Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone...

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Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone... Page 1

by Argento, Whitney







  More from Whitney Argento

  Afterparty: The Complete Series

  Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone...

  by Whitney Argento

  Copyright 2014, 2015 Whitney Argento

  All rights reserved.

  Book Design by Whitney Argento

  Cover Image "Gemma", Copyright 2013, Lies Thru a Lens, cropped and altered from original, used under a Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution License.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story is erotic fiction and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. It includes sexual themes, explicit language, and explicit descriptions of m/m sex. IT IS INTENDED FOR MATURE READERS, 18+ ONLY.


  "Are you having a good time?"

  Catelyn jerked and nearly dropped her glass.

  She'd been so busy watching her husband Aaron chat up William's wife Olivia that she hadn't heard William approach.

  She turned to see him lounging next to her with a beer in his hand. William was smiling, tall, lanky, with short dark hair and hazel eyes.

  "What? Oh. Yes, I am." She nodded at her husband and William's wife. "Looks like those two have hit it off."

  William followed her gaze, then nodded. "Yeah, they have. She likes him a lot. He's an interesting guy."

  "That's... that's really great." Catelyn knocked back the rest of her drink, then set the empty glass on the hall table next to her.

  They were at Barnaby and Janet Spencer's enormous house. The couple had thrown a wrap party for Choose Your Weapon, an independent movie they'd just finished filming. William and Aaron were cameramen, William's wife Olivia was an actress, and Catelyn was the still photographer.

  William produced another drink for her from behind his back. Catelyn blinked in surprise.

  "Bourbon on the rocks, right?"

  "That's exactly right. Thank you." She accepted the drink and took a big gulp, then licked her lips. "Sorry." She put the cool side of the glass against her cheek. She felt flushed. "I drink too much when I'm nervous."

  William tilted his head. "Nervous? What's to be nervous about? The film's done, everything's in the can, it's up to the editors now. More work for Aaron, I suppose."

  "Yeah, I'm not nervous about that, I just don't do all that well in crowds."

  The makeup and effects crew were dancing in the middle of the living room. Aaron and Olivia were sitting on a loveseat, deep in conversation. The two producers were hanging out with some of the volunteers and support staff. Catelyn had found a spot near the stairs to stand and look casual and drink and try to pretend she wasn't staring at her husband who was chatting with a very pretty woman.

  "I'm not much of a big crowd guy either." William blew out a breath. "It's pretty warm in here. You want to get some air?"


  Instead of taking her right, toward the front door, he led her left, up the stairs. Catelyn hesitated, since "air" usually meant the front porch, but she followed anyway.

  There were several doors in the upstairs hallway, and William moved confidently to one at the end. Catelyn followed, took another sip of her drink, and felt the dizziness she always did when she left the noise and heat of a party for the bathroom. The quiet and stillness underscored the degree of her inebriation.

  He opened the door and gestured for her to enter. "After you."

  It was a bedroom, dark and cool.

  Catelyn hesitated on the threshold. "Maybe we should go back to the party."

  William entered the room, crossed it, opened the window. There was an ottoman next to it. A cool breeze fluttered the curtains.

  "Come on. I would have taken you outside, but there are lots of smokers out there, and I don't like the smell."

  She came in slowly, leaving the door open. He grinned and she could see his teeth flash in the darkness. "Close the door."

  She hesitated, hand on the knob.

  William gestured. "Come on, don't let all the heat in the house out."

  She closed it, then lingered by the door, feeling irrationally skittish. This was stupid. She knew William, knew he was a good guy...

  "I don't bite." He patted the ottoman. "Come sit."

  She approached him, taking another sip of her bourbon. Fuck she was drunk. She'd had too much. Time to slow down, switch to water, maybe check if Aaron was ready to go home.

  She sank onto the ottoman next to William and realized how much her whole body hurt, and she sighed. The shoot had been a grueling three months, during which she'd constantly been running, or standing, or crouching, staying out of the way and snapping still photos.

  William's large hands dropped on her shoulders and started gently massaging her.

  Her chin dropped to her chest and she groaned. "Oh God that hurts and feels good at the same time, don't stop."

  William's thumbs eased over the small muscles in her shoulders and back. "You are very, very tense. Come on now, you need to relax. Time to let loose a little, huh?"

  She sighed. "I won't let loose until Aaron does."

  "I'm pretty sure he's doing so right now."

  She snorted involuntary laughter. "With your wife? Aren't you a bit concerned by that?"

  William kept rubbing her shoulders, letting his left hand slide down her back, fingertips moving in small circles over her spine, down toward her waist. His right hand rubbed her trapezius muscles.

  "We have an agreement, she and I, about that sort of thing."

  "Mm." Catelyn kept her head down. William's hands felt large, strong, and very good, and she was hardly hearing what he said. His voice was a pleasant low rumble in her ear.

  Aaron had been considerably more stressed than she'd been throughout the shoot. She'd frequently massaged and soothed him but hadn't asked for the same in return. William was rubbing a good three months worth of tension out of her.

