Marked As His Slave

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Marked As His Slave Page 7

by Terri Pray

  “Yes, very,” his voice little more than a whisper.

  “Good, now leave.”

  Tearlach looked around and then nodded, turning with the guards at his sides as he walked out the great hall. Celeste sighed in relief as she watched him leave. It was over.

  “Now, who is it you wish to be with, Celeste?”

  “I don't see that as something to be discussed right now, my Lord. I'm sorry, but I have already been through a lot in the past few days and I'm not even sure why you'd need to know right now.” Heat flushed across her cheeks. She didn't need to discuss this right now. Not in front of her sister, or even Jamezen.

  “Yes, I think I'd like to know the answer to that one as well,” Davien smiled coldly.

  “I— I can't, not right now.”

  “Hm, personal, of course.” Jamezen shrugged then looked at Davien. “However, I think I know the answer. All you have to do is confirm it. Unless, of course, you're afraid to do so.”

  No, I'm not, it's just— god, maybe I am.

  Of course she was, it would mean giving up on her freedom, Davien would have won...

  “She's nothing more than a scared little girl, lover.” Mystic smiled coldly.

  “I'm neither scared, nor a little girl.”

  “Then answer the question.”

  Chapter Six

  Answer the question...

  It should have been so easy to answer it, but if she spoke, if she gave the information to those in the room she'd never be able to change her mind. Yet, yet she didn't want to change her mind. Not now. Not ever. She knew who and what she wanted in life, she just had to find the courage to go through with her choice.

  Slowly she moved from her chair and crossed the room, all thoughts of Tearlach chased from her mind as she moved. That was in the past, a mistake that should have never happened. She knew what her sister would think, and how Jamezen might react, but if she didn't do this now then she'd never do it. She'd never have the strength to go through with this again.

  “Lord Davien Blood, I would speak with you if you have a moment for me.”

  A trace of a smile touched his lips. “Of course, Celeste.”

  How was she supposed to do this? On her feet? On her knees? Just get it over and done with. “I— I would be yours, if you would have me?”

  He pointed to the floor at his feet.

  Silently she eased to her knees, her thighs parting softly as she rested back on her heels, no longer caring what anyone thought of her.

  “Do you want to do this, truly, knowing that you would belong to me per the laws of this island?” He spoke calmly, not moving out to touch her. “You'd be nothing more than a bitch, a piece of property, less than a free, but not a full slave.”

  She nodded, her heart racing in her chest, her back coated with a thin film of sweat as she knelt there.

  “A nod isn't an answer, Celeste.”

  “Yes, I want to be yours. Your bitch per the laws of the island. I know what that will mean. I understand there's no going back from this unless you release me and that I'm committing myself to you, as your property.” Her voice shook as she spoke, her stomach knotted even as she knelt there and tried not to listen to the conversation around her.

  “Then I claim you as mine, my property and my bitch per the laws of the island,” he leaned down and tangled his fingers into her hair, forcing a tight arch into her back.

  She whimpered, heat rippling through her body, her nipples tight and taut as they pressed against her dress.

  “Look at the little whore, she's ready to come right there, at his feet,” Mystic snarled.

  “Silence, woman. She's submitted to me and per the laws of the island she's not subject to your petty snipes any longer.”

  “Love, leave the slave alone, she's Davien's to deal with now and it would be best left in his hands. Perhaps, if you learn to control that tongue of yours, he'll grant a little fun our way in sending his slave to my bed... ”

  Celeste winced at the words, but said nothing. It wasn't in her hands. Davien was the one who would decide that, not her.

  “No, not yet my Lord, I have to decide where I go from here with this pretty little piece of flesh. But, for now, I need to take her back to my rooms and see to a few, small matters.” Davien tugged on her hair. “Up, slave. Now.”

  Celeste tried not to wince again but moved to her feet, all too well aware of the way everyone looked at her. She had to stay calm. She'd chosen this fate, now she'd embrace it.

  Whatever he had planned she had to learn to deal with it.

  Her heart raced as she followed him out of the great hall and up the stairs. She licked, nervously, across her lips and tried not to say a word as she walked with him, all too well aware of the looks that were being shot her way. She swallowed hard. Davien wouldn't be an easy one to please, and for all she knew he would be angry at what she'd done. She hadn't even discussed this with him first.

  Not only that, but she'd escaped from him at a party and made a fool out of him by doing so.

  That was something she'd pay for. Of that she was certain.

  Only when they were in the safety of his room did Davien speak again. The door was safety closed and he turned to look at Celeste. “I hadn't expected you to do this, Celeste.”

  She paled and lowered her gaze quickly. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you problems by my actions, I just... ”

  “I didn't give you leave to speak.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him.

  Silently she eased to her knees, and kept her gaze lowered. Was he angry, upset, stunned? She couldn't tell, his voice remained calm and cold and gave no real hint to his emotions.

  “You're mine and there is no going back from this. I'm not about to let you escape or embarrass me the way you managed to with your escape in London.” Something tapped against his palm and she didn't dare look up to see what it might be. “However, I'll admit that I'm pleased to have you back at my feet, where you belong.”

