In 2008, Zara finished directing and producing an adoption documentary entitled ‘ROOTS: UNKNOWN’, which focussed on the emotional influence adoption has on the adoptee and their families. The film won Best Homegrown Documentary at The Garden State Film festival in New Jersey. This led to her writing her first book, ‘Mother Me’ published by BAAF (British Association for Adoption and Fostering) in March 2008 described by Sir Bob Geldof as a ‘brave and compelling book’.
In 2009, Zara co-wrote a song and made a video with Darryl McDaniels from RUNDMC called ‘I’m Legit’ to raise awareness on the emotional impact of adoption and the importance of birth records (which are closed in many States in the USA.) The video has been used to help educate congressmen and the general public on the issue.
In 2013, Zara debuted her one woman show, ‘Beneath My Father’s Sky’, centred around her relationship with her adoptive father, and it won the award for Best Direction in the United Solo Festival in New York. The show has since been performed in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New Jersey, and in 2016 it was performed at ‘Upstairs at The Gatehouse’ in London. Zara writes articles for various adoption magazines, regularly talks and facilitates workshops and events related to adoption issues, and still performs her music at clubs in NYC and New Jersey.
Published by John Blake Publishing,
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This edition published in 2018
eISBN: 978 1 78606 959 7
ISBN: 978 1 78606 566 7
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Somebody's Daughter--a moving journey of discovery, recovery and adoption Page 20