Walking Through Walls

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Walking Through Walls Page 23

by Philip Smith

  The most intriguing aspect of this finder chart was that it allowed my father to also diagnose the invisible energy bodies that he claimed surrounded our main physical body. Each of these energy bodies functions at a unique vibration and serves a specific purpose in maintaining our physical body. On his chart each of these energy bodies—etheric, astral, mental, and emotional—is represented by a separate concentric ring.

  As his healing methods became more exacting, he discovered that disease does not always originate in the physical body. Many times it can begin in any one of the other bodies and eventually materialize in our physical body. For example, if there is a problem in our emotional or mental body due to discord with a family member, it might ultimately appear in our physical body as a heart attack or brain tumor. According to my father, one day our cells don’t suddenly start mutating all by themselves for no reason. The disease originates from disharmony in one of our energy bodies and then eventually becomes a physical problem.

  I often heard Pop tell me that “someone can appear perfectly healthy and yet when I check the etheric body, I find that he is riddled with cancer. While this cancer may not have manifested in the physical body, it eventually will. It is much easier for me to remove cancer from the etheric body than to wait until it enters the physical. This is the beauty of being able to diagnose the full spectrum of our various bodies—you can catch a disease before it starts to do lethal damage.

  “Unfortunately, doctors don’t know that we have multiple, interconnected bodies that affect our health. At this point, their medical knowledge is not sufficiently advanced to acknowledge the existence of these other bodies. However, they will one day understand this concept of the interconnectedness of all our different bodies. This is one reason that many people who are treated by doctors never seem to get better. They are treating the symptoms of an illness that may have originated outside of the physical body, in either the etheric or astral. As a result, they never eliminate the real cause of the illness.” My father believed that you could never heal any illness until you discovered its actual cause and then eradicated it.

  Just the week before, my father had told me an amazing story about how these various energy bodies of ours actually function. “One of the main problems with Western medicine is that doctors only look at a symptom and then treat that specific symptom. A person will never get better this way. They may temporarily experience a relief of symptoms, but the underlying problem is still there and will eventually manifest itself in another way in another part of the body at another time. If they don’t find the true cause of the illness, they will never cure the problem.

  “Last week a lady called and told me she was in the hospital with her nephew, who was a young, very active, athletic kid. Without any explanation, he had suddenly become extremely weak and could hardly get out of bed,” he said. “After several days of tests, the doctors discovered that his liver was failing. They didn’t know why, just that it was not working. Even though he was only eighteen years old, the doctors didn’t have much hope for his survival. So she asked me what I could do for him. I told her I would check him out and give him a healing. I scanned him, did a complete workup, raised his vibrations, repaired his liver, and adjusted his thyroid, which was also very weak. I gave him what I thought was a full treatment and told her that he would heal rapidly.

  “A couple days later, the woman called and said that his test results were not improving, and the doctors felt that her nephew would be dead in a few days. What was strange was that even though the test results showed his liver was in failure, the kid was actually feeling much better. He was walking a bit and seemed to have more energy. No one could explain what was going on. She wanted to bring him over to meet me and asked the doctors if she could take her nephew home for a few hours. They had no objection, as there was nothing they could do to save the boy. He came over to the house and told me that he was feeling almost normal. When he had first gone to the hospital, he was so tired he couldn’t even walk across the room. While he was in the hospital, his doctor told him to eat as much sugar and drink as much Coke as he could.”

  I interrupted his story and said, “But Pop, that doesn’t make any sense. If your body is exhausted, sugar only provides a quick, temporary false sense of energy. In the long run, you actually become more depleted.” I was very current with all the dangers of white sugar, as my father had just given me several books on the topic. This was long before “sugar free” became a part of the national vocabulary. At the time, the only artificial sweetener was saccharin. Products using saccharin always bore a label warning about potential bladder cancer. I couldn’t understand why someone would risk such a horrific disease just for a little short-term sweetness. There was never any sugar in the house, and I had trained myself to not have a sweet tooth for anything other than fresh fruit.

  “You’re absolutely right. I couldn’t figure out what the doctor was thinking. I asked the kid why the doctor had suggested this, and he said that he didn’t know. I told him to immediately cut out all that sugar, which was putting additional stress on his liver. I gave him a diet to help rebuild the liver through nutrients, along with another healing. During the healing I found that his spleen was not functioning very well because it was doing a lot of the work of the liver. Due to his extraordinary sugar intake, his adrenal glands were exhausted. I raised the vibrations of all his organs and bodily functions back up to normal. Within a few minutes of the healing, he looked and felt better. Before he left I told him to call me in a week and let me know how he was feeling. Later that evening I called a doctor friend of mine and asked him why the kid was told to eat sugar. He said that because the liver was not working, the sugar would be converted into fat, which the body needs to function.”

  “Why does the liver need fat from sugar? Shouldn’t the fat come from other sources, such as plants, meat, or dairy?” I asked. I knew my father was pleased with my growing knowledge of nutrition. I had started reading books by Adelle Davis and was learning basic biochemistry as a result.