  She sighed in relief, her heart still pounding in her chest.

  “There is the small matter of your punishment to attend to, and something must be done to make it clear who you belong to.” His voice became like ice, and chilled her to the core with his words. “I've been planning this for a long time, Celeste. There will be no escape from you this time. You will belong to me until the end of your days.”

  She struggled not to squirm on her knees.

  “Did you know what you were doing, Celeste? Or was this just a way of avoiding more problems with your sister?”

  “No, master, I knew what I was doing,” she licked her lips nervously and struggled to put her thoughts in some semblance of order. What was it about this man that left her almost lost for words? “I wasn't sure when I would do this, but I knew. I knew before Tearlach snatched me. I knew I needed to be with you, knew and feared that decision beyond all others.”

  “Yet you did it.”

  “Yes, master, I did.”

  He didn't speak for a moment but when he did she moved to obey him quickly. “Strip, slave.”

  Celeste didn't rise from her knees as she let her fingers find the buttons on her dress and opened them. It didn't take long before the dress pooled about her knees and her underwear, what little she wore, soon joined it. Her hands shook as she completed the task. She wasn't sure what would come next but Davien was not one to be disobeyed.

  “Stand up and bend over the bed, feet apart. There is the matter of your punishment to attend to first.” His voice little more than a growl. “I don't see the point in postponing it. Better to get it over and done with, my slut.”

  Her stomach lurched. Punishment?

  No, she could do this. She could go through with this and show him that, despite everything, she was the one meant to be at his feet. Slowly she eased to her feet, shaking as she walked to the end of his bed and leaned over it, pressing her hands on the coverlet, her head turned to left, eyes closed.

ou ran from me, Celeste.”

  “Yes, master.”

  “You deserve to be punished, don't you?”

  “Yes, master.”

  “Beg me to punish you, slave.”

  She trembled and tried to find the words that he would want to hear. It didn't matter what she wanted, or needed, she had to obey him. Worse still, there was a part of her that believed he was right.

  “Please, master, punish your property as you see fit. I did wrong. I ran from you, knowing it was wrong to do. I let my fear get the better of me and in doing so I embarrassed you. Please, teach me the error of my ways, master.” Her voice shook violently, the thought of his anger left her sick to the pit of her stomach.

  Something cut through the air, slicing it apart before the cane landed against her bare backside with a loud crack.

  Celeste screamed. Pain lanced through her being, forcing her up onto her toes in sheer agony. She couldn't remember a time when she had been in so much pain before, nor did she want to know what it felt like again. Yet she had no choice. The next blow landed across the twin curves of her buttocks before she could even draw breath.

  Three, four, five more blows from the cane struck her backside, each one tearing a full fledged scream from her lips. She squirmed, fighting to stay in position. Moving would only make matters worse. Yet, she couldn't ignore the pain.

  Tears spilled down her cheeks, leaving a salt heavy trail across her soft skin. She sobbed and arched, her shoulders tight, fingers tangled tight in the bedding as she struggled to stay in the position he wanted her in. There was nothing else she could do but attempt to weather the punishment.

  Five more blows painted pain across her naked arse, until she all but passed out...

  Then it was over.

  No more blows fell on her backside. The pain, however, lingered. It burned across her backside in long, throbbing lines. She couldn't shut it out. Each welt seared a path into her soul and flesh alike.


  She blanched but moved to her knees at the foot of the bed. Her heels pressed into her welted backside, sending new waves of pain through her trembling body. Fresh tears slipped down her cheeks. She shivered in pain and humiliation alike but didn't move from the position he had ordered her into. No matter how badly it hurt she had to do this. She had to complete the task given to her.

  “Nicely done, slave.”

  Relief washed through her, though it did nothing to chase away the pain she was still in. The welts were not something she'd quickly forget, nor the edge in his voice when he'd ordered her into position.

  “The marking we will do when you're recovered and ready for such an undertaking.” His voice remained calm and cool. “For now we must see to where you will sleep, I don't believe you've earned the right to share my bed, have you little slave?”

  “No— no master.”

  “Then, the rug, with a chain. It will work well enough for tonight.” He rested one hand on her shoulder before he moved it into her hair, his grip tight and without mercy. “You're mine, my slave. Remember that.”

  “Yes, master. I will never forget it. Never again.” How could she when he'd made matters quite clear? Her backside throbbed from the beating and she knew how he looked on such things. There'd be no kindness shown to her. No gentle touches. No passion shared. She'd been punished and he did not mix such things.

  “On the rug, slave. I'll allow you a blanket this night. You will be chained to the bed, or bound there, depending on what I can find within the room to use on you.” He let go of her hair and stepped back from her. “You may move. You can find your way to the rug.”

  “Yes, master,” she murmured and moved onto her hands and knees. Standing wasn't an option right now. Not with the level of pain she was in. Still, she could crawl and did so, her head half bowed as she made her way to the rug. Each move brought a new lance of pain across her bare backside.