  His hands moved to rub up and down her ribcage. "I think you should lie down on the bed. It'll make it easier for me to do this."

  She stiffened a little at his suggestion and William laughed. "C'mon, this is a bad angle for me."

  Catelyn felt a little silly for assuming. William was married and his wife was beautiful, gorgeous really, and he was just being very kind to her.

  She rose. "Are you sure you don't mind?" She felt and heard her spine crackle.

  "It sounds like you really need it," William said wryly. "Come on. The whole point of the party is to unwind. Now kick those boots off and lie down and let me get to work," he ordered.

  "Yes sir." Catelyn sat meekly on the edge of the queen-sized bed and pulled off her boots. She dropped them on the floor, then carefully pulled herself up on the bed, on her belly. She crossed her arms under her chin and looked at him. "You really don't have to do this."

  William sat next to her and she rolled toward him a bit as the weight of his body moved the mattress. He put one hand flat on her back and smoothed it over her, and she sighed.

  "Yes, I think I do. And I'm thinking I do because you're never thinking of yourself, are you?" He moved his hands in slow, hypnotic circles over her back.

  His fingers trailed up and down, and her eyelids fluttered involuntarily.

  "It's no
good to not take care of yourself. Now shut your eyes and be quiet."

  She obeyed.

  While her eyes were closed, William pulled his phone out of his pocket, hit the camera button, positioned it on the nightstand behind a lamp with practiced swiftness, and settled back on the bed beside her.

  William began at her neck this time. He pushed her long dark hair away, taking a moment to run his fingers through its length before setting it aside, then placed his hands on the nape of her neck, gently moving his fingertips around each vertebrae, working his way down. He moved over her traps to her shoulders, one hand on each shoulder, smoothing and rolling the muscle under his long fingers. "You're very strong, aren't you," he observed.

  "Mmm," was all she could say.

  "I feel a lot of muscle here." He moved his hands a little lower, over her shoulder blades. "A lot here, too. All of it's very tight. Take a deep breath, relax."

  The bourbon and the darkness, the cool of the room, the softness of the bed, the warmth of William's hands, the strength in his fingers, all came together to make Catelyn a pleasant combination of sleepy and aroused. She'd think about this later. Next time she had some alone time with her vibrator, she'd be replaying this innocent massage.

  William's hands moved lower, past her shoulder blades to her ribcage. He leant closer as he did so, and she could feel him nosing the nape of her neck, could feel his breath against her skin, could hear him inhaling deeply, smelling her.

  This was going a bit beyond a friendly massage, but his hands on her back felt so damn good... she said nothing, just lay with her eyes closed, feeling strain and tension from the film shoot drain from her body, feeling a very different, pleasant kind of tension replace it.

  William's hands shifted down past her ribcage to her waist, moving slowly up and down, tracing her shape.

  "You have a very nice figure," William observed, his mouth next to her ear. She swallowed and heard her throat click.

  "I've been watching you during the entire shoot. Very fit, very strong. I wondered how all that muscle might feel under my hands..."

  She said nothing, wondering if this was the moment she should end this. He was probably a little drunk, probably not thinking straight...

  His hands moved lower, starting to rub where her lower back and glutes connected, working towards the large muscles in her butt. Catelyn moved to protest. "Hey now..."

  "This is the root of back tension," William said in a reasonable tone, cutting her short. "I need to rub here or everything I did before is wasted."

  She hesitated.

  "It'll make you melt," he promised, and out of the corner of her eye she could see his friendly grin, his pleasant open face. She'd had three months to get to know him and he'd never done anything untoward in that time...


  "You won't regret it." His hands moved with firm, almost professional pressure over her ass, and she felt waves of relief wash through the whole of her body. At the same time she felt that other, different, pleasurable tension, that coiled spring of arousal in her, tightening and tightening...

  His hands were on the big muscles in her thighs when he said, "You really should turn over so I can get the front of your legs."

  She thought of Aaron and felt a little stab of guilt. "Maybe I should go back down to the party. Aaron is probably wondering where I am."

  "Oh, I doubt it." William was turning her, his hands on her hips, rolling her over on the bed. The cool breeze from the window, the softness of the bed, the warmth of William's hands, the faint smell of his cologne, the pleasant tang of beer on his breath... Catelyn let her eyes slide closed, let William handle her however he saw fit. All of her muscles felt loose and relaxed for the first time in months.

  "I think Aaron is probably occupied with my wife right now."

  His hands were working up her thighs when his words registered.

  Catelyn tried to sit up and William gently put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. "Now now, no moving around. Let me do my work."

  She stared up at the ceiling, wincing a bit as his left thumb found a tender spot in her thigh. "What do you mean, occupied with your wife?"

  William slid his palms up her thighs to the waistband of her jeans. "Very nice," he murmured, looking at his hands on her hips. He raised his eyes to Catelyn's. "I mean she and I have an understanding, I think you call it an open relationship."