  “Of course. We’d all be better off if doctors were taught the basics of nutrition. So listen to this: a week later the woman called back to let me know that her nephew was feeling better than he had in months. After the healing I gave him, he didn’t want to stay in the hospital anymore and convinced the doctors just to let him go home. If he was going to die, he wanted to die at home. After a couple of weeks, his doctor called the woman to find out if the kid had died. The mother told the doctor that her nephew was feeling great and getting ready to go back to school. The doctor was shocked and said that the kid should come back for more tests. He told the woman that it was impossible for the kid to be functioning and said that he should have already been dead. So when they tested his liver, they found that it was still not working.”

  “Wait, his liver’s not working and he’s running around? How could that be?” I asked.

  “That was exactly the same question that the doctors were asking. They were puzzled because they couldn’t understand how he was still alive with a malfunctioning liver. According to their tests, the boy should not be alive. After all, if your liver isn’t working, what is going to remove the toxins from the body? Otherwise your body will be overwhelmed by poisons. I told the woman I would check him out again.

  “When I did a scan on the kid, I kept coming up with a reading that his liver was fully functioning at one hundred percent of its potential. Yet all the tests the doctors had performed indicated that his liver was not functioning. This didn’t make any sense, and I just couldn’t understand what was going on. I don’t usually make mistakes like this, so I rechecked my work and saw that I had done everything correctly. Something didn’t quite add up. Finally I realized what was going on. I hadn’t asked the question in exactly the right fashion. I had been asking about the functioning of the liver. I had been too general. Instead I now asked, ‘At what percentage is the physical liver operating?’ I got a five percent reading. So his liver was
failing, just as the doctors’ tests had indicated. Next I asked, ‘At what percentage is the etheric liver functioning?’ That’s when I got one hundred percent. The pendulum had given me a reading on his liver, but I hadn’t specified which liver. Both the pendulum and the spirits require any question you ask to be extremely specific; otherwise you’ll receive incorrect information.

  “What happened in this case was that when the physical liver began to fail, the etheric liver took over and kept the boy alive. But since the doctors do not know that an etheric body exists, they measure only the physical liver. They would never understand how to properly diagnose the problem or how the boy could remain alive with so little of his liver functioning. The body does not want to die; it wants to maintain itself, so in a case like this, the etheric body takes over the function of the physical body. It’s like an emergency backup system.”

  “So, if ever I get sick, and they can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, I should tell the doctor to look at my etheric body?”

  My father broke out laughing. “Don’t waste your time. They’ll think you’re crazy and lock you up. Eventually today’s medicine will be seen as primitive and quite limited. It’s going to be another two hundred years before medicine learns how to recognize all the different energy bodies we have. That’s when we’ll really be able to cure disease, when medicine focuses on realigning energies rather than pounding the body with drugs or sawing the body open and yanking out a precious organ. We are really a collection of magnificent metaphysical energies. To simply treat a sick body as if it is a broken car is so limited. Please don’t worry about getting sick; you’ll never be in a position where you’ll be mysteriously ill. I won’t let it happen to you.”

  Now that I stood in his study, I still wasn’t sure why my father had called me in to see him. All his charts spread out on his desk had just been used in the healing, along with his pendulum and the ruler he used to diagnose and calculate dosages of remedies. My father looked up at me and asked, “So what did you think of that lady on the phone?”

  I was a little embarrassed that he knew I had been listening to the phone call. I knew he wanted me to say how incredible it was that in a matter of a few minutes, he’d dissolved a clot in the brain of some woman he had never met and who was in a hospital in California.

  “Um, I thought it was okay. I guess it was good that you helped that woman. So do you think she’ll be okay?”

  “Spirit tells me that she will be released from the hospital tomorrow morning. The clot on the brain will begin to shrink. After a couple of days, the doctors won’t find anything wrong. She’ll live for at least another year.”

  “How do you know that? If you healed her, why can’t she live longer?”

  “I always have to work within the laws of karma. This is her allotted time. For example, if someone is near death but has more work to complete here on earth, then I can generally pull her back from the point of no return. However, if there is a karmic debt to be paid or her work here is finished, then there is nothing I can do. I always have to check before I heal to see if there is a karmic debt involved. In certain cases, I have been able to bring back people who have died. I was able to pull the soul back into body before it had cut the silver astral cord. The important thing is that she and her daughter can now repair their relationship. Once that relationship is finally healed, she has completed her task on the material plane and can then leave her body for the next dimension. I’m sure Mrs. Moore will call me as soon as she gets her mother home. Would you like to be able to do this?”

  “Do what?” I knew exactly what he was asking but decided to be a difficult, uninterested teenager.

  “Heal people.”

  “Not really.” I was more concerned with getting to the beach than removing a blood clot in someone’s brain. Pop motioned me to sit down, but I pretended not to notice and continued to stand, hoping to run out of there as soon as possible.