  Tears streamed down her face but she didn't make a sound with how she moved. He'd punished her, and she'd cope with it, she had to force the pain back under control or she'd pay for it twice over. Davien was not the type to accept a slave whining if she was in pain, or unhappy, a slave was there to please her owner, not herself.

  Something cold and metal was attached to her left ankle and she didn't need to look in order to know that it was a chain and he had locked it not only to her ankle but to the bed. She bit back a whimper at the touch of the metal, and curled up on her side, attempting to hide the pain as best she could.

  A blanket was dropped over her nude body and he turned and left her alone on the rug without another word.

  “Sleep well, slut.”

  “Yes, master,” she took a deep breath as she listened to Davien move through the room. The lamps were turned down, what little light was left in the room came from a single candle near the wash stand, but nothing more was said to her.

  She was owned again and there was no going back from this, even if she wanted to do so.

  Chapter Seven

  Celeste whimpered as she stretched, though she did her best to hide the sound, not wanting to wake Davien. She didn't want to rouse his anger with her weakness. The chain was still locked about her ankle and she tried not to make any sound as she stretched a little more. Her muscles were stiff and sore. The welts were still livid on her backside but would heal in time.

  They'd be watching her, when he allowed her out of the room, watching every move she made to see if there was something they could take advantage of. But, from what she understood of the laws of the island, they couldn't press anything without Davien's permission. She was a free in all matters, except when it came to him. When it came to the man who had welted her arse with a series of cane raised lines.

  Her bladder ached, she had to take care of that soon enough, if only he would unchain her, if she moved to the pot without permission the sound of the chain might awaken him and his mood might not be a good one.

  “You're awake, slave.”

  She tensed, but answered quietly. “Yes, master.”

  “Good,” the bed creaked as he moved from it, walking to where she slept. Without another word he undid the chain. “Go and see to your needs, slave.”

  “Yes, master,” she murmured and moved slowly to her feet. The welts made it hard to move, but she did her best and buried the pain deep within her being. Her steps faltered for a minute as the pain hitched her step. She knew better than to even try to ask for privacy as she took care of her needs and used the wash bowl to clean herself up.

  “The welts are very clear across that sweet little arse of yours, Celeste.”

  “Yes, master,” she nodded and turned back to face him, shaking her hair over her body more out of habit than anything else.

  “Push your hair back, I don't like to see your beauty hidden from me.”

  She obeyed without question, knowing that when and if she wanted to fight him on something it had best be over a matter of importance.

  “Better, now on the bed, face down, I need to tend to those welts so you can manage the day without wincing with each step you take.”

  Celeste nodded and moved to the bed, settling down on her belly on the soft covers. Anything that he could do that would ease the pain she was still in from the beating, would be for the better. Pain wasn't her idea of fun.

  Well, sometimes it was.

  Punishment was another matter and she needed to be able to move without the rest of the castle knowing what she'd been through.

  “You've learned your lesson, slave.”

  “Yes, master. I have.”

  “Good, because you know I will not hesitate in repeating the lesson if I see the need to do so. You're my slave and always will be. You'll relearn that even if I have to beat it into you every night for the rest of your life.”

  “Yes, master, I understand.”

  He didn't speak again but began to rub a soothing, cool gel into her backside easing the pain from the welts.

  “This will
help, it won't heal the welts Celeste, but it will make the day easier for you to cope with.”

  “Thank you, master.”

  She took a deep breath and sighed, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the cooling gel that he worked into her backside. Her thighs clenched as worked it in a little deeper.

  “That should work well enough for you today, Celeste. Up and get dressed.”

  “Yes, master.” She eased off the bed and turned, looking around the room. Clothing. What was she to wear? Surely not the same dress she'd worn the day before?

  “There is a chest beneath the main window, Celeste. Pick out something from there.” He moved away from the bed without a backwards glance.

  Celeste tried not to sigh as she walked toward the chest. Why did she feel so ill at ease? It didn't make sense, she'd been through this before. She knew what was expected, so why did it feel off this time?

  Without a word she opened the chest and began to search through it, more than a little shocked at what she found. The dresses were barely more than shreds of cloth that left little to the imagination.

  “Master, you can't... ”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Cold sweat coated her flesh, but she bowed her head and returned to searching through the clothing. Finally she dragged one out of the chest, little more than a slip of a Greek style dress that would barely touch her knee when worn. Short and daring enough to be a nymph's outfit.

  It would do. Without another word she tugged the dress into place and eased the slips of cloth over her breasts. She tugged the tie around her waist and fastened it before she moved back to her feet and slid her hands down the dress, smoothing it over her thighs. No under things...

  Heat flushed across her cheeks. She didn't dare protest. He'd only be angry if she did so and that wasn't something she dare risk right now.

  “Brush your hair, Celeste.”

  “Yes, master.” She turned, the tails of the dress lifted as she did so, baring her upper thighs in a swirl of light green linen. She found a brush and worked it through her hair, all too well aware of how long her hair now was. If she'd still been on the farm she'd have trimmed it. Cut it a little shorter so it didn't get in the way when she worked, but now that wasn't an option. Not unless Davien granted her permission to cut it.


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