  She tried to get up again and William moved his body over hers, trapping her in near slow motion. She felt her breath quicken. She could feel the heat from his body in sharp contrast to the cool air from the window and she wanted nothing more than to pull him down to her, feel his weight on her, pushing her into the bed, keeping her immobile.

  He grinned down at her. "I see you like this game," he murmured. "Is it true what they say, that it's a secret fantasy for many women to let the man take control in bed?"

  She tried again to get up, but sitting up meant she had to press against him.

  When she rose up off the bed he caught her chin in his hand and kissed her, a lazy, slow kiss, his tongue lightly sliding between her parted lips and grazing her teeth. She gasped into his mouth, tasting beer and a pleasant sweetness, and he pushed her back on the bed, still kissing her.

  He brought one hand to her chin, keeping her head still and her mouth captive, letting his free hand wander down, tracing her neck, her collarbone, sliding down her sternum between her breasts.

  She brought her arms up and wrapped them around his neck and he sighed softly, mouth still moving over hers, his tongue lapping at her upper lip. Her mouth opened to his and he found her tongue, and she heard him take a sharp breath when she swirled her tongue around his.

  He moved his lips over her chin, to her throat, lightly biting, then licking the bite mark. She let out a moan as drew his tongue over her skin and she felt the rumble of his laughter through his chest. "Very nice," he observed, nuzzling her neck, tracing her chin with his mouth. "Very soft."

  She was running her hands up and down his back, feeling broad muscle and bone under his sweater, and she impatiently pushed at the sweater, trying to pull it up.

  He sat up. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she could see that he was grinning again, a self-satisfied grin, and she didn't mind.

  William pulled his sweater over his head and tossed it to the bed. His torso was pleasantly muscled, dusted with curling black hair. Catelyn brought her hands up to stroke his chest.

  He caught her wrists and pushed her back down on the bed and took her mouth again. He nudged her legs apart with his knee while he kissed her. Then he was pushing his hips down between her legs, letting her feel his hardness, and she gasped into his mouth and ground up against him.

  He chuckled again. "Patience." He released one of her wrists and brought his hand down between her legs, rubbing her through her jeans, making her moan. "All in good time."

  She reached down with her free hand, running her fingers down his bare back and feeling his heated skin, sliding her hand around to the fly of his jeans. He grabbed her wrist again, brought her arm up, then held both her wrists with one hand. "I see I need to keep you still," he murmured.

  William grabbed his sweater with his free hand. He bound Catelyn's wrists with one arm of the sweater with alarming quickness. She lay with her arms over her head, panting, staring at him, feeling flushed and hot and incredibly impatient to have him naked and inside her.

  He grinned. "This is going to be a lot of fun, I can tell."

  Then he started to unbutton her shirt, slowly, one button at a time, eyes on hers as he did so.

  She squirmed as her shirt fell open, exposing her lacy cream bra. He brought one hand behind her back and unclasped it, then gently lifted it. He pushed both bra and shirt up her arms to rest at her sweater-tied wrists.

  He gazed at her breasts for a moment, then lowered his mouth to the left one and drew the quivering hard nipple between his lips.

  Her back arched up into
him, the heat and friction of his lips and tongue and teeth making her cry out a little. The music from the party below muffled the sound.

  William opened his mouth, drew his tongue over her nipple, then smiled at her, put a finger to his lips. "Shh."

  She panted and bit her lip and stared at him. "Please."

  Desire was pounding in her throat and at her core, nearly painful in its urgency. She wanted one of those slow exploratory kisses while he penetrated her, wanted his hands clasped on her ass while he drove his cock inside her inch by inch...

  "Please? Begging already?" He swirled his fingertips over her breast, then palmed it, squeezing firmly, and she let out a full moan. "You are so eager, aren't you." It wasn't a question.

  He put one warm hand on each breast, massaging them both, and she moaned again.

  He moved his mouth over her right breast, swirling the tip of his tongue over the nipple while he sucked the flesh up between his lips, and she couldn't help it, she cried out.

  He stopped, looked up at her. "I don't want the whole party to come up here to see if you're alright, do you?"

  She shook her head vehemently and he nodded. "I need you to be quiet. Or I'm going to have to stop."

  She bit both lips and breathed through her nose and nodded.

  "Quiet, even if it feels like your throat is going to burst because it feels so good."

  She nodded again.

  "You can't scream when you climax for me, even if you want to."

  Catelyn squirmed and nodded. She felt wetness gush into her panties and felt her face redden even more. When was the last time she'd felt this aroused?

  He traced his knuckles between her legs and she thrust toward him, hips squirming against the bed, desperate for any kind of friction.

  William drew himself up her body, mouth close to her mouth. His eyes gazing directly into hers, he whispered, "You're going to come a few times for me, aren't you."

  She drew in a sharp breath and whispered, "Yes."

  She could feel the warmth of his breath against her lips. "That's good. I want that first one to take the edge off."


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