me walking out on you or our kids.”
There are tears running down my face, and there will be no stopping them, “I love you too Vince, with everything I have.”
He gets up from his chair only to go down on his knees in front of me. His head lays on my stomach, my hand goes into his hair, “What are we having?”
“The appointment is three weeks from now to find out.”
He looks up, excitement in his eyes, “Really?”
“Yep. Really,” I smile at him.
“I hope it’s a girl, with your eyes. Wait actually I hope it’s a boy, I won’t want to be sent to jail for shooting some teenage punk trying to get into our daughter's pants. Shit, this is going to be hard, and different.”
“You’ve got this Vince, you’re already a father. The practice that you’ve had raising Teddy will come in handy.”
He pulls up the hem of my shirt and presses his mouth to my belly, “I am going to take good care of you and your mommy. Just wait and see.”
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Vince
Chapter 2 - Sara
Chapter 3 - Vince
Chapter 4 - Sara
Chapter 5 - Vince
Chapter 6 - Sara
Chapter 7 - Vince
Chapter 8 - Sara
Chapter 9 - Vince
Chapter 10 - Sara
Chapter 11 - Vince
Chapter 12 - Sara
Chapter 13 - Vince
Chapter 14 - Sara
Chapter 15 - Vince
Chapter 16 - Vince