  “Philip, to heal someone, to give them the opportunity to walk again or to take away their cancer, is the most important thing you can do with your life. It is very rewarding, a gift from God. There is no more satisfying way to live than to serve others. Arthur has told me that you’re a gifted healer. If you choose not to follow my methods, then you will heal in other ways.” This was not exactly what I wanted to hear. It was one thing to struggle with learning to live with a supernatural father; it was quite another to know that I had inherited his psychic DNA. As soon as my father delivered this message from Arthur, I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I would never become a normal guy, at least not in this lifetime.

  “Oh, by the way, Mark’s father had a small accident, and his car was towed. I don’t think you’re going to the beach today.”

  “Thanks for telling me,” I said with just a bit of unintentional sarcasm in my voice.

  “I just thought I’d let you know. I felt it when Mark was trying to get through while I was on the phone. I’m sure he’ll call you later.” My father had his own form of psychic call-waiting.

  “Yeah. I was really looking forward to going to the beach. Oh, well.”

  “Maybe we could spend a few minutes working with the pendulum. If you knew how to use it, then you could know ahead of time whether or not you are going to go surfing. Once you master it, you can know anything about anyone, anywhere. The pendulum is the central tool in helping you to fully heal people. It can help you determine what modality to use to heal someone and how effective your healing efforts are.”

  “Ummm, maybe some other time.”

  Not taking no for an answer, my father picked up his pendulum and said, “Here, let me show you something.” As he held it between his thumb and index finger, it suddenly started to swing in a large clockwise circle. “See that?”


  “That’s giving me a yes answer.”

  “Yeah. So? Yes to what?”

  “I asked the pendulum if you were having sex with your girlfriend last night, and it said yes.”

  “Ooops,” I thought to myself, “he got me.” I wasn’t intrigued so much as annoyed that Pop knew embarrassing details about my personal life. He always made me feel transparent. Mental privacy was a luxury I did not know.

  “I only asked that question to get your attention. Spying on people is not the purpose of this tool. You can also use the pendulum to retrieve any information you need from the past or the future. Everything is available to you. In the most simplest of terms, our lives and our universe are composed primarily of energy as well as thought, which is a form of energy. Ultimately, everything comes down to this simple concept.

  “Using the pendulum will help you learn to train your mind so that you can direct your thought energy anywhere and anyhow you please. Your mind has unlimited power that transcends time and space. Eventually I can teach you to create thought-forms that can cover the planet—or just protect your house from red ants like I did the other day.”

  Because our property was thick with lychee, banana, and mango trees, there were always ants everywhere—including my bed and underwear drawer. They came in through the windows and cracks in the walls. Every time you opened a kitchen cabinet, ants were crawling all over the dishes and plates. I would sometimes just lie in bed and watch long traffic lines of ants snaking their way up the wall and out through some microscopic opening. Our whole house seemed to be animated with moving waves of ants. There was no need to buy an ant farm for my amusement and education; I lived in one.

  “Have you seen any ants lately?” my father asked.

  “You’re right, there weren’t any ants on my toothbrush this morning. Where’d they go?”

  “I got rid of them through thought. I built a thought-form around the house that was like a natural insecticide. I imagined a wall of daisies surrounding the house.”

  “Daisies?” I knew we were heading into nerve-gas territory all over again. Pop would come up with some wacky idea, and eventually science would prove him right.

bsp; “Did you ever hear of a powerful insecticide called pyrethrin?”


  “Well, it’s made from certain families of chrysanthemums and daisies. By properly visualizing these flowers, I changed the vibration of the house, and as a result, the ants don’t want to come in there anymore. It’s as if there is an invisible force field around the house that repels them. The ants are now back in the yard where they belong. In the old days, before I developed the thought-forms, I used to have to talk to the ants. I’d tell them that if they didn’t get out of the house in twenty-four hours, I was going to spray. They always got out, but in a month or two, they were back. Now, with my new methods, they’re gone for good, and I don’t have to spend my time negotiating with the ants.

  “But there is only one requirement for using any psychic tools or methods. Your efforts and intention must be for the highest good. If you use these tools for personal gain, for revenge, or for harm, it will come back to you negatively tenfold. You can’t get away with anything in the spirit world. There are no shortcuts, no get-rich schemes. Once you become a partner with them, they are always watching. They will take care of you, but you have to uphold your end of the bargain. Remember, always ask, ‘Is this for the highest good?’ This is a question you should ask about anything you undertake. If you do, you’ll never go wrong.”

  The spirit world sounded a bit like the Mafia to me.

  “Because I know that you really don’t want to be sitting here, I’ll make this quick. I’m just going to give you a small lesson on the pendulum, and you can practice whenever you want. Once you get this under your belt, we’ll go on to bigger and better things. There is so much for you to learn that will help you for the rest of your life. First of all, the pendulum has no power of its own. It’s not magical or magnetic. The pendulum is only a tool to help you communicate with your high-self, which has all the information you are seeking. When necessary, the high-self will go out into the universe and other dimensions to get the answer. Also, by using the pendulum, you will be able to tap into the akashic records, where everything is recorded.”


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